The large floor mirror reflects the slender figure. The woman in the mirror has fair skin. Although her facial features are not as beautiful as when she was young, she has the charm of precipitation of years. The corners of her lips rose slightly, and she was graceful. Although the clothes on the body seem simple, they show their ingenuity in the details.

Fang Junrong looked unconscious, and his hands caressed his face consciously. The woman in the mirror did the same thing. How long has she not seen herself like this?

Well dressed and gentle. Instead of dishevelled and dishevelled, people despise it.

As a well-known rich man in China, she has a fortune of more than 10 billion and her husband is also very valuable. They also have an outstanding son and a lively and lovely daughter. Fang Junrong should have been the winner of other people's lives. Unfortunately, after her daughter-in-law Jiang Yage appeared, her life gradually slipped into the abyss.

Jiang Yage is the daughter of her husband's college friend. After her parents died in a car accident, her husband, Li nianjin, pitied her for her father's death and her mother's death, and had covetous relatives, so he took her to the Li family. Fang Junrong was also very good to her at the beginning. After all, Jiang Yage's father was also a friend with her. In addition, she looked pleasant and looked pitiful and sensible. But when Jiang Ya Ge and her daughter Li Xinyun gradually had conflicts, this love gradually faded.

Both her husband Li Erjin and her son Li Shize all favor Jiang Ya Ge. When the two girls have conflicts, she always defends Jiang Yage and criticizes her Xinyun. In this case, how could Fang Junrong like her? At the end of the day, her son Li Shize fell in love with Jiang Yage. She disobeyed her mother again and again and treated his own sister coldly. In particular, Jiang Yage is also very good at provoking right and wrong. She seems to be favored by the gods. No matter what happens, she can turn the bad luck into good luck. It is the people around her who are in bad luck. The baby daughter Xinyun is even more implicated by her, destroying her appearance and character.

At that time, Fang Junrong hated Jiang Yage and wanted to drive her away. However, both husband and son did not hesitate to stand opposite her, accusing her and hating her.

"The song of songs is sad enough. How can you continue to blame her? She didn't want it to happen. You have no reason to be angry. You are no longer my sensible wife

"If it wasn't for my sister's promiscuity, I wouldn't be cheated. It is better to suffer a little loss now than to suffer a great loss in the future. When the limelight is over, I'll send my sister abroad for plastic surgery. "

Their cold and strange expressions were deeply engraved in her memory and made her cold. Her home was broken up. Fang Junrong also wanted revenge, but Jiang Yage was cared for by many big men. Those people's actions made her lose. Finally, she was sent to the mental hospital by her son and husband.

During that period of time in the mental hospital, everyone said that she was a madman. Such a good daughter-in-law did not cherish it. Instead, she acted as a demon. In the end, she was responsible for the betrayal and could not blame others. After receiving the news of her daughter Li Xinyun's suicide, she swallowed her last breath in the cold darkness. At that time, her good son Li Shize was having a happy honeymoon with her good daughter-in-law.

Thinking of this, Fang Junrong's eyes unconsciously overflowed with hatred. Her teeth almost bit her lips and bled, until the pain from her lips made her sober up. She breathed a deep breath, trying to calm her agitation.

She didn't know why she would go back to the year before after she closed her eyes. The four of them are still the model families of outsiders.

Her eyes fell on her wrist subconsciously. She wore a jade bracelet on her white wrist. The bracelet was transparent and pure. It was dazzling in the light. The green on the bracelet showed the shape of mountains. The bracelet was left by grandma before she died. She kept it carefully in the safe, for fear that she might bump it and never wear it out. In a previous life, her bracelet disappeared. At that time, she was furious and searched everywhere. Finally, her son told her that it was stolen by the hourly worker.

At this time, the jade bracelet should stay in the safe quietly. This seems to be a subtle difference from previous lives.

Or was the previous life just a nightmare for her?

No, it's impossible to have such a clear and painful dream. Just memory, let Fang Junrong hate body shaking.

"Mom, what's my favorite skirt? It's the one my aunt designed for me. Which wardrobe is it in?"

The clear and lively voice sounded, which made Fang Junrong, who was in pain, suddenly raised her head. Her vision was a girl with curly hair and a little childish features. Her hair tail was dyed red and full of shrewdness. It was her precious daughter, Li Xinyun.

She greedily looked at her daughter's simple and lovely face, as if in a dream. How long has it been since she saw such a cloudless daughter? Since being disfigured, her daughter has been locked in the house all day long, as if she lost all her vitality.



A series of calls called back her reason, Fang Junrong blinked, blinked the water mist, and tried not to let his voice reveal too much emotion, "what skirt?"

"Have you dyed your hair?"Li Xinyun touched the tail of his hair with a little guilty heart, and his voice was straight and strong again. "I have graduated from high school. You said that I can dye it after the college entrance examination. Mom, where's the skirt from my aunt? I don't remember where to take it. I'm going to wear it on my birthday

In those years in the mental hospital, the only support for Fang Junrong to survive was his daughter Xinyun. As for Xin Yun's cutting, she has repeatedly reviewed it in her mind, and every little thing is still fresh in her mind.

