Chapter 360: Disciples should ask the teacher more

Chapter 360 Disciples should ask the teacher more

"Renshan, are you free today, you and your wife come to my house for lunch?"

It was rare for Qian Qingmu, who returned to Hangzhou to accompany his granddaughter, immediately thought of the disciple who took good care of his daughter, mother and daughter on weekdays, and invited him to come to his house as a guest.

Of course, he didn't forget to invite the other party's wife.

It wasn't that Qian Qingmu didn't want to make arrangements in advance, but that he was newly appointed and had a lot of things to do. It was only late last night that he decided on his itinerary and came back from northern Anhui by car.

In addition, he also knew that on such a day, the other party would have other arrangements for dinner, so he specially ordered a lunch.

"Okay, Yuxuan and I will definitely come over."

Hearing the instructor's invitation, Xu Renshan readily accepted.

Originally, they were going back to Lizhou to have dinner with their sister's family today. It seems that the itinerary might be a bit rushed.

After washing up, Xu Renshan went downstairs to the living room on the first floor, and said to his wife, "Teacher Qian invited us to his house for lunch, and we will return to Lizhou in the afternoon."

"Okay, you can arrange it."

After hearing what her husband said, Shi Yuxuan smiled and nodded in response.

She knew the relationship between that teacher Qian and her husband, so why would she have any objections.

As for going to Lizhou for dinner, it takes only half an hour by helicopter, so it’s not a problem at all.

With his wife's consent, Xu Renshan's gaze fell on Aunt Xue when the other party said, "I'm asking an old friend out for dinner, you can go by yourself."

Hu Qingxue, as an elder, would not meddle in the entertainment of the young couple, and it is not appropriate to follow along.

What's more, she, a single old woman who has been single for many years, can't stand it when she often sees the young couple showing affection.

I really don’t know, both of them are married and have babies, and seeing each other every day, they can still be so greasy, it’s hard to understand, but it’s also quite enviable.

However, this is also one of the reasons why Hu Qingxue quickly recognized this son-in-law.

"Then we'll contact you after dinner."

Seeing that Aunt Xue was as reasonable as ever, Xu Renshan added with a smile.

This "mother-in-law" can be said to have refreshed his "unknown panic" about marriage in his previous life, increased his loyalty to this relationship, and greatly increased his family's happiness.

Before going to the teacher's house for dinner, Xu Renshan and his wife prepared a few gifts.

For the teacher, the high-quality tea leaves that Yuming Company does not sell are naturally the high-quality tea. The teacher’s wife and senior sister each have a set of high-end skin care products, and Xu Renshan and the two mainly prepare a large toy gift box for the little girl.

"What are you still looking at?"

After paying, Xu Renshan noticed that his wife was still looking around in the pile of toys, so he walked over and asked with a smile.

"I'm thinking about what toys the baby will like after the birth."

Passing her obvious belly, Shi Yuxuan couldn't help laughing when she talked about her little thoughts.

I don’t know why, but as her pregnancy days gradually increased, Shi Yuxuan didn’t have much resistance to mother and baby stores and toy stores. Even when shopping for clothes, she subconsciously looked for children’s clothes.

Perhaps, she was looking forward to the birth of this baby too much, after all, this is the person with the closest blood to her in the world.

There is an invisible but great thing called maternal love.

"There is no need to worry about this. When the time comes, bring the children over and buy whatever you want."

Hearing his wife's answer, Xu Renshan was straightforward.

Since the money is not short, it is okay to move the entire toy store home, anyway, it can fit in the villa.

It’s really not good, just buy a villa, specially used to store children’s toys, and build a toy castle.

Of course, the premise is that the first baby is a girl. Boys are fine, just let him come and choose a few by himself. If you are older, you have to work to get rewards.

It has been the case since ancient times that children are raised by the poor and daughters are raised by the rich.

Just like him, the material things from childhood to adulthood are not good, but he has developed a very honest three views, which explains and demonstrates this point of view very well.

"How can you raise a baby like you, when you don't have the correct values ​​and money concept, what will you do when you grow up idle?"

Watching her husband a blank look, Shi Yuxuan reproached reproachfully.

Having read a lot of parenting books in recent months, she can be regarded as a half-expert in theory, and she can speak professional vocabulary as soon as she opens her mouth.

"My wife, you have rich theoretical experience. When the time comes, your opinion will be the main priority. I will do the rough work and check for omissions and fill in the gaps."

Facing his wife's correction, Xu Renshan quickly realized his 'mistake', and graciously handed over the main education rights for the baby's future.

"Well, I will assign you a task then."

"Obey, my wife."

Looking at her husband's childlike appearance, Shi Yuxuan nodded obediently, and then couldn't stop laughing.

The waitress who was following her looked at the combination of handsome men and beautiful women. She couldn't hide her inner envy in her eyes, but she didn't feel jealous because of the overflowing dog food.

