Chapter 483:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 483:

Shin Nak-kyun, the deputy who had finished the calculations in a relatively short time, confronted Yoo-hyun aggressively.

“So what do you want me to do?”

“What do you mean, what do I want? You have to do it.”

“If we’re going to fail anyway, I’d rather drop out early.”

“Same here.”

Yoo-hyun gave an unexpected answer to the predictable and bland remark.

For a moment, Shin Nak-kyun’s eyes widened in surprise.


“If you want to quit, I don’t mind.”

“What do you mean...”

Yoo-hyun pressed on with more force against the flustered Shin Nak-kyun.

“Just try to sort out the work until the first meeting. If you follow me well, I’ll let you go for sure.”

“How can you guarantee that?”

“This project will be officially reported by the manager. I’ll make sure to distinguish your role clearly.”

“And then?”

“If you work hard but the result is not good, isn’t it all the leader’s responsibility?”

Yoo-hyun offered a narrow escape route to Shin Nak-kyun, who was cornered.

He had no choice but to look ahead.

Shin Nak-kyun, who had been fumbling around, seemed to have made a cold decision and agreed to the deal.

“Just until the first meeting.”

“Okay. I’ll give you a list of tasks, so be prepared. It won’t be easy.”

“What’s the big deal? Don’t worry about me and just do your own work.”

Shin Nak-kyun snorted at Yoo-hyun’s request and turned away.

Yoo-hyun chuckled at his consistent attitude.

Shin Nak-kyun left, and then Park Geun-deok, the section chief, came over.

It was unusual for him, who had never even looked at Yoo-hyun before.

Park Geun-deok, who had a broad face and deep wrinkles, snorted through his nostrils.

“You’re taking over my Spain project?”

“Yes. It was the team leader’s order.”

“Do you even know what kind of project it is? Do you know how much I cared about it...”

He was furious, but Yoo-hyun didn’t back down.

He could see his ulterior motive clearly, and he had no reason to put up with it.

“I’m sorry. If that’s the case, I’ll switch to another project.”

“What did you say?”

“I thought it would be better to take the China battery factory investment project anyway.”

Yoo-hyun’s words made Park Geun-deok’s eyes waver.

He was trying to get some sympathy by pretending to be generous, but he might end up losing the golden opportunity he had stumbled upon.

He quickly changed his stance.

“No, no. You can’t change what’s already decided.”

“It’s okay. The manager said I can tell him anytime.”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll upload the handover documents to the team folder, so you can take over right away.”

Park Geun-deok turned his body without even listening to Yoo-hyun’s next words.

Yoo-hyun clicked his tongue as he watched his footsteps, which were twice as fast as when he came.

“Tsk, tsk. He’s so cunning for his level.”

Why were they all like that, when they were all smart and talented people?

They were so blinded by greed that they couldn’t see an inch ahead, and they were scrambling around.

Yoo-hyun was amused by their pathetic appearance.

He was thinking of Park Geun-deok’s pitiful face when it happened.

Maybe he was worried that he wouldn’t be able to pass on the project, but Park Geun-deok sent the handover documents right away.

Yoo-hyun glanced over them and found that they were useless.

The few documents that were there were all outdated and needed to be reorganized.

“It’s okay, I can start from scratch.”

He muttered casually, but in fact, this was what Yoo-hyun was best at.

When he made the color phone, when he changed the Ulsan factory, the task list that went through Yoo-hyun’s hands was the core.

This project was much more difficult than those, but making the task list was easier.

He only had to consider one person, instead of dividing the work among several people.

Yoo-hyun thought of the one person who would take the work and typed quickly on the keyboard.


In less than ten minutes, he had listed all the tasks that needed to be done to reach the first meeting.

“You uploaded the Hansung Energy and Hansung Chemical data without checking them, right?”

Shin Nak-kyun’s face turned red as he remembered the red pen marks.

“I checked them. I’ll fix the numbers...”

“It’s not just the numbers that are wrong. Do you know how big the solar cells are for the power plant in Spain?”

“50 megawatts.”

“Then how many solar cells are there? How many modules are there? What’s the efficiency?”


“How can you control the other subsidiaries without knowing that? Are you kidding me?”

Yoo-hyun raised his voice and the people passing by looked at them.

They all wanted to say something, but they couldn’t because he was right.

In the oppressive atmosphere, Shin Nak-kyun couldn’t help but snap.

“Did you say I’m kidding?”

Yoo-hyun stepped closer and glared at Shin Nak-kyun.

“Are you not kidding? You just sent an email to the company and you’re sucking your fingers?”

“What did you say?”

“What did you learn at the Group Strategy Office? How can you do this without the basics?”


“Don’t you feel ashamed? Frankly, my junior from a local university is much better than you.”

Yoo-hyun didn’t lie and just told the truth, but Shin Nak-kyun’s mind wasn’t ready to accept it.

He trembled with the humiliation he had never experienced before.

“How dare you...”

He had a lot to pay back, but the work was more important now.

Yoo-hyun gave him a carrot along with the whip before he gave up.

“I set the report date for next week. I put your name on the report, so take responsibility and do it.”


“If you can’t do it, go talk to the team leader. I’ll take you out.”

He had to give a valid reason to get out of the report list.

He realized that his ankles were firmly tied, but he couldn’t complain because he said he would do it himself.

“Damn it.”

Shin Nak-kyun turned around with bloodshot eyes.

Behind him, Yoo-hyun said one more thing.

“We don’t have time.”


Shin Nak-kyun sat down at his desk and started typing furiously.


Yoo-hyun leaned back in his chair and smiled.

As Yoo-hyun’s voice got louder, there was a lot of talk in the team.

The more they did, the more they ignored Yoo-hyun.

They didn’t even greet him in the first place, but now they didn’t even look at him when they passed by.

It was the same now, when they were talking at the water cooler.

“Did you hear that the Internal Strategy Team got screwed?”

“You mean the strike at the Wonju factory of Hansung Precision?”

“Yeah. They might have to mediate that kind of crap.”

“They’re already annoyed by the Innovation Strategy Office. Tsk tsk...”

When Yoo-hyun approached, the team members stopped talking and disappeared.

Yoo-hyun didn’t care about the atmosphere at all.

He was more interested in the conversation he had heard earlier.

“A strike at the Wonju factory...”

He poured some water from the cooler and drank it, then logged into the shared folder of the strategy team.

He had completely mastered the method that Shin Nak-kyun had taught him, so he could easily access the data of the next team, the Internal Strategy Team.

He skimmed through the contents and backed up the data, then closed the window.

It was enough to confirm that it existed for now.

He had to deal with the work that was right in front of him first.

He put his mind to it and called Shin Nak-kyun loudly.

“Assistant Manager Shin, come here.”


Yoo-hyun smiled as he stared at him silently.

He had a lot more work to do for him.