Chapter 354: Auntie's rare kindness

Chapter 354 Sister-in-law's rare kindness

"Okay, I'll book a restaurant."

Since Liu Tianxian spoke like this, Xu Renshan naturally couldn't refuse.

After all, his relationship with the other party is much closer than that of friends, and he is not prepared to deny it.

It is the dream of countless men to have such a stunning confidante, and Xu Renshan is no exception.

It's just that, like hundreds of millions of otakus in his previous life, he only thought about it in his dreams, but in this life he has already put it into practice and truly realized it.

"Then let me talk to Director Chen."

Seeing that the other party agreed, Liu Fei smiled, turned and left to ask the director for leave.

These days, she doesn't have so many scenes, and it's okay to take a half-day off occasionally.

In addition, there are so many people in the crew, there is no need to talk for so long, and it will be the same when we have dinner.

Otherwise, spending too much time with the young boss in the crew would easily cause gossip, which would be a bad sign for Liu Fei.

What's more, Liu Fei is extremely concerned about the thoughts of Mrs. Xu behind the scenes, so as to avoid going astray in her dream of entering Hollywood.

"Okay, I will move some of your scenes."

Hearing the heroine's request for leave, Director Chen understood it very openly and agreed.

Offend anything, and you can't offend the big boss, no.

Besides, regardless of whether the other party is related to the big boss or not, it is impossible for Director Chen to treat Liu Fei with the attitude of an ordinary starlet just because of Liu Fei's coffee position.

"Thank you, Director Chen."

Although she knew that the other party was looking at that person's face, Liu Fei still thanked him very politely.

In the entertainment industry, to get along well and go far, not only rely on talent and acting skills, but also know how to deal with people and be kind to others.

There are only so many resources. It is an eternal law.

Xu Renshan, who came to visit the set, did not wait in this magnificent crew, but went to the other two crews to express condolences.

The combination of crape myrtle tea drink + Hanzhiburg set meal for one person is a must, and it can be regarded as an increase of hundreds of orders for the direct-sale stores in the surrounding Hangzhou area.

No matter what, Xu Renshan didn't suffer.

"The pickled fish here is not bad, you can try it."

At noon, sitting in a private room in a restaurant with a decent environment, Xu Renshan said to Liu Tianxian who had just taken off his mask.

"That gave me some appetite."

After hearing what the young boss said, Liu Fei, who took off her down jacket and put it aside, was wearing a blue tight sweater and said while stroking her stomach.

"What, are you not used to eating recently?"

Looking at Liu Tianxian, who is well-proportioned and has obvious ups and downs, Xu Renshan lingered on the not-so-slender waist for three seconds, and asked a question with concern.

He seems to remember that last time the other party's waist was not as thin as it is now. I don't know if it is the gap between vision and touch.

God gave Liu Fei a beautiful face, so it is natural to take away some things. Relatively speaking, Liu Fei's figure is a little worse than many female stars.

Of course, Liu Fei's appearance alone is enough to make a man ignore other shortcomings.

"Fortunately, it's just that I'm a little tired when filming. Sometimes I want to eat appetizers, but I'm afraid I can't control my figure, so I don't have much appetite."

Feeling the other party's concern, Liu Fei talked about her diet without hiding anything, and said it in detail.

It was also thanks to her mother who urged her, otherwise Liu Fei really felt that she could not control her appetite.

That young female assistant didn't dare to restrict her preferences at will.

"What kind of food do you like, I will help you hire two chefs to cook for you at any time."

Hearing the other party's troubles, Xu Renshan heaved a sigh of relief deep in his heart, and said his own solution.

At that moment just now, he thought that he had set the country with a single shot and let the other party fall for it.

After all, Xu Renshan didn't take any protective measures during the first time, otherwise he would be a bit reckless.

Thinking about it, Liu Tianxian, who wants to become famous in the entertainment industry, will definitely have his own scruples, and he will take good care of him afterwards.

On this point, the other party should be more nervous than him.

As for hiring a chef to serve as an accompanying service, Xu Renshan felt that he could not make up for it in other aspects, and it was okay to contribute a little in life.

"No, I'm not that delicate. Besides, it's easy to be thought of as a big name."

Shaking her head, Liu Fei rejected this slightly tempting proposal.

She wants to achieve something on her star journey, so she can't ruin her reputation because of this enjoyment.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant's nest. Don't look at her prosperous now, there are many people who secretly envy and envy her, and even small things can be magnified countless times.

Besides, if there is really a chef accompanying her, Liu Fei feels that the pressure on her to control her figure is too great.

