Chapter 364: Eight Months of Wealth Myths

Chapter 364 Eight months of wealth myth

"It will take about two months to complete the development of the APP. At that time, we plan to test the delivery of tea drinks first, and then take the opportunity to expand the scope."

The financing agreement has been signed, and the previous business secrets do not need to be concealed from the two shareholders, Xu Renshan began to tell the content of the resolution of the company's management: "Even if we want to cooperate with the US US website, we are ready to take the biggest initiative. "

The important development process of the development of the food delivery platform must be inseparable from the cooperation with gourmet websites, and the best partner is naturally, which will occupy more than half of the gourmet websites in the future.

In terms of business, although Xu Renshan and Renyu Investment under the name of his wife own 15% of the equity of, which is only a slightly larger shareholder, but he is holding Yuming Company, and he is on his own side both emotionally and rationally. side.

If you spend money now to expand the influence of the food delivery platform, and cooperate with in the future, you will definitely get the biggest benefits.

As for’s discovery of their company’s operations, Xu Renshan didn’t think there was any threat. After all, the other party had only raised 50 million US dollars before, so what kind of funds would they use to raise the food delivery platform, a gold-swallowing beast.

You know, at the meeting between Xu Renshan and the company's top management, they were planning to spend 1.5 billion for the promotion of the platform, and strive to get the largest number of customers in a short period of time.

Regarding the current funding situation of the US-US Open, how can they compete with them.

As for other gourmet websites, and, which called for financing to go public at the beginning of last year, are facing a shortage of funds.

Although it is a bit expensive to enter the food delivery field at this time, there are not many competitors. From this perspective, it is also a good time to start.

In addition, if the first food delivery platform is really built, other competitors in the new tea drink industry will face the difficulties of Yuming Company.

The fate of the material provider will ultimately be controlled by the platform that controls the channel.

The two tea brands invested by Song Heli are no exception.

"Then I would like to wish the new food delivery platform a big hit."

After listening to the young boss's narration, Sheng Qinglan and Miss Zhong's family looked at each other, raised their teacups and wished Yuming Company to make great strides in the field of food delivery.

"In the future, we really want Mr. Xu to get rich."

At the same time, Zhong Jimei also raised his glass to indicate that he is extremely optimistic about the prospects of this food delivery platform.

The lines are separated by mountains, and the two bottled tea companies really haven't discovered the huge prospect of this takeaway field. They discovered this new treasure after seeing the explosive turnover of the two brands under Yuming Company.

Only the two chains of Ziwei Tea and Hanzhiburg can achieve a monthly turnover of 30 million. How much potential is there for expansion.

People outside may think that the people in these two companies are stupid and have a lot of money. As the parties involved, don’t they also think that those capitals are too short-sighted and blind to gold and jade.

"It should be to get rich together."

Smiling and raising the teacup, Xu Renshan and the two eldest ladies drank a cup of tea at the same time.

The expansion of the food delivery platform is inseparable from the channel support of the two companies, and everyone has a mutually beneficial relationship.

Sheng Jiangshan and Zhong Huasheng, who had talked a lot before, looked at each other, and they both saw the treachery of the old fox in each other's eyes.

"Yam Tea Company received 3.5 billion investment led by Waka Ka Group, with a valuation of over 10 billion, establishing a leading position in the new tea industry!"

"Defining the new tea industry, Yuming Company is valued at over 10 billion after financing!"

"The new tea drink Yuming Company recently received 3.5 billion in financing, and the valuation is expected to exceed 14 billion!"

"Yuming Company, a new tea leader with a valuation of over 10 billion!"

"Financing 3.5 billion, valuation over 10 billion, Yuming Company leads the development of new tea drinks!"

On the first working day after the New Year’s Day holiday, the financial channels of major online media reported an amazing piece of news. Yuming Company, which was established only 8 months ago, received 3.5 billion funds led by Wakaka Group. The company’s valuation Nearly 20 billion, creating the first wealth myth after 2010.

Although the major websites did not push any advertisements, anyone who is interested can find this news that is enough to subvert the cognition of the tea industry. Many capitals have heard the news and focused their attention on this newly emerging industry.

"Shocked! It has only been established for 8 months and has created 20 billion myths!!"

“Unheard of! How long does it take to go from nothing to 20 billion???”

"20 billion! It only takes 8 months to start a business, can you do it?"

"The myth of wealth has come, and the executives of Yuming Company are worth hundreds of millions!!"

