Chapter 128: A diamond ring in exchange for twenty years of living expenses

Chapter 128 A diamond ring in exchange for twenty years of living expenses

"Don't say I said it."

Seeing the other party's face suddenly brighten, Bao Jiahui, who was also infected and happy, specially reminded her.

As a personal trainer, she shouldn't have casually revealed the whereabouts of customers, which is considered a violation of the regulations.

However, she is aware of the relationship between this Bai Fumei and the suspected married man Dashuaiguo, so she is not worried about being complained because of this.

It's just that she is not optimistic about Bai Fumei's infatuation.

Sometimes, what hurts the most is not the ruthlessness of the other party, but the good expectations in the heart.

"rest assured."

Li Yanfei, who was in a better mood, made an OK gesture, then increased the speed of the treadmill, and started a day of morning exercise.

Run first, then make a yoga ball, and then do a belly dance. The self-disciplined Li Yanfei is always ready to take over Xu Mutou who may be abandoned by a big sister next door.

She always believed that the two people who got the certificate within two days of knowing each other would not go far in the end.

She, Concubine Li Yan, is Xu Mutou's final destination, the one who can accompany him to the old age.

"the time passes so fast."

Lying in her husband's arms, looking at the white clouds outside the plane window, Shi Yuxuan said with emotion.

In the blink of an eye, the week-long honeymoon came to an end, leaving her still a little unfulfilled.

The number of trips in the previous 20 years was less than one-tenth of this trip to the South China Sea.

No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it is just a fleeting moment without a loved one to share it with.

"Next time, let's travel again."

Holding his wife's beautiful figure, Xu Renshan said with a smile.

In the past week or so, the favorability of the beautiful wife has almost been raised to more than 90 points. As long as he maintains the basic operations in the future, he will definitely be able to live a normal life now.


Changed to a comfortable posture, Shi Yuxuan closed her eyes and began to take a nap, the silver diamond ring on her left hand was very conspicuous.

The Gulfstream G550 parked smoothly at Yushan Airport. Xu Renshan got off the plane holding his beautiful wife's waist, and went straight to the Bentley waiting there.

After playing for so many days, of course I have to go home and have a good rest first, and adjust my work and rest time.

In the early morning of Monday, Li Yanfei saw Xu Mutou appearing again, and greeted the other party with a smile: "Xu Mutou, good morning!"


Glanced casually at the long legs under the white tights, Xu Renshan nodded flatly in response.

I haven't seen her for a long time, but Li Yanfei's long legs are as long and straight as ever, and they are still so ordinary, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"I bought a caramel macchiato at Ziwei Tea yesterday. It's delicious. Today I'm going to bring a few cups to my colleagues in the unit."

Seeing that Xu Mutou was silent, Li Yanfei took the initiative to chat about a topic. She knew the property under the other party's hands.

As for where she has been these days, she will not mention it, so as not to make herself sad.

As long as it is not mentioned, it can be regarded as not knowing.

"When you went to work, the tea shop wasn't open yet."

After listening to the other party, Xu Renshan smiled and talked about the opening time of the store.

Under normal circumstances, this tea shop opens at ten o'clock and closes at eleven o'clock in the evening, with two shifts.

In addition, due to the fact that it has just opened, the takeaway service of Ziwei Tea has not yet opened, but it is already under planning.

There is no Meimei takeaway yet, and most of the takeaways are delivered to the door by the merchants themselves.

Originally wanted to get involved in this future hot food delivery industry, but Xu Renshan, who had a general understanding of the degree of money burnt in it, knew that it was not an investment he could afford.

Sometimes, there are obviously a lot of opportunities waiting, but because of the limitation of funds, we have to regret to miss them.

If he hadn't chosen the beautiful wife he is now, he is probably still worrying about his first pot of gold, and choice is more important than opportunity.

"It's okay, I can drive there at noon to buy."

Speaking of this matter, Li Yanfei said it indifferently.

Often invite those seniors to have something to eat, to gain a good impression, and it is easy to have troubles.

"Then I'll give you a 50% off card."

Although he knew that the other party was not short of such a small amount of money, Xu Renshan was also embarrassed to take the other party's money.

