Li is having dinner with a boss. Today, they mainly discuss some cooperation of the company in the next quarter.

When the contract is almost over, Li's eyebrows are also stretched out. There have been so many broken things in this period of time, which is a good thing. If this single cooperation can be negotiated, there will be more liquidity. He's fed up with the tight living he has now.

Mr. Zhang, who was five years older than Li nianjin, said with a smile, "recently a good club has opened. Shall we go and have a look?"

He winked at Li forgetting Jin, "now no one cares about you, you can relax."

Li's expression was embarrassed for a moment. The change of ownership was not a trivial matter, so people in the circle more or less knew about his divorce from Fang Junrong. Because he has the handle in Fang Junrong's hands, Li nianjin dare not shape a good man's image for himself, and only says that it is personality incompatibility.

He coughed. "Go and see."

In the past, because he was worried about Fang Junrong's idea, even if he went to the club, he would drink tea and watch a performance, and he would not dare to do any extra things. It can be said that he was extremely depressed. Now I can enjoy myself.

Just as soon as I got up, a phone call came in. On the screen, the name of Jiang Ya Ge is constantly flashing. If it is someone else's words, Li nianjin may not be able to accept it, but it will be different to change it into Jiangya song.

Did ya Ge get bullied by Xin Yun? His first reaction was this, and he called quickly.

"What? Did Sixian get hurt? What's going on? " His voice couldn't help rising. After realizing that people around him were watching him, he quickly lowered his voice and coaxed Jiang Ya Ge at the other end of the phone, "don't cry, I'll go right there."

After hanging up the phone, he apologized and said to Mr. Zhang, "I'm sorry, I have something to do now. I'll make an appointment next time."

He added, "I'll do it next time!"

Mr. Zhang waved his hand, "it's OK." He couldn't help showing his gossipy expression, "is that your little lover out there has an accident?"

Li's expression was frozen and embarrassed: "there's no such thing. Where did I get my lover?"

Mr. Zhang said, "we all know that you divorced your ex-wife for Wen Sixian."

"It's not that I said that Wen Sixian must be old, and his appearance is just like that. He looks a little dull after seeing too much. It's not worth it if you divorce your excellent wife for her sake. " Mr. Zhang didn't mean to say that when we talked about it, everyone said that Li's brain was in his head.

"In the video, her figure is just so so, no chest and no buttocks."

Li almost vomited out a mouthful of black blood, shaking his hands, "who told you? Is it Fang Junrong? "

How dare she do that? Fortunately, he let Fang Junrong a lot in the distribution of property. Fang Junrong has also promised him that he will not release the video, so he has the courage to tell the outside world that the two people are separated only because of their different personalities. Now, the reputation he's built up for years is gone.

At the thought of how many people said about him behind his back, Li's brain was blank, and his sweat came out.

Mr. Zhang shook his head. "That's not true. Your ex-wife is so kind. She didn't say you were not good at all. Oh, that's sun Mei He saw that Li's expression was not very good-looking, and he looked like he was going to fade away at any time. He was afraid that the other party would count on him and quickly told him all the things he knew. Li's story was all over the circle, and he thought he knew it himself.

"Sun Mei also said that she sent the video to your ex-wife, and I don't know how she got it."

Li's expression was distorted. If sun Mei was in front of him, he would give the woman a beating. He has always looked down on Sun Mei and felt that the other side is narrow-minded and is a pick on things. But I didn't expect him to fall on such a person.

If he had known that, how could he rush to offend her?

He is so busy these days that he doesn't know what happened. Generally speaking, except for Mr. Zhang, who is One-minded, others will not say these things in front of him.


When he arrived at the hospital, Li was still a bit muddled, preoccupied with how to save his reputation. But when he saw Wen Sixian's face burned by concentrated sulfuric acid, he was scared and sober.

The ferocious burn on her face was like a wild animal, and it could not move in his mind.

He quickly moved away from his eyes and did not dare to look at the comatose Wen Sixian, but asked Jiang Yage in a low voice, "what's wrong with your aunt? Well done, how could it be poured with concentrated sulfuric acid? "

Jiang Yage has cried once, sobbing about what will happen in the parking lot. She looked at Li engjin with tears in her eyes. "Uncle, Auntie has not been in China for decades. How can I come back to meet this kind of thing?"

"Is there someone who is trying to screw us up? But we always pay attention to be kind to others and never form enemies. " She seemed to think of something and said, "except for godmother..."

"No, it shouldn't be a godmother. I believe a godmother is not such a person." Jiang Ya Ge quickly described to herself, but she said so, but her expression was somewhat insincere. Obviously, she suspected that she had gone to Jiangya song.Li's mind is clear, he shakes his head, "can't be Jun Rong. She is too proud to do such a thing, and she disdains it

He knows his ex-wife better. He doubted that it was the people who had been deliberately stumbling him. At the thought of being covetous in the dark, Li was chilled.

