Although Fang Junrong did not interfere in the affairs of the company, he occasionally had to accompany Li to attend some banquets. If she was the former one, she would take out her working status to see if she could help the company negotiate several contracts. But now

She didn't have much feelings for the company that could be said to be Li nianjin Yantang. Even if the company went bankrupt, it didn't matter to her, as long as she didn't close down before her divorce. Therefore, she is very leisurely to nest in the corner, leisurely eating snacks on the banquet, from time to time to comment on two.

In the past, Li nianjin didn't like his wife, who could be a full-time wife at home, but had to intervene in the company's affairs. However, when he saw that his wife was now completely shaking hands as a shopkeeper, he couldn't help but feel a slight displeasure. Several new policies have been put forward this year. Some of the company can't keep up with the policy, and there are losses in this quarter. At the banquet, there were just a few rich second generation whose background should not be underestimated. The two of them and Jun Rong were classmates of Gao and had a good relationship. He originally brought Fang Junrong over, just to let his wife get some information from his old classmates.

After talking with several bosses for a while, he still couldn't help but walk to Fang Junrong. He raised a gentle smile around his mouth, and his voice was soft as if he was afraid to frighten her. "Junrong, I see that some of your friends are here, don't you talk to them?"

Fang Junrong looked up. Among the crowd, he Jianbing, a senior classmate of hers, was admired by many people. He Jianbing is an old and powerful family in s city. He Jianbing has been standing for decades, and he is a well-known figure. Moreover, the dignitaries whose family is backed by the capital often receive first-hand news.

Fang Junrong and he Jianbing have a good relationship. Although they can't compare with Xu Weiwei, they can also be regarded as friendship. Over the years, Li's company has been able to become stronger and bigger, most of which relies on the Fangs' contacts. She remembered that in her previous life, he's family could have been a local villain in s city. He Jianbing's niece, he Shuzhen, did not have a long eye for the underworld Prince Wang Xiao, and she had to become his fiancee. When she knew the existence of Jiang Ya Ge, she set out to deal with Jiang Ya Ge. Wang Xiao, who is infatuated with jiangyage, in order to help Jiang Yage in the face and frame up he family, many people of he family are jailed. Finally, Wang Xiao accepts the influence left by he family and becomes the leader of s city.

So say, love brain really want! In particular, he Jianbing's niece, who likes Wang Xiao, even revealed some family secrets in order to please him. She is responsible for his family's failure so quickly.

For Wang Xiao, Fang Junrong can be said to hate to the extreme, not only because the other side killed her daughter, but also because of the other side's unscrupulous means. He never put the so-called law and morality in his eyes. He acted unscrupulously and did things according to his mood. As long as it is not good for Jiang Ya Ge, he will spare no effort to suppress the other party, and will let people die easily.

Fang Junrong goes to he Jianbing. Of course, she is impossible to help Li nianjin pave the way, just want to chat with old friends. By the way, this friend. If he family can not fall, Wang Xiao will not be able to successfully ascend the throne, and she can have more than one ally.

After he saw her, her eyes were a little surprised, "your skin is better, what kind of elixir did you take?"

Fang Junrong's lip was hooked, "well, I took a new beauty pill recently, and the effect is good. I'll give you some in a few days."

"Good." He Jianbing is not polite to her. It is obvious that they want to chat alone, and other people who have a wink also consciously leave them space to talk alone.

Fang Junrong thought of the book he had read before and reminded him, "I remember your house is going to take a piece of land, right?"

He Jian nodded, "do you want to join in?" She joked, but it was impossible before. After all, there will be a bidding in another week. Even if the Li family and the Fang family want to join now, they can't sign up.

Fang Junrong voice low a few minutes, "you have a niece is Wang Xiao's fiancee, be careful, don't let her know your reserve price."

The land in the previous life was finally taken by Wang Xiao and he Jiajun was defeated. It can be said that the loss is not small.

He Jianbing's face became more serious. She also knew Fang Junrong's temperament. If she was not sure of more than% of the time, she would not remind her. I'm afraid it's true nine out of ten. Thinking of the possibility, he Jianbing almost wanted to hang up his niece.

Is she in a bad head? If she can't make it better, where does she think she can be better?

She took a deep breath and calmed her mood. She touched the cup with Fang Junrong, "thank you very much." She was trying to reveal some information with Fang Junrong, but she saw Fang Junrong's fingers on her lips and made a needless move.

