Chapter 129: Chairman Xu

Chapter 129 Chairman Xu

A person's life is busy, but only for a few taels of silver.

But just a few taels of silver, but half a life is wasted.

Just gave away a 5-figure diamond ring, and got a 9-figure return. Xu Renshan feels that there is no investment with a higher rate of return than this in the world.

Making money is not as easy as winning the favor of a beautiful wife. Why is he working so hard to start a business?

To send the perfect wife, Xu Renshan didn't go to Qingguo Entertainment immediately, but went to Yuming Company first.

The two directly-operated stores have opened for half a month, and he always needs to check the situation.

Tips from beautiful wives are one thing, but you have to persevere in a stable career.

"Boss, this is the report for the half month since the store opened."

Being summoned by the boss, Liu Nalan came to the general manager's office with the prepared report.

"Tell me about the turnover and profit."

Looking at the clearly formatted report, Xu Renshan, who was a little dazzled, said something casually.

"Okay, the two directly-operated stores have been open for 16 days so far, with a total turnover of 585,850 yuan. After deducting raw material costs of 253,000 yuan, the gross profit is 332,850 yuan. If wages and rent costs are deducted"

After listening to Liu Nalan's words, Xu Renshan paused while reading the report, then turned to the back at a normal speed, and checked the final amount, which was exactly the same.

Is the profit of this milk tea shop so good?

Just two milk tea shops made a profit of 330,000 yuan in half a month. Even after deducting the wage costs of more than a dozen shop assistants and the shared rent costs, the net profit is nearly 220,000 yuan.

I thought it was just a drizzle, but why did I suddenly make so much money?

It’s no wonder that in the pedestrian street of my hometown in Lizhou in my previous life, those brand milk tea shops closed down and opened a new one. It turns out that the profits inside are so amazing.

However, this is also due to the fact that there are not many brands of milk tea shops, and the taste and service of their crape myrtle tea are good, which has taken a certain opportunity.

When others follow suit and squeeze into this market, the profits will not be so much.

In the final analysis, it is appropriate to earn the franchise fee.

"You did a good job. Starting today, you will be the manager of the marketing department. In terms of salary, add 5,000 per month."

After a moment of contemplation, Xu Renshan said something to his subordinate standing opposite the desk.

In the statement just now, the data given by the other party is exactly the same, which shows that a lot of thought has been spent on this, and it is time to fulfill the promise made at the beginning.

"thank you boss."

Hearing that the promotion and salary increase she had been longing for had been fulfilled, Liu Nalan bowed excitedly to salute.

From next month, she will be the middle-level company with a monthly salary of 15,000 yuan. The rented house with a rent of 1,000 yuan must be upgraded to 2,000 yuan. On weekdays, she can change the vegetarian cake with fried dough sticks into meat pies for breakfast, and add an extra fried dough stick.

A beautiful life is waving to her.

"By the way, boss. Recently, many people have called to inquire about joining, how do you think about it?"

"Wait a little longer, next month Zhang Yunhan's endorsement advertisement and micro-movie will be launched, and then we will be open to franchise."

Xu Renshan was not in a hurry to collect the franchise fee.

Now those people call to consult, nothing more than seeing that the business of the two stores is good, if they really want to ask them to pay a lot of franchise fees, if it is more expensive, they will probably retreat.

When Zhang Yunhan's endorsement advertisement was launched and the micro-movie became popular, the force of the 'Ziwei Tea Drink' went up a few steps in an instant.

At that time, a franchise fee of 500,000 yuan will be charged, part of which will be used to cover the material fee. !

"Good job."

Smiled, without saying too many words of encouragement, Xu Renshan went to the laboratory of the technology center and tasted the newly developed hamburger.

After several upgrades, the bread dough of this burger is indeed moderately soft and hard, which is very close to the taste of a certain brand in his impression.

As for the fried chicken pieces, ham slices, lettuce, and sauces, they are all very common things. There are not many new ideas, as long as the taste is good.

