Chapter 251: The road is more familiar!

Chapter 251 The road is relatively familiar!

Holding the long legs that countless men coveted with both hands, Xu Renshan steadily stepped up the steps with a simple atmosphere, feeling the feeling of being retracted and bumped from behind, without a trace of fatigue on his body.

"Honey, are you tired?"

Feeling this kind of intimacy between young couples under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shi Yuxuan blushed a little on her face.

When I was in the South China Sea before, there were similar actions, but there were not many people. Today, there are many people on the Great Wall, and many people came to see it.

However, pay attention to the tourists around, all you see are envious eyes, and her heart is beautiful.

"Not tired."

After calming down his breath, Xu Renshan, who insisted on exercising every day, didn't feel too tired.

At this age, he is at the peak of his physical fitness, and he is not comparable to the greasy man in his thirties in his previous life.

What's more, my wife is very strict about body management. She does some yoga exercises every night, but she doesn't weigh too much.

At most, that is, in the early 100s.

Carrying a 100-jin pig may be tiring;

But carrying a 100-pound beautiful woman on his back, any normal young man will not be tired.

"My husband has worked hard."

Holding a chic small fan to fan her husband, Shi Yuxuan had a happy smile on her face.

Came to a beacon tower, Shi Yuxuan who stepped on the ground quickly opened the mineral water bottle for her husband, chuckling lightly.

“I feel like I could eat a cow for lunch.”

"Then shall we have beef stew for lunch?"


Traveling as soon as you say it, it is natural to be worthy of the boldness of eating as you say it.

"Big brother, big sister, can I take a picture of you?"

At this moment, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy ran up from a temporary photography booth next to him, said to the two with a blushing face, and held a SLR camera in his hand.


Knowing that the other party must charge money for taking pictures, Shi Yuxuan didn't care. After all, it is not easy for the other party to come out to make money at such a young age.

"Okay, I will definitely help you take the best photos."

Seeing that the other party agreed, the little boy who got a deal said excitedly.

On the other side, Song Wei, who received the signal, was also carrying a DSLR, and walked aside to look at the scenery.

When traveling, she was basically the queen photographer of the boss and his wife.


After a lot of tossing, Xu Renshan and the two posed a few posses, and soon got a few pop-up photos.

I don’t know if he’s jealous of his handsomeness, but when he heard the 20 photos, Xu Renshan seemed to see envy, jealousy and hatred in the eyes of that little boy.

"Let's go."

Without bargaining, Xu Renshan walked down the Great Wall holding his wife's hand after paying the price.

"Hey, husband, is that Tian Xi?"

Xu Renshan, who was holding his wife's hand, heard what the other said, and looked in the direction of the finger.

I saw four young girls taking photos on the stairs. A young beauty wearing a denim skirt and a white skirt was particularly conspicuous. She had the best looks. She was the heroine of a costume movie that the couple had seen before.

Well, the box office and word of mouth of that big-budget Warring States movie has already hit.

Meeting the other party here, Xu Renshan not only thought of the monster movie about a certain Great Wall played by the other party, but also the ever-changing cheongsam figure.

"should be."

Thoughts turned quickly in his mind, Xu Renshan affirmed his wife's eyes.

"I didn't expect the other party to be quite beautiful in reality."

Seeing that she did not admit her mistake, Shi Yuxuan sighed a little, mainly because the youthful aura of college students on the other party made her envious.

A girl's age is actually easy to tell, just from her temperament, such as the breath of a college student.

"Not as pretty as a wife."

After hearing what his wife said, Xu Renshan took it naturally.

Except for being a little older in age, his wife is better than this female star in terms of appearance, figure, and temperament, let alone the other three female college students.

Well, it looks a bit familiar, one of the girls is an actress who was blocked due to certain problems many years later.

"Honey, your mouth is getting sweeter."

For her husband's compliment, Shi Yuxuan was very helpful, and she felt even better.

Although they met a female star, neither of them was a star chaser, so they were not prepared to strike up a conversation.

From here, we can see how hard the Warring States movie, which claimed to cost hundreds of millions, was thrown.

Jin Jingjing, who is not popular, really deserves her reputation.

It's just that Xu Renshan didn't want to talk to the other party, but he was recognized by the other party.

"President Xu?!"

When Xu Renshan and the four young girls passed by, Jin Jingjing, who was posing with a POSS to take a few photos, saw each other and cried out in surprise.


Clenched his wife's hand. For some reason, Xu Renshan, who was recognized, didn't want to pay attention, but found that the other party came running over. There is no city inside the circle, no wonder it is not popular no matter how much it is praised.

"Mr. Xu, hello, I'm Jin Jingjing from Jingjing Studio, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Excited, Jin Jingjing hurried to the handsome guy and introduced herself in surprise.

"you know me?"

It's like this, Xu Renshan can't turn a blind eye, and asked the other party with a smile.

Just now, the golden girl called 'Mr. Xu' instead of the name of 'Xu Xian', so she obviously knew his identity.

"My uncle is Chen Zhimin, I just had dinner with you yesterday."

Seeing that the other party was really Mr. Xu, Jin Jingjing smiled and revealed her uncle's identity.

"Really, it turned out to be Mr. Chen. Are you here to play with your classmates?"

After listening to the other party's explanation, Xu Renshan raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect this Jin Jingjing to have such a background. No wonder he praised the other party's capital so much.

A Luoyang club is behind the support, no wonder netizens can't find out the specific background of the other party.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, is this your wife?! She is so beautiful, and her skin is so good, it is really enviable."

Realizing that the other party didn't want to have more contact with her, Jin Jingjing shifted her target to the beautiful woman next to the other party.

"Sister Jin, you are too good at talking."

Being praised by this young little sister, who is still a female star, Shi Yuxuan was very happy, and took the initiative to chat with her.

"Where is it, my sister does have very good skin, what skin care products do you use?"

"This is made by myself."


The friendship between women came so quickly.

Praised by Jin Jingjing, the other three young girls gathered together, chatted about the pros and cons of cosmetics, and unknowingly walked down the Great Wall together.

"Mr. Xu, Senior Sister, how about I treat you to lunch? We have studied in Beijing for four years, so we are familiar with the road."

Not at all spoiled by chatting about halfway through the game, Jin Jingjing took the initiative to invite.

(end of this chapter)