Li has no idea about it, and even the noise on his microblog is hidden from the drum.

Last night, he went out to have a party. He drank too much and slept until noon the next day. After getting up, his head seemed to have been drilled by an electric drill, and his eyebrows were wrinkled with pain.

He rubbed his temples and missed Fang Junrong for the first time after his divorce. In the past, he seldom had this kind of situation. Every time he drank too much wine, Fang Junrong would ask people to prepare him wine medicine in time.

He shook his head and looked at the man by the bed. This is the woman he brought back last night. His young and enchanting body has brought him great joy.

He slowly lifted up the corner of his mouth, then turned on the mobile phone, and was shocked to find that there were hundreds of missed calls in the mobile phone. From this number, it seems that something very important happened last night.

At that time, he turned the mobile phone to mute, and he drank too much, but he didn't notice.

Li went through the call records. During this period, many people called him, including his assistants, shareholders of the company, and some old friends. His heart clapped for a moment, and then opened the text message to see the content.

One after another, Li's hand trembled slightly with his mobile phone. He felt his stomach shrink into a lump, which made him want to vomit. He never thought that Jiang Ya Song, who always obeyed his orders, would go to participate in the program of "antique romance" in vain. As a result, the painting was found to be a forgery.

Now, the fire went straight to his head. Now people all over China know that he sent fake goods to his ex-wife.

Li's hard work of concealing things was suddenly exposed to the sun, and became the talk material for everyone to point out.

Nameless fire, let him grab the cup on the table, forced to fall to the ground, but still not gas.

If Jiang Ya Song is in front of him now, he is afraid that he will slap her mercilessly! What the hell is she thinking?

He took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and called the company's second largest shareholder, an uncle of the Li family.

"WANGJIN, you should deal with this matter online at night. Don't damage the reputation of our company. When the share price falls, do you want to compensate for the loss?"

The shareholders on the phone were so angry that they were not polite to him.

Li can only assure him that if he wants to suppress the news on the Internet, it is better to remove those hot searches first. However, he called the boss of the platform, but the other side opened his mouth.

The so-called wall fall, people push nothing more than this, Li nianjin was so angry that he fell another cup.

The noise also awakened the woman beside him. Without waiting for her to be coquettish, Li had already put on his clothes and left directly. Leaving this female companion to look at his back in a daze, and then swearing, "shit! I haven't got the money yet

"Pooh! The more money, the more stingy. "


Li forgetting Jin didn't know he was being vilified. His whole brain was thinking about how to get through the public relations crisis. After the owner of the original came out, what he had given to Fang Junrong was completely stamped as a forgery.

He can never admit that he was deliberately sending this thing, can only bite him, is also a victim, was deceived. In the field of antiques, it's common to look away.

Just waiting for him to open Fang Junrong's microblog, he was infuriated by the other party's action.

Fang Junrong directly exposed all the calligraphy and paintings he had given her on the Internet this morning, and also took out one identification document, proving that those paintings and calligraphy were fake.

Did she just want to kill him? Even if they are not husband and wife, they still have a son and a daughter, so they can't take care of their children. Don't kill them all?

His micro blog comments can not be read, a netizen to his mouth fragrance. After all, sending a fake can be said to be blind, but it is all fake, which can't be fooled by carelessness.

Even so, he can only be brave enough to send a micro blog. He first expressed his admiration for master Xu fangweng, and then bitterly attacked some people who took advantage of his eagerness to make fake goods to deceive him, but he didn't seriously check it because he trusted each other too much. He was also very sorry for the trouble he had caused to his ex-wife.

As for the rest, he has to leave it to the company's public relations team. It's just that even if the team is more powerful, his good man's human setup can't be preserved.

If you can't, you can't keep it. When someone pokes out his cheating in marriage, the public opinion will bite back even more.

Li can only try to comfort himself, broken pot broken.

Although he tried to sort out his mood, he got angry again when he saw Jiang Ya Ge, who had nothing to do with it. After Jiang Yage came back, he made a lot of troubles for him. First, he offended Wang Xiao, and now he made others destroy him. Even if Li nianjin loves her again before, in the case of loss of interests, he can't close his eyes and spoil her any more.

If Jiang Ya GE has a sense of regret, it's just that she has a touch of spring in the corner of her eyes and eyebrows and a smile in her moist eyes. Anyone can see her good mood.So Li was even more angry!

Jiang Yage was shocked when she saw Li nianjin. The storm last night made her and Li Shize closer. After drinking too much wine, she took the last step. She boasted that she was Li Shize's girlfriend now, so she was in such a good mood that she forgot about things on the Internet. Now see Li forget Jin just rang up, also have a bit of fear.

