"Yes, I'm sorry..."

Jiang Ya Ge really didn't expect that she was kind enough to save Wang Xiao, but delayed his injury. It was clear that she did it according to the information she found.

Her eyes were full of pearly tears, which fell on her white cheek, and became more and more pitiful. If it was Wang Xiao a day ago, he would certainly be in love with his sunshine. However, now Wang Xiao is full of his left hand. It is very likely that he abandoned this matter. If we look at the initiator's appearance of being more aggrieved than he is, his hatred is even more uncontrollable.

His ferocious manner is like a vicious ghost, which makes Jiang Ya Ge shiver on his back and subconsciously shrinks. She had never seen such a terrible expression in front of Wang Xiao.

"I didn't mean to. I just wanted to help you." She was scared, crying and burping. She looked very pitiful.

Fang Junrong deliberately pretended to be surprised, "song of songs, what do you do with your apology? You send him to the hospital, he is still willing to vent his anger with you? "It's the man who bandages Wang Xiao badly. It's none of your business."

She has a look of injustice for Jiang Ya Ge.

Wang Xiao looked at Jiang Ya GE's eyes and said, "you, you cunt!"

"You mean it these days."

"You deliberately left me in your room just to delay me."

The more Wang Xiao thought, the more he thought it was. Otherwise, a normal woman met a dangerous man with a gunshot wound on the road. How could he not be afraid at all and took him in. I'm afraid that she was sent by his enemies and bewitched him with harmless appearance, so as to aggravate his injury.

I didn't expect him to be wise, but he was destroyed in this woman's hands.

He was ready to crack, and the fire of anger burned his reason completely. He struggled to rush forward, but he had a fever, and his whole body was weak, which affected the wound and made his expression more distorted.

Jiang Ya Ge was scared by his evil spirit like expression. She stepped back a few steps. Unable to bear all this, she turned her head and ran out of the ward.

Fang Junrong kindly helped Wang Xiao ring the bell, let the doctor come over, and then walked out of the ward. This big play tonight is really wonderful. Wang Xiao of the former generation regarded Jiang Ya Ge as a goddess. He is afraid that he will be his enemy in his life. With Wang Xiao's character of revenge, Jiang Ya Ge provokes such an enemy. I don't know how many things will happen.

As long as she and Xin Yun were killed in a previous life, Fang Junrong would like them to pinch harder. To her, Wang Xiao himself has to pay half the responsibility for this injury. Jiang Yage has no common sense in this respect, so it is normal to treat gunshot wounds as ordinary wounds. Wang Xiao is a good man. He really believes a stranger and gives everything to each other. She couldn't find any other reason to explain it, except that she was obsessed with lust and lowered her IQ. But Wang Xiao will not feel that it is his fault, but will push everything to Jiang Yage.

When she found Jiang Yage, she was still in tears, and her expression was full of sadness and pain.

Fang Junrong asked, "is it true that Wang Xiao said you left him in his room for several days, deliberately delaying his wound?"

She said sternly, "you are not the only one in the family. Have you ever thought about the safety of others? Or do we all add up to be no better than a stranger in your heart? "

Jiang Ya Ge shook her head desperately, "no! I just wanted to help him. I thought he was a good man

Fang Junrong asked, "if you really want to help him, why don't you send him to the hospital earlier?"

Jiang Ya Ge is speechless. She can not say, she is afraid that Fang Junrong will see Wang Xiao and send him to the police station. Where did she know that Fang Junrong still knew Wang Xiao?

She recalled Wang Xiao's hatred in her mind, and felt a chill in her heart: how to do? She seems to have offended a terrible person.

She comforted herself: it doesn't matter. She is now the adopted daughter of the Li family, not the ordinary person with no background before. If Wang Xiao wants to deal with her, he will certainly offend the Li family. Nevertheless, she was still very uneasy and could only remind herself to be careful next.


Fang Junrong called the hospital a few days later and inquired about Wang Xiao's condition. He learned that Wang Xiao had been operated successfully. Although the left hand was preserved, because of the resection of some tissues, the left hand would not be sensitive in the future.

Fang Junrong sighs with his wrist. Jiang Yage's disaster is not enough.

She had some understanding of Wang Xiao's character, and knew that he would always report his revenge. She always liked to make others die. Now he is not Wang Xiao in the later period of his previous life, which is enough to make a great impact in s city. His means should be limited.

However, in order to be in case, Fang Junrong still recruited several good bodyguards in his own and daughter's side. She pondered for a moment, and her adopted daughter, Zhong Yi, sent two of them around. As for the safety of the others, it's none of her business!

