Chapter 361: Your friends are my friends

Chapter 361 Your friends are my relatives and friends

"Education and training is still a hot spot right now, and the profits are good, but you need to be cautious when entering the market."

Hearing his disciples asking him questions, Qian Qingmu cheered up, and answered carefully: "I participated in a seminar on the education system in this province in September, and one of the topics was the impact of capital entering the education and training field. A few days ago, I heard from an old friend in Beijing that foreign capital controlled a chain training institution and tampered with the training materials without authorization, which aroused the attention of relevant departments, and dozens of franchise stores of that training institution were directly ordered to rectify within a time limit."

As a senior who has been in the education field for decades, Qian Qingmu still has many inside stories that laymen don't know, and he passed them on to this closed disciple without reservation.

Entering an education and training institution at this point in time, it is definitely not difficult to make money if it is properly manipulated, but the difficulty is to control the intensity of investment.

With Xu Renshan's current wealth and some people's connections, he will definitely have a corresponding status in the future. It is not difficult to understand the content of the education field.

As a teacher, there is absolutely no need to hide his secrets.

"According to what the teacher said, there is no problem in the short term."

Xu Renshan, who is familiar with the development and changes in the field of education and training in the next ten years, nodded his head again and again, and then came to a reliable conclusion.

Someone from Qian Kun's side dug a hole for him earlier, Xu Renshan didn't jump in immediately, showing a 'caution', which can be regarded as paralyzing the mastermind behind the scenes who has almost delineated the scope.

After the financing of Yuming Company was finalized, Xu Renshan was ready to step on the pit and test the depth of the other party.

"That's right. In the past two years, several education chain groups have been listed in Hong Kong City and North America. It is indeed a hot spot right now. If you want to get involved in this area, course training can be used as a means of short-term profit, but it cannot be used as a long-term main business. In addition, I have a few old friends in relevant departments, and I can introduce them to you when the time comes."

Listening to the meaning of this close disciple's words, there is a high probability that he will invest in the education and training industry. Qian Qingmu gave his own suggestions and pointed out his contacts.

Having worked in Jiang University for many years, he still has many old friends in the field of education in Jiang Province.

He didn't say much about the direction of follow-up investment. Presumably, this disciple who intends to enter the education field must have done relevant investigations and has his own judgment ability.

"Listening to the teacher's words is better than reading ten years of books."

Poured a cup of tea for the teacher, Xu Renshan sighed with respect.

This teacher is worthy of being an elite in the field of education. He explained the prospects of education and training in one sentence and saw the future risks of curriculum training.

It is precisely because the invasion of foreign capital is too rapid and has affected the education form of the entire society, the upper level will directly make a one-size-fits-all, and do not give those small and medium-sized institutions the opportunity to transition.

From the flames and oil to the silence, it's just overnight.

Back when the training department was closed, Xu Renshan was considered good. He had earned at least two houses and had no debts. He was considered the last group of people to receive bonuses.

Those who have just invested in the education and training industry, spent seven to eight million yuan on decoration and certification, and were ordered to transform or close the business directly as a result, but they have nowhere to cry, especially some novices who borrowed to invest.

So, the teacher’s suggestion is very pertinent now. Don’t think about once and for all in the direction of curriculum training, which is easy to make money. Education is a national plan after all, and it is impossible to allow barbaric development.

Even if he invests in this industry in the future, he will transform into art training, technology training and sports training in a timely manner after dealing with the black hands behind the scenes, taking advantage of the ten-year golden development period.

It doesn’t matter if it’s money or not, the main thing is to arrange for those recruited course teachers. He Xu is an angel investor who has escaped the vulgar taste.

"You boy, you are still so polite with me."

Nodding his fingers, Qian Qingmu knew that this disciple had understood what he was going to say, and shifted the topic to his granddaughter: "Thanks to you for taking care of my daughter these days."

He and his wife are far away in northern Anhui. He often heard his daughter mention Xu Renshan's help in taking his daughter out to play, and he always remembered this favor in his heart.

At his age, apart from realizing his ideals and ambitions, the only thing Qian Qingmu values ​​is the future of his daughter and granddaughter, and he wants to use the rest of his life to gain a solid enough shelter for them.

The reason why he is so concerned about this disciple's future is because the other party knows his intentions, knows how to repay, and can take care of Qian Baoying's mother and daughter.

If not, Qian Qingmu is just the dean of the academy, and his energy is not too great, but he doesn't just accept closed disciples casually.

It's a pity, back then, I made a bad move and failed to make the other party my son-in-law, otherwise I would be able to feel at ease for the rest of my life.

