Chapter 385: no mind

Chapter 385 On Tracks Regardless of Mind

Because there is no Lunar New Year's Eve this year, the 29th of the Lunar New Year has become the New Year's Eve in previous years.

According to the local customs in Lizhou, New Year’s Eve will be held before the New Year’s Eve (give thanks to heaven and earth with tributes such as pigs, ducks and geese, and pray for good weather in the coming year). Then open the door at twelve o'clock in the evening and set off firecrackers for the New Year's Eve.

Of course, with the development of urbanization, these customs are prohibited from setting off fireworks and firecrackers, and gradually reduced to eating New Year’s Eve dinner and watching the Spring Festival Gala. Interested young couples will go to the cinema to contribute a movie ticket.

However, it will take three years before fireworks are banned in Lizhou City, and the Chinese New Year is still very lively now.

At least, Xu Renshan was woken up by the sound of firecrackers before he got up for a run.

"Good morning, wife."

When he opened his eyes, Xu Renshan, who was sleeping on his side, also saw his wife open his eyes, and said 'good morning' with a smile.

"Good morning, husband."

Reaching out to hug her husband's neck, Shi Yuxuan sent a morning greeting, and was ready to get up beautifully.

"How about, let's take a walk to the biscuit shop of the Paris merchant for breakfast."

Wife woke up, Xu Renshan naturally canceled today's morning jog, and planned to accompany him to have a hearty breakfast.

Originally, he rejected the old lady's breakfast invitation yesterday.

As far as the old sister’s cooking skills are concerned, it’s okay to cook Chinese food and dinner with her brother-in-law. In addition to cooking white rice porridge with salted duck eggs for breakfast, the rest of the scones and meat soup can only be said to be full.

It is rare to accompany my wife in my hometown in Lizhou, so naturally I have to arrange a rich and nutritious breakfast for my wife.


Shi Yuxuan was very satisfied with her husband's arrangement, picked up her phone and sent a message to Aunt Xue in the next room.

Half an hour later, at half past six in the morning, Xu Renshan held his wife's hand and walked along the curb to the Paris shopping street, which was one kilometer away.

From time to time, a few people walking on the road can hear a burst of firecrackers coming from a distance.

Apart from being lively, the only downside is that the sky in Lizhou is not so blue and the air quality is a little bit worse.

Everything in the world has pros and cons.

"The Chinese New Year here in Lizhou is quite lively. When I was in Hangzhou in previous years, I couldn't hear the sound of firecrackers."

It was the first time for Shi Yuxuan to celebrate the New Year in the county, but she felt very fresh.

Fireworks and firecrackers have been banned in Hangzhou many years ago, and the Chinese New Year season seems relatively deserted, with a little less flavor of the year.

In addition, in the past days, Shi Yuxuan was alone, but she didn't have much expectation for the New Year, which was no different from usual.

Now that she has a husband and a baby, Shi Yuxuan feels that every Chinese New Year is a very meaningful day.

"At night, let's set off fireworks together."

Holding his wife's hand, Xu Renshan passed on the warmth of his palm to comfort her for years of loneliness.

"it is good."

Hu Qingxue, who was following beside her, had long been used to the daily sweetness of the young couple, and she just enjoyed the scenery of the small county on her own.

One kilometer is not far away, and it only takes 20 minutes to walk slowly. The three of Xu Renshan soon walked to the famous century-old biscuits on the Paris shopping street, which can be regarded as an old shop that has been in business for many years.

In the open kitchen, there is an open platform between the cashier at the front desk and the back kitchen. You can see the making process of biscuits and freshly made food at a glance. In addition, the environment is fairly clean, and the self-service tableware is placed in the disinfection cabinet, which makes people look good. .

Song Wei, who was following beside her, had already parked the car in advance, holding the exclusive tableware brought from home.

There are hygiene concerns about pregnant moms that cannot be ignored.

"Two bowls of wontons, one bowl of white rice porridge, three pancakes, one salted duck egg, one meat dumpling, and one egg yolk dumpling."

Waiting for his wife and Aunt Xue to choose breakfast, Xu Renshan, who remembered it by heart, quickly ordered a bunch of food.

Song Wei, who was following, handed the tableware to the waiter, and explained in detail about changing the tableware, which made the waitress at the cash register take a few extra glances.

"This breakfast shop looks much neater than Qianlixiang last time."

Sitting on a solid wooden bench for two people, Shi Yuxuan, who had looked at the store environment, expressed her impressions.

“The houses on this street are all newly built, and the decoration is relatively new. This street was only developed in my first year of high school in Lizhou No. 1 Middle School.”

Speaking of the environment here, Xu Renshan couldn't help thinking of his high school career.