"Shocking news! A certain tea drinking company has received billions of billions of financing, with a valuation of over 20 billion!!"

"The fastest record of achieving a billion-dollar enterprise only takes 8 months!!"

"My God!! The milk tea in your hand may be a product of a tens of billions of companies!"

"Just participated in a 10 billion project: I passed by Ziwei Tea and bought a cup of milk tea!"

Compared with those regular media newspapers and large websites, the titles of various small websites are more eye-catching, and the movement is shocking, as exaggerated as possible. The hot spot has indeed attracted many gossip netizens.

For most ordinary people, let alone the word 'new tea drink', it is simply unimaginable that a company that opens a milk tea shop can achieve a market valuation of 20 billion.

Even those executives of Yuming Company who may be given option rewards have skyrocketed, and there are not a few of them reaching hundreds of millions.

Suddenly, the wealth myth of Yuming Company was talked about.

However, under someone's suggestion, these news are temporarily focused on the jade tea company itself, and not too much about the founder.

Even if there are, there are only a few reports on small websites, which will not attract many netizens.

"Wood, congratulations, you have become a billionaire."

In the early morning of January 5th, I saw Li Yanfei of Xu Renshan in the gym, and congratulated him with a smile.

Li Yanfei, who always pays attention to Xu Mutou's news, naturally saw yesterday's news report, and was really happy for him.

If Xu Mutou achieves financial freedom by his own ability, then the attractiveness of the big sister next door's rich net worth will be greatly reduced, and her disadvantage will be one less.

Fight for the possibility of taking Xu Mutou back, +1.


Xu Renshan, who was exercising on the treadmill, thanked him calmly.

To be honest, after seeing the value of his wife's SS fund, Xu Renshan is quite immune to the impact of tens of billions of wealth.

However, this is considered to be a net worth of tens of billions obtained through his own efforts. Xu Renshan is still a little excited, at least he can achieve 100 small goals without relying on his wife's support.

"It's such a happy event, would you like to treat me to a supper and congratulate me?"

Feeling that Xu Mutou was in a good mood, Li Yanfei smiled and made a request.

"Okay, I'll ask Zhuyuan to arrange a box for you. You can eat whatever you want tonight, and I'll count it on you."

Xu Renshan responded generously to this.

Treating guests is allowed, but he will not go in person, so as not to misunderstand his wife.

The cost is only a few hundred dollars. For this long-legged female classmate, Xu Renshan doesn't feel that this request is too much.

"Then thank you."

Even though she understood the subtext of the other party, Li Yanfei pretended not to know, and thanked her with a smile.

When the time comes, she will take the opportunity to call the other party and have a chat.

"Sister Li, what tens of billionaires are you?"

After the handsome guy left, Bao Jiahui, who knew what the female customer wanted, raised a topic on her own initiative.

Although she knew that handsome guy was worth a lot of money, as a competent personal trainer, Bao Jiahui never asked him about his specific occupation.

"Here, let me tell you."

Hearing about the topic with Xu Mutou, Li Yanfei enthusiastically popularized science with this female private teacher.

"Quack, quack."

was eating breakfast with his wife when Xu Renshan's mobile phone text message sounded.

I picked it up and saw that it was a text message that a sum of money had arrived.

"Yamming Company's previous profit dividends have arrived in the account."

After looking at the number in the text message, Xu Renshan smiled and said to his wife beside him.

The previous financing negotiations lasted more than a month. In addition to discussing the details of the financing amount, it was necessary to make statistics and summarization of the original funds of Yuming Company, especially the 500 million funds previously borrowed from Yuming Company's account. Investing in Jingxi Mall, there is more than one billion investment in balabala.

These are all high-quality assets, and Xu Renshan, who knows the prospects, will naturally not let Wakaka and Nongjiashanquan take advantage of them for nothing.

For this reason, Xu Renshan specially transferred cash from Yushan Fund to settle the two investment funds so as not to worry about the future.

Afterwards, except for the deposit of the franchise stores in Yuming Company's account, Xu Renshan directly distributed most of the profits to his own account, which amounted to nearly 200 million yuan.

Of course, taxes must be paid according to law.

After that, Xu Renshan will keep this part of the funds in the card for daily expenses.

As for what stocks to buy, Yushan Fund has more than 3 billion US dollars newly transferred from his wife, and there is no need to increase it for the time being.

"After this financing, the senior management of Yuming Company has doubled their value."

