"So you can't believe a man's sweet talk. You see, how well Li used to behave in front of you, but now he is not showing his true colors. I don't know what kind of vision he is. This kind of woman can also look up to him

"Don't be too upset. I believe he's just playing outside. He won't divorce you."

Sun Mei said comforting words, and the schadenfreude on her face could not be concealed. She will Fang Junrong about out, then can't wait to put out the video.

Some of the drinks she could not bear to drink were still calm. Let her some uncomfortable is, Fang Junrong did not cry, eyes just continue to watch the video. She felt like a fist in the cotton.

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Fang Junrong finally willing to raise his head, looking at her, "in fact, I more or less feel that he is not right recently, but I always choose to believe him."

Sun Mei sneered, "a man's words can be believed, sows can go up the tree." As she said this, she also began to lose interest. What she had been thinking about was to expose Li's face and step on Fang Junrong at his feet. But when it is done, it's not as exciting as you think.

"I didn't expect that he was cheating on her aunt in song It's a pity that Fang Junrong can't cry. Otherwise, if he can shed a few tears at this time, it will be more credible.

Although the Li family has not officially introduced Jiang Ya Ge and Zhong Yi to the outside world, they can't help Li nianjin's love for Jiang Yage and take her out of the house. Therefore, people in the circle more or less know that Jiang Yage is the adopted daughter of the Li family.

Sun Mei shook her head and began to be behind the scenes. "I can see her appearance. She is worried about her room. She is born with a white eyed wolf. You are leading the wolf into the house. Maybe Li nianjin just gave Jiang Ya Ge such an identity just for his lover. "

The more she said it, the more she thought it was, and the more she despised Li.

"Well, you want to open some. It is impossible for a man not to cheat. The most important thing is to control the economic power of the house. You just trust him too much! "

Because she felt that Fang Junrong was also very miserable, together with abusing the smelly man, sun Mei now did not hate each other as much as before. On the contrary, she felt that both of them shared a common hatred and shared the same country in this respect.

Fang Junrong asked her to send a video to her, and sun Mei was willing to do so.

After taking the video, Fang Junrong stood up and said, "I went back first. Thank you very much for today

Her tone is calm, but Sun Mei can hear the taste of the storm. She is full of energy in an instant, "or I will accompany you back?" Her heart has already filled the scene of the couple performing martial arts, and she is really a little excited.

Fang Junrong pulled the corner of his lips, "no need."

After thanking sun Mei, she left. Looking at her back, sun Mei called her friends and prepared to share the story with them. She was not afraid of watching the excitement. Li had offended her, so she had to take revenge.


Fang Junrong went back to the Fang family directly. Her parents died early, and her brother, Fang Xuebo, were raised by her grandmother. The relationship between her brother and sister is very good. If she wants to divorce Li nianjin, she must communicate with her brother. The former brother was beaten down by Li's father and son because he helped her to get ahead. Finally, the company went bankrupt. The follow-up situation is not clear because she was in the mental hospital, but it will not be better if she wants to come and end.

Fang's main business is clothing industry, especially her sister-in-law Yang Xi is a famous fashion designer. Fang Junrong's sister-in-law, Yang Xi, is a student sister of her university association, and their relationship is very good.

Before she went back, she called her brother and sister-in-law. So when she arrived at Fang's, the couple were at home.

Yang Xi just returned home a few days ago. Seeing Fang Junrong, she could not help feeling a twinkle in front of her eyes. "You look better. Did you use any new skin care products?" As a woman, who doesn't want to look young and beautiful.

Fang Junrong said: "I recently took a beauty pill, in two days I will send you some." She has made a lot of them in the jade cave.

Fang Xuebo looks more like Fang Junrong's grandfather. It can only be said that he is plain and unadorned, but he has outstanding temperament. He is more like a scholar than a businessman when he goes abroad. He looked at his sister and his wife with a smile and then asked, "how did you suddenly go home?"

For the other side Xuebo, even if his sister has been married for 20 years, it is his family, and their concern for him will not be reduced.

Fang Junrong's face was calm, "ah, I just want to talk to you about my divorce."

Fang Xuebo's face changed.

Fang Junrong didn't say anything. He opened the video directly. The sound released by the public would make people embarrassed. But at this time, it only made the couple furious.

After the anger, Fang Xuebo's face became dignified, "have you already thought about it?"

Fang Junrong nodded, "in fact, the omen has been there a long time ago. He has always disliked my involvement in the company's affairs, and he is more and more perfunctory to me. After Jiang Ya Ge came, he treated Jiang Ya Ge better than Xin Yun. He didn't less belittle Xin Yun. He always took Jiang Ya Ge first. "She said it one by one, and Fang Xuebo was very angry. She wanted to beat up her brother-in-law - no, it should be said that she would soon be her ex-brother-in-law.