"Teacher, what you said is too outlandish. Sister Baoying is similar to my own sister, and Nannan is also my niece."

Noticing a trace of sadness on the teacher's face, Xu Renshan didn't mention it, and naturally clarified the definition of the relationship with the senior sister.

He treats the senior sister and the little girl from the bottom of his heart.

"With you here, your teacher and my wife are at ease."

Smiling and nodding, Qian Qingmu raised his hand and poured him a cup of tea.

Soon, in the chat room between the two, the lunch was almost done, and the little girl ran in with a newly opened princess doll: "Grandpa, big brother, grandma asked me to invite you to eat."


Looking at the well-behaved and sensible granddaughter, Qian Qingmu's mood suddenly became happy, and he picked up the little girl and walked to the restaurant.

"Grandpa, I have grown up, so I don't need to hug. Grandpa is old, and he will be tired if he hugs me so heavily."

Recalling the teaching of the kindergarten teacher, the little girl struggled to get down so as not to tire her grandpa.

As for the big brother and mother hugging her, it must be okay, they are not old yet.

"It's okay, grandpa can still hug my daughter."

Listening to his granddaughter's childish tone, Qian Qingmu smiled and comforted the little guy, lest he really feel unsteady.

It is an unimaginable happiness to be able to grow up with a granddaughter who is separated from the generation.

"Renshan, Yuxuan, eat more. This old hen is free-range on the mountain, and it is very healthy."

Sitting at the dining table, as the hostess, Tao Congrong said to the two guests with a smile.

Her husband became an official in middle age, and Tao Congrong, who had already lived a leisurely life, was refreshed and looked a little younger. She didn't want a middle-aged woman who was nearly 50 and looked only in her 40s.

Only when entertaining Xu Renshan and his wife like today, would she cook for herself, and specially prepared some big dishes with all her heart.

"Thank you, Mrs.

Facing the enthusiasm of his wife, Xu Renshan responded with a smile, and picked up a chicken leg for his wife with his chopsticks.

Shi Yuxuan, who was eating quietly, was used to enjoying her husband's tenderness all the time.

"Are you going back to Lizhou?"

When her father was chatting with her younger brother, Qian Baoying also took the initiative to talk to Shi Yuxuan, so as not to neglect the other party.

"Well, we agreed with my sister to have dinner together."

"Let's have dinner together, so you guys are a bit rushed in the afternoon."

"Fortunately, the helicopter has only passed by for half an hour."


Qian Qingmu, who was chatting with his disciples at the side, couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this.

He knew that Mrs. Xu's family was good, but he didn't expect such a rich man. There are not many rich people in Hangzhou who have helicopters.

In comparison, his daughter's family background is somewhat ordinary.

"Helicopter? Sister Xuan, is it a helicopter flying in the sky?"

The little girl sitting next to her mother heard this and asked curiously.

"Yes, has your daughter ever sat down?"

"Not yet, the helicopter flies so high, is sister Xuan afraid?"

"I'll take you to sit down and try it then, okay?"

"Okay, okay, I want to sit with my mother."


After eating a sumptuous lunch for more than an hour, Xu Renshan and his wife did not stay longer, but left quickly.

The winter afternoon was not hot at all, but Xu Renshan let his wife take a nap for an hour before leaving for Lizhou at three o'clock.

The helicopter was still parked at the farm. When Xu Renshan and his party got off the helicopter, Song Wei, who had arrived earlier, was waiting there in a Bentley as usual.

"President Xu, Mrs. Xu."

Jiang Xiaofei, who learned that the major shareholder was coming, rushed over to wait when he heard the sound of the helicopter: "The old hen and mutton have been sent to Captain Xu and his family. You guys have a try."

This time, Boss Jiang didn't send freshly slaughtered old hens and mutton, but sent them to the Jinshuiwan community in the urban area in the morning, and asked Xu Jiaoqian's family to use them as ingredients for dinner.

However, in order to leave a good impression on major shareholders, Jiang Xiaofei specially prepared two baskets of freshly picked fruits, all picked from the surrounding farmers' homes.

Carambola, figs, cherries, pomegranates, strawberries.

Fruit is not expensive, but the heart is enough.

"Thank you, Boss Jiang."

Without being too polite, Xu Renshan took the fruit basket, looked at the lively scene not far away, and said with a smile: "The business of the farm is good recently."

"It's all thanks to you and your wife. After the redesign and renovation of our farm, there are more and more guests every day. Today just happens to be New Year's Day, and the reservations were fully booked two days ago."

