"Thank you very much."

Fang Junrong took up his glass and offered a toast to his friend.

"You're welcome. But you're really brave. " If you say divorce means divorce, it's not sloppy at all. On this point, he Jianbing still admires her. She can't do it. After all, the marriage of the two families involves a lot of distribution of interests, so even if the two people's feelings are not good, they will not casually say divorce.

Although she can't, she is willing to help her friends and support her. Let alone because of Fang Junrong's previous warning, let their family avoid Wang Xiao to pit, this is also human.

Fang Junrong, who got divorced successfully, was in a good mood. The people she had arranged to work in the company had resigned from the group to work in meifangli, her skin care company, after handing over the affairs in hand. Fang Junrong naturally won't treat his own people badly, and his salary is 10% more than before.

Fang Junrong looked at the assets under his name and felt that he had never been so rich.

Speaking of all the properties they bought over the years, including the villa they now live in, were allocated to Fang Junrong after the divorce. They should move out. I don't know if Li's intention is not. Two days after the divorce, he didn't mean to pack up and move away.

As for Li Shize, he himself has no such consciousness. After all, in his mind, even if his parents are divorced, they are his parents. It's perfectly natural that he lives here.

Fang Junrong was too lazy to drive them out. Why should he abandon his demeanor for these people. Besides, she didn't have much affection for the house. In her previous life, she was sent to a mental hospital. And Li Shize, Jiang Ya Ge and them, are living a happy life in this gorgeous house.

Although that period of time has passed, but every time I think of it, it makes her feel like a lump in the throat. Most of the servants in the family turned to Li nianjin. Especially after Jiang Ya Ge came, they fell in love with Jiang Ya Song. She is not stupid enough to continue to appoint these people after divorce. Of course, they will be left to Li Erjin.

She said to Zhong Yi and moved the luggage of her daughter Li Xinyun to another house. Although the new house is not as big as this villa, it also has two floors. It is more than enough to live with the three of them plus servants. She soon brought in new drivers, chefs, hourly workers and bodyguards, fully equipped. With her salary, these people will no longer turn to outsiders.

Only bodyguards invited at least five, a rebirth, for their own life she still cherish.

Although Fang Junrong does not recognize Jiang Ya Song, Zhong Yi, who she recognizes, still recognizes. At the beginning, Zhong Yi was worried that Fang Junrong was in a bad mood, so he stopped his class and stayed with her at home. However, even if she was blind again, she could see that after her successful divorce, Fang Junrong could be said to be in a good mood. She was eager to hum songs every day, so she was relieved.

Now Zhong Yi, no longer like the beginning of the same friend Jiang Ya Song with a filter. After knowing about Jiang Ya GE's aunt Wen Sixian and Li nianjin, she also doesn't think Jiang Yage is innocent in this matter. She and her original friends have become complete strangers.

At this time, Li Xinyun, Fang Junrong's daughter who was traveling, also came back. After all, her birthday was coming. Just back, she received the news of her parents' divorce, which was a bolt from the blue for her.

Although she likes her mother more than her parents and has a lot of opinions about her recent father, it does not mean that she is happy to see her parents divorce.

Fang Junrong saw her dull expression and touched her face with some heartache. She did not want to help Li nianjin conceal the meaning, said it all in all. The reason why she didn't show the yellow film to Xin Yun was that she didn't want to pollute her eyes.

Li Xinyun bit his lower lip. The whole person was dazed and angry, "Dad, how can he do this! How can he betray you! Why didn't you tell me at that time! "

After knowing what her father had done, she said she would not let her parents get divorced. Now she is still in the age of fantasy of love, more can not tolerate the so-called betrayal.

Fang Junrong said: "you had a good time abroad at that time. I don't want you to be spoiled by such disgusting things." On the other hand, it is also because of the worry that Li nianjin will delay in the name of Xinyun. So in those days, she specially ordered the people around Xin Yun to take her out to play more. The most interesting thing was that she couldn't think of them in China.

"What about brother, what did he say?"

Fang Junrong did not want to help Li Shize brush the idea of good feeling, all said, she did not want her daughter to have expectations for them.

Li Xinyun was absolutely mad. Li Shize is two years older than her. She has been better and more mature than her since she was a child. She has always secretly poked her brother as an object of worship. I didn't expect that my brother was actually standing there. People with a clear eye can see that Jiang Yage is very insidious on this matter.

She bit her lower lip. "I'll go to my brother!"

Then she just came back and ran out like a shell, leaving her luggage directly in the hall.

Fang Junrong told bodyguards and drivers to follow her side, not to let her daughter suffer.

Three hours later, Li Xinyun came back. Her eyes swelled a lot than when she left the house. Obviously, she cried hard.After seeing her, Li Xinyun flattened his mouth and said, "I don't want them anymore."

Although Fang Junrong was very distressed, he also knew that he had to break his fantasy about them, so as not to be used by them in the future.

"No, you still have me."

Li Xinyun sniffled, "I don't want to see them at my birthday party."

"Well, let's not let them come." She follows kindness like a stream.

She stayed with her daughter for a long time, and after coaxing her to sleep, she left the room.

She said to Zhong Yi, "you can accompany Xin Yun more these days. She has always liked you." In addition, there is no big difference between their two ages, so there will be more topics.

Zhong Yi nodded, "yes." She was very grateful to Ganma. If not, she would have to work in the White Crane Club and bear the risk of being eaten tofu. Because there was no shortage of medical expenses, grandma's condition also stabilized.

In her eyes, godmother is her great benefactor.