"What about the two children?" Yang Xi was most worried about Fang Junrong's son and daughter.

Fang Junrong said faintly: "one of them went to university, another graduated from the college entrance examination, and there was no need to worry about affecting their study."

Fang Xuebo's face was delicate after hearing this. How could he feel like his sister had been waiting for this day for a long time? No, it must be his illusion! His sister is the most clever. If she changes, it will be Li's fault.

In the next half an hour, Fang Junrong mainly discussed with his brother some matters related to divorce. Fang Xuebo is most concerned about the distribution of property after divorce. He doesn't want his sister to suffer. However, considering the video, he felt that Li, as the fault party, would not fight with Jun Rong too much unless he did not want the good reputation he had accumulated over the years.

After the preliminary discussion, Fang Junrong and Fang Xuebo went back to Li's villa directly.

When they arrived, they were preparing for dinner. Her son Li Shize was also at home. The three of them sat at the table, and the atmosphere looked warm and peaceful.

Li also showed a rare smile and whispered softly to Jiang Ya Ge. When he heard the footsteps and looked up to see Fang Junrong, the smile on his face was stiff for a moment, and then recovered as before, "Junrong is back. Have you had dinner? I thought you were going to eat out tonight

Fang Junrong ha ha ha sneer, "still eat what dinner, gas is full of gas."

Fang Xuebo also looked at Li with disgusting eyes. In his heart, this brother-in-law had been labeled as hypocritical by him.

Li was not a fool. Naturally, he felt the anger against him. He frowned and said, "who provoked you?"

Fang Junrong walked up to them, and her eyes fell on the red wine on the table. She held the wine bottle, and her cold eyes swept over Li nianjin. Li was not forced to feel cold, but subconsciously wanted to say something. The next second, the wine bottle toppled, and the red liquid flowed out and poured directly on Li's head.

Li was so stunned that he almost thought he was dreaming. He and Fang Junrong married these years, although there have been disputes, but at most is a verbal confrontation, hands are never.

Red wine dripped down his hair, and his face and clothes were full of wine, which made him look embarrassed. The cold touch also reminds him that he is not a dream. Just now, his wife threw red wine all over him.

In the muddle after, the fury of the chest let his face become ferocious, "how dare you!"

Fang Junrong instead laughed, she told Li engjin with her actions, she not only dare, but also dare to come several times.

Another bottle of red wine splashed in his face. The chilled wine made him shiver subconsciously. Because he didn't expect Fang Junrong would throw it again, he didn't hide this time.

Li Shize's slanting eyebrows frowned fiercely, and his tone was unhappy and complaining, "Mom, don't make trouble without reason."

Jiang Ya GE's voice was weak, "godmother, are you in a bad mood?"

Li nianjin put his hand on his face and said angrily, "don't vent on me if you are in a bad mood! What's wrong with you today

If he had not scrutinized his image in front of his children and uncle, Li would not have given up easily. His hands were shaking with anger.

Fang Junrong turned on the mobile phone and opened the video. The screen was almost connected to Li's face. She didn't smile. "Wen Sixian's technology is good. You can enjoy it."

Li, who was originally angry, was petrified on the spot when he saw the high-definition picture. His expression was fixed, and the whole person looked like a quail who was pinched by the neck.

The blood color on Jiang Ya GE's face faded, and her body shook. She looked like she was going to faint at any time. "What are you talking about?"

Fang Junrong swept the past with an eye knife, "Oh, I think for the sake of the death of your parents, you were kindly invited to come to the Li's house. As a result, a white eyed wolf was attracted. You have the ability to put your aunt in bed in order to consolidate your position

"It's no wonder that Li nianjin dotes on you more than Xinyun. The pillow side wind is really good." Fang Junrong of course knows the real reason why Li nianjin dotes on Jiang Ya Ge, but this does not prevent her from saying so. What's more, Jiang Ya GE's heart is only afraid of this idea. Otherwise, how could she cover them up again and again.

Li Shize looked at Jiang Ya Ge with an unbelievable face and said, "is there any misunderstanding?" Even if he is more mature now, he is only a 19-year-old after all, and he has no strategy in future memory.

Fang Junrong gently smile, smile without temperature. She turned it on and turned on the projector in the hall to direct the video from her mobile phone.

Li's pupils are wide and he wants to stop his wife's action, but he is stopped by Fang Xuebo.

Fang Xuebo's expression is indifferent, "do you have the courage to do, have no courage to face it?"

He can only watch the big screen release with him and wensixian as the protagonists of the action film. Although the air-conditioner in the room was fully turned on, he was sweating and his brain was blank. He lost his ability to deal with it.Jiang Ya GE has already stood unsteadily and sits on the chair.

Fang Junrong had no expression, "divorce, you really make me sick."