Chapter 353: Have a meal together?

Chapter 353 Have a meal together?


After taking a sip of coffee, Xu Renshan's gaze stayed on the long queue in front of a milk tea shop not far away, with a slightly unkind look in his eyes.

The name of that milk tea shop is 'Jinming Tea Drink', and there is a banner of 'half price one month before opening' hanging on the door of the 60-square-meter store. There are also new young people joining the queue.

Before this, Xu Renshan knew that Jinming Tea bought stores at an astonishing speed, but he didn't expect that the actions after opening would be so ruthless.

According to relevant survey reports, in just two months, the newly established Jinming Tea Drinks and Lianming Tea Drinks (subsidiary Hong Kong Tea Drinks) purchased more than 180 stores in the central areas of first- and second-tier cities in China, and the number of stores opened Already more than half.

Roughly estimated, the initial investment of the two tea drinking companies has exceeded 500 million yuan, and the opening promotion is also booming, making a flourishing start.

In Hangzhou, 5 Jinming Tea Drinks and 5 Gang Ming Tea Drinks each opened, and they were the first batch of the two companies to open.

What makes people feel speechless and even angry is that the taste of the two tea drinks is completely borrowed from Ziwei tea. It is nothing more than Hong Kong-style tea Hong Kong Ming tea with some features of Hong Kong City milk tea, which has attracted many people. Young people who pursue novelty buy.

Especially the half-price promotion in the first month of opening has attracted many young people.

Regarding this point, Yuming Company has not taken any countermeasures. There are many milk teas with the same taste on the market, and the other party does not have the same name.

Of course, in this cold weather, a line of fifty or sixty people in front of a store is a bit exaggerated.

According to the secret investigation of the personnel appointed by Yuming Company, many of the people queuing up are professional "free people", that is, to enhance the atmosphere and create false appearances.

However, it has to be admitted that a certain surnamed Song created these two tea drinks, and they have indeed become a rising star after Ziwei tea, the leader of the new tea drink industry.


At this time, Jiang Jingwen, who was also holding a cup of MC coffee, came over. A blue-gray women's suit could still be seen inside the blue down jacket, which looked like a white-collar elite in a metropolis.

"Go to Ziwei's side again."

Knowing about the good sales of MC coffee, Xu Renshan continued with today's next itinerary.

There is no important itinerary recently. Taking advantage of his wife and Aunt Xue going shopping, Xu Renshan is going to inspect the operation of tea shops in the local urban area, so as not to be fooled by the people below.

Boring, nowhere to go, it's that simple.


Following the boss through a street, Jiang Jingwen looked at the crape myrtle tea with more than a dozen people queuing up not far away, and asked the chairman in front: "Boss, may I go ask?"


Naturally, Xu Renshan would not go to this kind of thing in person, but walked to Hanzhiburg, which is relatively spacious in the store, and sat down.

Xu Renshan, who drank MC coffee and didn't order anything, just rubbed against the heater in the store, got the sideways glances of several busy clerks and then despised San Lian: This guy didn't see how busy the store was, and there were not many vacant seats, Excuse me to occupy a table without ordering anything?

Is it amazing to be handsome?

You are young, how about some face?

At this time, outside the glass door, I saw a handsome guy sitting there alone. After discussing for 30 seconds, two young and beautiful girls walked into the store bravely. Can we sit here for a table?"

"no one."

Looking up at the two girls in front of him, Xu Renshan nodded and replied.

These two girls, one with long hair and the other with short hair. The long hair has long legs and a flat heart, and the short hair is playful and broad. They are a normal pair of girlfriends.

It is more in line with the collocation in some idol dramas. Girls with short hair who open their mouths are obviously more cheerful.

It's a pity that he, Xu, already has a family.

I have promised my wife, but it is difficult to allow her.

What's more, the long-haired girl with Xiaohe's sharp corners is more in line with his aesthetics, but compared with the long-legged female classmates, she is a little bit worse in terms of appearance, temperament, and long legs, at most 0.7 Concubine Li Yan.


He graciously took his best friend to sit down, and the short-haired girl pretended to discuss the main food with the long-haired girl next to her.

After a while, the long-haired girl got up and went to the cashier to order food. The short-haired girl sitting there started a conversation with the handsome guy opposite: "Handsome guy, are you alone?"

"No, my wife is shopping nearby, so I can find a place to sit by myself."

Seeing the meaning in the eyes of the short-haired girl, Xu Renshan, who was approached a lot in college, directly dispelled the other party's wrong thoughts.

