"Wow, look at this bracelet!"

Li Xinyun looked at her mother's jade bracelet with joy. "This should be ice seed." As Miss Li, she has some appreciation of jewelry and jade.

Fang Junrong's lips were hooked, "yes."

"It feels better than ordinary ice seeds. It's close to glass seeds."

"I'll give you something better for your birthday." It's better to spend more money than to keep it for the father and son.

Li Xinyun's eyebrows and eyes were crooked, and she looked more and more charming, "thank you, mom."

Just thinking of what had just happened in the living room, she frowned, "Mom, what's the matter with dad recently. Since Jiang Yage was picked up, he has been treating me with nose not nose, eyes not eyes. "

Being treated like this by his father, Li Xinyun's mood is certainly not much better. Just because of her character, even if she is targeted, she will not show weakness, but she will fight back more strongly. Today is not the first time that she and her father have quarreled. They have quarreled several times in the past few days.

She felt that this home was becoming less and less like home.

Fang Junrong wrote lightly: "don't worry about him, you still have me."

Li Xinyun thought for a moment, "yes." She continued: "or mother, you have a better vision, Zhong Yi is much better than Jiang Ya Ge, at least not all day long put on a pair of being bullied by me."

She used to feel just like Zhong Yi, but compared with Jiang Ya Ge, her liking degree suddenly went up.

Fang Junrong smile, "you don't always bully her."

"I'm not bullying her. I'm good to her." Li Xinyun said half, noticed the difference between Fang Junrong, "eh, has mom changed her cosmetics recently? How do you feel your skin looks better? Today's make-up is very close. "

The bear boy!

She didn't make up today!

Fang Junrong light way: "nothing, just recently did a few cosmetology."

"Which beauty salon? I'll try it, too Li Xinyun was soon distracted.

Fang Junrong coaxed her for a while, and finally made her daughter feel better. She is ready to wait for the physical results to come out, if there is no problem, she can take beauty pills for her daughter, and then let her become the most beautiful one at the birthday party.

She also asked her daughter if she wanted to go on a tour to relax, but Li Xinyun refused. According to her, the weather is so dry that she may have black circles on her skin when she goes out. She doesn't want to be a black swan at the birthday party. After all, Fang Junrong agreed with her idea.

She went to meet Xu Weiwei on the way to Baihe. Xu Wei's ability is not just to say, these days, she should have investigated already almost.

Sitting opposite Fang Junrong, she said to the point: "he Ming, a painter, painted Li's painting. He started painting for Li nianjin ten years ago, and Li's money will be transferred to him, and finally transferred back to his other card. In addition to he Ming, there is another painter. However, the painter disappeared three years ago. He may not be missing, or he may not be doing business in this field. "

"For each painting, Li gave him 50000 yuan."

Fang Junrong's eyes flashed, "Li nianjin is too stingy. The painting is only 50000 yuan."

Over the years, he asked him to draw at least 50 paintings.

Xu Wei pondered, "say, a few years ago, the law in this area has changed. If you are caught making fakes and selling them, you are also breaking the law."

Fang Junrong nodded, "although the antique industry thinks that buying a fake is a matter of vision, not a crime. But their unspoken rule has the final say, and the result is still the unspoken rule of law.

Such a large sum of money is enough to let he Ming go through the prison.

"If you want to call the police, my lawyer is ready," Xu said

Fang Junrong shook his head. "Even if he called the police, he Ming also offered Li Erjin. What should I do if Li nianjin didn't admit it? He can claim that he is a cheater, or abandon the guard car, and get the person in charge of his office out as a shield. "

She also wanted Li to cry with his fakes after his divorce.

She raised her head and said in a firm voice, "he Ming did all this for the sake of money. He could cooperate with Li and change partners. What's more, he still has a handle on us. If he doesn't cooperate, send him to the cell. "

"We have a big deal with him."

"Xu Wei mouth corner took a draw," you are not afraid that Li nianjin will take away all the money on the company's books at that time? "

Fang Junrong tone understatement, "that is also very good, anyway, the money is finally to our hands."

She didn't have much affection for the company. And over the years, Li has gradually taken control of the company, and most of the most important positions are his people. If she robbed him, even if she did, she would have to bleed a lot. It's better to harvest more money now. What's more, the company's performance over the years is not as good as it used to be.

Xu Weiwei saw that she had made up her mind, so he did not persuade her.

After the discussion, Fang Junrong called Ning Qing, the boss of the club.Ning Qing soon came over and said to her, "what you said to me before, I have let someone check it for you."

