Different from AI Rong Group, Meifang group has never raised funds, plus it has not been listed. Fang Junrong now owns all the shares. The company can be said to be her talk.

She has always been vigorous. She held a meeting with several management levels the next day to discuss the lottery. After adding more details, she decided.

As she expected, after the announcement was released, the phrase "lottery beauty pill" was quickly searched. The netizens were shocked and surprised.

[I've only heard of lotteries and car numbers. The first time I saw cosmetics, I had to wager numbers. I'll see you for a long time. ]

[European, I'm eager to try with my wallet. It's time to test my bloodline! ]

[gospel of hand disabled party >!!! Excited to run around the basement! ]

[as a person with black hands, I wait for the lottery to buy one month later, and I smile with tired JG]

[I'm going to use all the numbers of my friends and relatives, I don't believe that none of them can be shaken! ]

[I don't know if Li nianjin will regret seeing Fang Junrong now. If I were him, I would be sorry. ]

[bah, bah, don't mention that kind of person on this occasion. It's bad luck! ]

generally speaking, the public is still acceptable to this kind of purchase mode while being stunned. If you can't even buy the wagging horn, you can only blame yourself for your black hands. What's more, if you're really black, you'll have to wait for a month.

As Fang Junrong's ex husband, Li nianjin was also inevitably pulled out to whip the corpse.

Li usually never let people mention Fang Junrong's affairs in front of him, but secretly he paid close attention to Fang Junrong's company, hoping that Fang Junrong's company would close down early. When he saw the comments of netizens, he was angry as a puffer fish, but he could only jump in the company.

before the Mei fang group, although the water cream three pieces sold well, but at home and abroad brand cosmetics, under the attack, earning ability is limited, and AI Rong group can not compare. The most valuable part of the whole company is the land. That's why Li Junrong forgot to land at that time.

Who would have thought that such a company in the hands of Fang Junrong has been full of vitality, and has become an eye-catching golden hen, which makes him feel like a needle in the needle.

How long does it take for Fang Junrong to make money! Earning a lot of money, I'm afraid that in a few years, I can easily surpass his AI Rong Group. On the contrary, because of him, AI Rong Group was boycotted by some idle netizens, and its sales volume was not as good as before. There are also many people in the board of directors who have opinions on him, and even dare to speak coldly in front of him.

Because of the lack of liquidity, he can only watch several profitable projects. This is not the same as he imagined, he vaguely felt that he should not be so oppressive.

In the first half month of his divorce, he especially liked to go out with his business partners and indulge in all kinds of affairs. He felt the happiness of freedom that he had never experienced in the past 20 years.

But after the forgery incident, except for some necessary occasions, he was not willing to go out, and did not want to face the eyes of the public to see jokes. They secretly ridiculed him, stingy to buy fake to send his wife. He used to have a good reputation, but now he has a bad reputation.

He counted these on Jiang Ya Ge and Fang Jun Rong. Jiang Ya Ge had stopped her card as revenge, but Fang Junrong could not find a place to start. In particular, Fang Junrong is now developing so well, just like a slap in the face, as if to remind him of his blindness.

At the same time, deep regret spread and lingered.

Fang Junrong and his divorce did not take long, Meiyan pills on the market, I am afraid that before the divorce, she had this formula. But she concealed it so well that she didn't show any trace. She was also careful of him, who is the person beside the pillow.

This money making beauty pill should have his share!

Thinking of this, he was so heartbroken that he wanted to go back to a year ago. Then he certainly would not be so anxious to bring Wen Sixian to his side, nor would he bring a song of songs back to the Li family, thus chilling Fang Junrong's heart.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world, he can only toss and turn in the night, taste the regret.

At this time, his assistant opened the door and reminded him that it was time to visit Wen Sixian. Every Friday, Li will visit Wen Sixian in the hospital. Now he is frustrated, only in front of Wen Sixian, who relies on him wholeheartedly, can he get back a little bit of his former spirit.

He rubbed his brow and took his suit coat. "Let's go."

Wait until the hospital, Li forget! Forgetting Jin found that Wen Sixian's mood seemed to be much better. Since the disfigurement, she has been depressed, only when he came, will cheer up.

Today, she seems to have some more look. His eyes fell on her mottled marks and moved away imperceptibly. Although he had seen it many times, he still felt sick every time he saw the shocking wound.

Only by constantly recalling the appearance of Wen Sixian before, can he suppress the impulse to run.

"You look in a good mood today." He said."What's the matter?" Li asked again. After he was disappointed with Jiang Yage, he transferred his feelings to wensixian, so he had more patience with her.

Wen Sixian bit his teeth, or at the risk of infuriating Li nianjin, said, "WANGJIN, can you help me get the beauty pill over there for Fang Junrong?"