Eat food for a while, but lose weight and regret for three months.

Knowing her own physical weakness, Liu Fei paid great attention to this point in her daily life.

"Okay, when you need it, tell me."

Hearing that the other party was so determined, Xu Renshan didn't force it, but felt a little owed in his heart.

Who made him a responsible man, some things can never be taken for granted.

Putting this topic aside, Xu Renshan asked about the other party's experience in the crew, and the two quickly talked a lot.

While eating and chatting, before they knew it, five dishes and one soup went into their stomachs.


Heaved a sigh of relief, Liu Fei, who was a little full, smiled and made a suggestion: "Mr. Xu, why don't we go to the video game city to play again?"

Thinking of the relaxation in the video game city last time, Liu Fei still has some nostalgia.

After becoming a star, she also has a lot less freedom than ordinary people. It is sometimes a luxury to play happily for half a day like her peers.

"it is good."

Seeing the other party's enthusiastic appearance, Xu Renshan did not refuse, and nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go."

Seeing that the young boss agreed, Liu Fei happily wanted to leave immediately.

Ten minutes later, Liu Fei, who got off the car in the underground parking lot of the shopping mall, wearing a mask and peaked cap, followed the undisguised young boss into the elevator.

After getting out of the elevator on the fourth floor, Liu Fei saw a young couple holding hands next to her, and took advantage of the situation to hold the hand of the man beside her.

Turning her eyes away from the man next to her, the blushing Liu Fei dragged him towards the coin vending machine.

Because it was not a weekend, there were not many customers in the amusement park, and no one discovered that the young girl wearing a mask was the rumored Liu Tianxian.

After nearly an hour and a half, the 100 yuan game currency was gone, and Liu Fei, who was sweating a lot, returned to the car and said to the man in the driver's seat, "Mr. Xu, I sweated a lot. Go home and take a shower."

"I'll take you back."

Looking at Liu Tianxian, who had a peachy face, Xu Renshan started the car solidly.

However, he did not drive to the house in Ziyu Villa bought by the other party, but to the Jingang Community where he bought the house before.

Of course, the house where he and Senior Sister Ni met privately is definitely impossible. If the careful senior sister finds out, it will be self-inflicted.

When buying a house in Jingang Community, Xu Renshan bought four houses in one go, and they were all empty.

However, for the convenience of changing clothes, Xu Renshan still chose the house next door to the one where the senior sister belonged to.

Looking back, I have to arrange the two houses in the other building and prepare the same clothes.

No, to be on the safe side, I’d better buy two more sets in another community to keep a distance.

"I didn't bring a change of clothes."

Seeing the car drive to this somewhat unfamiliar neighborhood, Liu Fei blushed and said something, but there was no objection.

"Anyway, you don't have any scenes to shoot today, and I will change them later when I send you home."

The corner of his mouth curled up, Xu Renshan made a domineering decision.

When he came to room 1501, Xu Renshan used his fiery behavior to warm the heart of Tianxian. Even when the other party was about to take a bath, he went in enthusiastically to help.

When Xu Renshan sent Liu Fei back to Ziyu Villa, it was already 4:30 in the afternoon, just in time to drive home for dinner.

Getting off the car in the garage at home, Xu Renshan sniffed the newly put on shirt and sweater. After making sure that there was no smell, he walked back to the living room on the first floor with a guilty heart.

"Honey, you're back."

Shi Yuxuan, who was sitting in the living room chatting with her cousin, greeted her husband gently when she saw her husband come back.

"Well, how was your shopping today?"

Came to his wife and sat down, Xu Renshan asked with a smile.

"It's not bad. I bought some clothes for you and some clothes for the baby. I'll show you later."

"OK, are you tired?"


Shi Qingxue, who was sitting on the side, looked at the tired gestures of the two cousins, and regretted the decision to agree to stay for dinner.

However, it's all here, and I have to show my previous thoughts, she has never been a shy person.

While eating dinner, Shi Qingxue spoke about her main purpose of staying: "Brother Xu, which company does Yuming Company decide to accept financing from?"

Regarding the multi-billion financing, Zhengdao Law Firm, as a cooperative law firm, is fully mobilized, not only Nan Lin's team, but Shi Qingxue's team also has a big task.

This is also the first time she has actually participated in the affairs of the company under the name of her brother-in-law after her cousin got married.

I have to say that Shi Qingxue also admires the ability of this so-called brother-in-law, in just half a year, with a few million start-up capital to leverage a valuation of tens of billions.

"Does your law firm have any suggestions?"

