Because he had the handle in Fang Junrong's hands, Li nianjin did not dare to haggle over his property for fear of infuriating Fang Junrong. He also saw that Fang Junrong was determined to divorce, even ignoring his son's wishes.

At the beginning, he also wanted to call his daughter Li Xinyun and let her come back. In his heart, he knew that what Fang Junrong loved most was Xinyun, even more than his feelings for his son. Although he didn't think much of it, it didn't prevent him from taking advantage of it. It's just that every time he calls Li Xinyun, he is in the state of shutting down. He is so angry that he scolds Li Xinyun behind his back. In the case of no contact, he has no way.

Seeing how much property Fang Junrong was about to distribute, he began to regret it again. He couldn't help but blame Wen Sixian. If she hadn't seduced him so impatiently, he would not have made a big mistake. He even doubted if there was something wrong with the wine that day.

"Are we really out of the question? Anyway, I've been a couple for so many years... " He looked down at the distribution of property in the divorce agreement and couldn't help but make one last effort.

Fang Junrong glanced at him coldly, "don't you want money? Are you so vulgar? "

"No, I can't give up the feelings between us."

To a certain extent, Fang Junrong actually admired Li's face. At this time, he could lick his face to make a affectionate appearance, which made her sick.

Her lips hook, clearly is a smile expression, but with sharp indifference, "then give me all your property, how to prove your feelings?"

Li was speechless.

Fang Junrong stood up and was too lazy to continue to talk nonsense with him, "see you tomorrow at the Civil Affairs Bureau, unless you want to go on a hot search."

She didn't worry that Li would go back on his regret. After all, Li was very shameful. He could not bear to be the hero of a small pornographic film, which was still widely circulated throughout the country.

Just in case, she also prepared another gift for Li.

Li nianjin returned to the company with a look of chagrin and discussed with his confidants whether there was a better response plan.

His subordinate Zhou Zhi shook his head. "It's very difficult. After all, you are the fault party in this matter, unless the wife also makes such a serious mistake."

The implication is already strong.

Even if he doesn't like Fang Junrong now, he has been married for so many years and regarded her as his own thing. How can you take the initiative to wear a green hat? It's too much for a man to swallow.

Besides, Fang Junrong is at home every day and gives him an ultimatum. He will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow, otherwise he will be sent to hot search. It's only one day, and he can't do anything.

He seems to have to accept the divorce. It's just that I'm still not willing to Most of his property should have been his.

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became.

Then his assistant came in, his tan skin glowing with excitement.

"Boss, I heard a piece of news that the municipal government wants to develop a new business district next year. The future business district is in Nanhe District, near the factory of our company."

Although the company of AI Rong Group is located in the center of the city, the factory is built in the suburb where the land price is relatively cheap. In addition, they are not small companies. The factory covers a large area.

Originally sad Li nianjin immediately stood up, staring at his assistant, "are you sure?"

Zhou Zhi nodded, "I heard it with my own ears."

Li walked back and forth, rubbing his palm excitedly. If this is confirmed, then his company will really take a big advantage, and the value of that land can be directly increased by more than six times. It means that the company's assets can be increased by at least 30 billion.

"Where did you hear that?" he asked again

Zhou Zhi said, "I heard him go to dinner with her friends."

Li nianjin wrung his eyebrows, "are they so careless when they talk?" He also had a little understanding of his wife's high school classmate, he knew that the other side was cautious, and he was not the kind of person who would casually say such important things in public places.

Zhou Zhi said, "no, I only heard it when the waiter installed a bug in their box." He took a look at Li's family, and he knew that he wanted to get some internal information from his family, but he had no chance.

"I paid the waiter to put a bug in it." Speaking of this, Zhou Zhi is not guilty at all. He knows that his news has a lot of weight. The boss will only praise him for his good work, but will not blame him for his bad methods.

After hearing the speech, Li's eyebrows spread out, and he believed more about the credibility of the news. If this news is true, then those property that gives Fang Junrong is not so heartache.

As long as their husband and wife about AI Rong's shares in their hands, then he is invincible. At that time, even if Fang Junrong asked him to remarry, he would not agree.

He couldn't help patting Zhou Zhi on the shoulder. His face was full of joy, "well done!"Originally, he wanted to delay the divorce time. However, after receiving the news, he changed his mind. Instead, he wanted to get a divorce as soon as possible so that he could own the assets.

His whole mind is full of this matter. He can't wait to call Fang Junrong. His tone is not conscious of his high spirits. "Since you want to divorce, I will help you. We will get the divorce certificate tomorrow morning."

