Chapter 522: unexpected meeting

"It won't be too late for me to answer Sister Zhong's question when the two brands of MC coffee or crape myrtle tea are enough to be launched in North America."

Hearing this question, Xu Renshan replied calmly.

No answer is the answer.

As far as he is concerned, he cannot go public in North America, and simply go public in China to collect money, which is really a bit meaningless.

Moreover, the North American listing he requested is not that the stock price fell below the issue price or even fell to the bottom after two years, and finally rolled back to China in despair because the stock price was below $1 for 120 consecutive days and continued to swindle money.

Since it is listed in North America, it must be like those high-quality foreign companies, whose stock price and market value are rising steadily.

"Handsome Xu has such great ambitions, no wonder Yuxuan is fascinated by you."

Sheng Qinglan on the other side of the sofa laughed and joked, and there was no lack of praise in her words.

Up to now, no one in Yuxuan's circle of friends has said that this handsome young man is relying on his wife's financial resources.

There has never been such a precedent in China for only relying on a tea brand or coffee brand to go public, which makes people have to admire.

Of course, the other party is also working hard in this direction.

In the semi-annual financial report of Yuming Group, they can see that Yuming Group's investment in logistics support and quality control is huge, but the company's revenue is increasing day by day.

Sincerely create a tea brand, making it a benchmark in the minds of the people, and it is not impossible to list it separately in the future.

"Okay, then I wish brother Renshan all wishes come true, and by the way congratulate the success of the sale."

Seeing that the other party's words were impenetrable, Zhong Jimei was not prepared to make any more tricks, and raised the coffee in her hand to congratulate the other party.


He also took a sip of the coffee, Xu Renshan had a faint smile on his face.

After dealing with the sale of the same-city food delivery platform, Xu Renshan, who had nothing important to do, stayed at home with his wife and children leisurely for five days.

On the last Sunday of July, when "I'm Waiting for You at the End of Time" announced that its total box office had steadily exceeded 1 billion on Saturday yesterday, Xu Renshan also ushered in the last class of the Jiangda MBA class.

On the last day of class, Jiang University gathered all the students of the MBA class together and held a short graduation ceremony.

After the speech by the President of Jiang University, Xu Renshan, who was elected as the student representative, came to the stage and spoke for five minutes, and his face was familiar.

In fact, you can't say that you are familiar. As soon as Xu Renshan came to the stage, the older students in the seats started whispering.

"This is the founder of Yuming Group?"

"Is the chairman of Yuming Group such a handsome young man?"

"Did you know that you came from an alien?"

"Who is Xu Renshan?"

"Are you from an alien?"

"I heard that Meimeiwang raised 500 million US dollars to acquire Yuming Group's intra-city food delivery platform."

"Didn't Yuming Group raise 3.5 billion yuan at the end of last year, and now there is too much money in the account?"

"Then Chairman Xu is worth tens of billions?"

"It's superficial. After Meimeiwang acquired the same-city food delivery platform, this person's worth is at least 20 billion."

"Hey, we also produced such an awesome person in the same class."


Compared to the close encounter this time, most of the people present have heard the other party's name.

You know, the biggest news in the financial circle this month is the acquisition of the same-city food delivery platform. raised 500 million US dollars for this, and the market valuation has increased by 4 times.

On the day announced the acquisition of the same-city food delivery platform, the rest of the group buying websites issued statements one after another, striving to launch the food delivery business in the shortest possible time.

Several top group buying websites claim to have raised more than 100 million US dollars in financing to develop their food delivery business.

It can be said that a food delivery platform in the same city has stirred up the situation of two industries.

"Wood, you are so handsome."

Waiting for Xu Mutou to sit back, Li Yanfei did not hesitate to praise her.


Facing the compliment from the long-legged female classmate, Xu Renshan nodded calmly in response.

Today's long-legged female classmate is wearing a black one-piece skirt with gray silk. I don't know if it's his illusion. Xu Renshan always feels that the curvature of the skirt is a bit surprising.

In his impression, Li Yanfei was mediocre except for her good looks and long legs.

After the graduation ceremony, many people came over to talk and chat. Xu Renshan, who is half of the protagonist, responded politely and accepted a bunch of business cards.

In addition to the regular class of the old professor at the graduation ceremony, the important itinerary of the last day of the course is naturally the class reunion.

"Brother You, what about the bet we won when we competed against other classes?"

In the small banquet hall of West Lake Hotel, there were four tables of banquets. Li Nanjiang asked You Buqun, who was at the same table.

"Hey, they invited us to this table today. Everyone should eat and drink well, and there will be no such good opportunities in the future."

Hearing Lao Li's question, You Buqun shouted at the big guy in high spirits.

When the small KTV project that their class raised funds for the second round of financing, the representatives of other classes had already admitted defeat, which is simply incomparable.

The fund-raising projects of other classes may have made a small profit, but they are nothing compared to the small KTV project with an investment of nearly 50 million.

As for You Buqun, who holds two major projects, with the help of his virtuous wife, he has made rapid progress. He already has the demeanor of a young talent, and rarely hangs out with his former friends.

"I asked Mr. You why he was so cheerful today. As soon as he was on the table, there were two bottles of Moutai and one bottle of Lafite. We don't need to spend money on our feelings."

A classmate at the next table listened and laughed and joked.

"That's what I said, who among the students here can't afford to invite such a small scene. However, eating is not as comfortable as others paying the bill."

Praised the whole class without looking for traces, You Buqun smiled and asked the monitor at the same table to say a few words: "Squad leader, please say a few words."


Without refusal, Xu Renshan stood up and toasted: "It is a rare opportunity for everyone to be classmates. I hope we can help each other and move towards glory together in the future. Come, let me toast to everyone first!"

"Thank you monitor."

Facing such a brief speech by the squad leader, everyone was a little excited.

The sober-minded people present understood that the so-called mutual help will depend on the level of confusion in the future.

However, compared to other classes, their class has a small KTV project with good development prospects as a link. If they encounter any problems in the future, they can find someone to help.

This MBA class is already worth the money!

Perhaps it was because of the last gathering of the class, everyone let go of drinking, especially a few female students, who aimed at the class monitor and made someone tired of coping.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Xu Renshan, who had drank a lot, was sitting in the back seat of the Bentley. Facing the fierce attack of the long-legged female student in front of him, he almost couldn't hold the bottom line.

"Wood, I like you."


Just as Concubine Li Yan was about to launch the final stage of fierce attack, the phone rang beside her, interrupting the somewhat charming atmosphere in the rear seat.

"Squad leader, I have a friend who wants to meet with you privately."


"Do Eun Hyuk."

Hearing the other party's name, Xu Renshan's eyes froze, most of the impulse in his mind dissipated, and he regained a lot of clarity.