I still remember that because of the construction of the Paris shopping street, some students in the class suddenly changed from poor households to relocated households, and enjoyed the first batch of dividends from the skyrocketing housing prices in Lizhou City.

There is a good saying, birth is also a matter of luck.

Like a baby in a wife's womb, she was born with parents worth hundreds of billions of dollars, a sure winner in life.

"Really, husband, when you were in high school, did you bring girls here for breakfast?"

Placing one hand on her cheek, Shi Yuxuan asked with a smile on her face.

For Shi Yuxuan, the scenery of her husband in the first half of his life was the most beautiful scenery in her eyes.

"How is it possible, I never even touched a girl's hand in high school."

Subconsciously, he wanted to say that he didn't have this condition back then, but Xu Renshan turned his brains around and changed to a more secure statement.

Being unconditional to invite a girl to breakfast is completely different from not having an affair with a girl at all.

Although the world doesn't care about the heart, feelings are never justified.

I don't know why, but after his wife became pregnant, her mind suddenly became like that of a girl, which filled Xu Renshan with a sense of tension during a love affair.

Not to mention, he has never been in a relationship from elementary school to university, so he feels quite enjoyable.

Mature and sensual body and appearance coupled with pure and lovely girlish heart, it is simply .

"That's such a pity, it's all my fault that I didn't meet you sooner."

Holding her husband's hand, Shi Yuxuan was very satisfied with the other party's answer, with a happy smile on her face.

"Boss, everything is ready."

Within two minutes, Song Wei brought over a pile of breakfast, and then obediently retreated to the side seat.

While preparing her own breakfast, Song Wei always observed the surrounding situation, never relaxing because of the lack of people, and was full of vigilance.

As a bodyguard, she is professional.

On the contrary, the young waitress behind the cash register felt an inexplicable pressure when she saw the posture of the group of four people.

Perhaps, this is the posture of the so-called wealthy family. It was the first time she had seen a breakfast with bodyguards and even tableware after working for so long.

If it wasn't for the appearance of this suspected female bodyguard, the waitress would have wanted to take out her mobile phone and take a picture of the fairy combination of handsome men and beautiful women.

That handsome pot is so handsome, isn’t it?

"Honey, this is for you."

Taking advantage of her husband's unpreparedness, Shi Yuxuan took a small bite of the zongzi, and Shi Yuxuan didn't eat any more.

Although some foods are delicious, Shi Yuxuan is still very restrained for the sake of the baby's health.

As for the act of feeding my husband, it’s really just a daily hobby.


After eating a mouthful of zongzi, Xu Renshan turned a blind eye to his wife and little girl's stealing, and just put his own zongzi aside.

Glutinous rice is not suitable for pregnant women.

"I want to have a bite of porridge."

After feeding her husband a mouthful of rice dumpling, Shi Yuxuan blinked her eyes as she looked at the porridge in front of her.

"it is good."

After listening to his wife's request, Xu Renshan had nothing to do.

After spooning a spoonful of white porridge, Xu Renshan added half a fingernail-sized salted duck egg white to the porridge under the eager eyes of his wife.

Regarding foods that are not good for the body, he can let his wife steal a bite occasionally, but he does not allow the other party to eat too much, which affects the body.

"Thanks husband."

After taking a bite of porridge, Shi Yuxuan smiled and thanked her.

"You're welcome."

After eating breakfast for half an hour, Xu Renshan helped his wife go for a walk by the river to digest food as usual.

"Wow, it's snowing."

After walking a few steps, a burst of white snow fell from the sky, Shi Yuxuan cried out in surprise, and reached out to catch a snowflake.

"I didn't expect the weather forecast to be quite accurate."

Thinking of seeing the weather forecast with snow this morning, Xu Renshan wasn't too surprised.

Snow has been seen a lot since I was a child, and I am used to it.

However, seeing his wife's high spirits, Xu Renshan casually talked about the snow scene that was more impressive when he was young, with the scattered snowflakes in the forest, it has a special taste.

Walking along the sidewalk by the river for a short distance, a few people met a large group of people walking in front, mighty and powerful.

Originally, Xu Renshan was going to avoid the group of people, but unexpectedly, a voice from the crowd stopped him.

"President Xu, what a coincidence."

Ying Linze, who accompanied his father to Lizhou to learn Buddhist scriptures, ran over excitedly to say hello when he saw the mysterious rich man last night.

"Mr. Ying, what are you?"

Seeing Ying Linze, who was a little out of spirit, come over, Xu Renshan was a little curious about how such a big battle happened so early in the morning.

"The river control in Lizhou has achieved good results in the past two years. My dad brought their team here to learn from it."

Waved his hand, Ying Linze, who was arrested early in the morning, was a little helpless, his eyes fell on the beautiful wife next to him, and he didn't stop at all.

