Chapter 362: When you are old, you will still be a treasure in my heart

Chapter 362 When you get old, you will still be a treasure in my heart

"Old Xu, thank you."

Unexpectedly, the matter of this dinner could turn around. Xia Jiangliang felt that his face had come back, and said to his old classmate gratefully.

Right now, he was relieved a lot from the shock of his old classmate's rich impression, and he felt much more comfortable.

After all, the last time Xia Jiangliang met the other party, he could see that his old classmate was doing well, but he never thought that he was doing so well.

Not to mention the luxury car Bentley, he has never seen such a large-scale helicopter after four years of university in Hangzhou, let alone the small county town of his hometown in Lizhou.

The distance between the two seems to have become very far away, and even if you want to be jealous, you can't be jealous.

"What's so polite between us, it's getting late, I'll go back to the city first, and we'll get together next time."

Hearing the words of thanks from the other party, Xu Renshan replied with a smile.

Everyone has something to do today, and it's not too early. Xu Renshan was about to rush back to downtown Lizhou, so he didn't talk much.

"Okay, I will ask you out next time."

Nodded, Xia Jiangliang knew that the other party was busy, so he ended the conversation very simply.

Watching his old classmate and his wife go away in a Bentley, Xia Jiangliang also walked back with the little nurse to meet other colleagues. By the way, he said the good news that dinner has been settled.

Many tourists today have no place to have dinner. He has the favor of an old classmate this time, and he can get a dining room in this farm. Those female colleagues must be impressed.

Men, although they pursue the little nurse, they can also enjoy the admiring eyes of other girls.

"Doctor Xia, is that your high school classmate?"

When walking back, the little nurse with sparkling eyes asked.

The handsome guy just got off the helicopter, and the car on the ground is also a multi-million dollar Bentley, he is definitely a billionaire.

With such a classmate with such a kind attitude, Dr. Xia has a bright future in the future.

"Well, he and I were classmates in junior high and high school for six years."

Hearing Wen Xiaofei’s question, Xia Jiangliang smiled and talked about his relationship with his old classmates: “In junior high school, I lived in the same bunk bed in the same dormitory as him.”

When Xia Jiangliang returned to several other colleagues, they talked about the availability of dinner, which caused a burst of exclamation. The little nurse Wen Xiaofei, who had personally experienced it, vividly talked about what he had seen before.

"When Dr. Xia and I walked to the side of the helicopter."

Helicopter, luxury car Bentley, is this a story about an idol drama? ? ? ?

Listening to Wen Xiaofei's narration, the rest of the colleagues felt a little dreamy, and at the same time they couldn't believe it, but at the same time, they wished to experience those short minutes for themselves.

The thing must be true, and Wen Xiaofei didn't exaggerate, after all, everyone saw the huge helicopter landing on the farm's tarmac with their own eyes.

"Husband, do you think the girl next to that high school classmate just now is a nurse or a doctor?"

On the way to downtown Lizhou, Shi Yuxuan, who had nothing to do, chatted with her husband about the high school classmate they saw earlier.

In life, occasionally find some other topics to adjust the mood.


Regarding this question, Xu Renshan replied without hesitation.

The moment he blurted out, he was a little alert, thinking about the follow-up answer quickly in his mind.

His first girlfriend in the previous life was a young and beautiful nurse. When he saw the young girl next to Xia Jiangliang just now, he could feel that the temperament of the other party was exactly the same as that of the female nurse.

This is not an unwarranted guess, it's a man's intuition.

However, this answer obviously cannot be said to the wife, there must be another way of saying it.

"Why so sure?"

Seeing her husband's answer with such certainty, Shi Yuxuan, who also had some guesses, was a little curious about the other party's reason.

Women have intuition, do men also have intuition?

"I don't think she has the temperament of a female doctor."

In just ten seconds, Xu Renshan had already thought of the most suitable answer.

Temperament is something that cannot be explained clearly, so there is no need to explain too much.

"Yes, the temperament of nurses and doctors is a bit different."

After listening to her husband's answer, Shi Yuxuan felt that Shi Yuxuan, who had a good heart, didn't have any doubts, and then talked about another topic: "Husband, it's the new year, and I'm one year older. Will you dislike me in the future?"


Seeing his wife's sudden girlishness, Xu Renshan didn't care about Aunt Xue and the female driver in the front passenger seat, held each other's hands and said, "When you get old, you will still be a treasure in my heart."

If it weren't for the presence of outsiders, Xu Renshan would still be able to say a lot of 'baby bodies'.