Speaking of the changes in the farm, Jiang Xiaofei has a smile on his face, which is also the reason why he respects the major shareholders from the bottom of his heart.

If Lixiao Farm is still the same as before, there is only a small pond to catch fish and eat farm food, basically earning hard money.

After the major shareholder bought the shares, he invested an additional 1 million yuan, not only expanding the pond, building a gazebo in the lake and a large water truck, but also building a small horse farm, rock climbing projects, self-service cooking stoves, go-kart tracks, etc. project.

The renovation project was almost finished in mid-December. Under the suggestion of Mr. Xu, Jiang Xiaofei spent 30,000 yuan to advertise on TV stations in Lizhou and Wuyi. After two or three days, the number of customers began to explode.

Just like today’s New Year’s Day, lunch and dinner are fully booked two days in advance, and there are also citizens who come to play on their own, business is not very good.

Some small vendors from the nearby village specially came to the door and set up several small stalls beside the farm to sell some snacks and toys.

"Then I wish Boss Jiang a prosperous business in the future."

As for the business of this farm, Xu Renshan and his wife didn't care much about it, but after paying a price of 2 million yuan in exchange for customers like clouds, they were also in a happy mood.

"It's all a blessing brought by you two."

Just as the few people were finishing their greetings, a pair of young men and women walked up not far away. Among them, the young man wearing glasses looked at the figure next to the helicopter, and after double-checking, he shouted: "Xu Renshan?!!"

"Xia Jiangliang, long time no see."

Seeing his old classmate approaching, Xu Renshan took his wife a few steps forward and shook hands with him.

"You just came back from Hangzhou?"

The last time we met, I knew that Xu Renshan was developing in Hangzhou. Xia Jiangliang asked tentatively, his eyes did not look at the stunning lady beside him, but landed on the huge helicopter and luxury car Bentley.

Before when he was looking at the scenery with his female colleague, he noticed this huge helicopter landing, so he walked over to have a look when he had nothing to do, but he saw his old classmates who had been in junior high school and high school for six years.

Looking at the situation, both the helicopter and the Bentley belong to this old classmate's family? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Is the world changing too fast? ? ? ? ? ?

"Yeah, come back and have dinner with my sister and her family. Are you going to have dinner here?"

Answering a simple question, Xu Renshan asked casually as his eyes fell on the pretty young girl next to him.

"I want to eat here, but unfortunately there is no place. A few of our colleagues made reservations for lunch a few days ago, but they didn't expect the business here to be so good. There is no place for dinner without a reservation. After half an hour, we are going to go to the side to find a restaurant to eat.”

Sighing, Xia Jiangliang was deeply moved by his mistake.

Originally, as an event planner, he booked a spot for the lunch buffet, and came to play with his colleagues after ten o’clock. Unexpectedly, this farm was much more fun than the advertisements on TV.

As a result, a dozen of their colleagues played until four o'clock in the afternoon, only to find that the business of the farm was so good that dinner was fully booked.

This result made Xia Jiangliang lose face in front of several female doctors and nurses.

I didn’t have a good time on New Year’s Day, it must be his planner’s negligence.

Especially the loss of points in front of the newly recruited nurse whom he has been chasing recently is what Xia Jiangliang can't bear the most.

"Old Jiang, is there no place for dinner?"

After hearing what his old classmate said, Xu Renshan turned around and asked Jiang Xiaofei who was next to him.

"Others definitely don't have a seat, but Mr. Xu, if you ask, there must be one. It just so happens that I have a spare table over there, which can be arranged for your friend."

Seeing the major shareholder's question, Jiang Xiaofei replied wittily.

As a middle-aged small boss, he has always been experienced in doing things, and he always keeps a spare table on weekdays, in case any leader from the town comes over temporarily, or an old friend who can't save face, just in case.

Of course, Jiang Xiaofei has to highlight the role of major shareholders in both inside and outside the words, and this favor must be done to the other party.

"Then trouble you, this is my friend for many years, please take care of me when the time comes."

Didn't say anything about discounts or free orders, and Xu Renshan didn't want to hurt the self-esteem of his old classmates. Presumably, Boss Jiang, an old Jianghu, will help to deal with it.

Especially, the young girl next to the opponent is likely to be the target of Xia Jiangliang's strategy.

"No problem, Mr. Xu, your friends are my relatives and friends."

Jiang Xiaofei patted his heart on the confession of the major shareholder.

Thanks to the old Tie Eryue scalper for the reward! !

(end of this chapter)