Chapter 482:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 482:

“To expand Han Energy’s solar business, we are collaborating with Narutal Power, a state-owned company in Spain, to build a power plant in Spain as a project...”

He looked rather ridiculous as he explained in detail and only listed the rosy future.


Yoo-hyun, who was shaking his shoulders, was asked by Shin Nak Kyun, an assistant manager, with a serious expression.

“Do you find my explanation funny?”

“No. Your behavior is funny. What’s done is done. Do you think this will work?”

Yoo-hyun’s evaluation grade for the Spain project was C.

The possibility of success was low, and the impact was also low. It seemed like a project that the person in charge had abandoned.

Yoo-hyun, who had already checked all the team folder data, knew that.

Nevertheless, Shin Nak Kyun, an assistant manager, tried hard to pass on the project.

“Yes. In my opinion, it’s the most impactful and short-term project that can show results. At least better than my project.”

“If it’s that good, you can take it, right?”

When Yoo-hyun casually suggested it, he flinched for a moment and answered with a hidden expression.

“Of course. But how can I take something that someone else is doing. Maybe if it was a manager, but...”

“So you’re saying it’s that good?”

“Yes. In my opinion, it’s the most successful project.”

Shin Nak Kyun, an assistant manager, answered with a confident voice.

It was impressive how he tried to make Yoo-hyun eat it.

Yoo-hyun, who smiled inwardly, nodded his head with a calm expression.

“I see. Not bad.”

“So you’re going with the Spain project?”

“I’ll talk to the team leader.”

“Then you should go now. He might be waiting for you.”

“Why should I go? He’ll tell me if he needs me.”

At Yoo-hyun’s answer, Shin Nak Kyun, an assistant manager, looked dumbfounded.

“No, you don’t seem to know our team leader’s personality at all, but he never suggests anything first...”

Shin Nak Kyun, an assistant manager, was about to give a lecture on Shim Byung Jik, the team leader.


Yoo-hyun’s phone, which was on the table, rang, and Shim Byung Jik, the team leader’s name, appeared on the screen.

“Look. He’s contacting me.”

Yoo-hyun showed him the message, and Shin Nak Kyun, an assistant manager, looked stunned.

It contained a clear message to talk about the project.

It was the first time he saw Shim Byung Jik, the team leader, give in first since he joined the company.


“Don’t worry. I’ll talk to him.”

Yoo-hyun, who got up from his seat, bowed his head to Shin Nak Kyun, an assistant manager.

He looked very anxious.

“Don’t worry. Just trust me.”

Yoo-hyun, who returned to his seat, gave him a friendly smile.

It was after Yoo-hyun left.

Shin Nak Kyun, an assistant manager, thought that he couldn’t let this happen and immediately called Shim Byung Jik, the team leader.

As soon as the call was connected, he expressed his urgent feelings.

“Team leader, if you’re going to give a project to Yoo-hyun, I think the Spain project would be good. Actually...”

Shin Nak Kyun, an assistant manager, didn’t know that he was shooting himself in the foot.

Shim Byung Jik, the team leader, who had completely ignored Yoo-hyun, called him first.

On the surface, it was just the team leader calling a team member.

However, it was a decision that Shim Byung Jik, the team leader, who hated losing more than dying, had put down his pride.

He had no choice but to do so because of what came out of his mouth when he faced him at the team leader’s seat.

“Why do you keep dragging the person in charge into the team work?”

“I think you misunderstood something. I haven’t had a meeting with the person in charge since the first day. I just said hello when I passed by.”

Yoo-hyun strongly protested.

It was also true.

Shim Byung Jik, the team leader, who had been watching Yoo-hyun’s work all along, knew that.

Nevertheless, the pressure from Song Hyun Seung, the executive director, became stronger day by day, and he even threatened to take away his team leader position if he was stubborn.

Shim Byung Jik, the team leader, who remembered being shaken by the person in charge’s office, took a deep breath and glared at Yoo-hyun.

“Because of you, I have to give up one of the team projects that I’m doing well. Isn’t that right?”