Don't Li Shize and Li nianjin like Jiangya song very much. I think they are very willing to bear the trouble caused by Jiangya song. Jiang Ya song seems to be alert, these days are obedient stay at home, dare not go out.Facts have proved that Wang Xiao is not a patient character. When he couldn't find Jiang Yage, he directly reached out to the company - after all, Jiang Yage was apparently the adopted daughter of the Li family.

Now Wang Xiao has not been raised courage, on the surface will not rush to offend the Li family, he is behind the scenes disgusting behavior.

For example, faeces were spilled on the front door of the company, the luxury car Li had just bought was scratched, and when Li went out to attend a banquet, he was splashed with swill. In a short period of time, Li Jin didn't want to call the police for help, but he didn't want to find anyone else in the investigation.

He can only complain with Fang Junrong, and let Fang Junrong also want to help him. Although I don't want to admit it, Fang Junrong's contacts are much better than him. After all, the fangs have established their foothold decades ago, and they are still aware of the new business tycoons like the Li family.

Fang Junrong of course knows that this matter has something to do with Wang Xiao, but seeing Li's misfortune, she is too happy to help him. Wang Xiaozhi has been aiming at Li nianjin all the time because he loves Jiangya song. Because she has been looking for someone to keep an eye on Wang Xiao, she asked people to take a video of Wang Xiao's servants fixing Li nianjin, as evidence that may be used in the future.

She looked at Li Erjin with suspicious eyes, "did you offend anyone outside? Otherwise, how come you're the only one in our family

"No way, I've always been kind to people," Li said without hesitation

Fang Junrong said: "you must have hurt someone unintentionally, otherwise, how can they catch you to rectify by yourself? If you have any suspects, I have no clue to help you. "

Li's intention of looking for his wife is to use her connections to help him, instead of being asked endlessly by his wife and interrogating the prisoners. Moreover, his tone of voice also has the meaning of criticizing him. He suffered a lot of Qi in Fang Junrong, but he couldn't.

To say the enemy, the Li family can make the industry to this point, more or less will have. But in the absence of evidence, he could not challenge those people.

As soon as he was depressed, he went to Wen Sixian for comfort. Wen Sixian also played up the spirit of 120000, and became the gentle hometown of Li's relaxation spirit. And then it's on and off the bed.

Fang Junrong, who had installed monitoring in the house, naturally got the first-hand high-definition video. At this time, there was still a week before his daughter's birthday. It seems likely that she will settle the divorce before her daughter's birthday.

She lowered her eyelids, and when she saw the disgusting picture, there was no so-called sadness and anger. Instead, it was the ease of the landing of another boot.

She kept it over and over with a pleasant smile on her lips.

Well, it's time to send this video to sun Mei, who wants to pull the braids. She will live up to her expectations. She is a well-known virtuous and kind-hearted wife in the circle. She is full of trust in her husband. Of course, she will not take the initiative to monitor her husband's behavior.


After the banquet, sun Mei spent a lot of money to find several private detectives to follow Li engjin. Li's tragic experience during this period of time is of course clear to her, and there is no lack of schadenfreude behind her.

However, for her, the most important thing is to grasp Li's handle, which can not only make this pretentious man a big fool, but also defeat Fang Junrong's ridiculous trust in her husband. Oh, with her intuition as a woman, she had a premonition that Li had an affair with that woman.

I thought it would be a long tug of war, but I didn't expect things to progress faster than I imagined.

When she received the photo of Li nianjin from a private detective to meet Wen Sixian, she almost wanted to laugh.

It's just not enough Only pictures of them hugging at the door, nothing more substantive. With Li's face, I'm afraid he will say it's just a hug between ordinary friends. He is such a hypocritical person.

Oh, man!

Sun Mei gave him a bad look in her heart.

Or do you want to install surveillance in your house?

Before she had time to put her inner thoughts into action, the private detective sent new information two hours later. The speed was very fast, and she could afford the price.

Sun Mei was shocked when she saw the shocking video.

The video is clear enough to see the birthmark on Li's body, which is exactly what she needs. She doesn't care how the private detective got it.

Sun Mei's face was flushed with excitement. She directly pushed off the afternoon trip. She was so happy that she directly called the private detective 200000. She had a USB flash drive in her hand. When she called Fang Junrong, her voice was as loud as a bell, full of confidence and a sense of superiority.

"Junrong? I have something to tell you. "

"You have to be prepared. Don't be too upset."