Compared with her husband Li engjin, Fang Junrong's resentment towards his son Li Shize is deeper. She had no hope for Li nianjin from a long time ago. She could not let go of her son's practice until her death. Before Jiang Ya Ge came, Li Shize was impeccable in his parents and his sister. He will remember her every birthday, and he will care about his sister's life. He is her proudest son.

However, after meeting Jiang Yage, he seems to have abandoned all his identities. Only Li Shize, who is Jiang Yage's personal, only her existence is left in his life. He is no longer her son or Li Xinyun's brother. Who stands opposite Jiang Ya Ge is his biggest enemy.

His cold look appeared in front of her, like the ice of December, which made her cold all over.

"No matter who it is, you can't hurt the song of songs in front of me, even you."

"From now on, we will sever the relationship between mother and son."


Every time I think of this scene, it's like the heart has been bombarded again and again. It hurts a lot and I get used to it.

Fang Junrong took a deep breath and suppressed all his emotions. In front of her, Li engjin is still there chattering about Jiang Ya GE's good words, trying to increase her favor.

"Song of songs would be glad to know that. Have you ever seen the child? She is really a very sensible and kind girl, and you will like her very much

"I hope that after she comes to our house, Xinyun will learn more from her. Xin Yun is a little too self willed. I heard she asked for your pocket money again? "

Fang Junrong pulled the corners of his mouth, "our family is not short of money, do you want to let only the little princess suffer injustice? If you want to spend money, you usually buy more than her pocket money

In his previous life, Li always compared Xin Yun with Jiang Ya Ge, raising Jiang Ya Ge and belittling Xin Yun. Xin Yun is not a narrow-minded girl, but in this debasement, inevitably has a bad feeling to Jiang Ya Ge.

Li nianjin himself is a double mark person who can't do it. He thinks that Xinyun spends a lot of money. On the other hand, he spends a lot of money every year to hold a birthday party for Jiang Yage and give her various gifts. Perhaps for him, the money spent on Jiang Ya Ge is worth spending, and spending on his own daughter is a waste. I don't know what kind of soup Jiang Ya Ge gave him.

Thinking of this, even if he had no feelings at all, Fang Junrong's heart was still full of nameless anger, and his tone became colder.

"Girls are meant to be rich. If our family doesn't even have money to raise a girl, I think it's better not to adopt someone, otherwise people will be wronged if they come. Or you can go to the auction house a few times

Li's face changed and he said to her, "I'm just joking. How can you take it seriously. Xin Yun is our child. Of course, I love her too

For fear that Fang Junrong would not believe it, he transferred millions of dollars to Xinyun in front of her as pocket money.

Fang Junrong was too lazy to continue to think of snakes with him, and soon sent him away. The most important thing for her now is to make a clear inventory of the family's property, so as to save herself from losses when she gets divorced in the future. In addition to the house and land, the most valuable part of Fang's family is her and Li's electric appliance company, AI Rong Group, as well as a newly established skin care company, Meifang. Later, the skin care company was given to Jiang Ya Ge by his son. Jiang Yage is said to have handed down the beauty formula, with which she made a lot of money. Later, she made friends with several big men to do her backstage.

The time of her rebirth was not too bad. There were her people in both the personnel department and the R & D Department of the financial department. Xu Weiwei, the manager in charge of finance, was her good friend in college. In her previous life, she gradually handed these hands to her son. When she realized that, she found that her confidants had been replaced by her son with barbecued pork, so she lost the capital to fight against them and ended up losing everything.

She made a phone call to her friend Xu Weiwei and made an appointment for a meeting time on Saturday afternoon. Fang Junrong reserved a box in Baihe, a club he often goes to. Before that, she also counted the assets under her name - there were 16 shops in very good locations. These shops alone are worth more than a billion dollars. Plus the villas and suites with her name on it, it should add up to about four billion. All the houses purchased by her family are recorded in her name, and because of this, Li has become a good man in other people's eyes. At the time of divorce, they had a lot of advantages in public opinion.

She let out a long breath, fortunately the houses had not been sent out. At the wedding ceremony of Xin Yun in her previous life, she divided the properties into two parts and gave them to her son and daughter. Later, his daughter Xinyun's house was coaxed away by Li nianjin in the name of investment.

Thinking of this, Fang Junrong hated Li even more.

In this life, the real estate shop can't give anything out.

She tidied up her mood and watched with indifference that Li nianjin was in the hot air over there to let people clean up Jiang Yage's room. He wanted to arrange Jiang Yage's room near Li Shize's room on the second floor. She stopped him and changed to the building.

