Chapter 250: How about I carry you?

Chapter 250 How about I carry you?

Before deciding whether to accept Shan Youwei's apology, Xu Renshan must know whether the other party is really sincere.

Of course, the answer to this question is not important.

The important thing is that he should express his skeptical attitude and give the other party a warning.

Basically, apart from being greedy for flowers and beautiful women, this young man of the Shan family will definitely not be a top bird without thinking.

As for whether there is really someone hiding behind it, it is not known.

In short, the wife's safety is more important than anything else.

"This matter was purely a temporary idea on my part. I didn't know Mrs. Xu was already married. I'm really sorry."

After hearing the other party's questioning, Shan Youwei felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't get angry, but explained it honestly.

Things, he has already done it, so admit it generously.

After the other party has settled down, go back and talk to the third child.

If no one instigates it, Shan Youwei, as the leader, can only admit it, no wonder others;

If someone uses their single family as a gunman behind their backs, you have to see if the person's teeth are in good condition, and whether they will be full of broken teeth.

"In this case, I will accept this apology on behalf of my wife."

Seeing that the other party spoke sincerely, Xu Renshan, who showed his attitude, did not press further, and raised the teacup in front of him.

This kind of thing must be him, the 'head of the family'.

"Thank you."

Hearing that the other party did not pursue further, Shan Youwei gulped it down.

Comparatively speaking, Xu Renshan drank a small cup of tea slowly.

"Brother Xu, our family will come back tomorrow, so I can introduce my cousin to you"

The two sides settled down, and Shangguan Mingyi, who was the middleman, smiled and talked about another topic.

Shan Youwei, who was sitting next to him and didn't speak any more, almost missed the teacup in his hand, and looked at Shangguan Mingyi, who was chatting and laughing with resentment.

Sure enough, this kind of animal who was admitted to Capital University by its own strength was not simple at all.

When he was in the car earlier, Shangguan Mingyi only said that the other party was an old friend of the Shangguan family, but he never said that the other party could still attend the family banquet of the Shangguan family.

According to this meaning, the other party is the descendant of the old man's old man!

This is a bit outrageous.

Who doesn't know, the current status of the old man, if it really alarms the old man, his old man will not be able to bear it at all.

It’s okay, it’s okay, his apology is still sincere.

"It's getting late, thank you both for the tea."

The conversation was almost over, Xu Renshan checked the time, it was already past eleven o'clock, and his wife's face was already a little tired, so today's conversation ended naturally.

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

Regarding this, Shangguan Mingyi did not hold back the slightest bit, and carried everyone's demeanor with every gesture.

"Mingyi, you almost tricked me today."

Wait for the other two to leave, Shan Youwei complained to Shangguan Mingyi next to him.

Logically speaking, the two of them are not very close friends, but they can be regarded as ordinary friends, so they wouldn't make such jokes.

"I said earlier that he is an old friend of our Shangguan family, but you didn't ask yourself."

Knowing what the other party said, Shangguan Mingyi replied indifferently with a calm face.


On the other side, sitting in the car back to the hotel, Xu Renshan said to his wife leaning on his shoulder: "If you are tired, you can squint first."


Changing into a comfortable posture, Shi Yuxuan chatted about tomorrow's itinerary: "Shall we get up tomorrow morning to watch the national flag raising?"

"It's almost twelve o'clock now, can I get up so early tomorrow?"

Looking at his watch, Xu Renshan was 'not very satisfied' with this arrangement.

"As long as you don't play tricks, you can definitely get up."

"Making what bad?"

"That's the bad one."

"Which one?"


Naturally, it is definitely not possible to wake up at five o'clock in the morning.

When Xu Renshan woke up, it was already half past six of the biological clock, and his beautiful wife was sleeping soundly in his arms.

Standing up carefully so as not to wake up his wife, Xu Renshan washed up briefly, and went for a run outside.

Shi Yuxuan, who squinted her eyes, saw her husband's actions, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and continued to sleep back into the cage.

After coming back last night, she has been tossing for a long time. She needs to maintain enough sleep before continuing today's journey.

"This capital also gets up early."

Running on the sidewalk beside the road in the capital, Xu Renshan looked at the early-rising office workers and couldn't help feeling the pace of life in the big city.

There are many people who carry bags and look down at the mobile phone information, and wait for the bus while eating breakfast.

There are not many young people who are leisurely running like Xu Renshan, and most of them are older uncles and aunts walking.

Xu Renshan didn't pay any attention to those staring eyes, and kept his own rhythm.

In a breakfast restaurant with a relatively good business in the old alley, Xu Renshan bought two sesame seed cakes with oil cakes, and continued to run back.

When returning to the hotel room, Xu Renshan asked the front desk to bring breakfast, and then went to wake up his wife.

"smell good."

Holding her husband's neck, Shi Yuxuan asked curiously when she smelled a faint fragrance of wheat.

"I went out and bought two biscuits just now, but they were a bit cold."

Holding his wife up, Xu Renshan said with a smile.

"It's okay, I like it."

"What do you like?"

"My husband bought sesame seed cakes."


After some simple Wenchun, the two of them walked out of the master bedroom after washing, just when they heard the doorbell, the waiter had already delivered two small carts of breakfast.

As a five-star hotel, it was ordered by the guests of the presidential suite in advance, so it was naturally well-prepared. Some of them were specially sent to a famous breakfast shop to buy them and keep them warm.

"Mr. Xu, the front desk said that Mr. Shan sent an Aston Martin. Here are the car keys."

Just as the two of them were resting after breakfast, Xu Renshan heard his wife's secretary Liu Shengnan talk about taking the chic car keys, and couldn't help but smile: "That young master Shan is full of sincerity."

When he drank tea last night, he already expressed his attitude of not pursuing it. The other party also sent a luxury car worth several million, which is interesting.

The most important thing is that he usually lives in Hangzhou, so could it be transported thousands of miles?

"Does my husband want to accept it?"

Seeing her husband's playful expression, Shi Yuxuan asked casually.

"It's time to pass it on to Shangguan Mingyi."

Xu Renshan didn't have the slightest idea of ​​owning this multi-million dollar sports car.

If this matter had nothing to do with his wife, he would have accepted it, but this was an apology from the other party for almost offending his wife, so Xu Renshan couldn't accept it.

It's about my wife's perception, a few million is nothing.

What's more, I haven't even got my hands on my 20 million Ferrari.

It’s the same when there are too many cars. Unlike a beauty, she has a different kind of tenderness.


Seeing her husband's attitude of treating the sports car as nothing, Shi Yuxuan admired it very much.

"Let's go, let's go see the Great Wall first, it's not good to wait until it's too hot."

"it is good."

Because it is summer vacation, the traffic of Badaling is not a lot at all, but it is not as exaggerated as during National Day and May Day.

There is also a building that looks like the Great Wall in Lizhou, but the sense of historical depth cannot be imitated.

In addition, the scenery on both sides of the Great Wall cannot be imitated.

"Are you tired, why don't I carry you?"

Holding his wife's hand, Xu Renshan asked with a smile, noticing the sweat on the other's cheek under the sun visor, but a little sweat on his forehead.

It has been more than forty minutes since they came up from the foot of the mountain, and the amount of exercise is not small.


Seeing the occasional intimate actions of a few young couples, Shi Yuxuan simply responded.


(end of this chapter)