A few days ago, Fang Junrong asked Ning Qing to help check the missing business card of Zhong Yi. Because it was just a small matter, Ning Qing did not refuse. Before Ning Qing just ran this club, once encountered trouble, was Fang Junrong to help, so the two people have a good friendship.

Ning Qing will directly find the monitoring screen with the projector out.

The first scene is a girl with short hair. When there is no one in the staff lounge, she opens the cabinet with the key, pulls out Zhong Yi's uniform, takes out a business card from her pocket, tears it to pieces, and throws it into the toilet.

Another scene is Jiang Yage chatting with the girl with short hair.

Ning Qing said: "according to your opinion, only Zhong Yi and Jiang Ya Ge know about the matter that you want to take Zhong Yi and adopt a daughter. The one who tore Zhong Yi's name card is Ge Yan. She had a chat with Jiang Yage. However, there is only monitoring in the rest room, and there are no eavesdroppers, so I don't know what they are talking about. I can only say that Jiang Yage is suspected of this

"I also asked Ge Yan, but she refused to admit it was related to Jiang Ya Ge. I've got her fired. I don't have room for such people here. "

Fang Junrong asked Ning Qing to send the video to her, and then handed it to Zhong Yi. She did not want to sow dissension or anything, or let Zhong Yi keep an eye on her mind.

Xiaoqing looked up for a while and then she left.


Zhong Yi is drawing in the room. Now she has already quit her job in the club. Every two days, she will go to the hospital to accompany her grandmother for half a day. The rest of the time she stays at the Li family to learn painting. She has been fond of drawing since she was a child, but there is no extra capital for her at home. Now she has this opportunity, which makes her cherish her life.

Half way through, the phone vibrated.

Zhong Yi turns on her mobile phone and finds that it's a message sent to her by her dry mother - those are two videos.

Ten minutes later, she was staring at the screen in a daze. In fact, after she lost her business card, she also had some speculations. On the one hand, she doubted her friends. On the other hand, she felt that her own private speculation was too dark. How could she suspect her friend? Maybe she lost it accidentally.

Why does the song of songs do this? Aren't they best friends?

When they first entered school, the relationship between Zhong Yi and Jiang Yage was just ordinary. Both of them were beauties in other people's eyes. Naturally, they were compared with each other. It was only when they found out that each other was working in the white crane by accident, because of this common secret, they came close to each other.

In Zhong Yiyan, the song of songs is too simple, too straight, easy to be bullied, which arouses her desire for protection, so she often protects her.

Time, Zhong Yi was stimulated by this news, brain piece blank, do not know what mood to take to face Jiangya song.

Knocking on the door sounded, Zhong Yi recovered, Jiang Ya GE's gentle voice came in, "I cut a plate of fruit you like to eat, open the door, OK?"

Zhong Yi opens the door and stands outside Jiangya song. She was wearing a dress of C family's latest season, and her smile was as pure as memory.

"Oh, don't draw all day long, and occasionally relax. Don't push yourself too hard."

Her words and deeds are so considerate.

"Song of songs, I found the man who stole my business card."

Jiang Ya Ge lifted her eyes, the expression of doubt was so real, "didn't you drop it carelessly?"

Zhong Yi said: "I told the boss about this, and she helped me to call out the monitoring. It was Ge Yan who took it."

Jiang Ya Song's pink lips opened slightly, showing a indignant expression, "I didn't expect it was her. It's really a matter of knowing people's faces and not their hearts."

Zhong Yiding fixed to look at her, not let her face any silk expression change, "Ge Yan admitted, you told her." She cheated Jiang Ya Ge Hui. She never wanted to believe that her best friend would be such a person.

"She must have framed me! Do you believe what she said? I thought you would stand on my side Jiang Yage's tone was a little excited, and her beautiful eyes were misty. "It was Ge Yan who was so happy to see you that two days ago. She was very curious. She came to ask me, and I told her about your adoption by a dry mother."

She bit her lower lip with neat white teeth and looked hurt and pathetic. "I didn't expect that she would take your business card out of jealousy."

"She used to look down on you. I thought that would help you out."

"I'm sorry, I'm too credulous. You can blame me."

What should Zhong Yi say? From the video, Ge Yan clearly knows that the business card is in her uniform pocket. How could she know if there is no song of songs to tell her?

If Yago admits it and apologizes, she can forgive. But she behaved as if she had been wronged She had judgment in her heart.

Jiang Ya GE's long eyelashes are covered with tears, "do you really don't believe me?"

Zhong Yi closed his eyes and opened his eyes again. His voice returned to calm, "I believe you this time."

This is the last time.