After seeing the scenery at the top, Xu Renshan's interest in chatting casually with ordinary beautiful girls has dropped a lot.

Men, sometimes you have to learn to be content.

Being greedy will lead to nothing but nothing.

"You got married so early?"

After listening to the other party's words, the short-haired girl who originally wanted to add Wei Wei's friend was stunned.

She didn't expect that this handsome guy seemed to be in his early 20s, why he was already married, and that unknown rival in love was too quick to act.

"No way, my wife started early."

Nodding his head, Xu Renshan, who had a bad taste in his heart, gave a very appropriate reason.

This sentence is not wrong in a sense.

After all, if his wife hadn't appeared suddenly, Xu Renshan might have followed the long-legged female classmate, and he wouldn't have had the chance to experience the magnificent scenery.

"It's really early."

The short-haired girl nodded in affirmation of the reason given by the handsome pot.

If you don't strike at such a handsome pot sooner, you will definitely be caught first.

Unfortunately, the two met too late.

"What's so early?"

The long-haired girl who came back from ordering asked curiously when she heard what her best friend said.

"The handsome guy said he was waiting for his wife."

Didn't say that the other party is a married man, and the short-haired girl vaguely reminded her friend.

Judging by the way the handsome guy talked to her just now and the clear eyes, the two of them must be gone.

Also, such a handsome guy must have seen too many beautiful women. The two of them claim to be good, but they don't think they are so outstanding.

The other party has a girlfriend, and they can still have some ideas. They are both married, so they have no ideas.


After listening to the words of her best friend, the long-haired girl looked at the handsome man who made people's heart beat at first sight with regret: "It's such a pity."

"Handsome guy, aren't you going to carry the bag for your wife?"

Since they ordered something, the short-haired girl who didn't leave immediately asked with a smile.

"She goes shopping with her elders, so I don't need to carry her bag."

Looking at this pair of girls with very pleasant personalities, Xu Renshan couldn't help but laugh, but he didn't leave without excuses, and chatted with each other.

The store manager, who was busy in the back kitchen, saw the big boss coming to inspect, and was about to go forward to report on the work, but stopped under the sign of the big boss' eyes.

Before he became the store manager, he and his colleagues in other stores had attended the pre-employment meeting. They were deeply impressed by the handsome big boss, so naturally they would not admit their mistakes.

Now, look at the two beautiful girls sitting across from the big boss, he will naturally not step forward to disturb her.

About 15 minutes later, Jiang Jingwen, who had finished her investigation, returned to the Han Zhibao store. Xu Renshan, who noticed it, smiled and said goodbye to the two girls opposite, and walked out of the store.

From the beginning to the end, he never exchanged names with the two girls.

When the rivers and lakes meet, laugh it off.


Sitting with the boss on the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz S series driven by the company's full-time driver, Jiang Jingwen began to report on the situation she had previously investigated on the spot.

Currently, the three newly opened MC coffee shops in downtown Hangzhou have a daily sales volume of more than 500 cups, and the best one has a turnover of more than 8,000 cups, which is in line with the needs of young white-collar workers.

As the pioneer of low-priced fast food coffee chains, MC Coffee obviously has a great advantage. At least in the promotion of members of Ziwei tea, it has obtained an unimaginable opportunity for outsiders.

You should know that the four levels of members of Ziwei tea are silver, gold, platinum, and diamond. Among them, the highest level of diamond needs to reach 5,000 consumption, but there are already nearly 500,000 in China.

Although many of these accounts were achieved by many people buying together, just for the 25% off shopping discount, it is enough to show the influence of Ziwei Tea, the leader in the industry.

Including the other three types of members, the total number of Ziwei tea members registered in the system has exceeded 5 million.

At the beginning of MC Coffee's opening, Yuming Company sent a group text message to all registered members, which really cost a little promotional money, which was a good start.

In contrast, Ziwei tea, which often withdraws new products, has firmly grasped the hearts of members. Under the pressure of various emerging new brands, sales have not changed much.

Among them, the free delivery service for diamond member stores within a radius of 10 kilometers and platinum member stores for delivery within a radius of 5 kilometers is an important factor that other latecomers cannot catch up in a short time.

The two franchise stores of Ziwei Tea and Hanzhibao have subsidized more than 7.5 million yuan for the takeaway business in various cities.

Each franchise store pays for this expenditure by itself, because the so-called takeaway delivery staff are all employees of the store part-time, with two salaries.

