Chapter 278: Misguided Liu Tianxian (2 in 1)

Chapter 278 Misguided Liu Tianxian (two in one)

The name 'Liu Fei' was displayed on the screen, and Xu Renshan's mind clearly recalled the beauty of that Liu Tianxian, but he was a little curious about the reason why the other party came to the door.

Thoughts kept running in his mind, Xu Renshan slid his hand: "Hello."

"Mr. Xu, are you busy now?"

The phone was connected, Liu Fei sat up straight on the sofa in the living room of the hotel room, and asked a question with a smile.

"Not too busy, is Miss Liu busy?"

Hearing the other party's slightly magnetic voice, Xu Renshan asked back with a smile.

"I'm here to participate in the recording of the Running Man program, and I just rest in Hangcheng today. I don't know if you are free, I would like to treat you to a meal?"

After saying her invitation, Liu Fei gestured OK to the mother opposite.

She didn't think that the young boss could always refuse her invitation.

Although that Mrs. Xu has a good appearance and temperament, Liu Fei thinks that she is not bad at all.

Men will be more irresistibly attractive to beauties that do not belong to them.

What's more, she still has the aura of a star artist on her body. The pure goddess image she has built over the years is a temptation that men cannot refuse.

"Today, I don't have much time. So, after the recording of your program is finished, my wife and I will treat you to a meal."

As soon as Xu Renshan heard about the dinner, he thought for two seconds and directly refused.

Of course, the other party came to participate in the recording of Running Man, which can be regarded as giving Qingguo Entertainment face, and he must reciprocate.

Having a meal with this beautiful Liu Tianxian is also a pleasure to watch.

Of course, when the time comes, he will definitely not treat the guests alone, but bring his wife with him.

".Okay, thank you, Mr. Xu."

Unexpectedly being rejected by the other party, Liu Fei froze for a moment, with a forced smile on her face.

Wait for her daughter to hang up the phone, Liu Xiaochen asked with concern: "How about it, where are you going to eat?"

“He refused, saying that he would invite me to dinner with his wife after I finished recording the show.”

Shaking her head, Liu Fei had doubts about her appearance for the first time.

Could it be because the other party is handsome and has seen too many beauties.

It seems possible.

After all, the other party is the chairman of Qingguo Entertainment. There is never a shortage of beauties in the entertainment industry. Her aura as a star artist has no bonus.


It was the first time I heard that my daughter invited a young man to dinner and was rejected. Liu Xiaochen couldn't help raising her eyebrows, and asked: "Mr. Xu's invitation to dinner is polite or is it real?"

"Of course it's true, your daughter doesn't have this bit of charm, does she?"

After listening to her mother's question, Liu Fei rolled her eyes and answered affirmatively.

"That's good. I heard that Qingguo Entertainment is preparing a literary and romantic movie this time, but with the Huachen sisters, we have a chance to win the heroine."

Still confident in her daughter's beauty, Liu Xiaochen talked about her plan.

No way, who made the daughter’s joint venture film with two domestic martial arts superstars get bad feedback, and temporarily shifted the focus of development back to the domestic film market in the short term.

Since the strategy has been changed, we must go together with ancient costume movies and modern love movies, and find the best development path from them.


Knowing her mother's intentions, Liu Fei obediently nodded in approval.

At this time, driving a new Hyundai car behind that expensive Ferrari, Jiang Jingwen knew that the boss specially suppressed the speed so that she would not be unable to keep up.

However, Jiang Jingwen, who had only started driving for a few days, was even more nervous, for fear that she would accidentally rear-end her boss.

The logo of the pony, Jiang Jingwen, who doesn't move much, naturally knows how expensive that brand is.

"this speed"

Looking at the cautious Hyundai car from the rearview mirror, Xu Renshan shook his head helplessly.

If he wasn't fine, he would have already stepped on the accelerator.

Enjoying the envious eyes on both sides of the road, as well as the eyes of other car owners who cannot be seen through the glass of the car, is actually not bad.

Jinyi Yexing has a kind of dark coolness, but driving this concept version of Ferrari on the road is comfortable and bright all over.

It's a pity, the weather is a bit hot, it's not easy to open the top, it looks a bit high-profile.

It took half an hour, and the Ferrari parked steadily in the underground parking lot of the Sega Building.

Standing in front of the elevator, Xu Renshan waited for half a minute, and the female secretary in high heels trotted over.

"Did you drive without high heels?"

Glancing at the black high-heeled shoes under the long legs in stockings, Xu Renshan thought of the black silk female lawyer who likes to wear high heels, so he asked casually.

"No, no, I put a pair of flat shoes in the car and put them on when I got in the car."

After hearing the question from the young boss, Jiang Jingwen quickly explained.

As a novice, she would not dare to drive in high heels. It would be bad if she was caught by the traffic police.

"Well, you really have to pay attention to safety when driving."

Affirmed the female secretary's safety awareness. As soon as Xu Renshan finished speaking, the elevator arrived, and then walked in.


