Chapter 429: She is so good! ! !

Chapter 429 She is so good! !

Hearing the big boss's question, Li Husu briefly talked about the situation in each competition area.

It is normal for a national talent show with an investment of nearly 200 million (rounded off) to have some minor problems.

Although it is said that it is to build a national idol group and cultivate it from passers-by, but such a large-scale talent show, it is naturally impossible to prevent some small and medium-sized entertainment companies from secretly cultivating newcomers.

After the three rounds of primary selection, there will be 99 idol girls left. According to the selection rules announced by the program group, only the top nine will form a group, be signed by Qingguo Entertainment, and spend tens of millions of dollars in three years to build a team and release an album. Concert.

Among them, there is room for many small entertainment companies to take advantage of loopholes, such as entering a team of 99 people and finally being eliminated in the subsequent rounds, prostitution of Qingguo Entertainment's publicity resources.

At the beginning of formulating the rules of the game, the management of Qingguo Entertainment also knew this situation, but they acquiesced in this behavior. After all, newcomers who can be signed by small and medium-sized entertainment companies are stronger than most passer-by players.

Moreover, in order to ensure that the game after the recording and broadcasting is enjoyable and has a match point to increase the ratings, Qingguo Entertainment has secretly negotiated with several major entertainment companies to let the newcomers trained by them participate.

At that time, no one will know if there are really any outstanding idol trainees and who will get the final contract.

How much liquidated damages for idol trainees can be, it’s really too expensive, it’s a big deal.

As for the competition, upsets are normal, and no one can say whether they can make it to the final nine, and no one will say that Qingguo Entertainment operates in the dark.

Regardless of win-win or multi-win, Qingguo Entertainment, which spends a lot of money to create programs, must be the biggest winner.

"I am very relieved to have Mr. Li personally paying attention."

After General Manager Li finished speaking, Xu Renshan affirmed, and then started the next agenda.

"Next, let's report the progress of each project"

Received by the big boss, Li Husu, who was in charge of chairing the meeting, continued to speak.

As the crews started working one after another, Qingguo Entertainment began a high-efficiency period of production. In a few months, it will be the most profitable of the three companies under Xu Renshan's name.

Well, it’s not absolute. The only variable is Sanxia Technology. Summer vacation will be the peak period of game industry revenue.

If it is really too profitable, Xu Renshan really considers taking more of Sanxia Technology's profits for charity.

After dealing with the affairs of Qingguo Entertainment, Xu Renshan came to the headquarters of Yuming Group, and saw Vice President Fan waiting there.

"Boss, the bidding for the decoration project of the new company building has been concluded. There are three decoration companies that are finally shortlisted. Please make a decision."

Following the big boss to sit down on the sofa, Fan Deyi talked about the business that he came here to ask for instructions today.

A few days ago, they had acquired a newly built 28-story building on Wensan Road, covering an area of ​​2,200 square meters, and conducted off-site bidding for the decoration project.

It is about an investment of 70 to 80 million. As the vice president, Fan Deyi will not make a private decision. Naturally, he has to ask the big boss for instructions.

As a sensible subordinate who knows how to advance and retreat, Fan Deyi, who is in charge of the company's daily affairs, knows very well what decisions can be made and what should be consulted with the big boss.

Even if it was a banquet privately offered by the bosses of several decoration companies, he declined one by one, waiting for the final result of the big boss.

During the several years of working in a large enterprise, what Fan Deyi learned the most was the ways of the world.

"Do you know about Qingtian Decoration?"

Flipping through the profiles of the three companies, Xu Renshan, who doesn't know the decoration business, found a familiar name, and casually asked Vice President Fan next to him.

He seems to remember that the middle-aged man who let the dog bite him last time and generously compensated 18 million is called Lou Qingtian.

Leaving aside the vexatious young wife of the other party, Lou Qingtian's demeanor is still worthy of admiration.

Afterwards, Xu Renshan also briefly understood the other party's background, so as not to encounter any unnecessary 'trouble' afterwards.

Unexpectedly, I saw the other party's name again so soon.

"This company has a good reputation in the decoration of high-end villas, but they have never had a good template for building decoration before. In addition, Lou Qingtian, the owner of Qingtian Decoration, has been praised by many people in the same industry for his way of doing things. Fair and righteous, generous."

Hearing the big boss's question, Fan Deyi naturally knew that what the other party wanted to ask would not be what was shown in the information, so he told some of the situations he had investigated from the side.

"Well, you should examine the real situation of Qingtian Decoration in detail. If there is no problem, choose it."

After taking a sip of the coffee newly brought by the female secretary, Xu Renshan casually chose the decoration company for the new headquarters building.