He doesn't care about the profit of the directly-operated store. What he needs is the bustling scene to attract investors from all directions.


Li Yanfei, who doesn't care about money, immediately feels happy when she hears the membership card from the other party.

No expensive gift is better than what Xu Mumu gave.

After returning to the villa after exercising, Xu Renshan saw his beautiful wife sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for her, walked over with a smile and said, "I'll go up and wash it first, and I'll come down right away."

"it is good."

Ten minutes later, Xu Renshan, who had changed into home clothes, went back to the first floor, came to the beautiful wife and stretched out his hand: "My wife, let's have breakfast."

"Wait a minute, you need to sign a few names on these documents."

Shaking the other party's hand, Shi Yuxuan didn't get up, but pointed to several documents on the coffee table in front of her and said.


Sitting down with some doubts, Xu Renshan opened it, and then looked at the beautiful wife next to him in amazement.

Did not ask immediately, Xu Renshan read the four documents respectively before asking: "You set up Renyu Investment for me, and bought 85% of the shares of Qingguo Entertainment?"

"Hmm, if you give me a diamond ring, I must give you something in return."

Showing off the diamond ring on her left hand, Shi Yuxuan replied with a smile.

What her husband gave her was a branded diamond ring that required ID registration and claimed that a man could only customize one piece in his life. How could Shi Yuxuan not send the other party some gifts to express her friendship.

"Then I will reluctantly accept it."

After listening to the other party's explanation, Xu Renshan sighed and signed his name on the document.

A diamond ring in exchange for 20 years of living expenses, this deal is really irresistible.

"Nanlin, did you secretly register an investment company for my sister?"

Early on Monday morning, Shi Qingxue, who routinely checked the important documents of the firm last week, found a commission document, and immediately went to the office next door aggressively, questioning her best friend and partner.

"What is sneaky? Lawyer Shi Da, please pay attention to your adjectives."

Putting down the pen in her hand, Nan Lin smiled and corrected the wrong words in the other party's words: "As the special legal counsel of Renyu Investment, I have never hidden you as a partner. It's just that you were a little busy last week and didn't notify you in time That's all, haven't you seen the relevant documents now?"

"What am I busy with? As my cousin's full-time lawyer, shouldn't my cousin ask me first about all legal issues?"

After listening to her best friend's defense, Shi Qingxue raised her eyebrows coldly and spoke out about her rights within the scope of her duties.

Besides, she was very free last week, she went to Hong Kong City to play for two days.

"Sorry, I think you got it wrong. As a staff lawyer."

Knowing the reason for this girlfriend's anger, Nan Lin didn't fight because of the other party's attitude, and refuted the other party's words from a professional point of view.

"Okay, Nan Lin, I won't discuss this issue with you. I just want to ask, why is Xu Renshan the only shareholder of Renyu Investment?"

Being so angry with her best friend, Shi Qingxue turned to ask the biggest question about Renyu's investment.

With a registered capital of 200 million yuan, Xu Renshan is the only shareholder of Renyu Investment.

That is to say, her cousin quietly gave a handsome boy 200 million yuan, more than that, and an unknown amount of money was also used to acquire Qingguo Entertainment's mortgaged shares in a certain place.

Treat things rationally to prevent the other party from having ulterior motives. How could her cousin be dazzled by emotions in a blink of an eye.

If she knew about this at the beginning, she would definitely stop her cousin's behavior.

"Xue, this is the intention of the client. Also, Mr. Xu is the legal husband of the teacher, and the teacher gave him 200 million yuan, which is reasonable and legal."

On this question, Nan Lin answered with a straight face.

Actually, in her opinion, Shi Yuxuan, who is the person involved, knows best whether Mr. Xu is good or bad.

Her best friend is just a bystander, it is better not to intervene too much, so as not to spoil the friendship between the sisters.

Sometimes, love can trump everything.

What's more, the 200 million invested in the establishment of Renyu this time is not a big sum for the best friend's cousin.


Facing her best friend's positive answer, Shi Qingxue was a little anxious, but was speechless for a while.

Thanks to Lao Tie Xiaoying for the reward!

(end of this chapter)