Chapter 386: New Year's Eve Surprise

Chapter 386 Surprise on New Year's Eve

"There's no way. Apart from the old movie theaters in Lizhou with a relatively poor environment, the new movie theater is Wanfu, and everyone has no choice."

Speaking of this issue, Xu Renshan, who knew some inside information, had to admire the boss behind Wanfu Cinema.

He seems to remember that in the past two years, other people invested in movie theaters, but they were stranded due to various reasons, making Wanfu Cinema the only one in Lizhou.

The high ticket price makes many people prefer to drive more than 20 kilometers to a movie theater in a certain town in Wuyi.

Until five years later, there will be no new movie theaters in Lizhou City. The original price movie tickets during the holidays these years have made Wanfu boss a lot of money.

Thinking of the strange phenomenon in Lizhou, Xu Renshan subconsciously watched the schedule of "Charlotte Annoyance". There were about 15 screenings a day, which was the most scheduled movie of the day.

Even though the ticket price is the original price of 60 yuan, but after 1:00 p.m., many of the shows have been marked with the sign of 'full', which made Xu Renshan nodded in satisfaction.

"There are quite a few people watching "Charlotte Annoyance"."

Also noticed the content displayed on the screen, Shi Yuxuan sighed proudly.

The movie produced by her husband's company is not much different from her affairs, so Shi Yuxuan is naturally very concerned.

"not bad."

Nodded, Xu Renshan, who had expected it, expressed his affirmation plainly.

"What is the company's internal estimated box office?"

Put a piece of popcorn to her husband's mouth, Shi Yuxuan thought of a question, and asked it casually.

"Two hundred million."

Speaking of this number, Xu Renshan felt a little bit sad.

In the impression of Xu Renshan's previous life, the original movie had to be released three years later, and the box office exceeded 1 billion, which is a classic case of small things and big things.

However, compared with this year’s Spring Festival, the domestic film market in three years’ time will be much bigger than it is now. Movie ticket prices are becoming more accessible to the people. Many young people have also developed the habit of going to the cinema during holidays.

At this point in time, it is definitely impossible to replicate the glory of the original movie.

Qinguo Entertainment’s internal expectation for this film is 200 million box office, and the box office return can almost reach 100%.

The only good news is that this year's Spring Festival, the competition for other blockbuster movies is not too great.

The great magician has been unable to continue, and Sherlock Holmes 2, Mission: Impossible 4, Joyful, and Rebellion are a little bit stronger. The most popular Mission: Impossible 4 is delayed until the sixth day of the new year. It is still mainly made in 3D. There is no direct conflict in Lotter's Annoyance.

These factors are also the reason why Qingguo Entertainment dared to put the first movie in this Spring Festival.

However, Qingguo Entertainment's biggest reliance today may be the Meimei movie that has just been launched on the

Originally, Meimei Films was going to be launched in February, but with the intervention of Xu Renshan, it was launched half a month earlier, connecting 6,000 screens in nearly 25 domestic theaters, accounting for 60% of the entire market.

The first project of Meimei Movies after its launch is to subsidize ticket buyers of "Charlotte Annoyance". In the first phase, 5.2 million yuan was prepared to subsidize 200,000 movie tickets. The price has dropped to 9.9 yuan per ticket.

Almost within six hours of the official launch of Meimei Movie, 100,000 movie tickets were booked out.

For this reason, Qingguo Entertainment and the Huachen sisters of the distributor added an additional 6.4 million yuan and subsidized 400,000 movie tickets. The original price of 36 yuan with a 40% discount was directly reduced to 19.9 yuan per ticket.

As the beneficiary, Meimei Movies also gave a symbolic subsidy of 1 million, which can be regarded as support for the first major customer Qingguo Entertainment.

This is an aboveboard business practice, definitely not a box office hit.

"It's only 200 million, is it too low?"

Hearing her husband's answer, Shi Yuxuan felt that the goal was too low.

With the standard of 200 million, it is difficult to win the box office champion of the Spring Festival stalls.

In her opinion, the first movie produced by Qingguo Entertainment will definitely be a big success, and it must be the box office champion no matter what.