Answered softly, Jiang Jingwen quickly followed into the elevator and stood behind the young boss.

The elevator stopped on the sixth floor, and Fan Deyi, the vice president, was already waiting outside: "Boss."

"Old Fan, you are so busy, don't be polite."

Seeing Vice President Fan coming to greet him, Xu Renshan said with a smile.

"Should be."

Fan Deyi attached great importance to welcoming the boss, and he would never let him down if he could spare time.

Before it was difficult to contact the boss directly, but now the boss has a female secretary, it is convenient to know the itinerary of the other party's inspection, which saves a lot of worry.

"It's up to you, how is the contact with Nanlu?"

Being the first to enter the company, Xu Renshan asked the most concerned question.

Today, he specially came to Yuming Tea Headquarters to deal with a few matters.

One of them is that someone from Taiwan Island Province sued them for infringement of the name 'Ziwei Tea Drink', and the plaintiff turned out to be an entertainment company, which is simply ridiculous.

Could it be that Xin Huanzhu's ratings are too bad, and he wants to make some news and attract attention?

Even, Xu Renshan was thinking, is it some opponent in the entertainment industry who is causing trouble, maybe it is Su Fengnian who was never dead?

"Lawyer Nan has already contacted her teacher in Pengcheng, basically there is no problem."

Speaking of this matter, Fan Deyi, who followed the boss into the general manager's office, did not have any worries. Instead, he proposed a hype plan: "Boss, can we take this opportunity to let the media hype?"


Since the master of the legal profession in Pengcheng said that there was no problem, Xu Renshan naturally didn't mind taking this opportunity to spread the word.

The other party is not afraid of making news, and their company doesn't mind either. Anyway, they will definitely win the case in the end.

He wants to see if there is a black hand behind the Taiwan Island Provincial Company.

"In addition, we have already worked out the punishment for shoddy franchisees. Would you like to take a look?"

After talking about the infringement lawsuit, Fan Deyi talked about another important matter recently.

"No need, just tell me."

Did not intend to read the document, Xu Renshan directly asked the other party to report verbally.

As franchisees opened more and more stores, some opportunists among them deliberately used the defective products they purchased as raw materials, which were discovered by unannounced visits from Yuming Company.

This kind of behavior that may seriously affect the subsequent income of Yuming Company cannot be tolerated.

"After our investigation and evidence collection, we decided to impose the following punishments: first, notify the relevant departments, and clarify the main responsibility of our head office; second, deduct the next batch of supply materials, suspend business for a week for rectification, and then add half a month for observation period; thirdly, the franchisee prepays 200,000 funds to offset the follow-up material supply; fourth"

As the first batch of illegal franchisees discovered, Fan Deyi and the management discussed the punishments strictly in accordance with the original franchise terms without any discount.

Any signs of harming the interests of the company must be snuffed out as soon as possible, so as to make an example of others.

If the franchisee refuses to accept the penalty conditions, he may not accept the penalty, but Yuming Company will take back the rights and interests of the franchisee, and the initial franchise fee will not be refunded.

Nowadays, the fame of Ziwei Tea is increasing day by day with the popularity of "The Stars", so there is no need to worry about no one joining.

"President Fan is doing business, I don't worry."

After listening to Fan Deyi's narration, Xu Renshan expressed his approval of the handling opinions.

Next, Xu Renshan communicated with Vice President Fan about the company's recent progress. After a busy half a day, he finished handling the affairs of Yuming Company.

"Old Fan, why do you look uncomfortable?"

After talking about the company, Xu Renshan asked with a smile while drinking the freshly ground coffee made by the female secretary.

"When a person reaches middle age, that's all."

After taking a sip of coffee, Fan Deyi sighed.

"Is it your wife's work problem?"

Seeing Lao Fan like this, Xu Renshan easily guessed what it was.

He seems to remember that Lao Fan's wife is an in-service teacher of a certain elementary school in Yushan, and his children and parents are here, which is also the reason why he resigned and returned to Hangzhou to work.

Others are more envious of some people taking formal female teachers, but this kind of thing cannot be experienced without being in it.

In the previous life, Xu Renshan's third girlfriend was a working female teacher, but she had a lot of work every day, and the most important thing was to call her female colleagues to chat about the worldly affairs in school after returning home. The phone calls lasted for an hour or two. .

Except for weekends, there is very little communication on weekdays.

But Xu Renshan in his previous life was the boss of the training department. Weekends were the most busy time, and the communication between the two became less and less.

Later, Xu Renshan's training department encountered Waterloo, and his girlfriend kept saying that he was not motivated, that he was not prepared for danger in times of peace, started a side business early, and finally parted ways.

In the final analysis, it is still the daily chores of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea, which determine the height of happiness and the direction of the couple.

If Fan Deyi's annual salary is several million in the future, all problems will not be a problem.

"It's nothing, it's just about my wife's job title evaluation recently. I guess I won't be able to get it this year."

