Li opened his mouth and let the others in the room run to break their legs.

There are a lot of things in the villa. It takes a lot of time to clean up. Although Jiang Yage has lived in for only a month, but because of Li's eccentric eyes, he has added a lot of things. However, many of those things were very valuable, and she did not dare to let the servants help to clean up, for fear that some of them might be taken away. She could only do it by herself. She was sweating, and her white face was stained with dust, and her gray face was not as bright as usual.

Fortunately, Li nianjin and Li Shize are the same. Everyone is in a mess. No one dislikes anyone. They only had a lot more luggage, and they were busy until midnight.

In particular, in order to gamble that tone, they moved out temporarily, and they had to find a hotel to stay in the middle of the night. The servants in the family can't leave behind, they have to arrange a hotel for them to rest. These trivial things piled up together, so that Li nianjin they are particularly irritable, eager to quit.

His heart is disgusted with his ex-wife Fang Junrong. Fang Junrong must be intentional, deliberately did not remind them to move, let them out of such a big ugly. He selectively forgets that he has been pretending not to move.

It's not a good way to stay in a hotel all the time, let alone that it's not comfortable to stay in a hotel. If this is to be spread out, others will only think that he can't afford a house, and his face will be lost.

He wanted to buy a villa that would not lose to the original house. Unfortunately, he didn't have much working cash. He couldn't sell the shares of the company. He didn't like the small house he could afford at present, and he couldn't accommodate so many servants. He who is used to enjoying it will certainly not dismiss those who are used to it.

Finally, Li Shize took out his own money and bought a large house, which finally gave them a place to settle down. Because I was in a hurry, I spent 10% more than the market price. In addition, Li Shize himself is not willing to be wronged, and the house he bought can't be much worse than the original one, which leads to the fact that his small Treasury is basically squandered.

He was more or less glad that his son Li Shize was still on his side.

Only they have not lived for two days, Jiang Ya Ge a face sorry, with his aunt wensixian came.

"Shize, I'm sorry. I know you don't like my aunt very much. My aunt did something wrong. But she was driven out of the house and had no shelter. So can you take her in for a few days and move out when she finds a house? "

"I have only one family member. My mother has been thinking about my aunt before she died. I can't leave her alone."

Jiang Ya Ge is very aggrieved, and she doesn't want to take care of her aunt. But aunt threatened her, if not, she would arrive in front of Ze, said she had known Godfather and her adultery, she can only endure.

Of course, Li Shize didn't want to. If it wasn't for Wen Sixian, his parents would not have divorced. Just looking at Yage's self reproach and sad expression, he finally compromised.

"But at home, she doesn't want to appear in front of me," he said coldly Although he likes the song of songs, he also has his own principles.

Jiang Ya Ge quickly agreed to come down.

As for Li's side, it is easier to communicate.

Although because of the video, Li has some grudges against Wen Sixian, but as Wen Sixian takes care of him in the kitchen and serves him well every day, he becomes a considerate maid and quickly acquiesces to her stay.

On the other hand, he also wanted to hit Fang Junrong in the face. Fang Junrong deliberately sold the house, so that they are in a mess, then he also want to use the existence of Wen Sixian to poke her heart, severely stimulate her once.

Although Fang Junrong wanted to break with him, if he was not in his heart, how could he react so much because of his infidelity and get divorced. The so-called deep love, hate cut.

In addition to letting Wen Sixian live at home, he also deliberately doubles his kindness to Jiangya song. He indulged in his father's love and often bought things for Jiang Yage. He even gave her 200000 pocket money every month, so that she could buy things she liked. According to him, girls should be rich.

As for Li Xinyun, the real daughter, he seems to have ignored her existence and never mentioned a word. So Jiang Ya Ge finally realized what kind of luxury life a big lady should have.

However, his actions did not have any influence on Jun Rong, but completely angered Wang Xiao.

Wang Xiao this period of time, to find a lot of doctors, want to thoroughly cure his hand, but no effect. His left hand not only can not be too tired, but also often suddenly lose strength, several times directly accidentally dropped the cup to the ground.

This makes his temper become more and more irritable, and often vent his anger on the people around him.

Every time there is a problem with his hands, he thinks of Jiang Ya Ge, the woman who made him a half disabled man.

