Of course, even if Wang Xiao had an accident, Fang Junrong could not have sympathized with him. He would have loved the situation. In her room, she found that Jiang Ya Ge was going to take Wang Xiao away, so she prepared to come out and add a fire.

She didn't worry about what Wang Xiao would do. First of all, Jiang Yage had put the gun on her body and it was burned like this. She couldn't do anything.

She looked at Jiang Yage with a playful look and buried her disgust well, "is that your boyfriend? Song of songs? "

"If you have a boyfriend, you should have told us earlier. Your Godfather has been telling me that he wants to introduce you to some good people. "

Jiang Yage was so nervous that sweat came out and subconsciously denied, "no, it's not. We are just friends... "

Yes, what she likes is Li Shize, who seems to be cold, but only shows tenderness to her. She just treats Wang Xiao as a good friend In these days, she not only knew Wang Xiao's name, but also his identity. But Jiang Yage doesn't think it's a big deal. She won't be biased against Wang Xiao because of what he did. On the contrary, Wang Xiao has a layer of unspeakable charm because of his black identity.

Fang Junrong's smile deepened, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes. "I know that you girls are shy and embarrassed to admit it."

Jiang Yage blushed to drip blood, but shook his head to deny. She didn't want Li Shize's mother to misunderstand her as a casual woman. She was so full of this idea that she forgot Wang Xiao, who fell on the ground.

Fang Junrong came down the stairs and said, "what happened to your friend?"

Jiang Ya Ge this just recalled Wang Xiao, the voice is a little flustered, "he was injured, the wound is also inflamed, so high fever, I want to send him to the hospital."

Fang Junrong nodded, "then I'll call the driver and let him take us there."

God forbid, burn this man into a fool. Maybe he has become a fool, or he has done away with the people. She would like to know whether Wang Xiao would be as infatuated with Jiang Ya Ge as she had been in the past.

Jiang Yage saw that she didn't ask too much, thought that success had fooled her in the past, and could not help but feel relieved. She was worried that the godmother would ask her how she had brought a stranger home.

Fang Junrong called the driver to come over, because of the help of the driver, Jiang Yage successfully put Wang Xiao into the car.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the nearest hospital. When Wang Xiao's hat and glasses were taken off, Fang Junrong also appropriately showed a surprised expression, "it's him!"

At this time, Wang Xiao was not in good health and had been sent to the ward.

Jiang Ya Ge turned her head and looked at Fang Junrong, "Ganma, do you know him?"

Fang Junrong nodded slightly and said in a casual tone, "of course I know. He is the future son-in-law of his family."

Jiang Ya Ge is the first time to hear about this, and she is surprised to open her mouth and has a kind of unspeakable dissatisfaction in her heart. He had a fiancee, but he cheated her

But she also knew that her dissatisfaction was unreasonable. After all, she and Wang Xiao were just friends. She tried to make herself smile as if nothing had happened. "His fiancee must be a very good girl."

Fang Junrong thought of he family's little girl, he Shuzhen, and wanted to light wax for his family. He raised such a loving daughter, but he ruined his whole family. Her smile is very official, "is a very suitable girl with Wang Xiao."

A love brain, a unscrupulous means, if it is not he Shuzhen is not Wang Xiao's true destiny, it is really a perfect match.

Jiang Ya Ge bows her head. Guess also know that the girl's identity is not low, and she is not the same. She could not help but emerge a faint inferiority complex. Although she is now the adopted daughter of the Li family, she will still bow their head in front of the real eldest lady.

Fang Junrong took her look in his eyes and only felt funny. Isn't Jiang Yage fond of her son with barbecued pork? How to see this performance, Wang Xiao is not a bit of feeling, this is not to eat a bowl looking at the pot?

She spared no effort to boast of he Shuzhen, boasting that the other party's family background is good, looks beautiful, and has a good education background. Although she didn't like he Shuzhen, as long as she could beat Jiang Ya Ge, she was willing to praise her without conscience.

In this life, she reminded he Jianbing that he family should have prepared early. Wang Xiao could not get some secrets of he family smoothly.

"So how did he show up in our house? Did he come here to see you Although Fang Junrong knew the truth, he had to pretend that he didn't.

Jiang Yage stammered and said, "he was injured, and then hid in our house, probably because he knew that our family was reliable, so he hid here." She did not dare to let Fang Junrong know that she had brought him back. She could only make up a reason.