"Godfather..." She shrank.

"I can't afford you, godfather," Li said coldly. "You're so idealistic now. In front of me, you dare say one thing and do another." He thought that for the sake of wensier, he was good enough for Jiang Ya Ge, and that's how she rewarded him. Sure enough, Jiang Ya Ge really can't compare with her mother's finger.

This accusation is too suicidal. Jiang Yage's face turns white, and tears fall down directly, "yes, I'm sorry..."

"I thought I could help you out. I didn't really expect that to happen. " She also has some strange in her heart, clearly so rich, but still secretly do those small moves, the result has implicated her.

If things go well, maybe she can make some popularity on the Internet and seal the title of the most beautiful lady.

"Are you blaming me?" Li nianjin said angrily.

"I don't have one." Jiang Ya Ge is particularly aggrieved.

At this time, the door opened, and Li Shize came out of the room. His tie was not tied well, which was a bit uninhibited. When he saw the cold faced father and the tearful Jiang Ya Ge, his face pulled down on the spot.

He stepped forward and protected Jiang Yage behind him in a protective manner. "Dad, what are you doing to Yage? Are you blaming the song of songs? It's you who did the wrong thing, and the song of songs was the one who was implicated by you. What qualification do you have to blame her for

Li nianjin saw him come out of Jiang Ya GE's room, and he was about to crack, "what's the relationship between you two?" Although he used to love Jiang Yage as his daughter-in-law, he never thought of her as the candidate of his daughter-in-law. Li Shize is the son he attaches great importance to. The wife he will marry in the future certainly deserves his identity, not Jiang Yage, who will only lag behind.

After all, the requirements for daughters and daughter-in-law are different.

Especially for her, the son disobeyed him for the first time. This double hit made Li's Qi and blood gush up, and he was a little unsteady.

"She's my girlfriend," Li said

"I don't allow anyone to hurt her, even you."

Li almost vomited out a mouthful of blood. He looked at his indifferent son in disbelief and covered his chest.

"You two, get out of here!"

What kind of character is Li Shize? He has never suffered a real loss since he was a child. He fought back. "This is the house I bought." The implication is that he wants to leave, which is also Li's. after all, the house is his. For this house, he even has no startup fund.

Li nianjin did not expect that he would be so unfilial. His eyes were wide open, and his eyes were black and fainted.

Then there was chaos.


Fang Junrong did not know the farce of the Li family. For Li's reply, she scoffed. Three year olds don't believe that excuse.

Li is obviously aware of this, and directly shut down the micro blog comments, and it is clear that he can't see. He closed here, but the world is quiet, can not find vent of netizens simply ran to AI Rong Group official micro.

Fang Junrong, who saw a joke, put his attention back on the company. On the official website, Meiyan pills have been reserved for more than 20000 copies, which is more than expected.

Sun Mei called her and asked if she was needed to help publicize Li's infidelity.

Sun Mei can also be said to be a wonderful person to some extent. Although she had publicized Li's infidelity all over the place before, she was very tactful and did not transmit the video to anyone except Fang Junrong. At most, she just let others see it. So now she owns this video, besides Fang Junrong.

So it has its merits that this man has not been covered with sacks.

Fang Junrong thought about it and said, "wait for the next time. When I have a new product, you can put it again."

She has seen Li as a free publicity tool.

Of course, she also said to sun Mei that she would be given beauty pills only in her own house. Well, the online version is ten times diluted, and the internal version is five times diluted. It is also for this reason that sun Mei has changed her former style of work and has friendly relations with her.

On September 8, meiyanwan was officially put on the shelves, which was also the day when her daughter Li Xinyun started school. She announced that in order to celebrate her daughter's opening of school, she would give her a 10% discount, only for today. 10% discount will also be given to those who have been ordered in advance.

Although the 10% discount is not a big discount, it has also stimulated a small number of sales. By September 10, about 40000 copies were sold.

Meiyan pill a course of treatment can see the effect, after seven days, word-of-mouth fermentation, do not worry about sales. On the whole, a good start has been made. Thanks to Li nianjin and Jiang Ya Ge.If they didn't come out like this, she would have to spend money on publicity.

She thought about it for a moment, or to drag Li out of the blacklist, and then sent a text message in the past.

Thank you and Jiang Yage for sacrificing me and saving me publicity expenses. For this reason, I've decided to forgive you for the disgust I've had before. You are really good people. ]

it can also be regarded as the recovery of a little interest from previous life.

After sending out, she continued to pull Li nianjin black, which called a refreshing.