Listening to her husband's love words, Shi Yuxuan blushed and gave her a reward, not caring about the people in front of her eating dog food at all.

Really couldn't bear the sweetness of the young couple, Hu Qingxue, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, pressed a button to raise the sound insulation panel between the front seat and the rear seat.

This kind of thing is out of sight.

"Uncle, Aunt, Happy New Year's Day."

Lele and Xuanxuan, who were playing in the room, heard the noise outside, and ran to the living room to see their uncle, whom they hadn’t seen for a long time, and ran forward excitedly to say hello.

The courtesy to uncles and aunts is engraved in their bones.

No way, in fact, uncle and aunt brought them new gifts every time they came back, and today is no exception.

"happy New Year."

Patting Lele's head, Xu Renshan handed the two toy gift boxes to the two little guys respectively.

"Thank you uncle, thank you aunt."

Lele and Xuanxuan, who took the gift box, did not forget their mother's teachings and bowed to thank them.


Looking at the two well-behaved little guys, Xu Renshan and Shi Yuxuan felt a little more joyful for no reason. They looked at each other with a kind of understanding.

In their minds, they are all looking forward to whether the future baby will be so cute and well-behaved.

"Xiaoshan, Yuxuan, dinner will be ready soon."

Xu Jiaoqian, who came out of the kitchen, greeted her younger brother and younger siblings, and then casually educated a pair of children: "Uncle and aunt bought you toys again, did you say thank you?"


After answering, Lele and Xuanxuan hurried back to the room with the toy box in their arms, enjoying the joy of unpacking it.

"Sister, you have taught Lele and Xuanxuan to be so sensible, I will ask you for advice more often in the future."

Shi Yuxuan, who was sitting on the sofa, smiled and said something to her sister.

"What can I teach, is to constantly supervise their habits"

The task of the kitchen was handed over to her husband and mother-in-law. Xu Jiaoqian, who had nothing to do, sat on the sofa with her younger siblings and chatted.

Soon, the food was served, and Xu Baoguo came to invite everyone to eat.

The big round table in the kitchen is already full of dishes, old hen stewed yam, mutton, beef, large yellow croaker, hairy crab

The dishes cooked at home are no less than those in hotels, and the ingredients are kept fresh.

"Xiaoshan, this old hen, mutton, and beef are all sent by the farm boss Jiang. I want to give him money, but he insists on not wanting it."

Come to the dining table, Xu Jiaoqian pointed out a few meat dishes, and explained their ins and outs, so as not to owe favors to outsiders for nothing.

Although she already knew that her younger brother was half the owner of the farm, her own brother still knew how to settle accounts. Xu Jiaoqian, who works in the unit, knew very well that the daily exchanges between people were not aimless.

"Old Jiang told me that in the future, you can accept whatever he sends you."

Guessing what his sister was thinking, Xu Renshan said generously.

"Okay, I'll just tell you."

Seeing her younger brother say so, Xu Jiaoqian didn't ask too much on this occasion.

The house and the car have already been taken over, so I can’t care so much about food on weekdays.

At the same time, Xia Jiangliang and the others who were in Lixiao Farm were already sitting in the box of the restaurant.

Looking at the extra hairy crabs and mutton bone stew pot on the table, Xia Jiangliang, who had ordered before, stopped the waiter who served the dishes, and asked suspiciously: "Are these two dishes wrong? We don't seem to have ordered them just now. "

Before, he had seen the prices of two dishes, both of which started at three digits. If he made a mistake, he would have spent a lot of money in vain.

"That's right, our boss said, this is a free gift for you."

Hearing the customer's question, the waiter who had already been ordered by the boss replied with a smile.

"That's it, then thank you."

Unexpectedly, it was a free gift, Xia Jiangliang immediately thought of the old classmate he met earlier.

It seems that the old classmate has a lot of face, and he can get the farm owner to give away a few hundred yuan of big dishes casually.

"Doctor Xia, what does that old classmate of yours do? It's so embarrassing."

I also thought of a key female doctor, and asked a question.

When someone asked about it, everyone else turned their attention to it. They usually like to listen to this kind of gossip with a lot of background.

"I don't know exactly what to do, I just know that I do business in Hangzhou."

Regarding this, Xia Jiangliang, who knew little about it, was also very helpless.

It's one thing for an old classmate to become well-off, but it's another thing for him to have little contact with his old classmate.

Facing the curious gaze of his female colleague, he was also very helpless.

"Dr. Liang, I don't think you need to inquire about it. Dr. Xia's old classmate is famous."

The female colleague on the side listened, and laughed and joked about the female doctor who asked the question.