He stayed in the hospital for a while. After diagnosis, the doctor told Li nianjin that although Wen Sixian was not worried about his life, the burn area added up to 5%, and the wound was relatively deep. Even after several operations, it could not be completely cured, and the damage to his appearance was inevitable.

At the thought of the burning face similar to winsell, Li seemed to see a beautiful word full of insects, and his stomach was full of nausea. He can only ask the doctor to treat Wen Sixian as much as possible, at all costs.

After a period of time, Wen Sixian also woke up and cried when she saw the appearance in the mirror.

She tightly clenched Li's hand, unable to maintain the previous gentle, hoarse, "Wang Jin, help me! I don't want to be disfigured! "

As soon as Li nianjin saw her disfigured face, he turned away his eyes and pulled back his hand as much as possible. "I've asked the doctor to arrange an operation for you."

Wensixian did not miss the dislike in his eyes, and the whole person was about to collapse. All her dependence was her own face, which was the same as her sister's, but now she was destroyed. Originally, she also wanted to use her own small idea to gently move Li Erjin, so as to successfully become the wife of the president of AI Rong Group. Now it's all gone!

Li's attitude was the last straw that overcame her reason

"How could she do this to me! How cruel she is

To some extent, Wen Sixian and Jiang Yage are family members.

Li forgot Jin sighed, "should not be Jun Rong. You have a good rest, and I will find the killer for you

Not only because of them, but also for themselves. Today, the concentrated sulfuric acid was poured on Wen Sixian. Maybe he will be replaced one day. But Wen Sixian's words also gave him some inspiration.

"I'll go to Junrong first."

Yes, although it may not have been done by Jun Rong. But as long as you speak well, maybe Jun Rong will take the initiative to help him investigate this matter. Although he is very unwilling, he must admit that in this respect, he really needs the Fangs' contacts.


Fang Junrong looked at Li nianjin, who appeared in front of him, and was amazed. Where on earth did he come from? Come and find her!

“…… Sixian is seriously injured now. The doctor said that she would be disfigured

"If this goes out, there will be a lot of people who think it's you who want to revenge and vent your anger." "Although we have been divorced, but business can not be done in benevolence and righteousness, I still regard you as a friend in my heart. I don't want to see you criticized by everyone at that time, so let's investigate this matter together, OK? "

Fang Junrong simply wanted to laugh out, "you don't have to use provocation. Who dares to slander me at that time will be warned by my direct lawyer letter."

Although she had guessed that Wang Xiao would surely take revenge, she did not expect that the other party would directly pour concentrated sulfuric acid, but this time it was Wen Sixian who helped Jiang Yage take over. She recalled her previous life. After her association with her son, Jiang Yage was still intimate with LAN Yan's confidant, Da Yingdi. Her admirers poured sulfuric acid on her, but it was her heart that suffered.

Just because the girl knew each other, everyone stood by Jiang Yage, saying that Xinyun deserved it and made bad friends by mistake. It was self inflicted. They fell in love with Jiang Ya Song, who was crying over there. According to their opinion, the destruction of Xin Yun is only the appearance, but Jiang Yage's injury is the heart.

Now the victim is replaced by Wen Sixian, which can not help but relieve her anger.

"Li nianjin painstakingly," in this case, I'm afraid you'll offend everyone, and it's not good for your reputation. "

Fang Junrong indifferent, "what do I want their good reputation to do?"

She did not enter such oil and salt, the original full of confidence Li nianjin also has no bottom, can only use the method of encouragement, "you are so unwilling, is it hard to come true that you move the hand?" He suddenly remembered one thing, "how could sun Mei have that video? Did you give it to her? "

Fang Junrong said: "how do I know how Sun Mei got the video? I'm not familiar with her. But in this case, I have to thank her. If it wasn't for her, I would have been fooled by you all the time. "

Li forgetting Jin has no way out. He is so angry that he holds his hands in a ball, but he can't take Fang Junrong.

Fang Junrong's mouth was full of sarcasm. "I thought you came to me because two days later is Xinyun's birthday. Now it looks like you've forgotten about it. Since you don't put Xin Yun at ease, I don't welcome you father and son for her birthday party. "

If these two people come here, they will only block Xin Yun.

Li is about to say something, Fang Junrong interrupted him, "if you and Li Shize don't get in the way, I can give you clues."

He hesitated for a moment and finally made a choice, "you say."

Fang Junrong sneered. As expected, Xinyun's status in his heart is not worth mentioning.Her face became cold, "Wang Xiao, you can investigate from him. I have investigated your spit before, and finally I found him on the traces. She briefly introduced Wang Xiao's identity. In fact, even if Li nianjin didn't come, she would send the clue to him. She also does not like to see Wang Xiao's kind of people go unpunished, let them dog bite dog is the best.

"Wang Xiao? When did I offend him He and Wang Xiao at most had a face to face, when meeting with him is also kind-hearted.

"This you have to ask the song of songs, who let your baby do daughter to offend Wang Xiao ruthlessly."

"It's impossible!" Li engjin was struck by thunder.