When he first purchased the headquarters building, he chose the 28-storey building very casually, just because his wife was just 28 years old this year, and the building happened to cover an area of ​​2,200 square meters. For him, who is 22 years old this year, It was simply tailor-made for him.

As for the choice of decoration company, everything is easy to say when the money is in place.

Since Qingtian Decoration wants to make achievements in building decoration, it will not let go of this opportunity and strive to be as good as possible.

Whether it is done well or not in the end, there will be a professional acceptance evaluation company to get started.


Regarding the big boss's decision, Fan Deyi, as always, agrees without any extra doubts.

By the time Vice President Fan left the general manager's office, half an hour later, Xu Renshan, who had stretched himself, was about to take a look at the scenery when he heard a new matter reported by the female secretary.

"Boss, there is a young girl who claims to be your cousin and wants to see you. Her name is Xu Lingfei, and she has been arranged in the reception room by the company's front desk."

"Cousin? Xu Lingfei?"

Dazed for a moment, Xu Renshan subconsciously flashed the list of his relatives in his mind, making sure he didn't have any impression.

The relatives in the family, except for the aunt's family, basically have no contact. Where did a cousin appear?

Surname Xu, which distant relative?

Not quite right either.

Is it a liar or a girl assassin?

Thinking of the latter possibility, Xu Renshan, who put safety first, first called the bodyguard captain Li Qiwei and another bodyguard, and then asked the female secretary to call someone over.


Confused by the actions of the boss, Jiang Jingwen suddenly thought of a possibility, could it be some plot in the TV series.

Of course she would not guess some beautiful assassin, at most she guessed that the 'cousin', could it be the boss's ex-girlfriend who came to her? ? ?

By the way, the boss is so young, handsome and rich, wouldn't he marry that stunning lady right away?

No way, no way! !

Such a handsome boss, there must be no shortage of beautiful girls to pursue when he was studying, and he will never stay single until graduation.

If she had met her boss in high school back then, Jiang Jingwen felt that she would definitely rush up like a moth to the flame, and she would strike first and talk later.

Girls' reserve will only miss outstanding boys.

"Miss Xu, our boss is free, please follow me."

When she came to the reception room, Jiang Jingwen looked at the fair-skinned, innocent and beautiful young girl with a good figure, and said something with a smile.


After hearing what the female assistant said, Xia Lingfei heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that the most difficult step had been passed.

Arranging the white short sleeves and black pleated skirt on her body, Xia Lingfei, who didn't go to get the coat, followed the other party to the inside of the company. The central air conditioner was turned on on the whole floor, but it wasn't cold at all.

To be honest, after seeing the figure and appearance of the secretary of the general manager, Xia Lingfei felt a little more uneasy in his heart.

With the wealth of the other party, there must be countless beauties I have seen. What can impress people about her? ! !

Perhaps, she was a little naive in thinking before.

Walking along the way, the houses on this floor are very quiet, and the nameplates on the doors are all manager-level, which must be the office where the senior management of Yuming Group is located.

Coming to a door with the sign of 'General Manager's Office', Xia Lingfei saw a long-legged secretary with a good figure knocking on the door and pushing in.

"Boss, Miss Xu is here."


After Jiang Jingwen left the office, Xu Renshan looked at the young girl with a net height of about 166 and a curvy figure not far away.

At first glance, I feel pure, at second glance, I feel that I have a good figure, and at third glance, I feel that this dress is a bit good-looking.

Although the other party's appearance is not as good as his long-legged female classmate, overall, she is more attractive to older men. If such a girl is an assassin, wouldn't she be a waste of money?

In an instant, Xu Renshan had several strange scenes of island country literary films appear in his mind.

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, I lied to you, please don't blame me. But, I don't say it's your cousin, there is no way to see you."

Glancing at the young rich man, Xia Lingfei felt great pressure from the sharp eyes of the other party, and apologized.

Most importantly, there are two bodyguards standing on both sides of the desk, their aura is too strong.

"Oh, who are you?"

Listening to the other party's nice female voice, Xu Renshan asked after confirming that it wasn't some man disguised as a woman.

He was very curious about the other party's purpose.

Even though he is worth a lot now, this is the first time that someone pretends to be his cousin.

The most important thing is that the other party is such a beautiful young girl, which is interesting.

"My name is Xia Lingfei, and Xia Jinghai, the former deputy general manager of Patek Cinemas, is my father."

Seeing the other party asking about it, Xia Lingfei also reported her family background, and then bent her waist 90 degrees and asked, "My father offended me before, please show me your hand, Mr. Xu, I can do anything for you."

