Chapter 428: imperfect lover

Chapter 428 The Imperfect Lover

Zong Xiaoyu, who has been in business for many years, knows very well that in the future, her bar will have to cooperate more with this manager Tang, and naturally she will not let the other party lose her position because of her own mistakes.

If the other party is really dismissed because of this, then the other party's successor will not have too much cooperation with her Teng Shu Bar.

Since last Monday Beijing TV station started to promote the primary election of "Creation 99", Tengshu Bar was full from day to night, and Zong Xiaoyu, who had never experienced such an experience, was in full bloom.

Especially after the start of the primary election, the few auditorium seats in the bar during the day except for the rest of the contestants, all of them have been sold at sky-high prices, not much worse than those concert tickets.

Such a grand occasion, once the opportunity is missed, there will be no next time.

After all, her blue-faced confidant can get through the relationship at the beginning, and she has to rely on herself to maintain the relationship later.

Unreasonably wasting the favor that Shangguan Mingli begged for from the young rich man, but it will consume the goodwill of the blue-faced confidant.

In the final analysis, Lan Yan's confidant is her greatest confidence, and Zong Xiaoyu can still figure out which is more important.

"It seems that Manager Tang is not lacking in ability."

Ni Shuyan sat back in the back seat of the Rolls-Royce, drank the MC coffee he bought earlier, looked at the team that quickly dispersed outside, and commented on the ability of Manager Tang with a smile.

“Sometimes thinking too much is not a good thing.”

Seeing the original waitresses in several bars and a number of staff members give small gifts to the participating girls who lined up, Xu Renshan looked at the dense crowd scattered like birds and beasts, and made a comment.

Of course he wouldn't think that the manager of the branch company was a dead man, but the other party knew that General Manager Li of the head office was in the capital and would come over to inspect at any time, but he still didn't implement the company's previous preliminary selection plan well, so he guessed that there was something wrong with it. .

The biggest change factor is undoubtedly the female owner of the bar.

Only the personal relationship with his behind-the-scenes boss can make that manager Tang so bold.

"Let's go, you, the chairman, also need to be able to pull a boat in the emperor's belly."

Seeing that the team outside had completely dispersed, Ni Shuyan took the initiative to persuade his junior.

She knew about the family relationship behind Manager Tang. If Qingguo Entertainment really kicked him out, it would add unnecessary trouble.

Of course, the background of the manager of the Beijing branch is a necessary procedure, and the chairman of the company should also know the background of the other party.


Hearing the meaning in what the senior sister said, Xu Renshan didn't take this matter to heart.

What he did just now can be regarded as a demonstration of his majesty as the chairman in front of the employees of the Beijing branch. In the future, there will be no situation where the company only knows the general manager but not the chairman.

To be kind to grassroots employees is the basis for protecting the sound development of the entire company; to middle-level and above personnel, both grace and kindness can be given to them to ensure the good operation of the company.


After the crowd was evacuated, Manager Tang, who had been waiting at the door of the bar, saw the young chairman approaching, and shouted nervously.

Although his background looks bluffing, his family knows his family affairs. He is just a distant branch of the Tang family and has nothing to do with the high-level person.

The future of the workplace has to be worked out by his own hands.

The position of the manager of Qingguo Entertainment's Beijing branch is definitely an excellent springboard. If he can perform well, he may not have the opportunity to work in the head office in the future.

Even if you can't get into the head office, it's still a good resume, and you can take a step up in any entertainment company you switch to in the future.


Nodding flatly, Xu Renshan led his senior sister into the bar.

At this time, the bar was already full of contestants whose turn it was this morning.

The distribution of the main locations of Teng Shu Bar is similar to when he came here in the first month, but the layout of the stage has changed a lot.

After spending a lot of money on renovation, the original small stage in the bar has been upgraded to a more professional singing stage, whether it is the sound or the stage.

At this time, the four judges were sitting on a row of tables in front of the stage, and a young and beautiful girl in a sleeveless vest and short skirt was singing and dancing there.

On the stage, the figure with a slender waist was particularly eye-catching, and the slightly out-of-tune sound was recorded by the radio equipment on the stage and reached the ears of every audience on the scene.

A moment later, two of the four judges held up the pass sign.

According to the rules of the primary election, three rounds of screening will be carried out, and based on the comprehensive scores of the players in each competition area, the 99 idols who will enter the final stage of recording and broadcasting will be obtained.

The first round of primary selection is very simple. As long as two or more judges pass by with their cards, they can enter the second round of primary selection, and then the third round of the top eleven in each competition area.

"Thank you, the four judges."

