Chapter 43: Even adding her and not adding me

Chapter 43 Adding her and not me

"I have been to Dali Village before. The situation of the tea factory there is a bit complicated. I was almost blocked by the villagers. Do you have time to help me?"

Speaking of which, Xu Renshan didn't hide the experience of going to Dali Village before, and directly talked about asking the other party for help.

Before, the village chief of Dali Village had obviously been rejected, Xu Renshan didn't want to turn back, not to mention that the situation in that village seemed to be a bit complicated, and after the acquisition, the follow-up troubles were not small.

If the tea factories in the other two villages can be seen, Xu Renshan will buy them.

Men, say what you say.

"Accompany you to visit the tea factories in these two villages?"

After listening to the other party, Wang Liti, who had been in the unit for more than half a year, couldn't understand the other party's meaning, so she asked back with a smile.

"That's right, with you, a member of the public sector, I can make many things easier."

Did not explicitly say that the other party's identity was used as a shield, Xu Renshan believed that the other party knew it in his heart.

If you don't tell the truth, you are still a good classmate.

"Okay, I've collected your fruits, and I can't cross the river and tear down the bridge. You wait for me here, and my colleagues and I will explain the work, and talk to the leader by the way. After all, you are here to buy the tea factory. It is also our investment attraction."

Seeing that the other party was so frank, and still looked like the handsome classmate in his impression, Wang Liti responded with a smile.

"it is good."

Seeing that the plump female classmate readily agreed, Xu Renshan felt much better.

Within a few minutes, Wang Liti went back and forth, picked up an ordinary women's bag, smiled and said to the handsome male classmate: "Let's go, Mr. Xu."


If he hadn't already had a beautiful wife, Xu Renshan might treat this interesting little plump female classmate to him for supper and a drink.

Of course, among college classmates, those so-called friendly matches should be avoided as much as possible to avoid entanglement.

Looking like that is too degrading.

"Yo, you even drive a BMW. Tell me, Mr. Xu, did you inherit a huge amount of property from a foreign relative, or won the lottery?"

Looking at the brand-new 5-series BMW, Wang Liti, who knew a little about the BBA troika, asked with a smile, and cutely raised an index finger.

Handsome and rich, the image of handsome Xu in her mind is much higher.

"It's nothing, I just married a rich and beautiful woman as my wife."

Regarding this topic, Xu Renshan replied half-truthfully.

"Hey, I also want to marry a billionaire and become a wealthy wife."

Hearing what the handsome male classmate said, Wang Litiquan took the other party as a joke, sat in the co-pilot seat naturally, and put on the seat belt.

As for the behavior of the little plump female student, Xu Renshan didn't say anything. The two elders still had to sit in the back row, and they couldn't let the helping female student squeeze in the back.

The principle of keeping the co-pilot seat for the beautiful wife is limited to that Bentley.

"I also have two employees who came here together, and I asked them to wait in the small shop outside."

Starting the car, he glanced at the trench drawn out by the seat belt of the female classmate. Xu Renshan, who remained calm, mentioned the list of entourage.

"Oh. I didn't expect that your company is quite decent, and people follow you when you go out to do errands."

I thought it was a trip for two people, but suddenly there were two strangers, Wang Liti couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

After regaining consciousness, she laughed a little inwardly, feeling that her state of mind in front of this former male **** was really a little different from usual.

But there is no way, who made this the male **** she had silently liked for four years in college, and now he has become more handsome and charming.

Hey, it's difficult! !

"Since we are starting a company, we must put up the airs, otherwise I, a poor commander, can't do much."

Chatting casually, Xu Renshan heard the car at the door of the small shop, honked the horn, and saw two veteran employees who were enjoying the coolness there running out quickly.

"This is Section Chief Wang from Dagu Town, let's get acquainted."

Waiting for the two elders to get on the bus, Xu Renshan briefly introduced the identity of his female classmate.

If the acquisition of the tea factory can be confirmed today, then the subsequent matters will be handed over to the subordinates to complete.

The frequency of contact with female classmates still needs to be reduced, lest the other party have any inappropriate thoughts, he is a married man.

"Hello, Chief Wang."

Seeing the beautiful female section chief in the co-pilot seat, Liu Nalan and both of them greeted politely.

"What kind of section chief am I? Just call me by my name. I'm Wang Liti, a college classmate of your boss."

Regarding this title, Wang Liti smiled and waved her hand, very approachable.

During the chatting among several people, the BMW quickly arrived at the first destination.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Renshan and others set off again, and after half an hour's drive, they arrived at the second destination.

Accompanied by Wang Liti, a public official, everyone in the village was very polite. Xu Renshan was relieved that there was no onlooker incident in Dali Village.

This is 300 yuan of fruit, which is still very necessary.

It was already 4:50 p.m. when the female students were sent back to the town office. Xu Renshan said apologetically, "I'm sorry to trouble you for a long time. I want to send them back to Hangzhou. I'll come back next time." I invite you to eat!"

"Then I'll just wait for your meal, old classmate. By the way, do you have Wei Wei, let's add a friend."

Didn't care when the meal would be served, and Wang Liti, who didn't feel troublesome at all, took out her iPhone 4 and said something with a smile.


He took out his phone and added Weiwei as a friend. After Xu Renshan bid farewell to his female classmate Xiaofengman, he started the car and hurried to Hangzhou.

At this point in time, it must be after six o'clock to return to Hangzhou, and it is naturally too late to go home for dinner. It is just a matter of discussing the three tea factories I have seen today with the two elders.

As Xiaofengman's female classmate said at the beginning, the two tea factories that Xu Renshan visited afterward were somewhat unsatisfactory.

The first company has a small factory building and old equipment. Except for the tea raw materials that can be purchased nearby, it is useless to purchase.

The second one, the factory building is clean, and it is about 300 square meters, but it is purely an empty house, and all the equipment has been sold, and the tea from the surrounding villagers has been reserved two years in advance.

In comparison, the Dali Village Tea Factory is the most suitable one. The equipment and factory buildings are somewhat useful, and there are still a certain amount of raw materials.


"Hahaha, I met our male **** today!"

Going back to the office to pack up the materials, Wang Liti, who came home with fruit, lay on the sofa happily, and immediately sent a message in the class Weiwei group.

"What? You met Xu Mutou?"

Just came home from get off work, Li Yanfei, who was bored playing with her mobile phone, saw the news in the class Weiwei group, and immediately jumped up from the sofa.

The male **** in their class, besides Xu Mumu, whom she likes, who else can be.

"Yeah, he happened to be in town on business, so I added him Wei Wei by the way."

Knowing that the long-legged female classmate has been in love with handsome Xu Da for many years, Wang Liti didn't mention the process of the two of them going to work, and simply made a statement.

"Wow, you actually added Wei Wei, a handsome Xu. I'm envious of ing. I added him but failed for a long time."

"Me too, envious +1."

"I beg the handsome guy Xu Weiwei, envy +1."

"We all have his number, if you can't add it, you can't add it. What's the use of asking for his Weiwei number, envy +1."

"Hey, I don't know if the handsome guy Xu has become handsome, I'm envious +1."

"What, Xiaoxian'er actually added Wang Liti and not me???????!!!!"

(end of this chapter)