With the curved arc, the protruding heart was attracted by gravity, which showed that it was not the result of some human invention.

Like Xu Renshan's long-legged female classmate, between straightening up and bending down, gravity can't change the result.

Judging from the results of his current visual inspection, Building C and above, Building D to be determined, coupled with a simple and cute appearance and fair skin raised from a good family background, it is indeed considered to be on the upper side.

Of course, if compared with his wife, both appearance and temperament are quite different.

However, thinking about what the other party said, Xu Renshan felt a little baffled.

Of course he remembered Xia Jinghai, the vice president of Baida Cinemas. Last time, the other party was used as a gun and opened fire on him at a party with the directors of major cinemas. As a result, Xu Renshan directly contacted Young Master Huang and withdrew the other party. position.

However, it is only a position of vice president. With Xia Jinghai's experience as vice president of Baida Cinemas for many years, his wallet is already full enough.

Moreover, such a veteran in the workplace must have his own property in private, so why let his own precious daughter come to his door.

Could it be that there is something behind it that he doesn't know?

"How old are you?"

There was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes, Xu Renshan asked suddenly.

"19 years old, a sophomore in Shanghai Medical University."

Hearing the other party's question, Xia Lingfei straightened up and answered proactively.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

After taking a sip of coffee, Xu Renshan continued to ask.

At this moment, he actually has a sense of sight of a domineering president meeting a little white flower in an idol drama, which makes this somewhat 'calm' life a little more interesting.

"During the third year of high school, we talked about one, but it was limited to holding hands. We broke up before the college entrance examination, and we haven't contacted since then."

Regarding this question, Xia Lingfei answered it very frankly, but she deliberately made her face turn red a lot, showing that she was a little shy about this question.

She knew that once the young billionaire lost interest in her, her father's business would have no chance of turning around.

Men don't like girls who aren't shy! !

In addition, the relatively precocious Xia Lingfei is very aware of her own advantages since she was a child, and she will not give up her heart easily.

While other boys and girls are desperate for love, Xia Lingfei has already thought about whether the boy's family background matches her own, how long the investigation period should be kept, and verify the other party's true character and family background.

This is also the reason why she has a good figure, appearance, family background, and temperament. It has been almost two years since she entered university, and she still hasn't talked about any boyfriend, let alone handing over her most precious things easily.

'interesting! ! '

Looking at the blushing face of the other party, Xu Renshan didn't read too much shyness from the other party's eyes, and immediately thought of a certain type of senior hunter among the girls.

It’s not about ‘green tea’. Some girls’ innate code of conduct will pinpoint the details of their actions just right.

If you make it a little more deliberately, you will feel the visual sense of "she is very good", just like the young and beautiful artist in an amateur variety show a few years later, the video barrage is full of "she is very good", A lot of otaku never forget it.

Now, Xu Renshan felt this kind of 'will' from the other party.

This kind of 'meeting' highlights a little bit of Xiaojiabiyu's deliberation, which is completely different from his senior sister known as 'Queen Ni'.

Queen Ni is the kind of calm who sees through the world and the domineering manner of acting generously, without any pretentiousness, and directly controls the behavior trend of others.

If he just asked casually just now and didn't have any other thoughts at all, Xu Renshan at this moment is a little more interested in the girl in front of him.

Thinking of this, Xu Renshan made a request: "Turn around twice, let me see."

Although he knew that the other party would not be a beautiful assassin, Xu Renshan still didn't let the bodyguards on both sides of the table leave.

Girls who study medicine are not easy to mess with. In a certain year, there was a hot search news, saying that a girl from medical school was broken up by a scumbag, and stabbed the scumbag 99 dollars. Not even minor injuries.

Can't be provoked, can't be provoked.


Facing this playful gaze, Xia Lingfei gritted her silver teeth slightly, and slowly turned twice in the same spot.

As her body turns, under the action of centripetal force, the relatively short pleated skirt inevitably floats up slightly, which is fascinating.

"The schooling period for your medical major should be five years. You are only a sophomore now. What can you do for me?"

Putting away his teasing thoughts, Xu Renshan asked bluntly.

Someone might secretly target that Xia Jinghai. He guessed that Huang Cong and Li Renzong, who had started working together before, were more likely to make a move.

My little friend can't see the guy who helps him to teach him a lesson. Xu Renshan doesn't want to tear down the stage for no reason, which will damage everyone's friendship.

Moreover, if he really accepts the other party, it will easily spread in the second-generation circle, and then may spread to the ears of his wife.

You know, many of my wife's female classmates or best friends are also people in the circle.

Now, Xu Renshan needed a formal reason, so he was too lazy to think and threw the question to the other party.

(end of this chapter)