Compared with this pregnant mother, the waitress thinks that her appearance, figure, and temperament are much worse. The gap is so big that she doesn't care about comparison.

"Shi Yuxuan?!"

Just as Xu Renshan was helping his wife to leave the toy store, a young woman who had just entered yelled in surprise, holding a three or four-year-old boy by her hand.

"You are?"

Looking at the strange young woman in front of her, Shi Yuxuan couldn't remember her name for a moment.

She went to England to study in high school, and basically met her friends there for more than ten years. The locals in Hangzhou were before junior high school, and the time was too far apart.

"I'm Lian Mengru, your classmate in junior high school. You forgot, I sat behind you in the second grade of junior high school, and I was at the same table as you in the third grade of junior high school."

Seeing that the other party did not deny the name, Lian Mengru, who knew that she had not admitted his mistake, didn't care at all, and took the initiative to remind the other party with a smile.

Not to mention, Shi Yuxuan has been so beautiful since junior high school, which is hard to forget. Now after so many years, she can also recognize it quickly.

In comparison, Lian Mengru herself has changed a lot, and it's normal for the other party not to remember it.

"Lian Mengru?! I remembered. I'm sorry, I haven't seen you for so many years, I can't recognize her anymore."

Hearing the other party's reminder, Shi Yuxuan's memory gradually became clear, and she apologized with a smile.

After so many years in Hangzhou, Shi Yuxuan, who doesn't have a big social circle, met her junior high school classmates for the first time, and she was a little more happy in her words.

"It's okay, I have changed a lot, but you are still so beautiful."

Smiling and waving her hands, Lian Mengru took the hand of her son beside her and taught him, "Xiao Bao, quickly call uncle and aunt, this aunt is your mother's junior high school classmate."

When she was in junior high school, she knew that the conditions in Shi Yuxuan's house were unusual. Now, looking at her clothes, the handsome husband beside her, and the female assistant carrying things behind her, Lian Mengru's enthusiasm did not come out of thin air.

After being in society for a long time, it is beneficial to deepen the relationship with valuable old classmates.

"Uncle and aunt."

After hearing what his mother said, the little boy yelled obediently, and then ran shyly behind his mother, looking at the prettier uncle and aunt in front of him, with his eyes wide open.


In response, Shi Yuxuan couldn't help but praise: "Your child is so cute."

"Fortunately, it's just that I'm usually afraid of strangers."

Replying modestly, Lian Mengru looked at the handsome husband next to her, a strange look flashed in her eyes, then she looked at her belly and asked, "Is this your first child? How many months? "

"It's the first baby, five months old."

"You have maintained your figure really well. The baby will definitely not lack nutrition after birth, and he will be healthy in the future."

"I borrowed a good word from you."

Speaking of the topic of her own baby, Shi Yuxuan's face was full of maternal brilliance, and the strangeness she hadn't seen for many years dissipated a lot, and she took the initiative to ask about the current situation of the other child.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, Shi Yuxuan also paid for a toy gift box of more than 500 yuan for the son of a junior high school classmate, which he could not refuse.

"I'm really sorry, let's add Wei Wei, next time I have time to treat you to dinner."

Seeing that the other party rushed to pay, Lian Mengru, a little embarrassed, took out her mobile phone and prepared to add the other party's contact information.

On weekdays, she would never buy such an expensive toy for her child, and she would only be generous once on the child's birthday.


Regarding this, Shi Yuxuan was not polite, and added a friend to the other party before leaving with her husband.

"Mom, that aunt is so beautiful."

Xiao Bao, who was holding a big gift box, looked at the back of the beautiful aunt, raised his head and said to his mother.

With no outsiders around, he didn't look shy at all.

"Mom is pretty, or is auntie pretty?"

After listening to her son's words, Lian Mengru bent down, touched the other's little head, and asked a question.

"Mom is the prettiest."

This point, Xiao Bao replied without hesitation.

"So good."

Kissed his son on the cheek, Lian Mengru took his son's hand and walked forward.

"Big Brother, Big Sister, Happy New Year's Day."

The little girl who heard the noise ran out from the toy room on the first floor, and ran over enthusiastically, looking at the large box of princess dolls on the ground.

"Happy New Year's Day, baby girl."

Seeing the cute little girl approaching, Shi Yuxuan gave her a slight hug and handed over the toy at hand.

"Thank you big sister."

After receiving the gift, the girl thanked her obediently.

"Yuxuan, I've cost you again."

Facing her daughter's rudeness, Qian Baoying sighed a little embarrassedly.

These days, Xu Renshan and his wife bought a lot of toys for her daughter, and there is almost no place to stay in that toy room.

"Miss Baoying, you're welcome. Nannan is so sensible and cute. I want to buy her more toys."

While Shi Yuxuan and Qian Baoying were chatting, Xu Renshan had already followed the teacher to the tea room, drinking tea and chatting.

