In the past, Li's suspicions were all rivals in the market, and he did not spend less to invite people to investigate one by one. He didn't expect that it would have something to do with Jiang Ya Ge? Song of songs is so simple and gentle, how can you rush to offend Wang Xiao such a cruel person?

However, ordinary people can't do such things as pouring sulfuric acid. But if it is put on Wang Xiao, there will be no sense of disobedience.

"You have to ask the song of songs. It seems that the song of songs has hurt his hand. He is the one who always reports his hatred, so he turns his anger on us." She looked at Li engjin sarcastically. "Now we all know that you and I have divorced, and you take Jiang Yage with you all day. No wonder you will catch your revenge."

Wang Xiao is still the same as in her memory, the method is ruthless, regarding the law in Wu Wu Wu, now is directly starting to disfigure. If the crime is carried out, he can be allowed to stay in prison for a period of time and be beaten by the law.

Li was very familiar with the people who used to sleep beside him, although Fang Junrong only suspected Wang Xiao. But she is not a person who aims at nothing. If she has no more than 80% assurance, she will not tell him.

At the thought of Jiang Ya Ge offending such a cruel man, Li engjin can be said to be like a mountain on his back. He was not in the mood to talk to Fang Junrong again and left in a hurry.

It's much easier to investigate when you have a suspect. Wang Xiao's men and he are a character, arrogant and domineering. He just made the means to intoxicate the other party, and then got confirmation from the other party's mouth.

Over the years, Li has rarely suffered such a loss. He is still trapped by a younger generation whose age is one round smaller than him. His teeth ache with anger. But he is also a deep-seated person, not immediately attack, but to collect more evidence.

After getting accurate information, he returned to the hospital to see Wen Sixian and Jiang Yage. Jiang Yage stayed in the hospital all night with Wen Sixian. Because of staying up late, her eyes were as red as a rabbit, her skin was a little dark, and a pimple appeared on her chin. She looked haggard.

When she saw Li, her eyes lit up, "godfather, have you found the murderer?" In her heart, godfather is omnipotent.

Wen Sixian also looked at Li with expectant eyes.

Li forgot Jin sighed, "it's Wang Xiao."

Wen Sixian thought she would hear Fang Junrong, but a name that she had never heard came out of Li's mouth. Her expression was filled with confusion, "who is Wang Xiao? Why did he hurt me? "

Jiang Yage's face turned green from white, and her pupils opened silently. Before her eyes, Wang Xiao's sinister eyes appeared unconsciously. She trembled unconsciously. Her voice showed helplessness and fear, "how could it be him? Is it really him? "

Li's reaction into the eyes, the mood is particularly complex, "it's him."

During this period of time, he was not less punished, because it cost a lot of money and time before and after, and became a laughing stock in the circle. Originally, he thought that he had offended people carelessly, but it was Jiang Ya Ge who seemed to be the most simple and kind-hearted that brought him these disasters.

As the so-called knife only stabbed in their own body to know the pain. After suffering a lot, Li nianjin could not care about his love for Jiang Ya song before, and could not suppress his anger in his voice. "What did you do to offend him so hard?"

After all, he has been a leader for several decades. Usually, Li nianjin, who seems to be milder, is furious when he is angry. The fire under his eyes seems to want to burn her to ashes. Jiang Yage first saw him like this, and he was scared to tears, "I don't want to! I didn't expect him to be so narrow-minded. I didn't mean to

Clearly at the beginning, she just wanted to save him. She didn't know why she went to that step. Jiang Ya Ge vaguely felt that things should not be like this.

"Godfather, I'm sorry. It's all I did to you."

She wept silently, drowned in guilt and fear. On the one hand, he felt guilty about the harm he had brought to the people around him. On the other hand, he was afraid that Wang Xiao would continue to retaliate against her, and that his godfather would abandon her.

If it was Li nianjin before, seeing her crying, he would certainly help her get justice without saying a word. Maybe it was because he had watched too much recently, and he had some immunity to Jiang Yage's tears, and he felt tired.

"So my face is also your fault? Is that concentrated sulfuric acid for you I don't know when, Wen Sixian has woken up, her face collapsed, "you made the evil, why is it me?"

"Give me my face back!" The pain of disfigurement destroyed her sense and made her like a hysterical madman.

Jiang Ya Ge on her hate expression, can not help but back to the direction of the door several steps. She couldn't bear the resentment from Li Erjin and Wen Sixian. Under their gaze, she felt ashamed. She was about to turn around and leave, but she just ran into a strong body. When she was about to fall down, she was supported by both hands - but Li Shize came.

When Jiang Yage came to the hospital, he called Li Shize. At that time, Li Shize was busy with the company's affairs, and only now did he have time to come. He saw Jiang Ya Ge cry can't help himself, a corner of his heart is also sour."Song of songs, what happened? Who bullied you? " Li Shize has only arrived now, and he is not clear about the details.

