
Fang Junrong looked at her son Li Shize, who rarely appeared in front of her, and had already guessed his intention. Maybe it is because she came back from rebirth for some time, now she has been able to suppress the hatred in her heart, and she can speak to him in a gentle tone as if nothing had happened.

"What's the matter? Are you tired of internship in the company recently? If you are tired, take a good rest. Your body is the most important thing. " She was as loving a mother as ever.

Li Shize was relieved by her appearance. He was not a man without emotional intelligence. He did not mention the bracelet immediately. But from Li Xinyun's birthday party a few weeks later as the starting point of the topic, he seems to be a good brother who is indifferent but cares about his sister very much.

However, Fang Junrong will not be cheated. Before Jiang Ya Ge appeared, Li Shize was really nice to their mother and daughter, but after falling in love with Jiang Yage, he only had love left in his heart. The so-called family relationship is all about the past. Otherwise, he would not send her mother to a mental hospital, nor would he watch his sister become a plaything and finally be forced to commit suicide.

After chatting for about a quarter of an hour, Li Shize finally introduced the topic to the final goal.

"Didn't mom have a beautiful jade bracelet before? Why haven't you seen it lately? "

Fang Junrong, who had been psychologically prepared for a long time, was not surprised at all when he heard this. He said, "I have several jadeite bracelets, which do you mean?" Jewelry is the last thing she needs.

Li Shize said: "it is the water color lines that are a bit like a mountain bracelet." Since the mother usually did not take out very much, it should not be a particularly important thing. If he opened his mouth, he would certainly have no problem.

Fang Junrong showed an expression of thinking and suddenly realized, "you said that bracelet..." She pauses for a moment, and then slowly says, "before I went on a tour with my friends, I don't know where I left it. I can't find it."

"I have several more than this. Or do you choose something else? "

As the future successor of the Li family, Li Shize is not short of money, and his jewels and jades are usually not too conspicuous. If it was not for Jiangya song, he would not have asked his mother for it. When he heard this, his eyebrows wrinkled and his voice became loud, "lost? How could it be lost? "

Fang Junrong sighed, "I have no impression. I didn't find it until I got back to pack. Why do you want that bracelet all of a sudden

Li Shize pulled the corners of his mouth and perfunctorily perfunctorily, "I just like that one and want to match the suit."

After knowing that the bracelet was missing, Jiang Yage's tearful eyes appeared in his mind, and he was upset. After she knew about it, she would cry secretly in the quilt again.

As the successor of the Li family, he couldn't even protect a girl's smile.

His heart also gave birth to a faint complaint, his mother went out to travel, why did she have to take the bracelet away. He could only go to see if there were similar bracelets elsewhere.

Because of his irritability, he did not continue to talk, and soon found a reason to leave. He was still thinking about where to buy such a suitable bracelet.

Fang Junrong heart stomach Fei: thanks to her son has no feelings for barbecue, or to see him this barbecue appearance, do not know how angry.

Her heart also began to ponder, perhaps she can let people forge a similar bracelet, when the Keng Jiangya song and Li Shize.

Pit barbecue, can you call it pit?


Jiang Yage's face is visible to the naked eye after learning that the bracelet has been lost.

She had the same dream again and again. Dream, Fang Junrong slender white wrist wearing a green bracelet. Generally speaking, the dream should only be black and white, but the bracelet is shining with the brilliance that people can't ignore.

When she touched the bracelet, she entered the cave. Although she could only see the huge stone tablet and the immortal mountain, Jiang Ya Ge felt something extraordinary. After she woke up, she was still disappointed. Her strong intuition told her that she had to get the bracelet.

She began to think she was just daydreaming, but after having the same dream for weeks in a row, she secretly asked Li's servants. Jiang Yage is usually very kind to these servants, because she has pity on them. Even though she knows that they sometimes buckle down, she turns a blind eye. It can be said that Jiang Yage is the most popular among these servants. Thanks to them, Jiang Ya Ge also successfully asked that Fang Junrong had such a bracelet. She used to wear it before, but she put it away in recent years.

In Jiang Ya's eyes, the dream she had is undoubtedly a reminder from God that she should not miss this opportunity. She felt as if there was a hand scratching her heart, trying to get it.

