Chapter 363: The layout of the takeaway

Chapter 363 The layout of the takeaway

"Dengfeng, are you here to go shopping too?"

Turning his head to look at Hu Dengfeng who was leading his wife over, Xu Renshan greeted him with a smile.

Lizhou is a small county, and the chances of meeting old classmates in the shopping mall are not low, especially this holiday.

"Yeah, let's see the little girl clothes."

I didn't expect to meet my old classmates who were far away in Hangzhou here, and the smile on Hu Dengfeng's face was very bright.

He was worried that he would not have the opportunity to get closer to this old classmate, and anyone who wanted to go shopping could meet him.

"Have you checked the gender?"

After hearing what the other party said, Xu Renshan looked at Mrs. Hu who was beside him.

This Mrs. Hu heard that she was pregnant when she got married. Hu Dengfeng is now so sure about the girl's clothes that he has obviously checked the gender in private.

Although the hospital cannot disclose the gender of the child to the family members, anyone with a relationship can find a way to verify it. Some people even secretly take it to Hong Kong City for examination, just wanting a boy.

Such as Shi Yuxuan, who had a full physical examination in a private hospital, already knew the baby's gender, but Xu Renshan and the two of them deliberately did not ask, and the doctor was very considerate and would not disclose it on purpose.

The birth of a baby is like winning a big prize in life. Knowing the result in advance is meaningless.

Anyway, boys and girls are the same, Xu Renshan and the others will not only have one child, there are many follow-up opportunities.

"Well, I asked my friends. What about your family, boys and girls?"

Regarding this, Hu Dengfeng nodded and admitted bluntly.

What they want more is a boy, and there will definitely be another one in the future.

"We didn't ask, but I want girls more."

Regarding this question, Xu Renshan answered very frankly.

The girl is Dad's little padded jacket, so one must come.

"Your husband and wife are both so good-looking, the girl must be pretty."

Feng Zijing on the side, seeing the timing, smiled and complimented.

To be honest, she was pregnant for a shorter period of time than Shi Yuxuan, and she was more pregnant, but the overall temperament and appearance still made Feng Zijing feel ashamed to compare.

"Thank you for your good words."

Several people were talking, Shi Yuxuan, who caught a doll, turned around, took her husband's hand and said, "That's right, let's take a look at the child's clothes together."

There is a children's playground on the fourth floor, and naturally it is mainly children's clothing.

Although I have bought a lot of baby products before, both boys and girls have spares, but when Shi Yuxuan thinks about buying things for her baby, she can't buy enough.

Especially after she became pregnant, she can no longer wear many clothes, and the clothes she wears are very limited. Every time she goes shopping, she either buys them for her husband or her baby.

Baby's clothes are so small and cute, Shi Yuxuan couldn't control her hands.


Seeing this stunning Mrs. Xu's proposal, Feng Zijing agreed without hesitation.

Talked to my sister and brother-in-law, Xu Renshan and Hu Dengfeng and his wife walked around this floor.

After walking for more than an hour, the children saw a lot of things, but Xu Renshan and others didn't buy many things.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening. Xu Renshan and his wife separated from their old classmates. Xu Jiaoqian also called the two little guys out of the playground and went home together.

On January 4th, Xu Renshan, who came back from Lizhou, did not send his wife to work, but went to the headquarters of Yuming Company early.

Just today, Yuming Company will formally sign a capital injection agreement with Wakaka Group and Nongjia Spring. Wakaka Group will lead the investment of 2.1 billion and hold 15% of the shares. Nongjia Spring will follow up with 1.4 billion and take 10% of the shares.

When Xu Renshan and representatives of the two groups signed the contracts, the valuation of Yuming Company officially increased to 14 billion.

After that, Fan Deyi, the specific person in charge of the company, will go out with the representatives of the two groups to make a show and take photos for the invited reporters.

"Pleasant cooperation."

"Pleasant cooperation."

Just as the three company executives shook hands with each other, a burst of flashing lights criss-crossed under the signing stage, and the news of Yuming Company's financing will be published in newspapers and online news.

For this reason, Xu Renshan specially asked Fan Deyi to attend instead of him, so as not to be remembered for his handsome face.

Doing things in a high-profile manner and being a low-key person are traditional virtues passed down from our ancestors.

"May I ask Mr. Fan, your company can create a valuation of 14 billion in just half a year. What do you think is the most important thing?"