Jiang Ya Ge sobbed and mentioned the matter in two or three words. Li Shize frowned slightly, his eyes fell on the beautiful and intact face of Jiangya song, and he breathed a sigh of relief - fortunately, the disfigurement was not Yage.

For Wen Sixian, the junior who caused his parents' divorce, Li Shize didn't have any good feelings. Maybe she will be disfigured, but God can't see, and give her retribution. He raised his head and looked at Wen Sixian coldly, "Yage has been very sad. How can you keep stabbing her in the heart?"

"Thanks to the song has always regarded you as the most important family member, can't you understand her mood? She used to be so nice to you that she would stand opposite my mother for you

"Sure enough, a white eyed wolf like you who doesn't know how to be grateful is not worthy of being her relative."

Wen Sixian's expression directly froze: clearly she is the biggest victim, how to Li Shize's mouth became a white eyed wolf?

"But I was disfigured by her!" She screamed at the top of her voice.

Li Shize's expression is very cold and heartless, "what you destroy is only the face, but she hurts the heart."

At this time, if you give Wen Sixian a knife, she will choose to stab Li Shize. She never thought that Li Shize was such a shameless person to turn black and white! However, Li Shize is Li's only son and his future successor. She has already destroyed her face. If she provokes Li Shize's disgust again, she won't want to have a better life for the rest of her life.

Imagine his own impoverished future. Wen Sixian, who was angry to the extreme, instantly returned to his senses, and the whole person was sober up.

She cried with tears. "You're right. I shouldn't have been angry with Yage. It's my own bad luck. I'm sorry for Yage."

Her hand under the quilt clung tightly to the sheet and scratched out traces. One day, she must get back the insult she has received today.

Li nianjin was made a little dizzy. Compared with the disfigured Wen Sixian, the things he met seemed nothing more. Wen Sixian has forgiven the song of songs. If he is still worried about it, he will be quite stingy.

It's just why he's in a bad mood?


Fang Junrong was full of enthusiasm for watching Li's jokes. He specially asked someone to follow Li's jokes, so the scene happened in the hospital was naturally filmed.

Watching Li Shize, who is protecting Jiang Ya Song in the video, is very puzzled. Her son with barbecued pork is really devoted to Jiangya song, and I don't know what he likes about Jiangya song. But for Li Shize to say that kind of words, she did not feel strange.

In his previous life, he loved his sister for many years, but he was able to turn his back on his own, not to mention Wen Sixian, who had a bad feeling for himself.

Heart Yun wrinkled face after watching the video, look trance, "brother how to become like this?"

Although she hated Wen Sixian very much, was that what her brother said was human?

Fang Junrong said lightly: "after all, Jiangya song is the most important to him."

"They've known each other for more than a month. Where did they come from?" Xin Yun make complaints about his brother brother.

Mingming Jiang Yage and Wen Sixian hurt his mother together, so that his mother was so angry that he drove him out of the house. As a result, the elder brother did not hesitate to stand by Jiang Yage, and did not even apologize to his mother.

Such a brother made her very strange.

Fang Junrong was born again. He couldn't see his daughter's wanton expression. He quickly coaxed her, "don't be depressed. I'll take you out shopping."

For women, buying is a great way to release stress.

"Good! I want to buy a bag! New bag! I want to buy at least three! "

When he thought of going to the company, he saw Jiang Yage carrying the latest bag. Li Xinyun was furious.

"Well, I'll buy you five."

Li Xinyun's face suddenly cleared up after rain. Her happiness has always been so simple. Although her father and brother like Jiang Ya Song better, it doesn't matter. She has her mother. They don't want her, so she doesn't want them.

Fang Junrong took his daughter to the shopping mall to start shopping. She not only bought some for her daughter, but also for herself. Anyway, she has money now.

As long as she and her daughter see, she does not hesitate to let the shopping guide package down. She also bought two for Zhong Yi.

In the middle of the fight, she heard someone calling her and turned her head, but it was Sun Mei.

Maybe it was because he used sun Meida as his goal. Seeing her again, Fang Junrong immediately felt that her mean face was much better.

"Sun Mei." She nodded in response.

Sun Mei looked at her in surprise. "You look in good spirits." She had expected to see a dispirited abandoned woman. Who knows that Fang Junrong looks better than before the divorce, and the whole person is permeated with the lightness and joy visible to the naked eye. No, it is also possible that the other party just deliberately shows that he doesn't care. After all, Fang Junrong has always wanted face.Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling up: "I know your heart is bitter, we women are really not easy."

Fang Junrong nodded, "yes, it's not easy."

Sun Mei was so excited that her expression froze when she heard her last words.

“…… I have tens of billions of assets in my name. It's really hard to take care of them. "

"Even if I spend one million yuan a day, I can't spend it. Alas, I'm really tired of spending money!"

Sun Mei retreated with hatred: he almost forgot that Fang Junrong shared at least half of his property. And I heard that as soon as she got divorced, a piece of land in her name soared.

Damn it, she wants this trouble too! Tired of spending money, let her help tired ah!