Didn't ask her husband how much money he got into the account, Shi Yuxuan asked another matter with a smile.

She knew that before the financing, her husband specially pre-sold options to the company's management, but the superficial value of all executives who bought options had at least doubled.

"Almost seven times the increase, I had previously made two plans"

After a simple calculation, Xu Renshan gave an approximate amount.

Before the financing, in addition to liquidating the loans invested in the two companies, Xu Renshan also conducted a round of option allocation, which is estimated at a valuation of 2 billion.

No way, Yuming Company has been established for too short a time, and no one knew that the financing came so fast and so swiftly.

Therefore, Xu Renshan specially asked many executives and middle managers to sign option allocation contracts, which can be regarded as giving money to everyone.

As long as many executives buy this option, after the financing is completed, their net worth will increase by nearly 7 times, which is definitely a lucrative deal.

However, also because Yuming Company has been established for a short time, some executives and middle managers don’t have much funds in their hands. Based on a valuation of 2 billion, many people can’t afford this amount.

In order to send money to the management, Xu Renshan, who has broken away from purely making money, upholds the principle that it is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. Under the guidance of professionals, he provides two options for everyone.

【The above content and the following content are pure conjectures, please don’t make mistakes, asking is the rule of the parallel world. 】

The first one is to get a bonus of 1-5 million yuan as an option replacement reward, and no longer enjoy option benefits in the future (after financing, few people can afford it anyway);

The second is to sign a secret document to guarantee the work contract within a few years. You can get the option authorization in advance, and wait until the company has been listed for one year, and then sell part of the stock to offset the initial purchase price of the option.

Of course, if a senior executive is fired due to work mistakes during this period, the authorization agreement will be automatically voided.

The first one is to get the bonus for sure, and you can directly buy a flat in Hangzhou.

If you choose the second option, there is another risk, that is, the company may not be listed, and the company will also promise to repurchase at the original price and pay the relevant interest of the bank's interest rate for the same period.

There is no doubt that among the two options Xu Renshan gave, all cadres above the middle level chose the second option.

Anyone who is not a fool knows that after financing, the company’s market value has increased several times, and with the joining of two giants in the bottled beverage industry, it is basically safe for Yuming Company to go public.

If the company is really listed, what is the first type of bonus? Everyone will become a billionaire directly.

Give it a go, turn a bicycle into a motorcycle, this word is not enough to describe the cost performance of the two options.

A more appropriate word should be, bear with it, the villa is by the sea.

"That's not bad."

After hearing her husband's answer, Shi Yuxuan nodded in affirmation.

My husband really gave money to the management of the company this time. Shi Yuxuan appreciates his attitude towards wealth.

In this life, people can't keep their eyes on those money, otherwise they will only be slaves of money.

It is also because of this that Shi Yuxuan can safely entrust all the funds in her hand to the other party.

"I'm going to the company to hold a meeting, and have lunch with representatives of Marvel and Paramount at noon, and Song Wei will bring you lunch later."

Knowing that his wife was going to the company to deal with some things today, Xu Renshan, who had a lot of things this morning, said apologetically.

As his wife's belly gradually grew, under Xu Renshan's compulsory request, her time in the company was reduced to two hours from 9:00 to 11:00 in the morning. And responsible for rest and entertainment at night.

Under normal circumstances, Xu Renshan would push back other trips and take charge of picking his wife home for lunch.

It's just that with the expansion of the company under his name, Xu Renshan occasionally has a few trips that are difficult to postpone, so he can only let Song Wei do it for him.

Just like this time, Xu Renshan had previously agreed to go the needle for the Huachen sisters, and contacted the producer of "The Avengers" through the SS Fund. The two companies immediately arranged for representatives to come to China to discuss specific cooperation matters.

"It's okay, just let Song Wei take me to the company later."

Regarding this, Shi Yuxuan understood her husband very well, and offered not to send it to the company today.

"No, I'll take you there in the morning."

Even though the schedule in the morning was tight, Xu Renshan still didn't save it.

The company has a meeting, and his boss postpones the start time of the meeting. Who dares to have any objections.

Compared with the itinerary to send my wife off, everything has to be delayed.

"All right."

Facing her husband's tough attitude, Shi Yuxuan smiled and nodded in agreement, her heart full of sweetness.

At 9:30 in the morning, after sending his wife to the company, Xu Renshan, who rushed to Yuming Company, came to the conference room, met a group of company executives, and started today's agenda.

(end of this chapter)