The smile on Li's face disappeared and looked at Wen Sixian with unbelievable eyes. What does Wen Sixian think? She actually wants him to go to Fang Junrong for Meiyan pills? Isn't she the most clear that he and Fang Junrong are already in the same boat?

"The joke is not funny. If you want, just ask someone to buy it for you. "

"I bought Fang Junrong's beauty pill a few days ago. I found it had some effect when I used it. The burning trace is really light. I heard she had a better version. " At first, she didn't want to use it, but after seeing the hype on the Internet, she still bought a box at a high price. I didn't think the effect was better than she thought.

Unfortunately, although the effect is limited, her scar is still obvious. Originally, she had given up, but heard that Fang Junrong had a better version in her hand, which was only given to a few people and never sold on the Internet.

Wen Sixian thought for a long time, but he still couldn't help pleading with Li. If this face does not recover, sooner or later, Li's pity for her will be dissipated. He came to see her, never willing to face her face, like a snake or scorpion.

She couldn't help tears when she thought of it! Fall down, why her life so bitter, hard to find their own happiness, but was implicated by her niece, hard to encounter such a disaster.

Li nianjin did not want the other side Jun Rong to bow his head, and he did not want to ask her for such a thing. However, Wen Sixian cried so much in front of him that she could not see the scar on her face when she bowed her head and wept, and her posture was inexplicably similar to that of wensil.

If Li wants to say no, he swallows it again. He was a little upset. "I'll try."

He himself is impossible to ask for Fang Junrong, but he can try to find someone to help him, as long as he does not show up. Although this practice is a bit of a cover up, but it is better than him to come forward and insult himself.

Shize's child had broken up with Yage and had a hot fight with Miss Deng. Although he didn't look up to the Deng family, it was better to associate with Deng LAN than to persist in the song of songs. Maybe he can ask the Deng family and Fang Junrong to ask for a few boxes.

In short, it is impossible for him to ask for Fang Junrong to beg in person.

He suddenly remembered an incident, opened the address book, found out the number of Fang Junrong, and dialed the past.

The next second, his face went black.


The melodious music reverberates, and the grand hall is full of toasts. Under the light, people seem to be carrying masks produced by the same factory to exchange greetings.

Fang Junrong was invited by his friend Ning Qing to attend the banquet. Ning Qing seems to be ready to open a security company, this period of time has not been less open banquets to make relevant contacts. She and Ning Qing's relationship is good, plus this period of work is a little tired, simply come out to relax.

Recently, she is in the limelight. Many people come to chat with her and some people express their willingness to cooperate. Fang Junrong copes with them one by one, and finally takes advantage of people's inattention to hide from the balcony.

She was holding a glass of wine, looking at the bright moon in the sky, and her mood was not conscious.

Unfortunately, this quiet time did not last long, and soon someone came.

She turned her head and saw a woman with a small body coming up. The other side covered her mouth and showed a surprised expression, "eh, I thought there was no one here, and I still wanted to be lazy here. I didn't expect that Fang was here, really! What a coincidence. "

This acting is too grandiose.

Fang Junrong silently played a failing score in his heart and recognized each other, "Liu Zhu."

She is Deng Lan's mother. In the past, she had the impression that she was a woman who followed her husband's lead and put her posture low. In the back of the book, I also vaguely mentioned that after the bad things Deng LAN did were exposed, the Deng family was severely retaliated by Li Shize and several people, so the Tianliang Deng was broken.

Liu Zhu didn't know what Fang Junrong thought of her, but was very happy that Fang Junrong still remembered her.

"But Fang is really getting younger and younger. She doesn't look like a mother of two children. I don't know how many people around me recommend the beauty pill sold by your company. "

She stopped and looked at Fang Junrong expectantly.

Fang Junrong side of the head, smile is very standard, "if you like, you can leave the address, I let people sell you several boxes at the original price." It's impossible to get beauty pills in empty mouth.

thinking of her daughter who had a hot fight with Fang Junrong's son recently, she said in a more confident tone, "I heard that your company actually has better output, but it's not sold at present, and it's only for circulation in the circle of friends. I wonder if I have the honor to be your friend? "

Although Fang Junrong does not lack this thing, he does not want to send this person. Just before she refused, an angry voice came in.

"Shameless! Are you a friend of Junrong! Where's the face from? I want this from herShe turned her head and saw sun Mei coming with her skirt.

Fang Junrong inner stomach Fei: No, sun Mei is not her friend.

Sun Mei obviously didn't have this self-consciousness. "Even if you want to send it, it should be a real friend like me. What kind of onion are you! You think I don't know. Your husband and wife have a good friendship with Li. Why, do you want to be a double dealing? "

Fang Junrong: good. She announced that sun Mei would be her friend in the next hour.