Seeing that she was qualified to enter the second round of the primary election, the girl in the vest who was a little nervous singing before bowed down to thank her, with excited smiles on her brows and eyes.

"The quality of this girl is good."

Sitting in a booth with a good view, Ni Shuyan, who watched a small half of the performance, commented.

"It's not bad."

Regarding this point, Xu Renshan expressed his approval and was also satisfied with the professional attitude of the four judges.

The four judges for the preliminary selection in each competition area are composed of a senior musician, a senior critic, a senior entertainment media person, and a local senior host. The changes have covered most of the influence of the music circle.

Qingguo Entertainment invested at least 20 million yuan in the invitation of the primary selection judges in the nine competition areas alone.

In addition, the staff of Qingguo Entertainment and CCTV Music Channel will also supervise behind the scenes to ensure the fairness and justice of the primary election.

Judging from the current results, the expense of inviting the judges is still worthwhile.

Anyway, a large part of this cost can be recovered from the recording and live broadcast copyright fees of the nine local stations, including the sponsorship fees of some local companies.

Music talent shows have indeed declined in recent years, but for local TV stations, talent shows with huge investment are also a hot spot to increase ratings, and some companies that want to expand promotion channels in the field of young people will also donate generously.

"Xu Xiaodi, Director Ni, please drink juice."

While the two were sitting and chatting, Zong Xiaoyu, who was wearing a long black dress, came over with the juice in person.

"Miss Xiaoyu, just ask the waiter to bring this kind of thing over."

Meeting the bar proprietress face to face, Xu Renshan was very polite in face.

"I made little brother Xu laugh. I can't blame Manager Tang for the queuing outside. It was I who let people release the news. I want to gather more popularity for the bar."

After sitting down, Zong Xiaoyu smoothed the long hair next to his ear with his right hand, and explained the previous matter with some embarrassment.

Since she promised to excuse that manager Tang, she will naturally not break her promise.

She believes that the young rich man will definitely not care about such a small matter, just pay more attention next time, and don't be too impatient.

In the past, her mentality was somewhat Buddhist, but after feeling rich, Zong Xiaoyu felt that it was still necessary to maintain proper financial freedom.

Since she wants to make money, she has to study more in the mall.

"Miss Xiaoyu is too polite. If I knew this, I would ask Manager Tang to change the way."

Hearing the other party's direct apology, Xu Renshan revealed the matter with a smile.

To be honest, he put the show's primary selection venue in this Tengshu Bar, which is considered a great deal of face to that Shangguan brother. The venues of the other eight major competition areas are all located in well-equipped TV studios or provide free venues and Large shopping mall for equipment.

It was only the first day of the primary election, and this unpleasant incident happened. Xu Renshan lightly revealed it and did not mention it, and he had already given the other party enough face.

"No, no, your company's rules and regulations are more important."

In this regard, Zong Xiaoyu naturally will not make progress, and no longer waste Shangguan's sensible favor.

"Does Boss Zong only run this bar?"

After taking a sip of the juice, Ni Shuyan changed the subject and asked about the other party's business.

Although the younger brother didn't say it clearly, she learned from some sources that the other party has an extraordinary relationship with someone from the third generation of Shangguan's family. There are still some small stories circulating in the small circle in the capital.

Compared to the Shangguan family with a deep foundation in the capital, their Ni family's influence in the center is obviously much smaller, and more is in the south.

"Yes, I don't have enough business ability, so I can maintain the business of this bar, which is already very good. In the future, if Director Ni can take care of one or two, then I will be very grateful."

Smiling and admitting that her abilities are limited, Zong Xiaoyu is quite satisfied with the status quo.

Now the bar has a daily net income of tens of thousands, and there are several million funds that have grown steadily. To a certain extent, basic financial freedom has been achieved.

Of course, in terms of maintaining the bar business, the more channels she has for cooperation, the better.

"No problem, if there is a program group that needs to be interviewed, I will definitely arrange Teng Shu Bar."

Nodding his head, Ni Shuyan agreed with certainty.

Not long after, General Manager Li Husu also rushed over to check the situation on the first day of the primary election. He wanted to explain to the boss the arrangement of Manager Tang of the Beijing branch, but the boss changed the topic.

Knowing that this matter was temporarily put aside, Li Husu didn't say much.

"Brother Xu, Mingli and I will host lunch today, don't refuse."

When it was almost noon, Zong Xiaoyu walked up to the young rich man and talked about the lunch arrangements with a smile.

"Okay, let Director Ni join us."

