Li, sitting opposite he Ming, said in a deep voice, "have you finished that pair of snow in the cold river?"

"Snow on the cold river" is Xu fangweng's most famous painting. It is said that a mysterious rich man made a price of 560 million ten years ago. Some Xiangjiang rich people tried to buy it for one billion yuan, but they failed.

He received the news today, so he put down the business of the company and rushed over in a hurry. Over the years, he and he Ming have cooperated for many times, but it is the first time that he has made such a big deal.

He Ming nodded slightly, "it will be finished in a few days, do you want to buy it? If you don't buy it, I'll sell it to others, and a few people want to ask me for an appointment for a draft. "

In recent years, he not only helped Li's paintings transfer his property, but also painted a few paintings to exchange money.

Li nianjin sat up. Before, he took money from the company's books. At most, he took tens of millions of dollars. This time, he got a billion I don't know if Junrong will agree.

He remembered that Junrong had been more and more indifferent to him during this period of time, and he wanted to arrange his nephew into the company these two days. It can be seen that she has begun to be restless and try to interfere in the power of the company. His heart flashed a resolution, "in addition to the" cold river snow ", do you have any other works, when the book will be worth 1.5 billion."

The reason why he believes he Ming will not betray him is that he Mingwei's son is in his hand, and he Ming attaches great importance to his son. Just recently, a shareholder wants to sell the shares. When the time comes, the money can buy the shares, so his shares can be stabilized over Junrong.

He Ming hesitated and said, "I'll try my best."

1.5 billion, according to the man, if things go well, not only will he and his son be sent abroad. And I'll give him ten million. Compared with Li nianjin, that one is much more generous. Over the years, he helped Li engjin draw so many paintings that he only made millions. And

He thought of his friend who had been painting for Li, and he disappeared quietly. He didn't want to end up like that.

"Don't worry, your son, I will arrange for you to the best school, and I will help you to study abroad."

He Ming hung his head, and his voice was full of gratitude, "then please."

The hands under the table clenched into fists.

Suddenly, he raised his head and said, "by the way, a friend of mine has seen someone who looks like winsell abroad. He came to me for tea the other day and recognized my painting

Li nianjin once took the photos of wensier and asked he ming to help him draw several paintings. There were also several pictures of wensier in the studio, so he Ming was no stranger to wensier.

Li's eyes widened because of shock, and the muscles on his face twitched a few times, looking a bit ferocious, "is that true? How could it be? " He thought of something and asked, "where is she?"

"In country R."

Yes, SIL has a twin sister. It is said that she went abroad several years ago. It is likely that she is.

"How is she doing?" He sighed slightly. After all, she was her sister. Before her death, she was the most concerned about her except for the song of songs. It would be nice if you could help her.

He Ming said: "she is my friend's neighbor and she is not very well. It is said that her husband not only owed a lot of debt, but also cheated, and it took her a lot of effort to get divorced. Because he is good-looking, and he is lonely, he is often bullied by the local people. "

After listening to these, Li was more and more heartless. He said seriously, "tell me her address, and I'll send someone to pick her up."

For her own sake, maybe she could be taken care of under her own eyelids.

He Ming took out the note and handed it to Li nianjin.

After accepting the note, Li added, "from today on, your paintings have increased from 50000 to 60000."

His tone was condescending, as high as ever.

"Thank you, Mr. Li."


Li's younger sister, wensixian, was soon brought back. Country R was only a few hours away from the plane in S City, but the next day, he met Wen Sixian.

Wensixian and wensil are worthy of being twins, and they are very similar. When he saw it, there was a sense of winsell's resurrection.

When Wen Sixian saw him, her tears fell down on the spot and went straight to embrace him.

Li was embarrassed and subconsciously tried to push her away, but when her tears fell on his neck, he felt the tears were very hot, as if they were on his heart. Instead of pushing her away, he patted her on the back.

"It's OK. You're back. I'll protect you for your sister."

"You can treat me like your brother."

"Thank you. Thank you very much." Wen Sixian's breath puffed on his neck, which made him itchy.

