When he woke up, he was in the hospital. He looked around. In addition to him, there was only one nurse and his driver, grandson. The unfilial son and Jiang Ya Ge were both absent.

Thinking of what happened before he fell into a coma, he was going to have a heart attack again. His voice was negative, and he said, "where's that villain?"

Even evil son two words all came out, can see that he is really angry to the extreme this time.

Old sun smelled the speech to show embarrassed expression, "young master, he took the young lady to go. He thought you were pretending to be unconscious

In the end, he couldn't see it and rushed his boss to the hospital.

Li's face turned red. He felt that if he died, he must have been angry by Li Shize, an unfilial son. When Fang Junrong and he divorced before, Li Shize stood by him to help Jiang Yage talk. He looked at Fang Junrong happily. However, when the object of Li Shize's disobedience became him, it was a complex and difficult to say.

At this moment, his mood subtly coincides with Fang Junrong in his previous life.

How did his proud son become so strange?

However, he has only one son, and he can't say it. As for Li Xinyun, because she is a daughter, she has never been in the category of successor in Li's mind.

If we can't, we can only educate them well.

He sneered, his son's wings are probably hard, so they dare to whisper with him. Then he let him know that without the identity of Prince of AI Rong Group, Li Shize is nothing.

In the past half a month, the company has made some profits. He is not as poor as he was a few days ago. He is in a good mood to discipline his unruly son.

After a phone call, he ordered coldly.

"Frozen all his cards."

Without money, he saw how he could brag in front of him! And Jiang Ya Song

He had a picture of winsell in his mind, and her memory of her smiling at him tenderly, as if in silent support.

Even if Jiang Yage looks like her again, she still doesn't learn the shining point in her mother's personality. She has to be physically rather than divine. She even encourages her son to fight against him. It would be very sad for winsle to watch the song of songs like this.

He also thought of Wen Sixian, who was also a poor man, disfigured by the song of songs. Now he stays in the hospital in silence every day, as if he were a living dead man.

In a sense, Jiang Ya Ge is the God of plague. His parents died in an accident, and his aunt was disfigured. Even Wang Xiao, who had just met her for the first time, was killed by her, which attracted his endless revenge. After he adopted her, the business of the company was not as smooth as before, and everything was not smooth for him. On the contrary, Fang Junrong, who has a bad relationship with Jiang Ya Ge, is thriving. She did not know the so-called beauty pill, just launched on the market.

Maybe it was a mistake to adopt her in the first place. It's time for him to stop loss.

A cold look flashed in his eyes. Now he has completely forgotten how much he expected Jiang Yage's arrival two months ago.

At this time, his mobile phone vibrated for a while, he looked down and saw that it was a short message or from Fang Junrong. Li nianjin hesitated for a moment, and finally, he opened his eyes.

After seeing the contents, his forehead was full of bruises.

"Bullying too much!"


Fang Junrong was in the laboratory of the fish.

She looked at the river without blinking and asked the fish, "do you mean, have you found a way to plant seven star grass and blue hazel?"

She took these two kinds of spirit grass from the space and asked Jiang Wen fish to analyze their ingredients to see if they could find their substitutes in the world. In fact, she didn't have a lot of confidence. She just wanted to gamble. She was also prepared for a long project. She did not expect how, less than a month time, Jiang asked fish to give her such a big surprise.

In the past, the Zhangjia people mistook pearls for fish eyes.

Good, now this pearl is hers!

When she looked at him like this, Jiang Wenyu felt embarrassed. His ears were a little hot, and some Hao Ran didn't want to open their faces. He suppressed the inexplicable emotion and put his attention back on the business. He seriously said, "well, I found that seven star grass and green hazel can survive around some jade. It's not like before, it will wither in less than three days. "

In fact, he will find that it is the jade he usually wears. In the past, no matter what method he used to cultivate them, they would die completely in less than three days. Except for one of them, because he carried them with him, he survived.

Jiang Wenyu knew that there were some unusual things about the necklace he was wearing, so he used the necklace to do the experiment. Sure enough, he was able to live around the two kinds of flowers. He continued to do the experiment, and found that other jade can be used, but the effect is not as good as his, and the more pure, the better the effect. As for how Fang Junrong took out these two kinds of flowers and plants that didn't exist in the world, he didn't mean to ask.When he told Fang Junrong about it, he ignored his necklace.

After hearing this, Fang Junrong showed a big smile on his face. She is not short of jade! Especially before the divorce, she added a lot to herself in the light of the idea of blocking Li nianjin. Now she can come in handy.

She pondered the fragment and said, "then we can make a special experimental field to plant this, and then the jade will be buried deeper."