Drained his waist last night, he didn't have any feelings for any beautiful woman, let alone the wife of a mysterious rich man.

"Why were you pulled over?"

Hearing that it was the work of the other party's father, Xu Renshan asked with some doubts.

"This is not when Lizhou used to control the river, so many big companies donated. My old man also wanted to follow the example in Wuyi, so he brought me along."

"The water quality in your Wuyi area should be good. Do you need to mobilize so many people?"

Raising his eyebrows, Xu Renshan remembered that the water quality in Wuyi was much better than that in Lizhou, where there are many factories.

It is also thanks to Lizhou’s efforts to control the river in recent years. Otherwise, the water quality in the past few years is really unsatisfactory, especially in summer.

"In the past two years, Wuyi's industrial area has increased a lot, and the water quality in some areas has deteriorated, because tax incentives have not increased much income."


"President Xu, I won't disturb you and your wife's pleasure."

Seeing that the mysterious rich man didn't want to talk more, Ying Linze didn't say much, and left without saying a word, catching up with the team where his father was.

"Husband, was the water quality of the Lizhou River very poor in the past?"

When the young man left, Shi Yuxuan asked curiously.

"Well, I didn't pay much attention to sewage discharge before. The water quality of Lizhou River is very poor. Especially in this section of the river, the First People's Hospital is still on the edge of Nanlong Square, and the waste water is directly discharged into the river."

"Who was that person just now?"

Taking time to take a sip of water, Ying Qifeng asked his son who was not active next to him.

Calling my son over today is also to let him show his face in front of the team members.

In this position, Ying Qifeng is neither greedy nor possessive, but he doesn't have much selfishness. He concentrates on doing practical things, is open and frank, and is not afraid of what others will say.

"It's the boss of Yuming Company I was talking about."

Hearing the old man's question, Ying Lin Ze gave a simple answer.

"It's him, why don't people here in Lizhou know him?"

Unexpectedly raised his eyebrows, Ying Qifeng was a little surprised.

Logically speaking, with the other party's status, it is impossible for a local leader in Lizhou not to know him.

There are not many big entrepreneurs with a market value of tens of billions in Lizhou, but when they met each other just now, none of the Lizhou team members came forward to say hello.

"How do I know this, but Yang Da said Mr. Xu is very low-key."


Regarding his son's answer, Ying Qifeng nodded noncommittally and did not continue to ask.

After walking back home to rest for a while, Xu Renshan heard a knock on the door, and before he opened the door, he heard the voices of two little guys.

"Uncle, aunt, open the door."


Opening the door, Xu Renshan saw the elder sister standing at the door with two little guys, and the brother-in-law in the urban management brigade had already gone back to work.

Talking about today's arrangements at dinner yesterday, Xu Renshan mentioned that he was going to the cinema to watch a movie. The two little guys clamored to go with him, so he specially booked three movie tickets for the same time period.

The two little guys who have just entered kindergarten must not understand "Charlotte's Annoyance". Watching cartoons is their best choice, and the old sister naturally follows and watches.

"Uncle, are we leaving?"

After eating some snacks in the living room, Lele asked impatiently.

They can’t go to the cinema several times a year, but they are very much looking forward to today’s itinerary, as well as the crispy popcorn exclusive to the cinema.

"Okay, we can go."

Looking at his wife who came out of the bedroom, Xu Renshan stroked Lele's hair and said.

"Okay. Aunt, Aunt, let me help you."

Clapped her hands, and seeing her aunt with a big belly, Lele obediently ran over to help her, and Xuanxuan followed her example to support her aunt's other hand.

Because it was New Year's Eve, the time for the first movie in the cinema was moved up from the usual ten o'clock to nine o'clock.

It was still early, but there were quite a few people waiting in the cinema hall, mainly young people, many of whom were middle and high school students.

Seeing this phenomenon, Xu Renshan couldn't help but feel a little worried about the box office of the first movie produced by his company.

"Charlotte's Annoyance" is a rebirth time travel comedy, mainly aimed at young people in the post-70s, post-80s and early 90s, and it is also the group with the strongest consumption power at present.

However, if these people don’t go to the cinema to consume, they will be blind.

Young children are more happy, well, this group of middle and high school students should not be so childish.

"Are there no discounts for movie tickets here?"

After checking that the ticket prices displayed on the screen were all original prices, Shi Yuxuan, who was holding popcorn, asked curiously.

When she and her husband went to see movies in Hangzhou, the ticket price was 40% or 50% off, and it started with 20% off. If it was more expensive, the audience would be pushed to other cinemas.

With the original ticket price, there are still so many people watching? ? ? ! !

(end of this chapter)