Hearing the black silk sister-in-law's questioning so formally, Xu Renshan didn't deliberately provoke the other party, but asked the other party's opinion in a very real way.

Although Vice President Fan and the others are more professional in this regard, it is also worthwhile to listen to the opinions of bystanders.

"My suggestion is to cooperate with Wakaka and Nongjia Spring at the same time. If you can only choose one, Wakaka Group is the first choice."

Shi Qingxue, who is only in charge of the negotiation process of one of them, has discussed with Nan Lin in private and has her own point of view.

"Cooperate at the same time?! It's a bit too difficult."

Xu Renshan was not surprised by this answer. There was also such a discussion in Yuming Company's management meeting, but it was too difficult.

Whether it is Wakaka Group or Nongjia Spring, the reason why they are willing to pay such a price to enter the game is nothing more than fancy Yuming Company's leading position in the industry in new tea drinks, and prepare for the next few rounds of financing.

If the two companies enter the game at the same time, and the shares they get are not many, they will not have so much determination and interest.

"Actually, if Yuming Company expands its food delivery business, it will not be difficult to impress the two groups to buy shares at the same time."

Seeing the other party's intentions, Shi Qingxue couldn't help making suggestions for the other party.

As two companies with a close relationship, she is naturally aware of the various businesses of Yuming Company, as well as its high-quality assets. The ever-growing take-out business is undoubtedly a big piece of cake.

She didn't know why Yuming Company knew the benefits of the food delivery business, but didn't vigorously develop it.

Presumably, the other party also has more in-depth considerations.

“It’s too early for the food delivery business.”

Hearing Aunt Heisi's suggestion, Xu Renshan, who is familiar with the development history of the food delivery business, retorted subconsciously, but stopped at the next moment to think about the possibility.

In Xu Renshan’s impression, the best time to expand the food delivery business is at least waiting for the APP technology of Apple 5S to mature and Alibao and other online shopping platforms to develop the habit of ordinary people using mobile phones to shop.

It's too early to enter the venue now, and it's a waste of money to make wedding clothes for others. Vice President Fan and others made suggestions before, but Xu Renshan rejected them.

However, if this food delivery business can be launched in the first-tier cities, it will undoubtedly take the lead, and the cost will not be too much, and it will be profitable in a short time.

In the future, he will have full advantages in developing the food delivery platform independently or merging with, which owns shares.

As for the funding issue, if Wakaka Group and Nongjia Spring see the business opportunities in it, it is very possible to jointly spend a lot of money to enter the game.

"What's wrong?"

Shi Yuxuan, who was sitting next to her husband, saw the other party's pensive look, and asked a question.

Originally, it is not suitable to talk about work while eating, but Shi Yuxuan also likes this atmosphere very much seeing her husband and cousin being so harmonious.

On the contrary, Hu Qingxue, who was sitting at the dining table, silently followed the dynamics of the few people, without any intention of interrupting.

"It's nothing, I think Qingxue's proposal is worth discussing."

Xu Renshan, who came back to his senses, answered with a smile, and then said to the sister-in-law Heisi who was opposite: "Qingxue, thank you for your reminder, I will let Mr. Fan and the others discuss it."

"You're welcome."

Seeing that the other party didn't take her previous attitude towards her to heart, Shi Qingxue also smiled slightly, not entangled in the secret in her heart for the time being.

Before the other party does not do anything to hurt the cousin, she is temporarily qualified as this brother-in-law!

After finishing the business, everyone did not continue to talk about work, but ate dinner quietly and harmoniously.

Taking a walk after a meal is naturally a daily routine.

At the end of December, Suzhou Satellite TV's weekly drama "You Who Came from the Star" ushered in the finale, and the ratings share reached a new high, firmly occupying the 2011 ratings champion.

"Do you want to hold a celebration reception?"

On the night when "Stars" ended, Ni Shuyan, who had reported the results to someone, smiled and asked about the arrangement of the other company.

"Of course it will be held. I wonder if senior sister has time to enjoy it?"

Xu Renshan, who was in a good mood, took the initiative to invite the other party on a rare occasion.

But, when he made this call, his wife was sitting next to him, and the senior sister on the other side knew about it.

"No problem, I will come with the deputy director."

Hearing the other party's invitation, Ni Shuyan smiled and agreed without hesitation.

If she didn't know that the other party's wife was sitting next to her, she would still want to tease her with words to soothe the longing buried deep in her heart.

"Then give me a call and I'll pick you up."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Renshan and his wife, who had just finished watching the drama, were also preparing to rest together, but a sudden phone call broke the calm.

(end of this chapter)