"The total box office of the Spring Festival last year was only more than 300 million yuan. The company's forecast is relatively conservative. My own prediction is about 400 million yuan."

Smiled, Xu Renshan wasn't entangled in this issue, and time will tell.

"That's more or less."

Regarding her husband's private expectations, Shi Yuxuan did not have any doubts, and her eyes were full of trust.

"Uncle, aunt, let's go in first."

Soon, when it was time to check the tickets for the animated film, Lele and Xuanxuan held their mother's hand, and each held a small bucket of popcorn, waving to their uncle.


Waving with the two little guys, Xu Renshan waited with his wife in the corner of the spacious hall.

It wasn't until there was no one at the ticket gate for the show they bought that Xu Renshan helped his wife into the ticket gate and entered Hall 6.

At this time, more than half of the more than 80 seats in Hall 6 were occupied, and many of them were boys and girls in their teens, which exceeded Xu Renshan's expectations.

It is estimated that most of these young people are attracted by the funny trailer, or they don’t have many other choices.

Soon, Xu Renshan walked to the middle of the lovers seat at the back and sat down, while Hu Qingxue and Song Wei sat in the front row.

Originally, Xu Renshan wanted to buy a seat in the VIP hall, but was rejected by Shi Yuxuan on the grounds that there were no lovers seats in the VIP hall.

If she just wants to watch a movie, of course Shi Yuxuan will not be reluctant to pay for the movie theater. She just wants to enjoy the feeling of an ordinary lover with her husband.

Not long after they sat down, the movie opened. Shi Yuxuan hugged her husband's arm, immersed in the plot of the movie.

At the same time, the Twist Happy Team, the main creator of "Charlotte Annoyance", also started its first road show at the Shanghai Metropolitan Theater, including Zhang Yunhan, the second female lead who played the school belle Qiuya.

"Hahaha, the waiter even bumped his shirt."

"Did you make a mistake? I thought it was a dream."

"If I go back to high school, I will definitely be better than him."

"This school belle looks familiar."

"This mother is really weird, and the principal is miserable."

"My district chief dad?"

"Yuan Hua is so pitiful."

"Niubi, Sister Na and Brother Huan have invited real people, how much will it cost?"

Compared to the original movie, this "Charlotte Annoyance" produced by Qingguo Entertainment has corrected many bugs. For example, the big stars mentioned in it are all guest appearances by real people.

There are also some plots about the school girl Qiuya, in which the content that has nothing to do with comedy has been appropriately modified, only showing her admiration for the hero's talent, and her disappointment with the self-defeating Charlotte later, which is not as unbearable as in the original version. .

After all, Zhang Yunhan is the leading star of Qingguo Entertainment, the image must not be too bad, and the plot in the original version is not very beneficial to the box office.

By the way, it can also repair the three views of the whole show.

"Don't be nervous, the audience's reaction is not bad."

Li Zhenhui, who was sitting next to Zhang Yunhan, smiled and comforted him.

From the laughter of the audience around her, she could hear that the first comedy film that their editorial department focused on creating was initially successful.

Although this idea came from a certain mysterious boss and Twist Happy team, their editorial department contributed a lot to the final script formation.

"Well, I feel good too."

Nodding her head, Zhang Yunhan replied with a smile.

Since joining Qingguo Entertainment, this is the first movie she has acted in, and it is also the first movie in her life.

Even though she is only the second female lead, she still has a lot of roles. Zhang Yunhan still attaches great importance to her big screen debut, so why not be nervous.

A female artist who can gain a firm foothold on the big screen is definitely many times stronger than a simple popular actress in TV dramas.


The movie screening ended, the lights of the grand theater were turned on, and there was a burst of warm applause.

The audience present until the film's main creative team was present at the road show, and they gave their applause very cooperatively, with a residual smile on their faces.

This movie did exceed their expectations, and it is reasonable to give some warm applause.

“. Next, please invite our creative team.”

Introduced by the hostess of Shanghai Satellite TV, the main creative team of the film took the stage and started the routine audience interaction ceremony.

Although the Twist Happy team is considered a newcomer in the film industry, with the cooperation of the personnel arranged by the company, the debut road show was very successful.