However, when he learned that Jiang Yage's life was more comfortable than before, and even had a higher status in the Li family than Li Xinyun, the authentic lady, he went straight out of his anger.On the other side, Jiang Yage is happy and has never received any retribution. What makes him feel miserable is that he has tried many folk prescriptions, but Jiang Yage on the other side is happy and has not received any retribution.

Wang Xiaoben will report to him when he comes here. Where will he let Jiang Ya Song go like this. Previously, because of Fang Junrong's reason, he only dared to punish Li nianjin a little, and he did not dare to move the real style. Now we know that Fang Junrong and Li nianjin are divorced, and Li has been separated from most of his property, and his vitality is greatly damaged, so he has nothing to worry about.

He said to his subordinates with a grim expression on his handsome face.

"Within three days, I will make Jiang Yage regret having lived in this world."

"And Li nianjin. It's time for him to know what will happen if he offends me."

His voice was like the ice of December, with deep hatred.


As soon as Wang Xiao made a move, Li nianjin began to have bad luck. His company has frequent troublemakers, sometimes the glass was smashed, or when walking, accidentally fell into the pit. The man who made him a stumbling block maliciously appeared again. He couldn't catch his tail when they came.

Even if Li nianjin ran to the police again and again, it was useless. He was not only angry, but also a little frightened. He did not know what the other party would do and whether he would run to kill him next. Li's life is still very cherished, he can only spend a lot of money to invite several bodyguards around him, always staring around. At this time, he regretted that he had divorced Fang Junrong too early. In this respect, Fang Junrong was much better than him. But regret is useless, he can only find some more people to help investigate the matter.

Because of the lack of money, he also used his son's new house to borrow money. Of course, he doesn't think it's a big deal. When the company makes a profit, he will pay it back.

After making good preparations, he was much calmed down. Under his strict defense, the company did not break glass again. Li was relieved at last. He thought that this was the end of the matter and the other party had given up. He just needed to find out his identity. Just did not expect, Jiang Ya ge there is an accident.

Jiang Ya Ge had a very comfortable life during this period, and her smile increased. There is no Fang Junrong or Li Xinyun in this family. She is the only hostess. Everyone holds her in high esteem. In this atmosphere, she is more and more open-minded, from time to time to go shopping to buy their favorite things.

That day, she learned that a high luxury brand she liked very much had a new bag, so she couldn't wait to take her aunt wensixian to the shopping mall. When she gets the hand, she can carry it back to school at the beginning of school. Thinking of other students' envious eyes, she felt that her feet were much lighter, the whole person seemed to step on the clouds, light and floating.

The accident happened when they got out of the car.

When Wen Sixian was holding Jiang Ya Ge and was ready to take the elevator, a man suddenly jumped out of a van next to him. His head was wrapped tightly with a turban, and only one pair of eyes was exposed. Wearing gloves, he quickly unscrewed the bottle and threw it at Jiang Yage.

At this time, Jiang Ya Ge, who was wearing high-heeled shoes, sprained and fell to the ground with Wen Sixian, who was holding her. The liquid that splashed towards Jiang Ya Ge, too late to recover, just splashed on Wen Sixian who was in front of Jiang Ya Ge.

The pungent smell spread, and the man returned to the car at lightning speed and drove away before everyone could react. The whole action was completed in one go, obviously premeditated for a long time.

The woman's scream sounded and stung everyone's eardrums.

Wen Sixian's voice was full of pain, "my face! What a pain

The pain on her skin made her roll on the ground, sending out a chilling scream.

Jiang Yage's situation is much better than her. The liquid is not cheap to her skin, but her clothes are also splashed. The coat used as a sunscreen suit is directly burned out of the hole. Fortunately, she wears more coats for fear of too much air conditioning in the mall, otherwise her skin will suffer. Jiang Yage's face turned pale - she realized it was probably concentrated sulfuric acid. She often saw the social news of being splashed with sulfuric acid, but she always thought that she was far away from her own, and did not expect to happen to her side.

She quickly took off her coat, quickly got up from the ground, stepped back several steps, and looked scared. She's almost disfigured. She replayed what had just happened in her mind and suddenly realized it.

No, the concentrated sulfuric acid just now was directed at her. Aunt just helped her, if not her foot sprain accidentally, disfigurement will be her.

Who hates her so much? Hate to ruin her face?

For the first time, she didn't know what to do. Her hands and feet were soft, and she looked at Wen Sixian who fell on the ground and screamed in horror. Under this stimulation, she found a warm liquid flowing from under her.