She told him about the hard work of these years. She was sad to hear and cry to see. What she said was more tragic than what he Ming mentioned. Wen Sixian's husband not only gambled, but also committed domestic violence. She even miscarried two children."Why not divorce early?" Li nianjin blurted out. Wen Sixian's tearful appearance was very similar to her sister, which made him unable to ignore.

Wen Sixian seemed to have met with something difficult to say. He bit his lower lip, but refused to say it.

Li also did not force her, he led Wen Sixian to a three bedroom house. The driver was Lao sun, a driver who had worked for him for many years. He kept his mouth shut even in front of his wife. Li has great trust in him.

He sat up with Winston in the back seat.

When he got to the destination, when he got off the bus, Wen Sixian's wallet fell out. Her purse was unbuttoned and unfolded. Li nianjin bent down to help pick it up. He was stunned when he saw the picture in the interlayer of his wallet.

There are two pictures in the wallet. Zhang is a picture of Li when he was young. At that time, Li nianjin was handsome and scholarly, holding the experimental report and standing under the tree.

Another is a picture of Wen Sixian and a man. The man looks a bit like Li nianjin.

Wen Sixian quickly took back her purse and turned her head. Her neck was red. I don't know whether it was because of the hot weather or other reasons.

"Is this your husband?"

Wen Sixian's voice is very light Well. "

Li is not a fool. He is especially keen in this respect. These two photos point to the truth

No wonder, no wonder she didn't want a divorce.

Thinking of the conjecture, he couldn't help looking at her with complicated eyes.

Back home, Li's steps were relaxed and pleasant. Today, he has the illusion of returning to his youth. The dreamlike feeling is like wine, which makes him immersed in it unconsciously.

When he entered the room, he saw his wife, Fang Junrong, sitting on the sofa, and his adopted daughter, Zhong Yiqi, flipping through the pamphlet. Although Zhong Yi stayed at home for several days, she spent most of her time in her room. She had a weak sense of existence. Li often forgot that she had such an adopted daughter in addition to the song of songs.

"Are you reading the latest magazine?" He glanced, as if it had something to do with clothes.

Fang Junrong raised his head and raised his lips, "I'm asking Zhong Yi to choose some of her favorite dresses. After the sample skirts are sent, I'll let her have a try and modify them according to her figure."

Li's subconscious thought of Jiangya song, "isn't it at home? You didn't ask her? " He said jokingly, "although I know you like Zhong Yi better, they are all children of the family. You can have a bowl of water level, not eccentric."

His bad impression of Zhong Yi may be due to his humiliation in front of the song of songs when he met for the first time. In addition, he felt that Zhong Yi was closer to his wife, and his attitude towards him was alienated. Li was even less fond of her.

Fang Junrong heart stomach Fei: Li nianjin is the least qualified to say this.

Her smile is still perfect, the tone is meaningful, "song of songs is not suitable for coming."

"Why not?" Seeing that his wife really wanted to play down the song of songs, Li nianjin felt that this could not be done.

"I'm going to introduce Zhong Yi to Xinyun's birthday party, so she certainly has to dress up that day," Fang said slowly

"Song of songs, too?"

Fang Junrong chuckled, as if laughing at his childishness. The look of a fool in his eyes made Li forget Jin very uncomfortable.

"Don't you remember? It was the death day of her parents. Just after last year, the song of songs always has to be filial to his own parents. It's not good to attend the banquet. "

"What should she do when she is upset? So I decided to let her stay in other places for a few days. I also thought about her mood She directly threw Li's words that he had said before and threw him in the face again.

Li nianjin's face rose red and turned from red to green. However, Fang Junrong blocked him with what he said. If he refuted, he would have made a face.

He can only smile, "I almost forgot about it, or you are considerate."

He also said to Zhong Yi: "choose a few more things you like, or you will buy them all at that time."

Zhong Yi smelled speech, raised his head to smile at him, "thank you, Godfather." Then he lowered his head and continued to read the magazine.

Li nianjin watched them two people over there discussing which style of dress was good-looking, and his heart was also a pity for the elegant song. Xin Yun invited a lot of guests on his birthday. It was the best time to introduce the identity of the song of songs. Now it can only be drawn slowly.

Originally some unhappy mood, think of Wen Sixian, and then get better again. Wen Sixian has returned home, but can let her and song meet more times, good comfort under the song.