Chapter 279: Looks like a couple (two in one)

Chapter 279 Looks like a couple (two in one)

"How many girls have you bought milk tea for? Do you want to give you a 50% off VIP card?"

Unexpectedly, this old classmate also applied for a membership card of his own company, Xu Renshan asked with a smile.

As a more active boy in the university class, Xu Renshan knew this Su Jianping, who was quiet, but he had changed several girlfriends, and he must have a girl after graduation.

"What girl, I bought it casually during a blind date. Now I'm taking the fixed salary and saving as much as I can. I've accepted the 50% off VIP card, so don't forget it as soon as you turn around. "

Waving his hand, Su Jianping accepted the other party's kindness without hesitation.

As for what the other party asked earlier, he didn't say anything, which meant he agreed.

Although I don’t want to make the relationship with classmates too social, but sometimes I still can’t help this habit of hiding half of my words.

Eating and drinking is never the goal, but the sophistication of the world. Everyone has entered the society and must adapt to this process.

"I dare not forget Director Su's order."

"By the way, I heard you are married?"

Eating the hot dishes that had just been served, Su Jianping ignored the other party's teasing, and casually asked about the other party's mysterious wife.

Some students in the group have been calling for Xu Renshan to take photos, but they have not succeeded.

"Well, we got married in the first half of the year. What, do you need my wife to introduce one for you?"

Hearing this question, Xu Renshan said with a smile.

In his previous life, he had heard other students in the group mention that the wife of the Su bureau was the daughter of a retired old leader at the provincial level, so she was well matched.

Of course, if his wife was to help introduce him, the influence within the system might be a little insufficient, but the financial resources would definitely not be bad.

"Forget it, there are a lot of people who introduced me to a blind date, and I can't handle it myself."

Talking about his girlfriend, Su Jianping shook his head and rejected another potential matchmaker.

His family background is not bad in the Yushan area, plus he is in the system, and there are piles of matchmakers who introduce him to girlfriends.

But Su Jianping has a steelyard in his heart and knows what he wants.

It is naturally important to agree with each other, and the most important thing is not to hinder his career.

Once a man comes to this world, he has to leave something behind. The best way to leave a name in history is to Mu Shou Fang, who has become an indispensable person in local chronicles.

"Hey, I can't envy the happiness of a golden bachelor."

Listening to Versailles' answer, Xu Renshan shook his head with emotion.

In his previous life, he also experienced the troubles of blind dates. In this life, he directly obtained a marriage certificate as soon as he was reborn, which saved those unnecessary troubles.

Simple, direct and efficient may not necessarily be a kind of happiness.

"Come on, you. When will there be a reasonable way to make money, please help me introduce it?"

After giving the other party a look of contempt, Su Jianping casually talked about his real needs.

For him, the progress within the system does not need the help of the other party, but the economy does not need to make mistakes, which is another kind of backing for stable progress.

If Xu Renshan was fooling around in his hometown before, Su Jianping would help out for the sake of his old classmates, but he would not tell him about it.

Now that the other party has gained a firm foothold in Hangzhou, he naturally doesn't mind deepening their friendship with the other party, maybe there will be intersections in the future.

"I can help with this problem."

Regarding this aspect, Xu Renshan is very confident: "Two days ago, I just established a private equity fund. If you have spare money, you can buy some. The income is definitely better than the funds on the market. Don't worry, I will definitely not take the opportunity to bribe Bureau Su."

He did not say the size of the private equity fund at this time, nor did he say how many times the future income will be.

Human relations are also sophisticated, and some things cannot be said too much.

When the income is high, the other party will naturally write down this favor.

"Okay, I'll go back and see how many wife books are left."

After listening to the confident words of his old classmate, Su Jianping knew it in his heart and didn't ask any more questions.

Turn around and ask the old man, how much wife money the family left for him, plus your own savings, all went in.

He doesn't know anything else, but Su Jianping heard from Bai Jieyang last time that Xu Renshan made an eight-figure profit in just a few days on silver futures.

At this level, he will never be able to catch up in his life.

"No problem, I will definitely not kill your wife."

Feeling the other party's trust, Xu Renshan smiled and joked.

After a short period of unfamiliarity to familiarity, the two quickly resumed the friendship of classmates in the university, chatting about the past, and more than an hour passed quietly.

"Bill, please."

After reporting the membership card his wife gave him, Xu Renshan asked the waiter to check out, and then walked out of the box with Su Jianping.

"Xu Renshan?!"

Just as he was about to walk out of the restaurant, Xu Renshan suddenly heard a somewhat familiar shout from behind. He turned his head and found that it was the black silk girl Jiang Ningxi who had a deep impression on her at the beginning of her rebirth.