He Jianbing, although somewhat surprised, did not say. In a trance, she remembered that the gossip about Li nianjin she had heard before was that some villains couldn't get used to seeing him and let their husband and wife live in harmony and maliciously instigate. Is it true?

"You and Li nianjin..."

Fang Junrong looks more indifferent, "don't mention him."

He Jianbing gets it. He family used to help, is to see in Fang Junrong's share, now it seems that this help can be taken back. She understood and shifted the topic to a show she had visited last week, and they kept silent about business matters.Not far away, Li's heart was relieved when he saw the pictures of them laughing and talking to others. He walked over with a glass of wine in his hand.


For sun Mei, who dislikes Fang Junrong, she is in a bad mood when she sees that Fang Junrong has a good life and there is no haze at all. Especially today, her husband, regardless of her face, brought out the Secretary - and that secretary is her latest love.

Especially to see Li engjin in front of people, the other side Jun Rong vice affectionate and gentle appearance, she was disgusted to stomach.

Sun Mei had a bad life and could not see the good temperament of others. Her brain was hot, so she went to challenge her.

She walked up to Li's face and expressed her surprise with a pretentious expression, "eh, Mr. Li has brought you to bear with you today. I thought you would bring other people."

Her tone was full of malice, and she obviously wanted to see a good play.

Fang Junrong thought it was time for sun Mei to come, and showed a puzzled expression, "who else can I take with me?"

Sun Mei's mouth radian expanded, "a few days ago, Mr. Li often went out to play with his mother and daughter. It looked like a family of three." Although sun Mei did not find out the identity of Jiang Yage and Wen Sixian, because of their similar facial features, she misunderstood them as mother and daughter, and even suspected that their younger one might be Li's illegitimate daughter. She was in a better mood. Even if her husband doesn't give her face any more, he doesn't make such a mess.

Fang Junrong frowned and looked at Li.

Li is very calm, he has long thought about how to deal with this situation. He said in a tone of Indifference: "it's not someone else. It's the song of songs and her aunt. Her aunt has returned home. Yage is in a bad mood recently, so I will take her to see her aunt

"I told you about it before."

Fang Junrong showed a sudden realization of the expression, "I forget there is this."

She turned her head and said to sun Mei, "Sun Mei, after this kind of thing has been confirmed, don't always listen to the wind is rain. The man you're talking about is our dry daughter and her aunt. We have known each other for many years. If we know you just care, we will be confused. If we don't know, we think you are deliberately sowing discord. "

Li nianjin, who nearly overturned his car, had already tired of sun Mei, the one who provoked the trouble again and again. He was too lazy to maintain his demeanor. He said in a cold voice, "if you have so much time, spend more time on your husband. Don't always think about picking things. No wonder sue is always impatient to see you. "

Just as the so-called swearing does not expose the short story, Li nianjin is tantamount to tearing sun Mei's face off. She is so angry that she wants to smash the wine glass in the past, and her teeth are creaking. At this moment, Li engjin succeeded in surpassing Fang Junrong and became No. 1 in sun Meixin's hate list.

At this moment, sun Mei made up her mind: she really wanted to find someone to shoot Li nianjin 24 hours a day. When she caught the picture of him cheating, she would see what face he had in front of her.

Fang Junrong really did not expect Li engjin directly pulled sun Mei's hatred value, and her heart was greatly happy. It seems that sun Mei will definitely become the number one figure to help publicize Li's affairs in the future, and will not waste her efforts in provocation.

Because of this, she was in a good mood.

When the party left, Li went back with her.

On the way, Li asked what he was most concerned about, "what did you talk about at night with he Jianbing?"? Did she give you any inside information? "

The smile on Fang Junrong's face converged a little and said faintly, "no, we just talked about some fashion shows this year."

Li's face was not very good-looking, "aren't you good friends? Did she keep you secret? "

Fang Junrong hummed and said, "because she is a good friend, I won't ask what she doesn't want to say. I make friends with her because of the same character, not for profit. "

She looked at Li Erjin with disappointed eyes. "I thought you could understand the simple friendship between me and her, but you are also a layman. You let me down

In the past, Jiang Ya Ge always liked to say that she made friends with people, not for interests, but for her personality. She also attracted many people to praise her, saying that her heart was like a child, simple and kind.

Fang Junrong found that although Jiang Ya GE's words were disgusting, they were not as good as Li's.

He has nothing to say.