The calm voice, like thunder, exploded in Li's ear.

"No, I don't divorce." His tone is firm, although he had the idea of divorce before, but now is not the time. Now, if he divorced, he would lose too much.

"Jun Rong, this is an accident." He was hoarse. "We were all drunk that day."

Fang Junrong took out a stack of photos from his bag and threw it in front of Li's face. "Oh, when you hugged her, was it because you were drunk?"

These photos are from sun Mei.

Li's lips opened, "I'm..." He subconsciously looked at his son and wanted him to speak for him. In his heart, he knew the status of the two children in his wife's mind.

Li Shize received his father's eyes and sighed in his heart. Although he understood his father's idea of stealing sex as a man, it was not advisable to steal from people around him. Moreover, his mother was too impulsive, because it was about to get divorced. Li Shize felt uncomfortable at the thought that his own affairs might become the talk in the circle.

His eyes fell on Jiang Ya Ge, who was in a trance and looked so sad that he murmured: "how can Auntie do such a thing? Is she worthy of me? "

Li Shize looked at her and his anger subsided. Not only the mother is the victim, but also the song of songs. My aunt makes such a thing, with the song of songs that always takes all the mistakes in their own character, do not know how sad to be.

He couldn't help saying, "Mom, she's innocent."

Fang Xuebo, who was originally hostile to Li nianjin, suddenly turned his head around and said, "are you talking for her?"

Fang Junrong has long been used to his character of love supremacy. In addition, he was born again, and did not regard him as his own son. So when I heard this, I still looked calm and didn't feel hurt.

But Fang Xuebo is different. All along, he has a good impression on his nephew. He did not expect, now Li nianjin has done this kind of disgusting behavior, in this matter, Jiang Yage is obviously not clean. Li Shize not only didn't love his mother, but also loved the white eyed wolf?

Jiang Yage cast a grateful look at Li Shize and said in a low voice, "you don't have to speak for me. I'm not good. If I had found out, I would have stopped them. Even if a godmother wants to vent her anger on me, that's what I should bear

Her weak words combined with that pale expression, like a flower beaten by the storm, made Li Shize more and more distressed. His tone is more and more firm, the other side Jun Rong Zhenzhen has a word, "Mom, there is no such thing as elegant song, and she doesn't want to see this kind of thing happen. It's normal for you to get angry with your father, but you shouldn't be angry with Yage

Fang Junrong glanced at Jiang Yage, "yes, her eyes are ornaments. I went out with both of them every day, but I didn't feel it. If you don't use your eyes, you might as well donate them. "

Li Shize frowned, "Mom, how can you say that? How sad it will be to hear the song of songs. "

Fang Junrong really admires Jiang Ya Ge. In a month's time, he can fascinate his son with barbecued pork. He can only see her in his eyes.

She nodded and said, "yes, I'm cold and heartless, so I'm not worthy of being your mother. Don't call my mother any more." She sneered, "in this matter, I am the biggest victim who has been betrayed by the double. How can I be hurt less than Jiang Yage's tears in your heart? OK, I raised a son for nothing. Who let me learn not to cry? "

After talking about it, she turned indifferent and stopped looking at Li Shize.

Fang Xuebo is also angry, and his hands are shaking. How did a nephew who looked very good originally become like this?

Li Shize seems to have been hit, and his face changes continuously. His voice, which was full of eloquence, is also weak. He is more flustered than ever before. "I don't mean that..."

He has always relied on his mother's love for him. In his subconscious, Fang Junrong will always protect him and stand on his side. What he didn't expect was that she would take back the privilege so easily.

He realized that his mother was really angry this time.

"Mom..." He opened his mouth.

Fang Junrong didn't want to take care of him any more. He turned to Li Erjin and said, "I'll sign the divorce agreement sometime."

"I won't divorce," Li said He looked imploring, "can you give me another chance? I really can't live without you. "

Fang Junrong was disgusted and vomited by his words. Her face was expressionless, "no divorce, OK. We'll sign an agreement. If you cheat again, you'll be out of the house. And I don't want to see Jiang Ya Ge and Wen Si Xian again. You send them away immediately. "

She knew clearly that Li could not accept the result, so she said it on purpose.

As expected, Li was choked. All kinds of sweet words he had planned were blocked in his throat. He had long been fed up with Fang Junrong's aggressiveness during this period of time, thinking that he would divorce her sooner or later. If the agreement comes out, all his hopes will be gone.When Fang Xuebo looked at his expression, he didn't understand. He sneered and said, "sure enough, you're just talking about it, or are you reluctant to part with them? Where do you come from to ask for no divorce? "

Originally, he was still hesitating whether to persuade his sister not to be impulsive and think about it again. Now, this must be seen when the father and son divorced! It can only be said that this man disguised himself so well that he cheated all of them.