Afterwards, Fan Deyi accepted an interview with media reporters on the spot, among which the reporter from TX News was the first to raise his hand to ask a question.

“I think the most important thing is the pursuit of product quality.”

Fan Deyi, who had been prepared for a long time, after hearing this question, talked with eloquence, and began to publicize his company's control over raw materials and strict supervision of franchise stores.

If the reporter publishes the original text unchanged, it may be used as a promotional article for Yuming Company.

"President Fan, what do you think?"

"I think"

"Mr. Fan, please tell me"

"On the subject, I think."

"Mr. Fan, do you think there is any water in this 14 billion valuation?"

A reporter from a certain newspaper suddenly raised his hand and asked a rather sharp question.

"Our company's brand of tea does contain a lot of water, but the scale of our company's financing has been evaluated by professional institutions"

As if nothing was unexpected, Fan Deyi answered the other party's 'making things difficult' very naturally.

These are expected arrangements. The public relations department has arranged suitable reporters in advance to prevent, divide, and downgrade some tricky questions in advance, so as not to give this press conference any chance of any foolishness.

After all, there are quite a few opponents who secretly want to see Yuming Company's jokes.

In general, this press conference was held successfully.

"The valuation is 14 billion, huh, interesting."

On the top floor of a building in the CBD of Shanghai, in a luxurious office occupying more than 200 square meters, Song Heli stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, listening to the latest news reported by his assistant, with a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Unexpectedly, the tea company that he targeted would make such a big battle without making a sound.

In more than half a year since its establishment, it has obtained a valuation of 14 billion. Even if there is a relationship with Shi Yuxuan, it is enough to show that the Xu family boy is not easy to be with.

This is interesting, isn't it? If it's really just a little boy, he won't have any sense of accomplishment when he handles it.

In addition, with the lessons learned from Yuming Company, he can invest more heavily, and those old guys on the board of directors will have no other opinions.

"BOSS, Jinming Tea and Lianming Tea have purchased more stores recently, and the funds are not enough."

After reporting on the movement of Yuming Company, the young male assistant reported on the two new investment projects again.

"If the money is not enough, continue to borrow from the bank. How much is the current funding gap?"

Regarding this matter, Song Heli, who didn't take it seriously at all, asked casually.

"There is still a shortfall of 350 million."

After reading the memo, the male assistant quickly replied.

"Lending 1 billion yuan to the bank to speed up the purchase of shops in major cities."

Waved his hand, Song Heli directly gave an integer.

Dasong Industrial invested 600 million yuan in two tea drinks before and after, buying shops in the center of first- and second-tier cities and the company's logistics reserves. Now it has invested another 1 billion yuan, which is enough to complete the initial layout and realize the curve overtaking of Yuming Company.

It doesn’t matter if the opponent has the upper hand, he can buy time with money, if 1 billion is not enough, then 2 billion.

“Okay, I will submit a board resolution as soon as possible.”

After listening to what the boss said, the male assistant who had already formed a habit didn't have any doubts, just doing his own job well.

After the male assistant finished his report and left, a beautiful secretary in a black skirt and shredded pork came in, added hot water for Boss Song, then bent down and knelt on the soft carpet, and started the daily work of a secretary. .

"Uncle Zhong, Uncle Sheng, I offer you a toast, thank you for supporting Yuming Company."

At the luncheon at noon, Xu Renshan and the bosses of the two groups sat together for a meal, and the relationship between the two parties was shortened by calling them.

Wakaka's Boss Zhong Da, he had already met under the recommendation of Aunt Xue last time, which is also one of the reasons why the other party actively invested in Yuming Company.

As for Mr. Sheng, Xu Renshan had only known Miss Sheng before, and this was the first time meeting this boss.

However, Mr. Sheng was very polite, and Xu Renshan was not pretentious, and soon called him 'uncle'.

Whether it is Wakaka or Nongjiashanquan, they are all heavyweight private enterprises in Hangzhou, and they have a pivotal position in the local area. They are not comparable to those internet companies that have no foundation.

"Xiao Xu, you are too polite, it should be you who made us two old guys rich."

Hearing the young man's self-effacing compliment, Sheng Jiangshan replied politely.

If this young man hadn't already had a wife, he would have wanted to introduce his daughter to her.

Of course, it was precisely because of the wife of the other party's invisible rich man that Sheng Jiang Shancai gave way to Waka Ka Group on the issue of buying shares, in order not to give the other party a chance to kick him out.