Speaking of his own family affairs, Fan Deyi was also a little embarrassed.

Although his wife was promoted to a first-level professional title, the difference is only a few thousand yuan a year, which is not a problem for the current income of the couple, but his wife is a strong person, and Fan Deyi's words of persuasion are useless.

Because of this, his wife quarreled with him a few times.

Knowing that Fan Deyi, who has lost his wife all these years, can bear it as much as he can, and he also lowers his posture to please the other party, and generally does not quarrel with the other party.

It's just that he didn't want to talk about it, but his wife said he was cold and violent, and started another topic to find fault.

A woman's mind is simple.

In the past, when the two were separated, they didn't feel it. Now they meet every day, but the relationship between husband and wife is not as harmonious as before.

"Then you can coax your wife more when you have free time. Shall I approve some funds for you to buy some gifts?"

Seeing Vice President Fan's headache, Xu Renshan joked with a smile.

"no, I'm fine."

After joking with the boss, Fan Deyi walked out of the general manager's office and went about his own business.

After Vice President Fan left, Xu Renshan opened his cell phone address book, found the name of a male classmate in it, and called him directly.

"Hello, who is this?"

Su Jianping, who was working at the unit, looked at the somewhat unfamiliar Hangzhou number, and asked a little strangely.

"Old Su, I, Xu Renshan, am I busy?"

Knowing that the other party didn't know his new Hangzhou number, Xu Renshan introduced himself.

"Yo hoo, Mr. Xu, what brought you here."

Hearing that it was Xu Renshan, Su Jianping, who hadn't seen him at the class reunion last time, made a joke casually.

However, the name of the other party'Mr. Xu' is recognized by everyone.

After all, the restaurant of the golf club at the last class reunion was not something that ordinary people could handle. As a native of Yushan, he knew this very well.

No one expected that Xu Renshan, who had dominated Jiangda for four years in school with his looks, would be successful after graduation.

"I'm not afraid that Bureau Su is too busy, so I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Humble, isn't it? I'm just a small clerk. It's too exaggerated for you to call me 'bureau'."

"Sooner or later, are you busy today, please have lunch?"

After chatting for a few words, Xu Renshan talked about treating guests to dinner.

"Mr. Xu treats guests, I must have time."

Didn't say that he was going to work in the afternoon, Su Jianping smiled and agreed.

"Okay, then Qingshan Xiaozhu, half past eleven."

Seeing that the other party agreed, Xu Renshan immediately talked about a restaurant.

Qingshan Xiaozhu is just at the junction of Hangcheng and Yushan, so eating lunch will not affect the other party's afternoon work time.

"Okay, I will definitely be there."

Hung up the phone, Su Jianping thought for a moment, couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

Seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock, Su Jianping picked up the car keys and said to the subordinates in the office next door: "Xiao Zhang, I may be back late in the afternoon, please call me if you have something to do."

"Okay, Suko."

Twenty minutes later, Su Jianping parked his car in the parking lot in front of Qingshan Xiaozhu, just in time to see Xu Renshan, whom he hadn't seen for a year, getting off a fiery red Ferrari not far away.

"Su Bureau, it's early."

Seeing Su Jianping also arrived, Xu Renshan greeted with a smile.

"Heh, Mr. Xu treats guests, I have to arrive early anyway, so as not to keep you waiting for a long time."

As a joke, Su Jianping slapped the other person on the shoulder: "Well, Xu Renshan, I haven't seen you for a year, and the Ferrari is already on. By the way, is this a new model this year? I haven't seen it on the Internet. "

"Well, this year's new one. Let's go in first, the sun is too hot outside."

Not wanting to talk about wealth with this old classmate in the system, Xu Renshan smiled and walked into the restaurant door with him.

"Tell me, why did you suddenly have time to invite me to dinner?"

Sitting in the private room, Su Jianping, who was drinking freshly squeezed watermelon juice, asked directly.

The other party is my college classmate, or in the dormitory next door, and the relationship is pretty good, so there is no need to be so secretive when dealing with other old fritters.

"It's not about trying to deal with the future Soviet Bureau in advance."

After jokingly replying, Xu Renshan also talked about his business: "The wife of the vice president of my company works in Yushan** Primary School. This year's primary title seems to be squeezed out again. I want to ask you for a favor." .”

According to the classmates in the group, this old classmate’s father happens to be No. 6 in Yushan, in charge of the education system, and will be No. 5 in Hangzhou in a few years.

Before Xu Renshan was reborn, Su Jianping, who had an excellent resume, would also be the youngest leader in a certain bureau in Yushan.

Young talents, nothing more.

"You mean the Ziwei tea chain company? I even got a membership card. Those young girls really like your company's milk tea."

After listening to Xu Renshan's words, Su Jianping didn't say whether he agreed or not, but asked about the other party's company with a smile.

Thank you, Laotie, for the tip of a fat mouse in my family!

(end of this chapter)