Chapter 145: long-planned is love

Chapter 145 Long-planned love is love

When sending people to Gusu for contact, Shi Yuxuan also knew from the information fed back from the assistant that it was Song Heli who was behind the scenes, and the husband who must have solved this trouble also knew.

It's just that it's been four days since I came back from Gusu, and my husband still hasn't asked. Shi Yuxuan was afraid that the other party might have something wrong with her, so she couldn't help asking.

There should be no such unnecessary conflicts between husband and wife, let alone because of an insignificant outsider.

"Song Heli? Why do you ask?"

After hearing his wife's question, Xu Renshan, who was 70% full after eating, also put down his chopsticks, walked to the other side with a smile and held his hand: "I believe in you, that's enough."

From the point of view of a normal young man, knowing that a boss in Gusu is behind the scenes, he will definitely come back and ask his wife.

However, as a mature man, Xu Renshan has to show generosity and unconditional trust in his wife.

Well, the last half sentence is the key point.

Just kidding, if an outsider misses his wife, no man can bear it.


Feeling the heat from the palm of her hand, Shi Yuxuan embraced her husband's waist with both hands.

It's like this for a husband, what more can a woman ask for.

After being moved, Shi Yuxuan still felt the need to explain: "Song Heli was my college classmate at Harvard, but we spent four years in college, and we didn't speak a total of ten sentences. When I went to Pengcheng before, several An upstream manufacturer was acquired by the other party, so I switched to Gusu, but I didn’t expect the other party to make trouble behind me.”

Speaking of this matter, Shi Yuxuan felt a little annoyed, thinking that she would have a chance to teach the other party a good lesson.

So what about Dasong Industry, after leaving Huaxia, it is no different from ordinary Huaxia companies.

"It's because my wife is so good that the other party chases after her so hard that I earn it."

After listening to the other party's explanation, Xu Renshan concluded with a smile.

Got the answer he wanted, and Xu Renshan, who had no grievances before, was even more transparent.

His wife's first time was his, and they were so unfamiliar when talking about relationships. Xu Renshan could guess that his wife had never even held the hand of a strange man before this.

What's more, with his wife's excellence, he has a few relentless love rivals, nothing surprising.

If no one pursued his wife before, then all the men in the world would be blind.

"I also made money."

Feeling her husband's unconditional trust, Shi Yuxuan leaned in his arms, her heart filled with affection.

It's just that she still has a little secret deep in her heart, which she didn't reveal.

For her, it was a cherished thought for many years.

Love at first sight is just rebellion at first sight, and true love is long-planned, and what she has is the latter.

In the new week, Xu Renshan looked at the calendar after sending his wife off to work, filtered through his mind for a while, and found that there was nothing important.

Another week of salted fish, very comfortable.

"Boss, this document requires your signature."

Arriving at the headquarters of Yuming Company, Xu Renshan was caught by Bai Xinyuan, the director of the finance department, as soon as he entered the door: "This is the advertising expenditure of several satellite TVs you ordered. Manager Liu reported to me, and the total is 6.15 million."


After briefly looking at the report, Xu Renshan signed it.

Zhang Yunhan's endorsement advertisement has been produced, and the first step is to launch it on the five provincial satellite TV stations around Jiang Province. This matter is for Liu Nalan from the marketing department to discuss. Xu Renshan will not worry about the amount. tricky.

According to Xu Renshan's request, the time for advertising is not the prime time, but the relatively cheap noon and early morning.

In addition to the satellite TV stations in the five provinces, I also bought some time slots from some comprehensive stations, and intensively bombed them for a month.

The reason why I chose to place the advertisement on the TV station instead of on the Internet is because the target group of this endorsement advertisement is middle-aged people with financial means.

Those young people would buy a few cups of crape myrtle milk tea when they saw the advertisement, so they would not think of investing money to join the company.

Only the middle-aged group over 30 years old will see the business opportunities to make money and have the ability to spend money to join.

Celebrity endorsement, satellite TV placement, what you want is that force.

For this reason, Xu Renshan injected another 10 million funds into the company, and he didn't feel sorry for this large advertising expenditure at all.

Reluctance to part with big money, can't hold big money.

Wait until two weeks later, the micro-movie will be launched on major online platforms, and then you can start harvesting leeks.

Well, no, it can’t be called leeks, he just wants to walk on the road to a well-off life with the franchisees.

"Boss, according to your instructions, I have already found two shops next to the two directly-operated Ziwei tea shops. Here are the photos of the shops and the rent."

As soon as he walked into the general manager's office, Xu Renshan saw Liu Nalan, the manager of the marketing department, coming to report on the location selection of the hamburger and fried chicken restaurant.

After receiving a stack of photos, Xu Renshan took a closer look.

I have to say that after the appreciation, the No. 1 veteran has obviously considered things more comprehensively, and he has learned to take all-round photos, so that he, the boss, does not have to go to the scene in person.

He did order before that the hamburger restaurant should be opened next to the milk tea shop, so as to reduce the cost of promotion and franchising in the future. The locations of the two shops Liu Nalan chose are not bad.

As for the rent, Xu Renshan saw that the situation was similar to the two existing milk tea shops, so he signed the document and asked Liu Nalan to go to the finance department to collect money to rent the shop.

"Boss, do you have time?"

"come in."

Just as Liu Nalan left, Chen Zhengfei, who had recently become the head of the procurement department, walked in and reported on the raw material procurement plan for the burger restaurant that was in preparation.

"Have these manufacturers conducted on-site inspections?"

After looking at the list on the document, Xu Renshan asked casually.

"According to your request, I personally went to various manufacturers and agents to have a look."

"That's good, the quality of raw materials, I leave it to you."

"I will never let down the trust of my boss."

Xu Renshan is quite relieved about this second veteran of the company who once made a small sword together.

Besides, he will not hand over the most important department of purchasing raw materials to the other party. Currently, he has a deputy director to assist.

When the talent agency finds a suitable candidate for the deputy manager, Xu Renshan will promote Chen Zhengfei to be the manager of the purchasing department, and let the two of them jointly be responsible for the procurement of raw materials.

At any time, don't use money to test the loyalty of a subordinate.

"We still need a vice president."

After Chen Zhengfei left, Xu Renshan pressed his eyebrows, eagerly feeling the importance of a deputy general manager in charge of the overall situation.

It is still in the grass-roots team stage, so it is conceivable that things will definitely increase day by day when we start joining in the future.

It’s true that he wanted to start a business and make money, but he didn’t want to be dragged down by these chores.

I have already married beautiful wives, the most important thing is to enjoy life and live a normal life.

Unfortunately, there is still no news about the headhunting he entrusted to an intermediary a few days ago.

Guessing, the current temple of Yuming Company is too small, and those experienced masters don't like it.

Thinking of this, Xu Renshan called the agency again: "The annual salary of the vice president here is 200,000 yuan on top of 500,000 yuan."

Renyu Investment still has tens of millions of projects to start. How could Xu Renshan care about the difference in the annual salary of 200,000, which is not as good as his pocket money for half a month.

As long as you live comfortably, money is not that important.

"Dong Xu, there is something that needs to be decided by you."

Just after taking a break, Xu Renshan received a call from Vice President Li.

(end of this chapter)