Li can't refute it. He suddenly thinks of one thing and criticizes him vaguely, "how can you have this video? Did you install surveillance in that room? "

Fang Junrong said faintly: "you seem to forget that it is my house. But this video was also given to me. As long as you agree to divorce, my video won't go out. " Of course, she can only guarantee that she does not pass on, and sun Mei spreads it on, which is not her business.

Li is flustered. He doesn't know how many videos his wife has. If she releases them all, his good reputation accumulated for many years will be destroyed. He put his hand in his hair and made it messy.

He is very familiar with Junrong's character and knows that once she has made a decision, ten cows will not come back. If he doesn't do it, he is afraid that she will be killed and the video will be made public directly. It is definitely the pain of life that he can't bear.

Li took a deep breath and showed a look of despair and sadness. "If you are determined to divorce, then divorce."

To the best of things, most of the company is his hands. It is impossible for Fang Junrong to regain his power. As long as there is a company in, even if there is a bit of pain in the moment, when he eases over, he is still the powerful general manager of s city.

Fang Junrong stepped up the steps, "yes, I have called the lawyer before I come back, and he can come over at any time."

Li's face is not very good-looking. Although he is ready to divorce Fang Junrong, the other party can't wait. It seems that he was just acting amorous before.


Although Fang Junrong seldom gets involved in the company's affairs, he can't stand Xu Weiwei. Xu Weiwei has helped her collect relevant information this month, so the specific information of those industries can't be concealed from her.

Li's "Ai Rong" group, together with Fang Junrong's shares, is worth about 20 billion yuan. Meifang group, another skin care product group, has not been listed for a long time. However, due to the land value, the market price is 6 billion yuan. As for other stock securities, cash houses and land, the total value is about 15 billion yuan. By the way, there are also those calligraphy and painting antiques that Li nianjin bought, which are worth 5 billion on the surface. After all, the prices of those antiques have also increased in the market over the past few years.

As for jewelry and cars, Fang Junrong did not count. Li is afraid to include the jewelry and luxury jewelry she bought.

Because it was so sudden, he couldn't even move his hands. For the next two days, both of them were making lists of their properties.

"After all, I'm sorry for you. Except for the company, everything else is for you," Li said

Although it makes his heart bleed to cede so many things, he can only bear the pain to make this behavior for the company that can be said to be a cash cow.

"I'll give you all the antiques I bought." In this way, even if the affair of his infidelity is spread out, people will think that he is very kind in terms of property distribution. After all, more than half of it has been given to Fang Junrong.

"No, when I see Master Xu fangweng's paintings and calligraphy, I think of you. It's too bad. I'll leave it to you. Besides, gentlemen don't please others. Since it's your favorite thing, I won't take it away. "

Those paintings and calligraphy are just gimmicks for Li's property transfer. Fang Junrong will not be foolish enough to accept this pair of waste paper.

"All the other things belong to me. AI Rong Group and the paintings and calligraphy you bought will be left to you. However, the market value of these two things is more than 24 billion yuan. If I distribute them in this way, I will lose. Don't forget that you are still at fault. " She pauses and says, "well, you have to pay me another three billion."

She felt that she had been very kind and did not take advantage of the fire. With three billion yuan, Li can still come up with it, that is, there may be a shortage of money for a period of time. She remembered that there was a piece of land in the assets. Although it was in the suburbs now, the area would be developed next year, ready to be built into a second city center. In this way, the value of the land increased more than ten times.

Li almost vomited blood. He knows better than anyone else that if the antiques are really sold, it would be good to sell them for 100 million yuan. If the property is distributed in this way, he has only received 15 billion yuan, which is equivalent to cutting most of the meat from him, which makes him feel embarrassed.

Fang Junrong said faintly: "because of you, I don't like Xu fangweng's works. Well, if you have to give it to me, I'll hold an auction and sell it all for money. "

What in the end gave Li engjin the confidence that she would leave those fakes for thinking?

Li was frozen and blurted out, "no way!" He can't stand the expert's evaluation on those things. Once the identification results come out, don't think about his reputation.He gritted his teeth and said, "you're right. I can't give up my beloved collection. I'll make it up to you."

He is in a trance. How can he get into this situation? Before that, he planned to transfer most of his property before divorce?

He raised his head and looked at his wife, who looked gentle. Suddenly, he felt that she was so strange.