Only then did Fang Junrong have time to ask the driver what happened there. According to the driver, when Xin Yun went to see Jiang Yage and Li Shize together, they were very intimate. After Fang Junrong's absence, the two of them acted unscrupulously, and their daily relationship was no different from that of lovers.

Wang Junya was scolded by Wang Junya. She went to the company to find Li nianjin, but learned that Li was already paving the way for Jiang Yage, and planned to let Jiang Yage be an assistant to Li Shize first.

Li Xinyun naturally quarreled with his father. Li nianjin didn't dare to get angry with each other, but in front of his daughter, he had nothing to worry about. So Li Xinyun was scolded again.

Fang Junrong's face sank. Her daughter in the palm of her hand was not cherished by their father and son, and their attitude was still so bad. Then don't blame her for her impoliteness. She has to help her daughter to ask for some interest.

She directly ordered to go down and let people spread some things about Jiang Ya Song in Wang Xiao's ear. On the other hand, the villa is also entrusted to the intermediary to help sell.

Although she didn't want to live in the house, she didn't want to make it cheaper. Those who depended on it had better sell it directly.


Jiang Yage stayed at home these days and made great efforts to carry out relevant remedial studies. She plans to work as an assistant for Li Shize in the rest of her summer vacation, but she is worried that she will be looked down upon by others because of her unskilled business.

Jiang Yage doesn't want to let others think that he came in through the back door, so he wants to make up for it. At least he can't even print documents and sort out data. Li Shize also stayed at home with her and taught her carefully.

Every time Jiang Ya Ge looks at him with admiration, which greatly satisfies his vanity.

The relationship between the two people experienced Li Shize in front of Fang Junrong to protect her, and then went a long way. Undoubtedly, Li Shize is perfect in the eyes of Jiang Ya. He is not only a very attractive person, but also has a strong ability and a short guard. He is willing to stand up to make complaints about her.

In order to express her gratitude to Li Shize, Jiang Yage decided to take out her unique skills and cook dinner for Godfather and Li Shize.

Although Li has been depressed about the land in Beihu District these days, Jiang Yage called him in a very expectant tone. Naturally, he refused to brush her heart. He not only came back early, but also brought a few bottles of expensive red wine.

Jiang Yage tried western food tonight. When she was in the club, she would occasionally follow the chef to learn his specialty. Today, her main course is venison, cooked with mushrooms and berries, and rum Baba for dessert.

Li Shize has been used to eating since childhood. Jiang Yage has talent again, and the chef is still unable to compare. But he still praised Jiang Ya Ge for her ingenuity and her eyes were bright as stars.

Li was not. When he was eating, he was keenly aware that this cooking method was the best of the "White Crane" Chef in the club. He went to eat several times and was deeply impressed. So the smile on his face faded.

He said quietly, "I don't like this dish very much. I'll make less in the future." He didn't like all the connections between Jiang Ya Ge and the club.

Jiang Ya Ge Leng Leng Leng, face unconsciously reveals a bit of grievance.

Usually, Jiang Ya GE's expression is directed at others. At that time, Li always felt that she had been wronged and couldn't help but stand up for her. Now that look at himself, as if he bullied her. He is not happy in his heart. He is good enough for Jiangya song.

Jiang Ya Ge is also habitually like this. When he sees Li's expression, he finds that it's not good. He quickly describes it and says, "maybe it's not in line with godfather's taste. I'll change it next time."

"I'm not good. I should have asked you first."

She whispered softly, and put herself in a very low position, like the breeze blowing away Li's original unhappiness. For a moment, the scene was happy again.

It's a pity that this warm picture is destined to be broken. The guard directly through the walkie talkie, told Li engjin that someone would come in to see the house.Li forget Jin Leng Leng, "see what house?"

Although he felt puzzled, he always paid attention to his reputation outside and let them in. When he saw the visitor, he was a little surprised. The one who came to see the house was Mr. Zhao, who was engaged in timber business at home, and his wife. He had also dealt with them. However, Li's heart is a little disdain like Zhao Zong such a local rich man.

He held up an impeccable smile, "how did Zhao come to see the house? Do you want to buy a villa similar to ours? "

At this time, he has forgotten that this villa is Fang Junrong, and they are not qualified to live in it.

Zhao general looked around a circle, showing a satisfied expression, "no, I'm interested in this set of villa, ready to buy."

"I'm sorry, we are very satisfied with this villa, and we don't plan to sell it."

Mr. Zhao grinned, and the smile was meaningful. "But I heard that this villa belongs to your ex-wife. I heard that the two divorced, but I didn't expect that Mr. Li still lives here." He stopped for a moment. "I heard from the circle that this house is going to be sold. Is Li going to buy it back? It's said that the price is a little expensive, but if Li always likes it, I won't take it away. "

Of course, it's impossible for Li to buy it. He basically left all his cash to Fang Junrong. At present, the money he can use is only 10 million yuan. He can only be brave enough to say, "we will leave soon."

The fact that the house belonged to Fang Junrong made him particularly embarrassed, especially the other party's eyes which seemed to him to be eating a soft meal.

Zhao's wife looked around, then returned to him and said, "how long does it take you to move? Is one day enough?"

Fang Junrong said that the earlier they moved in, the more discount they would give them. Although they have money, they need hundreds of millions of dollars to buy such a large villa, which can save a little bit.

Li's face was blue with anger, and the attitude that he could not wait to drive them away, as if they were garbage, still deeply hurt his self-esteem.

"It won't take a day," he said coldly. "We'll move out now."