Chapter 485:

Name:Real Man Author:
Chapter 485:

After that, Shin Nak-kyun’s attitude changed slightly.

He didn’t say much to Yoo-hyun’s additional instructions.

He decided to finish the work first and then ask for the reason.

“But why did you summarize the contents of the Central and South American bus system project? This is my manager’s project.”

“I wanted to see if there was anything worth referencing. It might also help you.”

“I see. I understand.”

He backed off in a situation where he would have normally argued.

It was such an unfitting sight that Yoo-hyun asked sarcastically.

“Huh? You don’t argue much anymore?”

“Why are you pushing me again?”

“Come to think of it, my words are helpful, right?”

“What are you talking about? If you keep doing this...”

Shin Nak-kyun, who was holding back, was about to show his original dirty personality.

The team members who were gathering from afar shouted.

“Shin, aren’t you eating?”

“Today’s lunch is beef. Come quickly.”

The voice was clearly trying to exclude Yoo-hyun on purpose.

It was a familiar situation, but for some reason, Shin Nak-kyun hesitated.

Yoo-hyun nodded his chin with a calm expression.

“What are you doing? Go ahead.”

“Yes. I’ll go.”

Shin Nak-kyun bowed his head slightly and turned around.

Yoo-hyun laughed softly at the first greeting he saw.

“Anyway, he’s a timid guy.”

This Spanish project was also quite important to Yoo-hyun, so he paid a lot of attention to it.

He tried to eliminate any possible variables by working hard even after work hours.

He also called after working out to match the local time in Spain, and analyzed the personal information of the meeting participants he had obtained in advance.

Today, the day of the meeting, dressing up properly was also part of his effort.

Before going to work, Yoo-hyun looked in the mirror and adjusted his tie. Han Jae-hee snickered at him.

“Anyone would think you’re going to see a line or something?”

“It’s natural to prepare this much for meeting a client.”

“Oh, really? And you even sprayed perfume? What is it, did you buy a new perfume?”

“You don’t need to know, kid.”

Yoo-hyun pushed away Han Jae-hee’s forehead, who was sniffing his nose, and his sister pouted her lips with her arms crossed.

“It’s hard to live. Do other company employees also work like this to please their clients?”

“It’s similar to you pretending to not drink alcohol in front of your team leader.”

“Ah, I see.”

Han Jae-hee clapped her hands at the appropriate analogy.

Looking at his sister, Yoo-hyun gave a hollow laugh.

“Really, me. By the way, why do you crawl in here every morning leaving your house?”

“It’s nice to go to work together.”

“Are you not here to raid the fridge?”

At Yoo-hyun’s nagging question, Han Jae-hee flared up.

“No, I’m not. If you’re ready, let’s go. I have to go quickly.”

“The power of the company is amazing. It made Han Jae-hee, the one and only, a morning person...”


While Yoo-hyun was talking, Han Jae-hee had already gone out and closed the front door.

Yoo-hyun licked his tongue and followed him outside with a chuckle.

It wasn’t bad that his sister moved to the next building of his officetel.

It was also nice to have this small fun of taking the same bus to work for a while.

It felt like he had gone back to his childhood, which he barely remembered.

‘He grew up a lot back then.’

Yoo-hyun recalled his sniffling sister who followed him holding his hand and chuckled.

At that moment, Han Jae-hee asked him cheekily.

“See? Isn’t it nice to go to work with your sister?”

“Yeah. Well, it’s not bad.”

“I told you I was right. So be grateful.”

The moment he saw his sister’s playful expression, a small realization popped up in Yoo-hyun’s head.

“Ah, this is how it felt?”


“I have a rather rude junior, and I talked to him just like you. I shouldn’t do that anymore.”


“If that’s the case, we wouldn’t have invited them to Korea.”

“No, you clearly told the person in charge...”

“You have to be flexible and deal with the situation as it changes.”

It was a casual remark, but Yoo-hyun was serious.

In the midst of the changing situation, Yoo-hyun waited for the right time and decided to gamble after confirming the part he had guessed through Hong Seung-jae.

Shin Nak-kyun, who had no idea of Yoo-hyun’s deep thoughts, looked very serious.

-I don’t need to see the result of this meeting. Even if the atmosphere is good, there’s nothing to catch, so don’t get involved awkwardly and step back.

He recalled the words of Sim Byeong-jik, the team leader, and quickly thought.

“Frankly, I don’t think there’s much to catch in today’s meeting. I did organize it, but the grounds are too weak.”

“You can make the grounds.”

“That’s what Director Park would have done if it was possible. Anyway, since you think it’s possible, I’ll step back.”

Shin Nak-kyun, who explained the reason kindly, smiled bitterly as Yoo-hyun said casually.

“Okay. Just sit back and watch. You’ll learn something.”


Was he serious?

Shin Nak-kyun couldn’t figure out Yoo-hyun’s intentions.

And soon, the time to satisfy Shin Nak-kyun’s curiosity came.

Yoo-hyun, who greeted the customers in the lobby, guided them to the reserved VIP meeting room.

In the luxurious meeting room, there were three Narutal Power employees, two Hansung Energy employees, and two group strategy room employees.

The atmosphere in the meeting room was friendly.

It was thanks to Yoo-hyun’s hospitality.

A middle-aged woman with blonde hair and a short cut pointed it out in English.

“The Seoul bus tour was really nice. I heard that the person who suggested it first was Steve.”

The grammar was slightly wrong, but there was no problem in understanding.

Yoo-hyun answered slowly and clearly in English.

“I tried it a while ago and it was very good. I recommended it with a little hope, and I’m glad you liked it, Anna Arleno Rodriguez Perez.”

“Oh, you remembered it exactly.”

“I can’t speak Spanish, but I remember the name of a beauty well.”


Anna Allen covered her mouth and laughed at Yoo-hyun’s witty remark.

Then, the white-haired man sitting next to her opened his mouth with a smiling face.

He was Hugo Gonzalez, a key figure in Narutal Power, and he had a polite vibe.

“Your pronunciation sounds like you speak Spanish well.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t. It’s hard.”

At Yoo-hyun’s answer, Shin Nak-kyun’s eyebrows narrowed.

It was because of his attitude that lacked the basics of business.

He thought he should say something, but Yoo-hyun continued with a serious expression.

“But I have a word that I learned from my colleague for today.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a business greeting, they said. Wait a minute. Ahem.”

Yoo-hyun coughed and looked at the faces of the Narutal Power employees.

He drew attention and hesitated for a moment before spitting out a word.

“Quiero besarte (It means I want to kiss you when a man says it to a woman.).”


After a brief silence.

The meeting room became noisy.



Seok Ji-sung, the director, who didn’t know what to do, also laughed along.

Yoo-hyun pretended to be confused and blinked his eyes.

“Did I make a mistake?”

“No, no. It was great. Just don’t look at me and say it.”

Hugo Gonzalez, who laughed the most, said in Spanish, and Seok Ji-sung, the director, tried to interpret.

But he was immediately stopped by Hugo Gonzalez’s playful expression.


Yon Norie, the youngest and handsome movie star, shrugged his shoulders with his mouth shut, seeing his boss’s unexpected behavior.

Anna Allen, who laughed for a while, wiped her eyes with a handkerchief and said.

“Hahaha. You have a great colleague. It was the best business greeting.”

“Thank you. But I feel like I did something wrong.”

“Not at all. I’ll ask you to greet me like that often.”

Anna Allen gave Yoo-hyun a warm smile.

The other two also looked very happy.