However, the other party is wearing a beige jumpsuit and shredded meat today, which matches with a good figure, but it is still pretty and delicious.

"Jiang Ningxi, you didn't go to work today?"

Didn't expect to meet the other party here, Xu Renshan also smiled and nodded in response.

Seeing a young man in a shirt and trousers standing next to the other party, he subconsciously guessed that the other party was here for a blind date.

After all, today is not the weekend, and the other party has already entered the establishment, so he will not come out for lunch on weekdays with nothing to do.

"There is a break at noon, and I went out to have a meal with my friends. Su Ke, why are you here?"

Jiang Ningxi was in a good mood when he saw this handsome man who had fallen in love with him at first sight. He was about to say something when he saw the young man beside him and asked in surprise.

She was just admitted to the China Merchants Bureau, but under the advice of her father, she knew the celebrities in this bureau.

The young Section Chief Su with a profound background is naturally well known to her.

"Xiao Jiang, it's a coincidence that Ren Shan and I are college classmates."

He nodded to the new beautiful employee in the bureau, and Su Jianping didn't see any strangeness in his eyes.

In his eyes, this kind of ordinary beautiful subordinates are just pink skulls with no intersection.

Men always put their career first.

"That's really a coincidence."

Looking at the most promising young leader in the bureau, Jiang Ningxi's eyes were bright.

Compared to Xu Renshan's attractive handsomeness, the radiance of Section Chief Su made her even more excited.

Xu Renshan from an ordinary family didn't get into the school, so he was destined to live in two worlds with her. He could occasionally be used as a seasoning in life, but it was impossible to become a lifelong partner.

"Ren Shan, I'll go first, and we'll meet again next time when I have time."

Didn't plan to chat with this new recruit in the bureau, Su Jianping said something to his old classmate, and walked out.

"it is good."

Nodding his head, Xu Renshan bid farewell to the girl who wouldn't have anything to do with each other: "Jiang Ningxi, I have to leave first, see you later."

He was a little surprised that Jiang Ningxi and Su Jianping were in the same unit, but he didn't feel much.

Anyway, there was nothing between the two before, and there will be nothing in the future.

"See you."

Seeing Section Chief Su and Xu Renshan leave without hesitation, Jiang Ningxi was inexplicably disappointed.

When the blind date guy was checking out at the counter, Jiang Ningxi looked at the door and found that Xu Renshan got on a cool Ferrari sports car, and his eyes couldn't help but light up.

This Xu Renshan is not obvious, but he is actually a rich second generation, who hides deeply enough.

If she knew the identity of the other party at the beginning, maybe she could be more proactive and try to take the other party down.

However, the first target can be the promising Section Chief Su, who is a college classmate with Xu Renshan, so it may be a means for her.

New weekend, it's time for MBA classes again.

Different from the anxiety of the previous few times, Zhou Huaian, who was driving the BMW X5, was full of the confidence of a successful person.

Although he invested most of his savings in the new company, Zhou Huaian is full of confidence in the future, so if he leaves first, he will be considered the general manager of a game company with tens of millions of assets.

"Old Zhou, what have you been up to the past few days? I'm not free to ask you to come out for a drink?"

Did not bother the long-legged girl who was sticking to the squad leader Lao Shizi, when You Buqun saw Zhou Huaian coming in, he quickly pulled her over and started chatting.

The best chatter in this class is Lao Zhou who sold him a good project.

Now he goes out to play with his friends in Hangzhou, and when he talks about his status as the general manager of his dream bicycle, he is looked at highly by others, and the eyes of the beautiful girls are enough.

Sure enough, a man still needs a career to make him more attractive.

Even those female college students who are working part-time on their dream bicycles on the university campus, when they saw him, there was an undisguised admiration in their eyes.

Compared to the little sister in the night show, she is still a female college student with more temperament.

Old Zhou, good man! !

"I'm unemployed now, I have to find a way out. Recently, I'm busy looking for new projects."

After listening to the other party's words, Zhou Huai'an subconsciously glanced at the squad leader who was being stalked by Bai Fumei, and then began to chat with the other party familiarly.

It is better not to let this 'rich second-generation classmate and friend' know about the joint venture company with the monitor.

"You are too hypocritical, let me tell you, the old man invested 30 million in me, and will add more funds later. Just follow me, I will give you the position of general manager, and I will give you 10% of the shares by the way."

Holding Zhou Huaian's shoulders, You Buqun said grandly.

After taking over Dream Bicycle, he realized that he still didn't understand a lot about this industry. Fortunately, his father sent two assistants to help, and now he is considered to be on the right track.

However, You Buqun felt that he had to pull up a team to impress the old man.

And Zhou Huaian, who originally created the dream bike, is a good candidate in his opinion.

