Chapter 146: Before joining

Chapter 146 Before joining

"What's up?"

Half lying on the newly purchased boss chair worth 20,000 yuan, Xu Renshan pressed his eyebrows and asked lazily.

Things happened one after another, he didn't want to be so tired, he just wanted to live a normal life with his beautiful wife.

"Half of the post-production of the micro-movie has been completed, and the theme song and episode are still undecided. Would you like to come and listen to it?"

"Really, then I'll come and have a look this afternoon."

Hearing about this, Xu Renshan couldn't be a shopkeeper, so he agreed.

In order to express the ritual sense of life, Xu Renshan went back to his villa to eat lunch, took a nap for an hour, and then wandered to the headquarters of Qingguo Entertainment.

"The episode is okay, but this theme song doesn't seem to fit the theme."

After listening to a few alternative songs, Xu Renshan is quite satisfied with the two episodes, but the theme song feels a little less interesting.

This theme song is said to have cost 50,000 yuan to buy, but it doesn't seem to work.

How should I put it, it belongs to the category of sad love songs, but it doesn't quite fit the setting of love for three generations.

"This time is a bit tight, and we can only get this level at present, unless the budget is increased."

Regarding this point, Li Husu explained.

When Qingguo Entertainment belonged to their Li family, the two parties agreed on a budget of 1 million yuan, but they really didn't cut corners.

Just one theme song and two episodes cost 80,000 yuan.

"In this way, I happened to know a song written by a college classmate of mine in the music department. It felt quite artistic at the time, but it was more in line with the plot of the micro-movie, but it was not finished yet. Let me ask later, look at that Is the song finished yet?"

Filtering through his mind, Xu Renshan thought of a song that was more in line with the plot in his impression.

It was the theme song of an Internet time-travel drama. Back then, his little nurse ex-girlfriend dragged him to follow the whole drama, and the theme song was sung by the little nurse's ex-girlfriend until his ears almost grew calluses.

Of course, this kind of thing definitely cannot be said to be original. It’s fine to pretend to be young and promising in front of old classmates. The theme song of this micro-movie is definitely composed by a classmate.

Big deal, when the time comes, let the company transfer the money to your own account, and then transfer it to 'a certain classmate' to finish the job.


Hearing that the chairman has a good candidate, Li Husu will naturally have no problem.

"By the way, have you bought the film and television copyrights of the novels I told you about last time?"

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Xu Renshan asked about the arrangements we had talked about before.

"It has been negotiated, and the copyright of the four novels will cost a total of 6.5 million yuan. Among them, the copyright of the first four novels of Ghost Chuideng has already been bought by a film and television company. We only bought the copyright of the next four from a certain website, and the total cost is 3.5 million."

Speaking of the chairman's order, Li Husu quickly replied.

Although she couldn't see the potential of these four novels, Li Husu still carried out the money spent by the chairman very well.

"The money is still worth it."

Xu Renshan didn't care about the extra expenditure of 6.5 million.

Flower Thousand Bone, Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom, Ghost Blowing Lamp, and East Palace, these four novels are completed novels that Xu Renshan searched on the Internet, and they are all valuable IPs in the future.

Especially Ghost Blowing Lantern, movies have a big market.

Unfortunately, it is said that the copyright of the first four volumes was sold by the original author at a low price of 100,000 yuan a few years ago.

After feeling emotional, Xu Renshan talked about the company's next TV series by the way: "Let the editorial department complete the script of the Donggong novel as soon as possible, and launch it after the company's current star shooting is over. By the way, the editorial department recruits more people who have network novel writing skills." Experienced practitioners, really can’t do it, find a part-time job with high-level romance writers on those novel websites.”

Thinking of the script given by the company's editorial department last time, Xu Renshan wanted to complain. He didn't have a good impression of the current screenwriters.

Still those great masters of romance, who are more able to grasp the psychology of the audience, how to make it cruel, how to make it sweet.


After listening to the chairman's order, Li Husu responded directly.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll go first."

After solving the problem of the microfilm, Xu Renshan was ready to leave immediately.

"Xu Dong, your running man idea seems to have collided with a variety show in South Korea!!"

Seeing that the chairman was about to leave, Li Husu hurriedly reported another important situation to the boss.

"Crash the car?"

Unexpectedly, I didn’t check closely enough on the Internet two days ago. Xu Renshan sighed and could only spend money to buy peace: "Then talk to South Korea and register the copyrights of the other variety shows quickly."

When it comes to copyright issues, Xu Renshan is still not careless.

Don’t wait for the ratings of the variety show to explode, and you will be sued, and you will be asked to take it off the shelves by Huaxia Headquarters in minutes. The loss is not as simple as tens of millions.

Just like the Voice of Huaxia, which was bought by Jiang Provincial Satellite TV and a certain company, the ratings of variety shows will explode, which will lead to a series of copyright disputes.

Trouble, nip it in the bud.

"I'll do it right away."

Hearing that the chairman was so kind, Li Husu was relieved.

She was really afraid that the young chairman would ignore him and directly launch a new variety show for the sake of face. The subsequent legal disputes would be a big trouble.

It's not unusual to go abroad to buy variety show copyrights, and it's not shameful either.

At least, the chairman's remaining creative ideas for variety shows are still very interesting.

"I go first."

Thinking of the inexplicable extra fee, Xu Renshan felt a little stuffy, and wanted to go to the beautiful wife for some spiritual comfort.

"What's wrong?"

After processing some documents, Shi Yuxuan looked at her husband who was holding a coffee by the window to see the scenery, and came to the other side and asked with a smile.

"Thinking about something."

Turning around, he put down the coffee in his hand and hugged his wife's slender waist. Xu Renshan didn't say much about the company's troubles.

"You scoundrel."

Feeling something strange about her husband, Shi Yuxuan couldn't help but bury her head in her husband's arms.

"Hello, this is Yuming Group."

"Yamming Group? Isn't it Ziwei tea?"

"Yes, Ziwei tea is a brand of our group."

"Oh, I thought I made a typo. How much is your Ziwei tea franchise fee?"

"That's right, we won't be able to join the franchise until the 15th of this month. I'll help you register first, and I'll contact you after the franchise is opened."

"You haven't opened the franchise yet, what kind of advertisements are you advertising on the TV station?"

"It's like this, sir. Our Yuming Group is for the consideration of investors and to ensure the normal operation of franchisees. We need to verify the capital of franchisees. This will take a certain amount of time."

"I still need to verify the capital? How much is the capital verification? How much is the franchise fee?"

"Yes, investors must have a working capital of 800,000 yuan, and the franchise fee has not yet been determined."

"What the **** is this? It's just a milk tea shop, making it so troublesome."

"sorry sir."

"Hello, crape myrtle tea?"

"Hello, this is Yuming Group. Ziwei tea is a brand under our group. Do you want to inquire about joining?"

"Why call you if you don't join, how much is your franchise fee?"

"I'm sorry, sir, we won't be able to open the franchise until the 15th of this month. I'll help you register first, and I'll contact you after the franchise is opened. In addition, our Yuming Group is for the consideration of investors and guarantees the franchisees' trust." For normal operation, it is necessary to verify the franchisee’s capital.”

"Verification of capital? How much?"

"According to the requirements of our group, investors must have more than 800,000 liquidity, sir."


(end of this chapter)