"It's almost done, let's set the standard according to this taste."

Nodding in affirmation of this template, Xu Renshan talked about the change of the other party's position while eating: "You will be the deputy manager of the production department and the director of the technical center in the future, and your monthly salary will increase by 5,000."

The work attitude of the other party is more Buddhist, and it is still suitable for a simple product research and development person in charge. As the production manager of an important supporting part of the chain store, he still needs to find a seasoned talent.

He has let the headhunting agency go to poach people, how can it be faster to cultivate talents than to poach them.

"thank you boss."

Suddenly being promoted and raising salary, Liang Wen thanked her in surprise.

"Well, keep trying."

After inspecting the company, Xu Renshan suddenly felt that he needed to find a deputy general manager to control the company's development direction. He would just make a money counting machine by himself.

Thinking of this, Xu Renshan took out his mobile phone, called the headhunter, and expressed his request.

Now that the sales of the two directly-operated stores are booming, the prospects are promising, and they will surely win the favor of some insightful people.

After getting the Yuming company's side settled, Xu Renshan drove leisurely to Qingguo Entertainment, and began his first appearance as the chairman.

"Not in the company?"

Hearing that Vice President Li and Li Zhenhui were not in the company, Xu Renshan was a little surprised and asked the assistant to the deputy general manager: "Where did they go?"

Fortunately, Vice President Li asked her assistant to stay in the company in advance, otherwise Xu Renshan might have been blocked at the door of his company.

Although he is handsome, the front desk girl who knew him before has changed, and she has to do her own duty for her job.

"The filming of "My Love from the Star" officially started today. Vice President Li and Manager Li have gone to the crew. Chairman, do you need me to notify them to come back?"

"No need, just give me the address, I'll go and have a look."

Hearing that Qingguo Entertainment's only production crew started filming, Xu Renshan understood, and instead asked for an address and drove over to have a look.

Because the scenes of the heroine’s previous two lives in the script are relatively simple, even the plot at the end of the Song Dynasty did not rush to Hengcheng to shoot, but went to the nearby film and television city on the outskirts of Hangzhou.

"Xu Dong, you are here."

"Xu Dong, good morning."

"Xu Dong, sit down."

"Xu Dong."

Compared to the treatment he received when shooting a micro film last time, Xu Renshan came here this time and was treated warmly by the whole crew.

Most of the members of the microfilm crew have come to the current crew.

From Vice President Li who visited the set, Manager Li who was in charge of the production, the director of the crew, down to the assistant director, field managers and staff, everyone showed great enthusiasm.

After the ups and downs of the previous two days, everyone was aware of the changes in the upper management of Qingguo Entertainment, and also learned that the actor of the micro-movie had become the major shareholder and chairman of Qingguo Entertainment under the notice of Vice President Li.

The world is changing so fast, if you don't adapt, you will be eliminated.

"Xu Dong, what do you think?"

During the temporary break of the crew, the director showed Xu Renshan part of the shot, and Li Zhenhui, who was the nominal producer, asked with a smile.

"I don't really understand this, it still depends on the final effect. By the way, you still call me Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu sounds a little strange."

In this regard, Xu Renshan, who felt that he was not very good after watching the filming screen, spoke sincerely and modestly.

Not a professional, still don't judge casually.

"No problem, Mr. Xu."

smiled, but Li Zhenhui didn't feel that her status had changed too much, and she talked about the arrangement of the crew: "After collecting enough material for three episodes, I'll have someone make a semi-finished film for you to review."


Nodding, Xu Renshan saw the heroine not far away looking at him frequently, so he said casually: "Let Zhang Yunhan come over."

"it is good."

As the producer, Li Zhenhui didn't call for any field management, and went to deliver the message in person.

I also don't know if Xu Dashuai, who has become the chairman of the company, will use the rumored unspoken rules when facing this beautiful guest female artist.

It really makes people look forward to it! !

(end of this chapter)