"Xiao Chen, when will I inquire about this, don't talk nonsense."

"I think Dr. Liang is looking for another half."

"I think so too, Dr. Liang, why don't you consider me?"

"Doctor Wu, aren't you pursuing Nurse Li in the operating room?"

After dinner, Xu Renshan accompanied his wife to the river for a walk, but after the cold wind blew, he walked for a few minutes and was ready to go home.

As a result, Xu Renshan received a call from his elder sister halfway.

"Xiaoshan, it's still early, do you want to go to Nanlong for a stroll? Does Yuxuan feel tired?"

Planning to take the two little guys to Nanlong Mall for shopping, Xu Jiaoqian thought of her younger brother and sister-in-law who had nowhere to go, so she called and asked each other.

At this point in time, going for a walk by the river is not blown by the cold wind.

If you want to digest food after a meal, it is also possible to take a walk in the Nanlong shopping mall with heating on.

"Okay, I'll ask Aunt Xiaxue."

After hearing what the elder sister said, Xu Renshan immediately agreed, and after hanging up the phone, he talked to his wife next to him, and then called Aunt Xue at home: "Aunt Xue, we are going to go shopping in Nanlong Square in the city. Do you want to go and see it together?"

"No, I'll just do some yoga at home, and you guys just go, don't make Yuxuan tired."

Hu Qingxue, who put on her yoga clothes to prepare for exercise, declined the son-in-law's kindness.

A few young people went shopping, so what happened to her as an old man.


Aunt Xue didn't want to go, and Xu Renshan didn't force it. He returned to the garage and asked Song Wei to drive the Bentley before heading to Nanlong Plaza in the urban area.

No way, parking in urban areas is a big problem now, and we have to wait until a few years later to start planning for charging for parking spaces, so that the problem of parking difficulty can be slightly alleviated.

If you don’t bring a driver there at this time, you can find it for a long time if you park a car around the mall.

As a small county-level city, there are very few shopping malls in downtown Lizhou.

One Hualian has focused on shopping for more than ten years, and the other Lizhou Mall specializes in low-end clothing and various daily necessities. The two long-running shopping malls have gradually withdrawn from the stage of history. The Nanlong Plaza and Times Square developed in the past few years are regarded as citizens. mainstream shopping locations.

Nanlong Plaza is operated and managed by a company alone. It is somewhat similar to other large shopping malls in big cities. Compared with the big shopping malls in Hangzhou and Wuzhou, it lacks some high-end clothing categories, and the decoration is not bad.

Times Square is mainly rented shops, imitating the model of the old Lizhou Mall, gradually seizing the market of ordinary consumer groups with the help of the rising tide.

Going shopping to eliminate food, of course, Nanlong Plaza, which has less traffic and is spacious and bright, is dominant.

In another ten years, Powerlong Plaza and Baida Plaza will be established one after another, which will attract most young people.

"The cold wind passes through the country, and memories freeze into ice"

Getting off the car at the entrance of the shopping mall, Xu Renshan walked into the shopping mall with his wife in his arms. A gust of warm wind blew in, and songs from earlier years came to his ears.

This word is a bit appropriate.

"Uncle, aunt."

After walking a few steps, Xu Renshan and the others heard Lele and the others shouting, and then walked over to join the old sister's family of four.

Because it was the New Year's Day holiday, Nanlong Plaza, where the passenger flow is not large on weekdays, was also full of people. Although it was not crowded, Xu Renshan was careful to guard against pedestrians, so as not to run into his pregnant wife.

Afterwards, Song Wei came over to follow, and Xu Renshan relaxed a little.

"I didn't expect it to be so crowded today, and there are usually not many people."

Sitting in the rest area of ​​the children's play area on the fourth floor, Xu Jiaoqian wiped the sweat from her forehead and said something with emotion.

As for the two little ones, they had already run to the bubble ball area to play, competing with other children to slide down the slide.

"It's New Year's Day, everyone is out to let the air go."

Take out the wet tissue in the backpack and pass it to his wife, Xu Baoguo agrees.

"I think it's good to be more lively during the holidays."

My sister was thinking too much, Shi Yuxuan also responded in a timely manner.

With her husband and family around, she feels happy everywhere.

"How about I get you a doll?"

Noticing the look in his wife's eyes, Xu Renshan made a suggestion.


Nodded, Shi Yuxuan, who can be expressed without opening her mouth, had a delighted smile on her face.

"Old Xu????"

While Xu Renshan was playing with his wife on the claw machine, a voice sounded beside him.

(end of this chapter)