Chapter 521: How many years until the market?

"I'm Waiting for You at the End of Time" was released in the third week, and the box office fell by less than 30%, which is quite amazing.

Just this week, "I'm Waiting for You at the End of Time" got 252 million box office, with a total box office of 871 million. There is no suspense to break 900 million.

However, "Painting 2" has no success in its succession. The single-week box office is less than 100 million, only 98 million, and the total box office is 838 million. The decline is complete, and it is impossible to break 900 million.

After all, there is not much room for improvement simply relying on the fans of the two companies to swipe the screen, and in the past two weeks, some interested outsiders also went to the cinema to watch it.

It can be said that "Painting 2" has just broken the box office record of domestic films, and its position has not yet been firmly established, but it was broken by "I'm Waiting for You at the End of Time" in the same period.

Of course, "Painting 2" also took advantage of the hype, and the box office was more than 100 million more than the original estimate, and it didn't lose at all.

Face, where money comes from is important.

"Boss, "Painting 2" is going to hold an 800 million box office celebration party, do you want to attend?"

"No, just go on behalf of the company."


Xu Renshan, who was teasing the baby at home, received a call from the general manager Li Husu and rejected the celebration banquet in the capital.

and Xiao Qingqing gesticulated for nearly an hour, and it was almost 9:30 before Xu Renshan drove to the headquarters of Yuming Group for a meeting.

Today's ten o'clock shareholders' meeting is related to the divestiture and sale of the same-city food delivery platform. The two shareholder representatives who raised funds previously came.

"Sister Sheng, Sister Zhong, long time no see."

Walking into the meeting room, Xu Renshan smiled and shook hands with the two young ladies from Nongjiashanquan and Wakaka.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

After a brief chat, the meeting started under the chairmanship of General Manager Fan Deyi, who introduced the specific progress of the current takeaway platform sale case.

Just last week, many parties have reached a consensus that Meimeiwang will acquire the entire business of the same-city food delivery platform with an 8% stake and a capital of 270 million US dollars.

At the same time, Meimeiwang will launch a new round of financing before then, selling 18 points of equity in exchange for 500 million US dollars of funds, which will be used to acquire the same-city food delivery platform and carry out the next expansion.

In other words, the market valuation of the after financing is nearly 2.8 billion US dollars.

Calculating the shares and cash received, Yuming Group received a return of nearly 490 million U.S. dollars, equivalent to about 3.2 billion Huayuan.

According to the 1.36 billion funds previously invested in the same-city food delivery platform, the rate of return reached 137% in less than 10 months.

"Mr. Fan, I would like to ask why Yuming Group did not continue to expand the business of the same-city food delivery platform, but chose to sell it?"

Regarding this so-called profit of nearly 2 billion, Zhong Jimei, who was wow, was not too happy, but asked a question in his heart.

According to the previous financing conditions, the two groups have the right to know, but they do not have the right to intervene in the management of the company.

At first, Wakaka felt that Yuming Group had invested too much in the same-city food delivery platform. It burned more than a billion yuan in half a year after the first round of financing, and the previous 3.5 billion yuan could only last half a year at most.

After all, before this, Yuming Group spent hundreds of millions on the purchase of a new headquarters building.

Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, the same-city food delivery platform would be sold for a sky-high price, and they felt that it was a pity.

Before, the two of them had indeed been notified of the sale, but they hadn’t held a general meeting of shareholders, and they couldn’t raise any doubts.

Now, while the sale case has not yet been settled, Zhong Jimei wants to fight for it again.

As the daughter of a group with a market value of over 100 billion, Zhong Jimei naturally doesn't just value the 2 billion profit difference, but cares more about the platform that occupies the top spot in the industry.

If we continue to increase investment and expand the same-city food delivery platform to the whole country, how can the value be comparable to the current 2 billion profit, and a four or five times increase is not too much.

Finally had the opportunity to become the major shareholder of a unicorn company. Seeing this opportunity slip away quietly, no one can calm down.

The follow-up investment is nothing, the previous 3.5 billion funds have been burned, and they can add another 10 billion, right?

As long as it can be successfully listed, the market rewards will definitely make people laugh so hard that they can't sleep at night.

"Perhaps Mr. Sheng has the same questions as Mr. Zhong. Let me explain to you two now."

Looking at the big boss, Fan Deyi explained: "After the rapid development of the same city food delivery platform in the past six months, it has reached a bottleneck. Just in June, if the number of registered members of the same city food delivery platform is comparable to that of the existing group buying website In the face of competition, we are not sure of winning, and the funds that will be spent are unpredictable, and it may even drag the entire group into the quagmire."

Actually, the management of their Yuming Group is also divided into two factions, and even more people support the independent development of the same-city food delivery platform.

After all, which group executives don’t want their company to become a unicorn in a certain industry, with a future market value of over 100 billion and a bright future.

However, the somewhat radical plan was rejected by the big boss. In the end, everyone agreed to sell the group's intra-city food delivery platform and concentrate on developing the group's franchised brands and self-operated brands.

Naturally, Fan Deyi would not tell the two shareholder representatives about these internal information.

"It seems that the team led by Mr. Fan is very mature, and we can rest assured."

Noticing the look in Zhong Jimei's eyes, Sheng Qinglan didn't ask any further questions, and agreed with Yuming Group's development strategy with a smile.

She and Shi Yuxuan are college classmates or good best friends. After knowing the development strategy of Yuming Group, they had a brief exchange with that Mr. Xu when they went to visit their good best friends who were recuperating at home.

Since waiting for Zhong Jimei to ask a question just now, she also understood the key point more clearly by the way.

"I'm fine."

Seeing that Sheng Qinglan didn't ask any more questions, Zhong Jimei naturally wouldn't be that bad guy, and then asked about the next step of Yuming Group's development: "There are so many funds in Yuming Group's account, I don't know what the next development plan is?"

You must know that after the sale of the food delivery platform in the same city, there will be nearly 4 billion funds in Yuming Group's account, which cannot be put in the bank for interest.

"Two bosses, please take a look."

Anticipating such a problem, Fan Deyi asked someone to turn on the projector, and a huge map of China was marked with densely packed red dots: "We plan to have more than 1,000 directly-operated stores of MC Coffee by the end of 2013." , which will cost more than 2 billion yuan. In addition, we will increase investment in foreign coffee gardens”

For the rapidly expanding Yuming Group, it is quite easy to spend money. A few expansion plans have clearly arranged 4 billion funds.

The meeting ended in a harmonious atmosphere, and the two eldest ladies of the group were invited to drink coffee in the chairman's office.

"Brother Renshan, do you think Yuming Group will be able to go public within a few years?"

Drinking mellow coffee, Zhong Jimei asked with a smile, without the seriousness of the meeting.

Previously, she went to the other party's daughter's full moon wine, and after knowing the relationship between her father and the elders of the teacher, she called this young rich man a lot more casually.

Without the bonus of the same-city food delivery platform, Yuming Group's road to listing is a bit far away.

For investors like them, getting the return on shares of a listed company is definitely better than simply paying dividends from an unlisted company.