At 11:30 in the morning, after the first scene of "Charlotte Annoyance" ended, many well-known artists expressed their praise for the movie on Weibo, calling on fans to watch the movie.

Liu Fei, who is not low in popularity, even made a photo of herself watching movies with fans into a nine-square grid, and sent it to the accounts of two WeChat accounts, showing sincerity in helping to promote it.

As many artists under Qingguo Entertainment and Huachen Sisters, they not only promote on Weibo, but also invite friends in Weiwei Moments to promote box office for newly released movies.

The first batch of viewers who finished watching the movie also posted pictures in Moments, praising the novel experience of "Charlotte Annoyance".

Especially Zhang Yunhan, who came back for more than half a year, exploded in popularity after the broadcast of "Star". Even though she is the second female lead, she added a lot of color to the movie, and many viewers shouted that it was worth the ticket price.

The staff of Qingguo Entertainment even activated various preparatory resources to carry out a new wave of publicity for the movie.

Suddenly, public opinion on the Internet began to gradually ferment, and the first outbreak began.

"This movie is so good, I almost made my stomach hurt from laughing."

Walking out of the theater holding her husband's hand, Shi Yuxuan smiled and talked about her movie-watching experience.

The favorable comments from the surrounding crowd also made her feel that the first movie produced by her husband's company was very good.

"That's not okay, if you hurt from laughing, wouldn't the baby hurt too."

After hearing what his wife said, Xu Renshan looked at the other's stomach with some concern.

"Why, you only care about the baby?"

With a twist of her mouth, Shi Yuxuan looked at her husband with misty eyes.

"I'm just worried that the baby will move around in pain and kick my wife, that's terrible."

Touched his wife's belly, Xu Renshan said righteously.


Didn't agree with her husband's words, Shi Yuxuan pretended to be angry and walked out, but still enjoyed her husband's considerate protection.

Because it was approaching noon, the number of people in the cinema more than doubled from before, which seemed a bit crowded. Xu Renshan and Song Wei carefully separated the surrounding crowd.

Because the show had just ended, there were a bunch of spectators preparing to leave at the entrances of the two elevators. Many young people were already waiting and walked down the stairs of the safe passage.

"Uncle, Aunt, we are here."

Lele, who was watching other people holding dolls in the play area, suddenly saw the uncle and others walking over, and waved excitedly.

"Lele, Xuanxuan, are you hungry?"

Looking at the two cute little guys, Shi Yuxuan was in a good mood and asked with a smile.

"Not hungry."

Lele and Xuanxuan, who ate a small bucket of popcorn while watching a movie, shook their heads in unison, and unconsciously looked at the row of crane machines next to them.

Compared to rag dolls, they don't feel hungry at all.

"Do you want uncle to help you catch a few dolls?"

Knowing what the two little guys were thinking, Xu Renshan asked.

Anyway, there won’t be fewer people at the elevator entrance for a while, so it’s better to stay in a place where there are not many people, and leave after the people at the elevator exit are less.

"Okay, okay."

"Uncle is awesome."

Hearing what my uncle said, Lele and Xuanxuan, who had said their heart wish, cheered happily.

Seeing this, Xu Jiaoqian just shook her head helplessly and said a few words to her younger brother.

It's a big holiday, there's no need to teach the children outside, and occasionally let them relax. Xu Jiaoqian is not as simple and rude as some families when it comes to educating children.

"Exchange me 100 coins."

After changing 100 coins from the counter, Xu Renshan handed over half of them to his wife who was eager to try. The two chose two claw machines together, and started the great business of holding dolls.

The claw machine here is only 2 coins at a time, and 100 coins will definitely succeed several times.

20 minutes later, Lele and Xuanxuan happily walked out of the cinema with two dolls in their arms.

In addition, Xu Jiaoqian was holding two dolls.

A few people spent 100 coins, caught 50 times, and only caught six dolls. The luck is average.

The luck and character of the reborn have to kneel in front of the unshakable claw machine.

"Uncle, where shall we go for lunch?"

Looking at the snowflakes floating in the sky, finally feeling hungry, Lele raised her head and asked the uncle next to her.

"We went to eat at the Mingzhu Hotel next door. Uncle ordered a plate of your favorite garlic prawns."