The milk tea chain company in the team is nothing, but You Buqun has learned about it. The so-called hundreds of millions of revenue is just a short-term franchise fee, and it is not possible to earn that much every month.

After the market is saturated, the milk tea chain companies will not have much profit, and they don’t know when they will close down.

It's not like his dream bike, which will occupy more college markets in the future, and the profit will only increase day by day, and it will be stable.

Surpassing the opponent is not a delusion at all, but a very real dream.

At that time, there were no girls.

"No, I think it is more challenging to start a business in another field. We are still young, and we are only staying in one project, which does not meet my life expectations."

Feeling the sincerity of this rich second-generation classmate, Zhou Huaian replied apologetically, and the reason was very appropriate.

If he hadn't invested in Sanxia Game Company before, and he didn't have any goals, he might be tempted to hear such a proposal.

However, now he has a new goal.

Compared to this rich second generation supported by his father, Zhou Huaian believes in the vision and ability of the monitor more.

"Okay, if you ever figure it out, just tell me."

For friends, You Buqun is still very loyal.

When Xu Renshan was in class, Shi Yuxuan, who had no plans, received a call from a best friend, Sheng Qinglan, and by the way called her cousin to go shopping together.

"Xiaoxuan, where's your family?"

Walking in the Hangzhou Department Store, Sheng Qinglan, who was dressed in white silk short-sleeves and black trousers, was a little heroic, and asked with a smile about a friend who had changed.

She didn't expect that this friend who was known as the beauty of the iceberg would get married directly after she went abroad for a few months.

"He, he is in Jiang University's MBA class."

Speaking of her husband, Shi Yuxuan couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

"Why, did you receive my call and avoid me on purpose?"

Feeling the smile from his friend's heart, Sheng Qinglan became even more curious about the mysterious husband-in-law of the teacher's family, and couldn't help joking.

"Don't worry, I told Ren Shan that he will treat you to dinner."

"Dinner? Why can't it be lunch?"

Seeing this friend whose 'iceberg' had completely melted, Sheng Qinglan asked narrowly.

"He's going to the teacher's house for dinner."

"Why didn't I take you there?"

"Sheng Qinglan, no matter how wordy you are, I won't invite you for lunch."

"All right, all right, I apologize."

After making a joke, Sheng Qinglan, who saw Shi Qingxue remained silent, asked curiously: "Xiaoxue, are you in a bad mood today?"

"No, I just didn't sleep well yesterday."

After hearing Sheng Qinglan's question, Shi Qingxue quickly shook her head in denial.

She just had a little free time recently, but her partner was so busy that she couldn't keep her feet on the ground. Shi Qingxue knew that the other party was working for that brat, so she felt inexplicably upset.

In addition, I invited my cousin to go shopping two days ago, but was ruthlessly rejected and suffered tens of thousands of injuries. How can I feel better.

It's rare that she, who has always had a good sleep quality, actually suffered from insomnia.

"Your sister got married suddenly, so you won't fall in love too?"

Taking a closer look at the other party's dark circles, Sheng Qinglan asked playfully.

"Sister Qinglan, you are the same age as my cousin, 3 years older than me."

Did not directly answer the other party's ridicule, Shi Qingxue, a lawyer, replied without hesitation.

Needless to say, the implication is that the cousins ​​who are the same age as the other party are married, and the other party seems to be single.

"Hey, Xiaoxue, your mouth is so powerful that you scare away those young talents."

Accustomed to this little girl's eloquence, Sheng Qinglan shook her head and said with emotion.

"Since you will be scared away by me, it means there is no fate, and I don't care."

An indifferent answer, the face of that brat suddenly appeared in Shi Qingxue's mind, and she quickly waved it away.

No matter what, her future husband must be better than that brat.

After a morning class, Xu Renshan was about to get up and leave, and glanced at the long-legged female student next to him: "I have something to go to the teacher's house at noon, you can arrange lunch yourself."

When I talked on the phone earlier, from what the senior sister said, it seems that the teacher has agreed to work in northern Anhui and will leave soon.

It's not easy to take Li Yanfei over for lunch this time.

If it wasn't for his wife's arrangements, Xu Renshan would have wanted to bring him along.

"Okay, Zi Yi and I have made an appointment to have dinner together, you can do it yourself."

Hearing Xu Mutou's words, Li Yanfei replied with a smile.

In this case, does it look like a conversation between two lovers? It looks very similar! !

Feeling that the conversation was a bit strange, Xu Renshan didn't say much, and drove the Bentley to the teacher's house.

If there is no accident, the teacher's trip to northern Anhui this time should be similar to the trajectory of the previous life, becoming the No. 1 Education Department, and then going up a few steps to enter the provincial sequence.

I just don’t know, if I started politics a few years earlier in this life, will the height of the teacher’s future rise?

(end of this chapter)