Fang Junrong's voice at the other end of the phone sounded very calm, "it's better to cut ice and ask me to have dinner tomorrow. He said that he had something to say to me. I don't think it's too late for us to get divorced the day after tomorrow

Li's heart cluttered for a moment. He seriously suspected that he Jianbing wanted to talk to Fang Junrong about it. Their relationship has been very good. No, if it is delayed to the day after tomorrow, I'm afraid Fang Junrong won't let go of the company's shares so easily. How could he be willing to give away such a piece of fat.

"No, tomorrow morning." He blurted out.

"Why are you so anxious all of a sudden? Is it in a hurry for your lover to become a regular

Where did Li want to get Wen Sixian at this time, he took a deep breath and said, "I just feel that the long pain is better than the short pain."

After he talked about it, he succeeded in persuading Fang Junrong to divorce on time tomorrow. At this time, their positions seemed to be reversed.

Hang up the phone, Li nianjin wiped his forehead sweat, although some heart tired, but more excited and excited. How he hoped that the moment he closed his eyes was tomorrow.


The next day, Fang Junrong didn't want to cover up his meaning. He didn't even bring a pair of sunglasses, so he went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Li.

The two have signed a divorce agreement, and in the case of reaching a consensus, the natural speed is very fast.

After seeing Fang Junrong sign his name, Li's heart, which had been hanging in the air, finally landed. When he took over the divorce certificate, the scene of their marriage appeared unconsciously in his mind. Twenty years passed.

At that time, it was true that he liked each other, but that love gradually faded away in front of the interests. What's more, with Fang Junrong there, we will only think that he is lucky to marry him, and we can't see his real ability.

He wanted to laugh at the thought that from then on, the AI Rong group had become his talk. However, in front of Fang Junrong, he habitually portrayed a good man image, but could not show his own joy and urgency, which led to his expression distorted.

He lowered his head and straightened out his expression before he raised his head. Jun Rong said, "I'll send you directly to see he Jianbing?"

He even tried to let he Jianbing know the news. He had no good impression on he Jianbing. Every time she saw him in this period of time, she never took the initiative to say hello, as if he was just a pendant of Fang Junrong.

Fang Junrong looked at him with a smile, "it's OK."

Li went with Fang Junrong happily.

Fang Junrong and he Jianbing are about to meet in a Michelin restaurant. When she is about to arrive, he Jianbing comes out to find her. Her eyes fell on Li's body, smile is very official, "you divorced?"

Li nianjin nodded, looked at Fang Junrong, sighed: "Jun Rong still can't forgive me."

He Jianbing turned to ask Fang Junrong, "or according to the original agreement?"

Fang Junrong said.

He cut ice directly happy, the other Jun Rong said: "then you can earn. The area near the North Lake will be developed next year, and your land will be valuable now. "

It will be announced in a few days, so it's OK to say it in advance. What's more, he Jianbing is deliberately said to Li nianjin.

Li nianjin directly froze, doubting whether his ears had gone wrong. His lips trembled, "isn't Nanhe district?" How did it become the North Lake?

He Jian ice lip corner hook, "no, who told you it was Nanhe district?" She thought, "ah, you reminded me. When I told my friend about it, I seemed to remember the wrong name. I have to call to remind him

She looked at Li, but how do you know about it? Who told you that? "

Li was not in the mood to answer her question. His whole mind was only thinking that the land of the North Lake was going to rise. At that time, he didn't look at the houses on the land and gave it to Fang Junrong, even without bargaining.

The whole person of this sudden Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei Lei. How he wished he was just dreaming.

Fang Junrong looked at Li nianjin, and his tone was very sincere, "Alas, it's a pity that we have already pulled out the divorce certificate. That piece of land has lost your share." She waved her divorce certificate to him.

"I originally wanted to get divorced after eating with the ice cutter. Who knows you are so anxious that you won't wait for this time." However, thanks to her mentioning this matter with Jianbing, she is willing to cooperate with her, otherwise, it is not so smooth."I can only say that this land has no predestination with you. All of these are hard to come by. Don't worry. I'll make good use of the land. "

Her happy voice fell in Li's ears and became the last straw that overcame him.

She finally took a look at the lost Li nianjin, and He Jian Bing Shi ran into the restaurant. If you don't know, it's just a day later, you can have extra wealth, which is enough to hit Li nianjin.

Li nianjin looked at her back, and thought of the land he had lost, he was so angry that he would vomit blood.

Why didn't he get divorced a few days later! Why? Why did he say the wrong name? Can he blame for cutting the ice? No, it was his assistant who eavesdropped on him in private. As a result, he just overheard the false news and finally got himself a piece of it.

As soon as he was dark, he leaned back directly.