"Put it on my side. You were afraid that you might lose it, so you put it here for me

"Yes, I forgot it!" Li Xinyun spat out his tongue with a guilty face. Then he took her arm in a courteous way and said, "it's still my mother who is most reliable. By the way, mom, can I invite my classmates to my birthday party

When she looked at her eagerly, Fang Junrong could not refuse her request. Back to the year before, as long as she thought of the pain her daughter had suffered, how could she make her smile hazed.

"Of course, you can hire as many people as you want."

"I knew my mother loved me the most." Li Xinyun chattered about his own affairs. She did not think of her smile. Jiang Yage's parents died just on his birthday. In a previous life, Xin Yun was so looking forward to her birthday and arranged it in person. However, her husband, Li nianjin, cancelled it on the ground that "it would make the song of songs sad". Even the son was on his side. Mingming Xinyun is his daughter. No matter what he does, he has to make way for Jiang Yage. Because of this incident, Xin Yun was upset with Jiang Ya's song. Later, the conflicts accumulated more and more.

Although Xinyun has a little temper, he is not a stingy person. If it was not for the two men who were always in charge of Jiang Ya Ge, she would not have been so disgusted with Jiang Ya Ge.

This time, in any case, she would not let her daughter suffer any more injustice. Man, she doesn't want it. Son, it's the placenta. She doesn't owe them! Her feelings for her son had been wiped out after he was sent to the mental hospital. It's just that the time for her rebirth is not good. At this time, she trusts her husband, and the company basically leaves it to him. If she divorces him now, she will suffer.

She has plenty of time to plan. What belongs to her, she wants to take all back!

She listened to her daughter's coquetry, and the lingering Twilight gradually dispersed.

"Xinyun, why are you still like a childless child, pestering your mother all day long?"

Originally, Fang Junrong, with a smile on her lips, heard her husband's voice, and the smile on her face faded. The man who should have been with her for a long time was also the one who hurt her the most.

"Even if Xin Yun grows up, she is also a child in my heart, and I like her pestering me." The impulse that did not resist her will to scratch her face.

From the appearance, although Li is already in his 40s, due to good maintenance, he looks like a man in his thirties. In addition, he has a lot of wealth. It is not that there are no wild bees and butterflies trying to approach him, but they are all rejected by him. It can be said that he is a good man in the eyes of outsiders. She was also very proud of this, but did not expect that the so-called good husband could coldly watch his daughter suffer and his wife be sent to a mental hospital to suffer.

When the outside world questioned Jiang Ya GE's unfaithfulness, it was also him who came forward to stamp her spirit. She had a bad temper and abused Jiang Ya Ge, which pushed the problem to Fang Junrong.

At the thought of this, the bitter hatred was like the tide water, almost drowning her. Until the end of his life, Fang Junrong did not understand why he was better to Jiang Yage than to his daughter, and why he was so merciless to their mother and daughter?

Li nianjin showed some helpless expression, as if conniving, "your mother and daughter are always a nostril out of gas, I said you."

Li Xinyun said with some pride: "my mother loves me the most."

"Can you lend me your mother for a few minutes? I have something to tell her," Li said

Li Xinyun is not an ignorant person. She seems to have misunderstood something. She winks at Fang Junxiu, releases her hand and leaves briskly. Far away, her voice with a smile, "I will not eavesdrop on your adults' secrets."

Fang Junrong's heart is very clear, Li's words to her is nothing more than to pick up Jiang Yage. At this time point, it's almost the same.

When his daughter left, Li Erjin sighed and showed some melancholy expression, "Junrong, do you still remember the child of Yage?"

How can it be forgotten?

Fang Junrong sneered and said calmly, "the child's parents died in a car accident last year."

"Yes, that's her." Li's eyes flashed with pain. "I thought her parents had gone, but they also left her some money. Her life should be hard. Who knows that her relatives are not human beings. She connects with her grandmother and takes the money and the house in the name of her elders. "

"Not only did they not leave her with the tuition fees, they also wanted to marry her to an old man in the country. Her father and I are roommates. How could I watch her being bullied like this. So I want to take her over. "

These words are the same as the previous life.All kinds of previous life are not dreams.

Fang Junrong's fingernails are almost pinched to the palm. At that time, she had some friendship with Jiang Yage's father. After knowing this, she was distressed by her experience and agreed without hesitation. As for this life

"Junrong, what do you think?"

Perhaps it is her silence time is too long, Li's calm voice is more urgent.

Fang Junrong raised his head, the expression on his face was impeccable, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, as if he felt the same way, "the child is really poor."

She stopped and went on to say, "it's just that she stays at home nameless, and in the eyes of outsiders, she doesn't know how much gossip she has to suffer."

Li was hesitant.

Fang Junrong continued: "I think it's better to give her a name, let her be our daughter, so that outsiders will not look down on her."

"Jun Rong, you are indeed the most kind and reasonable person."

Fang Junrong only felt sarcasm. People who don't know think Jiang Yage is his own daughter. He has never been so attached to Xinyun. Since he treated her like a daughter, she would certainly help them. Anyway, they would have been divorced by then, and it was not her property.

She wants to see if her good son will develop a sentimental love with Jiang Yage after having the nominal relationship of brother and sister.