Chapter 44: you totally **** me off

Chapter 44 You completely **** me off

"Xiao Xian'er, you completely **** me off, ahhh."

Looking at the comments of those rotten girls in Weiwei’s class, Li Yanfei was so angry that she almost smashed her phone.

She and Xu Mutou lived in the same community, and they were good friends for four years in college.

Is it because she wants to **** the other party back to her to be her boyfriend, husband, and live happily ever after?

What's wrong with her, she's done nothing wrong.

It is tolerable, but my sister cannot.

No, she has to join Xu Mumu's Weiwei today.

If you don't achieve your goal, you will never give up.

Thinking of this, Li Yanfei quickly ran to the cloakroom to choose the most effective combat outfit.

And from the beginning to the end, she didn't say a word in class. The quiet girl is the final winner, and she doesn't bother to show off to outsiders.

"Do you think the tea factory in Dali Village is suitable?"

After dinner, Xu Renshan frowned slightly after listening to the opinions of the two elders.

Obviously, among the three small tea factories, the environment, equipment and raw materials of the Dali Village tea factory are indeed more suitable, but he had already rejected the proposal of the village head Li.

Suddenly go back to buy a tea factory, well, it’s not impossible.

Men, to do big things, you have to adapt.


Regarding this point, even Liu Nalan and Liu Nalan, who have no work experience, nodded with absolute certainty.

The two tea factories I visited later were either in a mess or had nothing. Even children can do this multiple-choice question.

However, they also knew that the boss was worried. After all, the scene during the day was really troublesome.

"Well, let's take the tea factory in Dali Village as an option first. You will go to the small tea factories in the surrounding area in the next few days. This is your new round of transportation subsidies."

Nodded, Xu Renshan was noncommittal, and continued to explain the tasks of the two, and took 1,000 yuan in cash to Liu Nalan for safekeeping.

These two elders found three suitable tea factories so quickly, and they must have spent a lot of transportation expenses. Naturally, Xu Renshan would not let them suffer.

"Boss, we still have some funds from before."

I didn't expect the boss to be so generous, Liu Nalan said a little embarrassedly.

Although they have spent a lot these days, there are still two or three hundred left over from the previous 1,000 yuan.

"The remaining 1,000 yuan is the new transportation subsidy."

Waved his hand, Xu Renshan didn't care about the little money.

"thank you boss."

Listening to the generous promise of the boss, Liu Nalan and the two smiled and thanked.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, in order to reward you for your hard work in the past two days, this 1,000 yuan is considered your temporary bonus, 500 yuan per person."

Smiling, Xu Renshan took out 1,000 yuan again and awarded it to the two of them.

It must not be so easy for two young people to live independently in this provincial capital city, and the self-esteem of the young people is too embarrassed to ask the family for money.

Of course, Xu Renshan wouldn't give too much at once, lest they spoil their appetites.

Let them know that as long as they can do good things for him, there will be plenty of bonuses, and they will naturally go all out to work hard.

Entrepreneurship is always a matter of hard work. Xu Renshan himself doesn't want to work so hard, so naturally his subordinates will do it for him.

Rich people start their own businesses, really. Very comfortable.

"thank you boss."

The unexpected joy of getting the 1,000 yuan, both Liu Nalan and Liu Nalan were moved, and that kind of emotion was called "Qianlima meets Bole".

As for the level of 'scholars die for their confidantes', it is far from being reached.

"Keep working hard. I'm going back first, and you all should pay attention to safety on the way back."

Without saying anything sensational, Xu Renshan paid for the dinner and drove home.

Thinking of a beautiful wife waiting for him at home, Xu Renshan suddenly felt a little warm in his heart.

"Fair, give."

After the boss left, Liu Nalan counted out 650 yuan and handed it to her colleagues.

"Isn't it 500?"

Looking at the cash in his hand, Chen Zhengfei asked a little strangely.

"There is still 300 yuan left from the previous field expenses. Didn't the boss say the reward for us, it's exactly 650 yuan per person."

After a few days of contact, Liu Nalan also knew that this colleague was working alone in Hangzhou, and his hometown was thousands of miles away, so the conditions were not good.

The expenses she recorded earlier were actually only about 200 yuan left, and she specially gave the other party an extra 50 yuan.

However, she herself is also financially stressed, and supporting an extra 50 yuan is considered as the best of humanity.

Anyway, if the wages or bonuses are paid next month, everyone's economic situation will improve.


Didn't really calculate the expenses for these two days. Chen Zhengfei, who estimated that it was about the same, readily took the money. At least the food expenses for the remaining few days of this month were covered.

After such a trip, he has recognized the generosity of his boss, and he is full of enthusiasm for the next work.

As long as he gets the 5,000 reward that the boss said, his economic crisis can be greatly alleviated in a short period of time.

"Then let's meet at East Railway Station at 7:00 tomorrow morning and go to Shaocheng to have a look."

"it is good."

On the other side, Xu Renshan, who had returned to the community, just got out of the car when he was blocked outside the gate of the villa.

Looking at the long-legged female classmate in a black tight-fitting yoga suit with outstretched arms, Xu Renshan felt that there was a vague murderous look on her face, and he didn't seem to offend her.

However, this concubine's legs are really long and well-proportioned, and she is paired with tight black yoga pants. She can be called the pinnacle player of the year with legs. It's a pity that the airfield above has reduced the lethality by 88.8%.

Sure enough, God opened a door for you and sealed the window.

"Concubine Li Yanfei, what are you doing?"

After observing the situation with lightning speed, Xu Renshan said something amused.

The situation is unclear, and it is not easy for him to stimulate the other party with a beautiful wife.

"Xu Wood woo woo woo woo"

As soon as she called out the other party's special title, Li Yanfei felt endless grievances welling up in her heart, tears flowed out uncontrollably, and then couldn't stop at all.

"What are you doing, don't cry, it won't affect you well."

I didn't expect the other party to cry so heartbreakingly for no reason. Xu Renshan, who was afraid of attracting the attention of his beautiful wife at home, quickly spoke to comfort him.

This concubine seemed to have suddenly become smarter, and when she came up, she magnified her moves, making it impossible for him to parry.

If an unsuspecting neighbor sees him, he will think he is a scumbag who has always abandoned him, especially if he is not seen by a beautiful wife.

"woo woo woo"

Listening to the other party's unnutritive comfort, Li Yanfei burst into tears, and hugged the other party with both hands involuntarily.


Xu Renshan, who could have avoided it, hesitated for a second before being hugged firmly by the other party.

After reacting, Xu Renshan quickly pushed away the other party, and found that Li Yanfei's hands were hugging extremely hard, and quickly compromised: "Don't cry, what do you want to say, I will do what I can, let me go first."


Hearing Xu Mutou's words, Li Yanfei relaxed her hand and asked in a trembling voice.

Not to mention, Xu Mumu's embrace is very warm, and his breath smells good.

"Really, let go first."

It is inevitable that the beautiful wife saw Xu Renshan who had misunderstood, and answered affirmatively.

"Then I said it."

Receiving the other party's affirmation, Li Yanfei let go of the other party gently with some reluctance, but kept a very close distance, and the breathing between the two could be heard.

"Except for my divorce, I agree to everything else."

In case the other party made unreasonable demands, Xu Renshan was vaccinated in advance.

"Add my Weiwei friends first."

Ignoring the other party's reminder, Li Yanfei took out her mobile phone and asked the other party to add Weiwei's friends in person.

Thanks to the leader of Laotie Nanguo Xiangren 1030, Laotie book friend 20210323123419934, and Wen Yu for their rewards! !

(end of this chapter)