On Saturday, after lunch, she drove to the famous clubhouse in s city. After waiting for about ten minutes, her friend Xu Weiwei arrived. Xu Wei also brought a laptop to come over. She has short hair and looks sharp.Just met, Xu Wei then opened the computer, and took out the U disk, "even if you didn't ask me, I also have something to tell you."

She is a cautious character, and everything important is saved separately.

In addition to his daughter, Fang Junrong missed this good friend most. Xu Wei and she are more than 20 years of friendship, because of her, but also by Li engjin used means, when scapegoat sent to prison. For her, Fang Junrong is in debt.

"What's the matter?"

She was a little puzzled that she didn't seem to have done this in her last life.

Xu Wei opened a file, hesitated, or said: "in recent years, Mr. Li has drawn a lot of money from the company's book to buy antique paintings and calligraphy. The sum of money is quite a lot."

Fang Junrong was in a trance and remembered that Xu Weiwei had reminded her of this in her last life, but she didn't do anything at that time, and Xu Weiwei made a little unhappy. No wonder she didn't mention it to her later.

It seems that Li has been infatuated with antique painting and calligraphy since ten years ago. He especially liked Xu fangweng's calligraphers and painters. He also set up an office to help him deal with these matters, and bought many of his works at a high price. But it is strange to say that although Li has bought a lot of them, he has never held an exhibition. Instead, he has collected these paintings and calligraphy in his villa.

She looked serious. "How much did he spend?"

"I have calculated that the total expenditure in this area in the past ten years has also reached 3.6 billion," Xu said

Even Fang Junrong, who had been psychologically prepared for a long time, could not help changing her expression, which was undoubtedly far beyond her expectation.

Although the Li family has money, 3.6 billion is not a small number. Where did he come from to scold his daughter for spending money recklessly.

Xu said in a deep voice: "although I know the truth of estrangement, I think we should let you know this -" she also rearranged the accounts this year, only to find something wrong. After hesitating for some time, she decided to tell her good friend.

Fang Junrong looked at Xu Weiwei's account book carefully, and his eyes solidified on the lines.

Red Crowned Crane, 50 million.

Three years ago, Li paid a big price for this work.

The Red Crowned Crane is one of the most famous works by Xu fangweng, a great calligrapher and painter. Fang Junrong once saw the original work, and it was in the home of Mr. Zhang, the leader of her uncle. She is sure that Mr. Zhang will not sell this work. Li had seen the original works with her at that time.

This means that the painting he bought is undoubtedly a forgery. Spend more than 100 million yuan to buy a fake? It's a stupid fool to do this. Is Li nianjin a fool? Obviously not.

Then there is only one explanation. Over the years, Li has just used this reason to transfer the profits of the company to his private account. In his previous life, he gave the paintings and calligraphy he bought to his daughter Li Xinyun. At that time, she thought that he still loved Xin Yun, but what she sent was a pile of waste paper.

At the thought of this, her stomach began to roll and her nausea kept rising.

Although she is certain about her guess, she still needs more evidence. Fang Junrong called Uncle Zhang, who owns the Red Crowned Crane. He is also a loyal fan of master Xu fangweng. Over the years, he has not only collected information about Xu fangweng, but also knows the whereabouts of many works.

She inquired about the whereabouts of Xu fangweng's related works. To be sure, there are several works on the list that are undoubtedly the hands of Uncle Zhang's friends.

Hang up the phone, Fang Junrong suddenly smile, but that smile is full of irony, I don't know whether to laugh at Li nianjin or to laugh at himself, maybe both. She had thought that the conflict between her and Li engjin started with the arrival of Jiang Ya Ge, but she did not expect that ten years ago, he began to calculate their property in a quiet way.

From the beginning, they were not family members. He started layout ten years ago. He is really patient.

Xu Weiwei is a smart person, from her phone also heard clues, his face showed anger, only in front of Fang Junrong just forced to endure his emotions, "what are you going to do? Do you want a divorce? "

With her understanding of her friends, she knew that the people near her bed were calculating their property in a sinister way and would not give up easily.

Fang Junrong said: "he has been able to buy so many fakes so smoothly over the years. It should be someone who helps to fake them." With Li's cautious character, he certainly won't find many people. After all, the more people know, the easier things will leak out.

She stopped, slightly narrowed eyes showing sharp cold, "we first find the man, let him draw more works."

"Doesn't he like to buy fakes? Then let him buy enough! "

When the two divorce, of course, these fakes will be given to him. After all, she is a good person, and a gentleman is not flattered.