However, Yuming Company will give a certain amount of food delivery subsidies based on the operating income of each franchise store, and will probably bear about half of it.

At the very beginning, Vice President Fan and several management staff felt that the franchise store should bear the expenses by itself, and the reason was justified. There were more takeaways, and the owner of the franchise store earned more money, but Xu Renshan rejected it.

When starting a company, you can’t just think about making money yourself, you have to bring everyone together to make money, right?

"How are you talking with Wa Kaka and Nongjia Spring?"

After listening to the female assistant's report, Xu Renshan closed his eyes and meditated, and casually asked about an important recent matter of the three companies under his name.

After Yuming Company put forward corresponding conditions, Wakaka Group did not back down, but quickly started a new round of financing negotiations.

Sheng Qinglan from Nongjiashanquan is his wife's best friend, and she is very sincere. Xu Renshan certainly did not hide anything from the other party, and also notified the other party of the relevant situation.

As a rival in the same industry, Nongjia Spring naturally couldn't let Wakaka Group focus on beauty, and sent a negotiation team headed by Sheng Qinglan to actively intervene in Yuming Company's first round of financing.

There are two large companies with strong capital competing, which is naturally a happy event for Yuming Company. Vice President Fan has been focusing on it recently.

“Currently the conditions of the two companies are somewhat deadlocked”

Regarding this matter, Jiang Jingwen, who wrote it down in the notepad, quickly answered.

Rao knows that the three companies under the boss's name have a lot of investment and income, but the recent financing negotiation amount of Yuming Company still makes the young Jiang Jingwen sway.

You must know that Wakaka is the leader in the domestic bottled beverage industry, and Nongjia Spring is also a rising star in the bottled beverage industry. Both of them want to invest in Yuming Company in units of one billion.

In other words, her big boss will soon have a large company with a valuation of tens of billions.

"Hmm. Is there any other schedule for today?"

After listening to the progress, Xu Renshan did not express any opinions.

Regarding the result of this negotiation, he will not draw conclusions lightly, but wait until the company team led by Vice President Fan has a new round of progress in the negotiation before discussing it at the company management meeting.

Xu Renshan still has a clear understanding of his abilities.

On the basis of knowing the future development trend, he can control the general direction. He believes that he can not lose to any big boss now, but he has to trust professionals when it comes to financing negotiations of billions of dollars.

"Recently, several production crews from Qingguo Entertainment filmed scenes at Songcheng Film and Television City. Would you like to inspect it?"

Knowing the big boss's "governance by doing nothing", Jiang Jingwen talked about the optional itinerary.

"Which crews are there?"

Hearing that the company has a crew filming in Hangzhou, Xu Renshan became very interested.

According to my wife's itinerary, there is no need for him to appear beside her during the day, as long as I go home for dinner on time.

"Fenghua Daming, Donggong, and Crown Princess three crews."

"Go and see."

Thinking of a certain figure, Xu Renshan decided to take the time to pay attention to the progress of the company's film crew.

Half an hour later, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class stopped at the edge of a certain filming site in Songcheng Film and Television City. Xu Renshan got out of the car in a windbreaker, and Director Chen and the assistant director who had been notified in advance greeted him.

"You guys go about your own business."

After shaking hands with the two directors, Xu Renshan said something with a smile.


After getting a general understanding of the character of the big boss, Director Chen was not pretentious, and returned to the camera to continue to supervise the shooting.

Not long after, the pre-ordered more than 200 sets of crape myrtle tea warming milk tea and Hanzhiburg single set meal were delivered. As a greeting from the big boss Xu, Director Chen very enlightenedly let the crew rest for half an hour.

The big boss rarely comes to visit the set. How could he, as a director, have no eyesight? It would be bad if the milk tea and burgers were cold.

"Mr. Xu, why are you here today?"

Liu Fei, who was wearing a costume inside and a down jacket outside, came to someone with milk tea and a hamburger in both hands, and asked with a smile.

In front of outsiders, her address remains unchanged.

Besides, it's not easy to use another name for Liu Fei, after all, she is one year older than this young boss.

Only in certain specific scenes would she shyly call out 'brother' a few times.

"Come and see you."

There is no one else within 20 meters around, so Xu Renshan confessed.

After all, he is the first man of the other party, and he must have a responsible attitude when doing some things.

"My mother has something to do in the afternoon, why don't Director Chen and I take half a day off so we can have lunch together?"

Hearing the other party's straightforward words, Liu Fei blushed slightly and extended an invitation.

(end of this chapter)