In her opinion, although the bracelet is Fang Junrong's, this kind of artifact can not be compared with ordinary jewelry, and has the right to choose its owner. She was reminded that she was the real owner of the bracelet. So she was not guilty of plotting the bracelet. After all, it was just ordinary jewelry in Fang Junrong's hand, which was a great waste. If she can really use the bracelet to get some benefits, she will be filial to Fang Junrong.Therefore, she made up a lie in front of Li Shize, pulled out a false fiance, and let Li Shize willingly take it for her. It should have been a sure thing, but Jiang Yage didn't expect that the bracelet was lost.

This blow made her face pale and unbelievable. Her eyes with tears were like the spring water from the bay. "Really not?"

Li Shize see her expression, also not very good, he nodded, "it doesn't matter, I'll try to find a similar bracelet." He frowned, but he couldn't do it. When the other party came to the door, he threatened the other party. I think the so-called fiance of Yage is not a rich family and dare not offend the Li family.

Jiang Yage can't laugh at all. Even if other bracelets look like this, they are not Fang Junrong's bracelets.

She hung her head. "After all, it's my fault that I didn't take good care of the bracelet."

She was like a flower that had been watered by rain. She looked pitifully weak and helpless.

Li Shize loved her more, and wrote to Zhong Yi. He even doubted that Zhong Yi had lost it on purpose. He looked at Jiang Ya Ge with more pity. Jiang Yage raised his head, and his four eyes, and then as if touching something hot, busy away from the line of sight.

In this day's interaction, although both of them have never pierced that layer of cellophane, they can vaguely perceive the subtle feelings flowing between them.


Because she lost the clue of the bracelet, even though Li Shize comforted her from time to time, and even took her out to buy things for her, Jiang Yage's mood was still not improved, and her whole body was haunted by a melancholy temperament.

Li nianjin always wanted Jiang Yage to be his daughter. Seeing this, he was deeply distressed. He thought that Jiang Yage was so sad because his parents' death day was getting closer. He simply took Jiang Ya Ge to meet Wen Sixian.

Jiang Yage seldom met with this aunt before, but Wen Sixian looks like her mother wensil. Seeing her is like seeing her dead mother. Jiang Yage can't help but cry.

After shedding tears and saying some more words, the distance between them has been narrowed. Jiang Ya Ge looks at his aunt Wen Sixian, and looks at Li nianjin, who has a gentle face.

Wen Sixian was embarrassed by her eyes. She pulled her niece's sleeve and said with a kind face: "my sister opposed to my marriage with your ex uncle. Our sisters made a little unhappy, so there was no contact."

"If Wang Jin hadn't told me that I didn't know the news of my sister's death, I didn't even see her last." Her face was tinged with sadness and regret.

Li had known for a long time the reason why Wen Sixian had to marry the scum man. He was embarrassed and found a reason to go first, leaving them to chat and exchange feelings.

Jiang Ya GE's eyes also dim down, "my mother was thinking about you before she died." Two people miss the unfortunate death of wensil, Jiangya song after a while before quietly asked: "aunt, do you like Godfather ah."

Wen Sixian blushed, "don't talk nonsense. He already has a wife. "

Jiang Yage said in a low voice: "the relationship between Godfather and godmother is not very good. They often have disputes when they are at home, especially after I come. Godmother, she doesn't seem to like me very much

Jiang Ya Ge is not a fool. Of course, it can be seen that Fang Junrong is better at Zhong. Thinking of her mother, she can also guess two from the attitude of Godfather towards her and the occasional words. If only my mother had chosen Godfather when she was young, she would have been godfather's daughter, and she would not have to rely on others as carefully as she does now. It's a pity that a good man like Godfather married a godmother.

She looked up at her aunt, who looked like she was, especially when she laughed.

"Even if he doesn't have a good relationship with Fang Junrong, their marriage is protected by law," Wen said. It's not good for me to often come out with him. It's not good to be misunderstood. "

After being seen by Li's friends last time, he seldom took her out. She didn't get up until today in order to see Jiang Ya Ge.

Jiang Ya Ge blurted out, "that aunt can often come out to meet me. With me, other people will not misunderstand me."

Even if the godmother knows, she can't say anything. After all, isn't it normal for her to see her aunt?

Wen Sixian was stunned and affectionately pinned her niece's hair behind her ear. "I don't have a daughter. Now I have you, and it's almost like my own daughter."