Xu Renshan, who was going to have dinner with his senior sister, heard this, so he took advantage of the opportunity to call out to her senior sister.

Shangguan Mingli's face is always given. In addition, he can also take the opportunity to let the senior sister get on the line with the other party.

In the area of ​​the capital, although the senior sister is taken care of, but if there is more relationship, it is also an extra road.

"It is of course my honor that Director Ni is willing to appreciate the honor."

After hearing what the young rich man said, Zong Xiaoyu said with a little joy.

Being able to deepen her relationship with the director of the CCTV music channel is of great benefit to her.

"Then I will bother you."

Restraining the charming eyes that wanted to aim at the junior, Ni Shuyan thanked him generously.

At 11:40, when he got out of the car with his senior sister and walked towards the courtyard, Xu Renshan was once again impressed by the prosperity of the private kitchen culture of courtyards in the capital. Haven't read a single one.

"Brother Mingli."

Seeing somewhere in Shangguan who was wearing black suit trousers and a white shirt top, Xu Renshan greeted with a smile, and introduced the senior beside him by the way: "This is my senior, Ni Shuyan, the current director of the music channel."

"Brother Shangguan, hello."

Ni Shuyan's attitude towards the leader of the three generations of the Shangguan family who has been famous for a long time but is the first time he has met, is also generous, without any stage fright.

"Ni Xiaomei, it's a pleasure to meet you. I just met Uncle Ni yesterday, and I mentioned Xiaomei during the meeting, but I didn't expect to meet today."

Smiling and nodding to the other party, Shangguan Mingli talked about the uncle of the Ni family who was in charge of a certain department, and his words were very polite.

Noticing the attitude of Lan Yan's confidant, Zong Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows, and he paid more attention to Director Ni in his heart.

When their bar was in contact with Qingguo Entertainment, Zong Xiaoyu only had a quick glance at the young and beautiful director Ni, and didn't have much contact with him, nor did he mention it to Shangguan Mingli.

"My uncle also praised Brother Shangguan in the market, saying that you are a role model for our generation."

"Hahaha, Uncle Ni is too much."

We are all smart people, we got to know each other very quickly, and the atmosphere at lunch was very harmonious.

After lunch, Shangguan Mingli specially invited Xu Xiaodi to drink tea in the nearby tea room, leaving the two women chatting.

"Ren Shan, I'm sorry for the matter of Xiao Yu."

Hearing Zong Xiaoyu talk about what happened in the morning, Shangguan Mingli expressed his thanks.

Although his confidante was well-educated and reasonable, she didn't think enough about how to deal with people in the mall.

No one is perfect, Shangguan Mingli naturally won't feel troubled by this matter, he likes the imperfect Zong Xiaoyu, and he will accept the other party's imperfections.

Sometimes, when my woman gets into trouble and the man takes the initiative to solve it, it may not be without a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"Brother Mingli's words are too polite."

After taking a sip of tea, Xu Renshan wanted to ask about the other party's marriage next Sunday, but thinking of the boss lady outside, he forcibly endured it and went back.

On the contrary, Shangguan Mingli took the initiative to bring up this issue and invited him: "Next Sunday, my wedding, you must not be absent."

"Okay, Yuxuan is inconvenient, I will definitely be there."

To this, Xu Renshan replied affirmatively.

Days are going on in an orderly manner. On the first Monday in March, "Charlotte Annoyance" was released after 43 days of release, and the total box office was finally fixed at 588 million.

Originally, General Manager Li proposed to increase part of the ticket subsidy to impact the box office of 600 million, but Xu Renshan vetoed it.

This is only Qingguo Entertainment's first independently produced movie, but it won't be the highest-grossing one. The 600 million label earned by own money is meaningless.

What's more, Xu Renshan knows that starting next year, the box office of domestic movies will usher in a boom period, especially the Star Master's Journey to the West at the beginning of next year.

In the future, their Qingguo Entertainment movies will have a distance of more than one billion, two billion or even four or five billion, and 600 million is nothing.

"How are the primary elections in several divisions?"

Sitting in the conference room, Xu Renshan, who rarely attended the weekly regular meeting of Qingguo Entertainment, asked General Manager Li next to him.

Other high-level executives are responsible for the rest of the projects. When General Manager Li was in charge of the company's overall situation, he also took the initiative to take over the main business of "Creation 99".

Unlike other elective programs that can have the second and third episodes, "Creation 99" aims to build the number one idol girl group in China, and basically only does one episode. The general manager Li Husu also attaches great importance to it and decided to take care of the operation by himself.

"Basically there is no major problem, it is the mountain city competition area."

(end of this chapter)