“If that’s a problem, I won’t take it. I’m not even qualified to do that.”

Yoo-hyun backed away as soon as he said that, and Shim Byung Jik, the team leader, was dumbfounded.

“Is that what the person who caused this mess should say?”

“I didn’t know the group strategy office work was this hard.”

“Good. Let’s do that.”

Shim Byung Jik, the team leader, smiled and reached out his hand, and Yoo-hyun, with a stiff expression, shook his hand.

“Thank you.”


Yoo-hyun’s sincerity was conveyed through the two hands that were holding each other.

Shim Byung Jik, the team leader, tilted his head at the strange atmosphere.

Yoo-hyun, who had successfully negotiated, sat down and thought about the team projects.

Securing the Latin American bus system market, establishing a solar power plant in Spain, investing in a battery factory in China, establishing a large-scale research complex in Russia, etc.

They were all big projects, regardless of their size, that required controlling multiple affiliates at the same time.

Not only that, but they also had to balance between the government and overseas companies, which was quite a hassle.

As a result, they wanted to fold the projects that wouldn’t work as soon as possible.

In that sense, the project to establish a solar power plant in Spain was a project that was about to fall off.

But Yoo-hyun’s thoughts were completely different.


Yoo-hyun muttered as he glanced over the summary report once again.

“Not bad at all.”

It was not just a decent level, but something that could have a tremendous ripple effect if done well.

It might even be a chance to enter the center of the royal family in one go.

Yoo-hyun was looking at the parts that no one else could see.


A message came in from a welcome place.

-Jang Junsik: Manager, I’m currently at the Gimpo factory, supporting the stabilization work of Hansung Display. I can see how amazing you are from afar.

-Don’t talk nonsense. Is Kwon Daeri with you?

-Jang Junsik: Yes. Park Doo-sik Director is also with us.

-Good. Learn a lot from following them.

-Jang Junsik: Of course. I’ll learn a lot and grow more so I won’t be a burden to you. Thank you always.

Jang Junsik was a junior who had a good attitude of learning anything unlike others.

Yoo-hyun’s lips curled up at the proud sight.

He was about to reply pleasantly when he heard a thumping sound of footsteps.

He turned his head and saw a man who contrasted with Jang Junsik in many ways, walking with a swagger.

It was Shin Nakgyun Daeri, whose face was flushed with anger.

He didn’t know how he felt, but he had no reason to be cursed by such a trivial guy.

Yoo-hyun stopped him with his palm and pretended to answer the phone.

“Yes, sir. Yes, yes. The project has been decided.”


“Yes. I’ll work well with Shin Daeri. I’ll report the progress to you right away. Yes. I understand.”

As Yoo-hyun’s words continued, Shin Nakgyun Daeri’s face became pale.

Yoo-hyun put his phone in his pocket and gestured with his chin.

“Sit down first.”

“What are you trying to do now?”

Shin Nakgyun Daeri’s voice softened a bit, perhaps because of the aftermath of the call with the person in charge.

Yoo-hyun looked at him sharply and said in a low voice.

“You must have heard it. It’s the order from the person in charge.”

“Did he also tell you to hand over my project to Park Director and join under you?”

“I’m the project leader now.”


Shin Nakgyun Daeri clenched his fist again and Yoo-hyun added a word.

It was a sound that made his clenched fist loosen at once.

“The vice president is watching from behind.”

“What did you say?”

“He knows you joined this project. Now we have to succeed. Otherwise, both you and I will have to step down.”

It was a completely baseless statement, but there was no one to tell the truth in this organization where there was no communication between the top and the bottom.

When Yoo-hyun said it seriously with his eyes narrowed, Shin Nakgyun Daeri stuttered.

“No, the team leader said...”

“Yeah. The team leader probably said to do it roughly and finish it. He doesn’t care if the project fails.”


“He also said he would take care of you when it’s over, right? But do you think he will?”

Shin Nakgyun Daeri’s eyes darted around as Yoo-hyun asked as if he saw everything.

He looked a bit funny, rolling his head for his own selfishness without knowing an inch ahead.