Even if people steal these two things, they can't think of a way to cultivate them. She suspected that it was because the jade itself contained some aura. Although it was relatively thin, it could barely support the cultivation of the two spiritual grasses. This early stage certainly needs to invest a lot of money, but compared with the income, it is worth it.

"You've been working hard all this time, thanks to you." Fang Junrong said sincerely that she decided to give Jiang Wenyu a raise.

River asked fish itself is not very satisfied, slightly frown, "or not enough. Although it can survive, the active ingredients contained in it are not as good as the ointment made when it was just taken out

Fang Junrong was so ashamed that he could only say that he had higher requirements for himself. Anyway, what she wants to do is to quantify the production of these three drugs so that more people can use them.

She thought of the white jade paste. The vetch grass needed in it was also something from fairyland. She could try to see if it could be planted in this way.

Professional things should be handed over to the professional. In this respect, Fang Junrong believes in the ability of Jiang Wenyu.

She suddenly remembered one thing. Speaking of it, Jiang Wenyu's relatives, that Zhangjia, as a medical family, also had several prescriptions handed down for hundreds of years. The most famous is a bone setting cream, the effect is very good, is to sell the price is very expensive, a small bottle of tens of thousands. For ordinary people, it is not a small burden. With this prescription, Zhangjia has been standing up for years.

Fang Junrong believed that his white jade paste would only be better than their bone setting cream. When it was time to sell it cheaper than them, he was very angry with them. She didn't forget that Zhang Bi had drugged her in her previous life, which made her more irritable and irritable.

In this life, Jiang Yage lost her golden finger. I don't know if there is any hope of becoming Zhang Bi's goddess of fortune.


At this time, Jiang Ya Ge, who was thought of by Fang Junrong, was working. After the beginning of school, she went to work as a tutor for junior high school students under the introduction of senior students in the community to earn living expenses. This is also no way to do things, she did not expect Li engjin will be so angry, even stopped her and the time Ze card.

Shize has no money recently and is busy looking for investment. As a considerate girlfriend, Jiang Yage certainly won't make trouble for him at this time, so she has to prepare her own living expenses. She even sold several of her bags to him as a start-up fund, but it was just a drop in the bucket effect.

She recalled her life a month ago and it was vivid. From extravagance to frugality, she felt that the days of frugality were very difficult. She could only encourage herself secretly: Shize was so powerful that when he started his career, their life would return to the past.

No, she didn't associate with him for his identity. She really liked him.

She dragged her tired body back to the dormitory. The sound insulation effect of the door was not very good, and the cheerful voices of her roommates came over.

"Geese, your skin looks much better! Is that beauty pill so useful? I knew I was going to grab one too! Now the stock on the official website has been sold out, and it will not be available until next week. "

"I used all my summer job money to buy this. I robbed three boxes at that time." Jiang Ya GE's roommate Li Yan's tone is full of pride.

"Do you think we should ask Yage? Isn't she adopted by the Li family? Maybe there's a way to get some. "

"You think too much. I haven't seen enough of the big drama on Weibo before. The relationship between the song of songs and the general manager Fang is obviously not good, otherwise, they would not deliberately go on the program to try to entrap people. Thanks to her innocent and innocent appearance and deep mind, she is an orphan girl. It's very good that Fang always wants to adopt her. She still feeds the hand that feeds her. "

"People always don't recognize her. They recognize Zhong Yi. You see, Zhong Yi is totally different from last semester. The first stop over there is Miss Fan. In my opinion, the status of song of songs in the Li family is just like that. It's not necessary to work for a job to earn money when she is the eldest lady of the Li family. "

Jiang Ya GE's hand on the doorknob trembled and tears welled up. No, she's not that kind of person. These people don't know anything at all. It is not because she is rich that they speak to Fang Junrong.

This society is too cold and realistic.

She can't stay in the dormitory any more.

She turned away and ran to Li Shize's rented studio to find him. A few days later, although Li Shize was still beautiful, his manner changed a lot. In the past, he was elegant and proud. No matter what happened, he was so calm and charming. Now he, because of this period of time one after another, things are not going well, more anxious and irritable.

It seemed that his halo had been darkened before.

"Song of songs." Li Shize raised his head with blood in his eyes.He was such a favored man because of her, which made Jiang Ya Ge feel proud and disappointed. What she likes is Li Shize, who is confident, calm and omnipotent.

She sniffed, showing a weak and sad expression, "Shize, you go back."

"You are their son and there is no overnight feud between relatives. I don't want to see you covered with dust for my pearl. "

"A proud eagle like you should not break his wings for me. I'm sorry for the delay. "

She said, the voice more choked, but the tone is very firm.