Nongjiashangquan, known by the media as a "rising star" in the bottled beverage industry, knows its own affairs, and it is impossible to catch up with Wakaka, a leading company, in a short period of time.

Only in this new type of tea industry that popped up suddenly, can they have the opportunity to overtake on curves and shorten the distance between them and Wakaka.

Although the volume of their farm spring is only 10 billion, and the valuation is only one-tenth of Waka Kaka, there is not much pressure to spend more than a billion.

"Uncle Sheng is serious. I am still a kid in the mall, so I need you to remind me more in the future."

Hearing the praise of this tens of billions old senior, Xu Renshan became more humble.

In terms of talent and ability, he just stood on the shoulders of the giant reborn, and borrowed a little bit of his wife's power by the way. His own efforts were actually a small part of it.

As a junior, you must be humble and not complacent.

"Lao Sheng is right, Xiao Xu, you don't need to be humble, I accept your love."

Seeing Sheng Jiangshan, an old enemy for many years, shamelessly flattering him, Zhong Huasheng also praised him, lest young people be fooled by some guys with ulterior motives.

They Waka Ka Group ranks among the leaders of domestic bottled beverages, but the opponents below are eyeing them, and they will be pulled down if they are not careful.

Just like the Nongjia Spring that we cooperate with today, the sales channels have expanded rapidly in recent years and are ambitious.

If it is true that the other party exclusively buys shares in Yuming Company, failure to keep them in a few years will threaten their position in the industry.

In addition, this kid from the Xu family is very capable, and the relationship behind him is astonishing. Cooperation with the other party is beneficial and harmless.

It's a pity that the other party got married at a young age, otherwise, my daughter and the other party would be right.

"Uncle Zhong was joking, if I do not do well in the future, please give me your advice."

He also raised his wine glass as a gesture, and Xu Renshan responded very humbly.

He didn't know at all that the two 'uncles' were already regretting that he had a wife.

Even if he knew, Xu Renshan, who had his own heart, would not agree.

His wife is the best.

After lunch, Xu Renshan and his father and daughter from the two groups came to the special tea room of the hotel to drink tea after dinner.

"This tea is grown by our company. Please don't dislike the two uncles and sisters."

Waited for the professional cheongsam female tea artist to make tea, Xu Renshan took a cup of tea, and said to the other four with a smile.

"Slightly fragrant, not bad."

Picking up the teacup and putting it on the tip of his nose, Zhong Huasheng confirmed it with a smile, and then took a light sip.

"Drinking tea does not care about the value of the tea, but the state of mind when drinking tea."

On the other side, Sheng Jiangshan responded with another reason.

Sheng Qinglan and Zhong Jimei on the side saw that their old man was still struggling with such trivial matters. After looking at each other, they smiled tacitly.

"By the way, handsome guy Xu, where does your company plan to start in the takeaway business?"

After drinking tea for a few minutes, Sheng Qinglan asked a question that concerned her most.

The reason why the two companies raised their financing valuation is because they saw the prospects of the food delivery industry. If it is promoted, it will definitely be a new industry field.

"Sister Sheng, you can take a look at this APP."

Hearing this expected question, Xu Renshan handed over his Apple 4S and clicked on one of the apps.

The name of this app is 'Yuming Waimai'.

"Did you design the food delivery software so quickly?"

Clicking on the app, Sheng Qinglan and Zhong Jimei looked at the simple takeaway page at the same time, with probing eyes.

"This is only the initial version, and it still needs to be improved and internally tested. The specific launch time is to be determined."

Didn't say anything exaggerated to show off, Xu Renshan took the initiative to talk about the shortcomings of this initial version of APP.

As early as when the food delivery platform was going to be developed, Xu Renshan asked people to start developing this dedicated app, and the business was given to Sanxia Technology, who asked the other party to work overtime.

It's just because of time, there is only a simple version now, and it needs to be improved and improved in the future.

You must know that once the app of this food delivery platform is officially launched, it will be the beginning of burning money. It is impossible to have frequent problems at the beginning and lose the trust of consumers.

"Let me see."

After his daughters and the others finished watching, Sheng Jiangshan took the initiative to take his mobile phone and started watching.

Sitting there, Zhong Huasheng remained calm, and asked the other party: "Are you going to cooperate with the US-US Open?"

(end of this chapter)