Chapter 484:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 484:

Yoo-hyun’s habit of calling Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, continued for several times.

He sent back the documents that he didn’t like, and when that didn’t work, he wrote down detailed instructions on the task list and delivered them.

There were many tedious parts, but he whipped him with diligence, thinking that he had to make use of him somehow.

It was the same now, when the report deadline was approaching.


Yoo-hyun returned the still pathetic documents of Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, with dense feedback.

Shin Nak Kyun, who checked the content, came running again without getting tired.

Before he could open his mouth, Yoo-hyun recited his repertoire.

“I’m not trying to screw you over, or dump annoying work on you. You should be grateful that I’m teaching you so detailedly and go back.”

“If you keep doing this...”

“Why are you getting angry when you’re going to do it anyway? Just do it.”

Yoo-hyun waved his hand as if he was annoyed, and Shin Nak Kyun turned away, grinding his teeth.

He was a strange guy who got angry every day, but still did the work reluctantly.

Yoo-hyun, who chuckled, stretched out.

“Should I start working too?”

He could make Shin Nak Kyun do the trivial work, but there was something that he couldn’t do no matter how hard he tried.

It was the kind of work that moved someone far away with a single phone call, like now.

-Yes, this is Seok Ji Sung, the head of Hansung Energy’s Spanish branch.

Yoo-hyun answered the thick voice that came from the other side of the phone.

“Nice to meet you, manager. I’m Han Yoo-hyun, the section chief of the Group Strategy Office.”

-The Group Strategy Office?

“Yes. That’s right. I have something important to tell you about the collaboration with Narutal Power, so I called you.”

-What is it?


Yoo-hyun continued to explain to Seok Ji Sung, the manager, who was surprised.

The words he uttered changed the direction of the meeting with Narutal Power completely.

In Yoo-hyun’s big picture, Shin Nak Kyun lived like a rat trapped in a maze every day.

He ran forward without thinking, bumping into things, and vented to Sim Byeong Jik, the team leader.

“I’m dying of working overtime every day. He makes me do all kinds of useless things.”

“He said you have to take care of not only the meeting, but also the hospitality?”

“Yes. And that’s not all. I even had to call the Spanish branch manager and guide him through the Seoul bus tour. Does that make sense?”

“He must be anxious to get results. He looks like he’s overdoing it.”

“Ha. I’m going crazy because of that kid.”

Shin Nak Kyun scratched his head in frustration, but Sim Byeong Jik, the team leader, smiled.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of there after this report.”


“You’ll see. You’ll find out on the presentation day.”

Sim Byeong Jik, the team leader, who answered, showed a malicious smile.

Shin Nak Kyun, who didn’t know the reason, looked puzzled.

Sim Byeong Jik, the team leader, had a reason to be confident.

The report led by Song Hyun Seung, the executive director, was not an easy place.

Even he, who had a lot of experience, was often crushed, and the presenter was Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, who was low-level.

He heard that the documents were also messed up, and the leader was only watching.

No matter what situation he pushed, it was obvious that he would be smashed.

Sim Byeong Jik, the team leader, planned to use this opportunity to get rid of Yoo-hyun for sure.

But the next day, a reversal happened.

Song Hyun Seung, the executive director, who sat in the front seat of the meeting room, laughed out loud as soon as he saw the first page of the presentation.



Ignoring the bewildered Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, Song Hyun Seung, the executive director, raised his eyebrows at Yoo-hyun.

“Section Chief Han, did Shin, the assistant manager, prepare this?”

“Yes. That’s right.”

“Shin, the assistant manager, you were terrible at preparing documents, but your skills have improved a lot.”

Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, blinked his eyes at the unexpected compliment from Song Hyun Seung, the executive director.

“Yes? Ah...”

“The outline is good, and the format is exactly to my taste.”

“Th, thank you.”

Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, who bowed his head, couldn’t understand this situation at all.

“Sure. That would be great. When do you think that will be possible?”

“I want to get the result right at the next meeting, but as you can see, it’s not easy.”

“Of course it’s not. You can’t give them the wind power plant, so you have to give them something else, but you don’t have anything, do you?”

Yoo-hyun admitted his fault, but Song Hyun Seung, the executive director, defended him.

“That’s right. That’s the standard in a disadvantageous situation. Try it. You might get an answer when you meet them.”

“If I get an answer, I’ll make the result right away.”

“Haha. Just do that, and I’ll reward you for your hard work.”

Yoo-hyun had laid the groundwork well, so Song Hyun Seung, the executive director, gave him the exact answer he expected.

Yoo-hyun showed him his determination as a return.

“Yes. I’ll do my best.”

“Good luck.”

With Song Hyun Seung, the executive director’s friendly smile, the report ended.


Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, who came out, was still stunned.

He didn’t get scolded for the first time in the report, and he even got praised, which he couldn’t believe.

Sim Byeong Jik, the team leader, had nothing to say.

Yoo-hyun greeted the two of them.

“Team leader, good job. Shin, the assistant manager, you did well, too.”


“The director seems to care a lot about the first meeting. I’ll leave it to you until then.”

Yoo-hyun left a light request and turned away.

It was then.

Sim Byeong Jik, the team leader, who was standing still, muttered.

“I have to do it until the meeting, even if I don’t like it.”

“Yes. I think we have to.”

Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, who was listening, nodded his head.

His eyes looked very complicated.

The report was not very important to Yoo-hyun.

He was confident that he could pass it without getting scolded, no matter what he did.

But it wasn’t the same for Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager.

He felt more impact from this report than any other report he had experienced.

Was that why?

Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, asked Yoo-hyun first.

“I finished all the remaining work on the schedule today. What should I do now?”

“If you have no work, go and rest. Or do your hobbies.”

“There’s an important meeting left.”

“What does it matter if you have no work? Do you still not know what you’re doing? Or are you suddenly greedy?”

To be honest, it was both for Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager.

He got praised by chance, and he also wanted to do well.

He felt like he was learning something for the first time.

He hid those words deep inside and answered with a cold expression.

“I see. I’ll go in for now.”



Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, hesitated as if he had something to say.

Ring. Ring.

The landline phone on Yoo-hyun’s desk rang.

Yoo-hyun picked up the phone and waved his hand at Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, but Shin Nak Kyun stayed and listened.

“Yes, manager Seok. Yes. The report is over. The result is not bad. The weather in Korea? It’s similar to Spain. Haha. Yes.”

Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, knew who the owner of the voice coming from the phone was.

‘Did he pretend not to care and take care of it behind the scenes?’

Yoo-hyun, who blocked the sender, sneered.

“Hey, go away. I can’t answer the phone because of you. Hurry up.”

“It’s the Spanish branch manager, right?”

“Yes, so go. Quickly.”

Shin Nak Kyun, the assistant manager, turned around after Yoo-hyun waved his hand and stomped his feet several times.

He walked very slowly, as if he wanted to hear more of the conversation.