"Thank you uncle."

"Uncle, what about me?"

Hearing that there is a dish that my sister likes to eat, Xuanxuan Lima, not to be outdone, pulled his uncle's clothes and asked.

"Xuanxuan's favorite duck tongue, I ordered two dishes for you."

"Thank you uncle."

Amidst the noise of the two little guys playing, a group of people walked in the snow without taking a car.

It has been snowing for a long time, and the roofs of some cars parked on the side of the road have already accumulated a lot of snow, but the road is still clean.

However, with Shi Yuxuan, a pregnant woman, and two children present, Xu Renshan and the others were also cautious. It took five minutes to walk to the Pearl Hotel 300 meters away.

Because of New Year's Eve, the lunch business at Pearl Hotel is very good, people come and go, and the parking lot on the ground is also full.

If Xu Renshan hadn't booked a box a few days in advance, it might not be possible to have a seat.

Originally, Xu Renshan wanted to have the New Year's Eve dinner at the Lizhou Hotel, but was rejected by the elder sister.

In Xu Jiaoqian's words, the sister-in-law had to be at home for the first time to have a New Year's Eve dinner in her hometown, otherwise it would appear that the Xu family didn't respect her very much.

In this regard, Xu Renshan, who doesn't need to cook, has no objection, and took the initiative to buy several big dishes. Boss Jiang from Lixiao Farm has already sent several local products over.

"Yuxuan, Aunt Xue, Xiaoshan, remember to come over for dinner early."

After a sumptuous lunch, Xu Jiaoqian, who was about to drive the two little ones home, did not forget to say hello to her sister-in-law.


Waved his hand, Shi Yuxuan responded with a smile.

It was already 1:30 in the afternoon, and there was no place to go. Xu Renshan accompanied his wife home to rest, and then he was going to have a New Year's Eve dinner at his elder sister's house.

One day on New Year's Eve flies by quite quickly.

"Renshan, it's already old age, why are you still so busy?"

During dinner, Xu Jiaoqian, who saw her younger brother busy answering the phone, asked suspiciously.

In just one short meal, she saw her brother go to the next room and answer several calls.

"This is not the first movie produced by the company. It just came out. There are a little more things going on."

After hearing the elder sister's question, Xu Renshan found an excuse to prevaricate it.

"Movie? Which one?"

Froze for a moment, Xu Jiaoqian asked in astonishment.

Brother’s Yuming Company doesn’t make tea drinks, so it has something to do with movies.

"It's "Charlotte Annoyance" that Yuxuan and I watched. Before that, I invested in an entertainment company, and the first movie just came out."

Speaking of this, Xu Renshan's expression was very calm.

Yuming Company, which is valued at tens of billions, revealed to the elder sister that it is just a film and television company, so there is no fuss.

"Is "Charlotte Annoyance" produced by your company? I saw a lot of comments in the circle of friends, and I feel very popular. Your brother-in-law and I will go to see it tomorrow and contribute some box office to you."

His eyes widened for a moment, and Xu Jiaoqian, who came back to her senses, immediately set a schedule for tomorrow.

When the time comes, hand over the two babies to the parents-in-law. She just enjoys the rare two-person world with her husband. By the way, watch this comedy movie that is said to be pretty good.

"Thank you."

After hearing what the elder sister said, Xu Renshan smiled and thanked her.

"Sister, then let's take Lele and Xuanxuan out to play."

Regarding the matter of raising a child, Shi Yuxuan, who is about to become a mother, was very active and took the initiative to talk about it.

In her eyes, Lele and Xuanxuan are cute and sensible, and they are not tiring at all.

"Okay, okay, I want to play with my uncle and aunt."

Originally, she wanted to say that her father-in-law and the others would take it, but Xu Jiaoqian looked at the two little guys who were shouting excitedly, and changed her words with a smile: "Then I will trouble you tomorrow."

"No trouble."

"Husband, where are we going to set off the fireworks?"

After dinner, Shi Yuxuan came out of her sister's house, and Shi Yuxuan excitedly asked about the future arrangements.

"It's still early, I'll tell you later."

Regarding this question, Xu Renshan smiled mysteriously.

(end of this chapter)