Fang Junrong pulled the corners of his mouth, "so. It seems that the security guards at home have to be replaced. They don't even know that people come in. It's not good if they are bad people. "

Because her daughter is not at home these days, Fang Junrong doesn't care that there is Wang Xiao at home. In addition, she wants to delay Wang Xiao's injury for a few more days, otherwise she would have called the police.After waiting for a long time, the doctor finally checked Wang Xiao's body and came out.

The gray haired doctor frowned tightly. "Who is his family?"

Jiang Yage raised his head. Because he had not drunk water for a long time, his throat was dry and his voice was a little hoarse. "I'm his friend. How is he doing?" She was suddenly uneasy for fear of hearing bad news from the doctor. She has taken good care of his wound these days. Should everything be ok?

The doctor said, "his condition is not very good. You sent it too late..."

After listening to the doctor, Fang Junrong almost wanted to set off firecrackers to celebrate.

You deserve it!

If you look at Jiang Ya Ge again, the blood color of her lips fades and her expression is flustered.


Wang Xiao felt that he had a beautiful dream. The dream of Jiang Ya Ge lying in his arms, like a tangled water grass, so that his mind. They hold hands like lovers, intimate.

The dream was so beautiful that he didn't want to wake up.

Jiang Yage is different from the women he has seen. He looks very weak, but he has a tough side. It was the first time that they met, and he almost killed her. However, she did not have prejudice against him, but took good care of him. She was like a sunshine in his darkness, warm and dazzling.

Suddenly it began to rain. The rain fell on him. He took Jiang Ya GE's hand and was about to run. Originally the dark sky was suddenly pulled out of a huge mouth, dazzling sunlight without reservation projected in.

Wang Xiao wakes up. His eyes are uncomfortable because of the light.

There were drops of water falling on his face, which was extremely hot. He struggled to open his eyes, just on the red eyes of Jiang Ya Ge. Wang Xiao responded. The water just dropped on his face was her tears.

It turns out that some people will shed tears for the man hiding in the dark.

Wang Xiao couldn't tell what he felt. He only felt sour and soft in his heart, which was very strange. He can only see Jiang Ya Song in his eyes, and can't hold other people any more until an elegant female voice wakes him up.

"Wang Xiao, are you ok?" Fang Junrong interrupted their two eyes, otherwise she thought the two people could look at each other for about an hour and a half.

Wang Xiao followed his voice and saw Fang Junrong. When he was engaged to he Shuzhen, Fang Junrong also came. Just how does Fang Junrong look younger than in memory?

Wang Xiao Leng for a moment, "Fang aunt."

He has not yet broken his face with the family, or to maintain the etiquette on the surface. But how did Fang Junrong come here?

Fang Junrong sighed and said, "you are the fiance of Shu's child. I treat you as my nephew. Why didn't you say earlier that you were injured? Let's take you to the hospital. Now it's all right. Minor injuries are delayed into major ones. "

Wang Xiao seems to have been hit by a stone, some dizzy, "what big injury?"

Isn't his wound bandaged? Should it be ready soon?

Although he had a fever, Wang Xiao thought it was because of the cold. He didn't expect that it was the wound inflammation.

Fang Junrong looked at him with pity, "the doctor has just checked and said that your wound has been inflamed for several days because it has not been treated in time. And the infected facial base is relatively large, when the operation, you have to remove part of the necrotic tissue, may not be able to protect your nerves

It means that Wang Xiao's hands are likely to be abandoned!

thought of this, Fang Jun Rong wanted to give awesome Jiang Ya Song a big red envelope.

"What a pity. If you had been sent to the hospital when you were injured, it would have been better. Who bandaged you for this injury? It didn't even disinfect. It was packed tightly, so it would be inflamed. Fortunately, my song found you and sent you to the hospital. Otherwise, it will be more serious if it is a little later. "

Wang Xiao almost vomited blood and subconsciously looked at Jiang Ya ge - so his wound was delayed by her?

Thinking that his left hand is likely to be abandoned, Wang Xiao, who was originally very fond of Jiangya song, not only cleared his favor, but also kept falling.

His hands! It's all this woman!

He glared at Jiang Ya Ge fiercely. If he hadn't got a gun, he would have shot Jiang Ya Ge.

Jiang Yage felt the murderous spirit and hostility on him and couldn't help sobbing.