"I heard from Baoying that several of your companies are developing very well?!"

After brewing with the tea leaves that had just arrived, Qian Qingmu personally poured a cup of tea for this closed disciple, and talked about his recent development.

Qian Qingmu knew something about this disciple's experience of spending a year in his hometown in Lizhou, and he had long wanted to persuade him to come to Hangzhou for development.

Unexpectedly, this disciple has only returned to Hangzhou for half a year, and there will be a lot of disturbances, far exceeding his expectations back then.

Compared to his daughter's description, he privately asked someone to briefly understand the development of the company under Xu Renshan's name. Qian Qingmu, who is more clear, can naturally see the trick.

The help from the other side's virtuous housemate is not small, but it can also be seen that Xu Renshan's own ability is not bad.

There are many rich second generations with the support of their parents, but there are not many who start their own businesses and make trouble.

"It's not bad. Tea drinking companies have just caught up with the trend. They have developed relatively fast recently. A new round of financing will be conducted in two days."

Hearing the teacher's praise, Xu Renshan was modest and did not show off his achievements too much.

"The financing is raised so soon, why, are you going to go public?"

Qian Qingmu, who still has a little research on the economy, heard this, and immediately thought of the biggest possibility.

After he got the news, the tea drinking company under Xu Renshan's name was making a lot of money every day, and there was no shortage of money at all, so there was no need to raise money now.

The only possibility is to pave the way for listing and prepare to expand operations in the shortest possible time.

Young people, some ambitions are normal, going public is an irresistible glory and temptation for a businessman.

Profit and fame have always been inseparable and complement each other.

"I have this idea."

Nodding his head, Xu Renshan did not hide his purpose.

Of course, he didn't explain that he was not doing it for money, but just for the thoughts of his subordinates, which seemed too hypocritical.

After all, after the company goes public, the bonus to his status is obvious.

"It's good to have an idea, but don't be in a hurry when doing business. Steady and steady is the kingly way. By the way, how much are you going to raise this time? Which capital?"

After taking a sip of tea, Qian Qingmu asked about the other party's financing situation.

If there is any problem, he still has a few old friends in the financial circle. If he can help, he will definitely ask this closed disciple for favors.

"Tentatively set 3.5 billion, led by Wakaka Group, followed by Nongjia Spring."

It will be announced to the outside world in two days. Xu Renshan revealed to the teacher in advance that he did not hide anything.

These days, financing negotiations have taken another turn.

Originally, Wakaka Group and Nongjia Spring exchanged 1.5 billion funds for 12% of the shares. Finally, after the three parties negotiated, Nongjia Spring voluntarily backed down and gave up its position as the lead investor.

Basically, Wakaka Group led the investment of 2.1 billion and took 15% of the shares, and Nongjia Spring followed up with the investment of 1.4 billion and took 10% of the shares. The valuation of Yuming Company has once again increased to 14 billion.

The root of all this is only because of the qualitative growth of the "takeaway business" in December.

When Yuming Company increased the food delivery subsidy, merchants from all over the country took the initiative to participate in the "Takeout Week" campaign initiated by the company to reduce the food delivery fee, and also launched the "10% off when you spend 50 yuan" or "Free food delivery fee when you spend 50 yuan or more." The advertisement of "Member Points Double Bonus" has really boosted the growth of a wave of food delivery business.

Even though ordering takeaway is a bit troublesome now, it still cannot resist the enthusiasm of loyal members.

The weather is cold, and I wait for the deliveryman to deliver the goods without going out, so I feel comfortable.

According to preliminary statistics, in the eight provinces in the south of the Yangtze River where the franchise stores are located, the takeaway turnover of Ziwei Tea and Hanzhiburg exceeded 30 million in December, an increase of 280% compared with November.

30 million a month, 360 million a year, 500 million when rounded up, this is only the growth of the takeaway business, and in-store consumption still accounts for a large share.

Under such circumstances, it is natural for Yuming Company to increase its financing valuation.


After hearing the data given by the closed disciple, Qian Qingmu's tea-drinking hand paused in mid-air for 3.1415926 seconds, and then drank the lukewarm tea in one gulp, with a gratified smile on his face: "Not bad, not bad, let's take it again and again." grind."

The financing amount is so exaggerated, and the financing target is also a leader in the industry, what else can Qian Qingmu say, only to encourage the other party, there is nothing else to say.

Sure enough, the disciple was too good, and his teacher was useless.

"Teacher, my former classmate Qian Kun is going to enter the education and training industry and wants me to invest. What do you think about the prospects of this field?"

As if he didn't notice the teacher's embarrassment, Xu Renshan took out an 'undecided' question and consulted a teacher who had considerable influence in the education field.

As a student with ideals, how can he not bother the teacher? This is called respecting the teacher.

Thanks to Laotie Fenghuo lord, brother Yan Xi for the reward! !

(end of this chapter)