In the eyes of many people, sun Mei is really not a pleasant person. Broken mouth, small heart than needle, do things by their own mood, selfish to the extreme. But she can jump up to now has not been covered with sacks, but also has its own set of guidelines. For example, if you can't offend people, she won't offend. In her eyes, Liu Zhu is the object that can be offended at will. Another example is that the ability of the former and the latter is not that everyone has the courage to do. She was clearly unable to get along with Fang Junrong before, but now she can act as if nothing happened. She looks like a good friend.

However, as far as Fang Junrong is concerned, it doesn't matter what character sun Mei is, as long as it doesn't hinder her. What's more, if it wasn't for sun Mei's temperament, she couldn't make use of her to severely pit Li nianjin, so she had more patience for sun Mei.

She just looked at Sun Mei with a smile.

This smile fell in sun Mei's eyes and became her support. So she said more forcefully, "double swords on both sides, honey in the mouth and sword in the back, which is not the same as what you are talking about. If I had been you, I would have been ashamed of myself. I would not have run out of disgrace. "

She wanted to find Fang Junrong to buy a few more boxes of beauty pills for her own people. Fang said that it was very difficult to make them, so she didn't have many there. She could only spare three boxes for her. Now, Liu Zhu is killed on the way. If you say a few good words, you want to cheat Fang Junrong. How can you not make her angry?

Secondly, the enmity between her and Liu Zhu is not only this one. Sun Mei and Liu Zhu both have sons. Their sons are typical dandies who like to eat, drink and have fun. Even if it's OK. Mingming's eldest brother doesn't laugh at her second brother, but Liu Zhu usually likes to brag about her family's son, who can't handle it at all, and trample on Sun Mei's son. So this time, new and old hatred, of course, she was not polite.

Fang Junrong's heart sighed: there are many idioms sun Mei can't understand.

Liu Zhu was said to be flushed and her chest heaved up and down. People like her are really easy to suffer when they meet a shrew like sun Mei. She thought she was sure of something, but suddenly she was stabbed by sun Mei.

"No, we met Li Erjin just to talk to him about Shize's child." She suddenly thought of Li Shize, as if she had caught the last straw.

She took a look at Fang Junrong and said with deliberation: "when Ze and my Lan Lan get along very well. My Lan Lan is kind-hearted. I don't want to see Fang and his son continue to misunderstand him. So he asked me to find Fang and ask for several boxes of beauty pills. When we get it in front of Shize, we say that Fang always cares about him and leaves him to be a human being. "

As she spoke, she felt that her excuse was infallible, and her voice became more and more reasonable. She can! I don't believe that Fang Junrong will really leave her son alone. Otherwise, who will she hand over such a large estate in the future? Will she give it to her daughter who is destined to marry out?

In a sense, sun Mei is not wrong about Liu Zhu. Clearly, she wanted Meiyan pills because she was entrusted by Li nianjin, but from her mouth, she wanted to help Fang Junrong ease the conflict with her son, as if she was a good person with golden light on her body.

"There is no overnight feud between children and their parents. Children are stubborn, so our parents can only bow their heads a little and give them a step down. Do you think so, Mr. Fang? "

Sun Mei didn't say anything again. To be exact, she was still uncertain about Fang Junrong's attitude towards Li Shize, although she could see that Fang Junrong loved her daughter more.

"Shize is the most promising child in our circle. If I could have such a son, I could wake up laughing in my dreams. I'd better teach him. And he is also filial to his elders, which can be said to be very perfect. "

Of course, people will also reincarnate. Although their parents are divorced, both Li nianjin and Fang Junrong are very valuable, especially Fang Junrong. At the thought that such a man would become her son-in-law in the future, she was filled with beauty.

"My son?"

Fang Junrong laughed and said in a light tone: "you seem to have misunderstood that I have no son."

"So his business has nothing to do with me."

Liu Zhu, who had prepared a lot of words, seemed to be pinched by his neck. His eyes were wide open and his face was unbelievable.

"Of course, if you like him so much, your family can regard him as the adopted son, and enjoy his filial piety. I don't think Li nianjin would mind more people loving his son." She gave a big smile to the stunned Liu Zhu.

Sun Mei was also happy, adding fuel and vinegar, "yes, yes, when the ceremony is to be held, please remember to send us an invitation. I will definitely send a gift to the past."

"However, people like us don't mean to recognize their sons verbally. You can't afford to be broke in property at that time."

After Fang Junrong inserted a knife, he said, "well, I'll send Meiyan pills to the past."

As for other cases, don't think about it. Although her beauty pill is not as difficult to make as the outside world thinks, she doesn't want to give it to people like Liu Zhu.

Liu Zhu's face was blackened by the two people. She is not a fool. It is too late for her son to leave her property. How can she identify an outsider to rob her property. It took her a while to recover her voice. "Do you really want him?" How can someone be! If you don't want a son, you don't want to. Fang Junrong is too cruel. That's her own son!"Even if the children do something wrong, they are their own children. Parents should not be so careful. Just teach them well."

Fang Junrong was too lazy to tangle with her, coldly said: "persuade people to be magnanimous, heaven strikes with thunder."

She did not look at Liu Zhu again and turned away from the balcony. The balcony has Liu Zhu's existence, the air is dirty. She didn't forget to say to sun Mei, "go to my place in two days, and I'll give you some more boxes."

Sun Mei immediately beamed, "OK."

She asked sun Mei in a low voice, "but what did Li Shize do to make you so angry?" Fang Junrong's temper is still very good.

Fang Junrong didn't mean to cover up for his son. She said, "when I found out that Li nianjin was cheating and criticizing Jiang Ya Ge, who helped cover it up, he stood there and reprimanded me. Later, after he moved away, he bought a new house and allowed Li's lover to live in. "

Sun Mei originally thought that Fang Junrong's practice was a little cruel. When she heard about Li Shize's broken things, she replaced her son with her own. Instantly she felt the same, and then filled with indignation, "well done! If I were, I would certainly not want this white eyed wolf

Fang Junrong calmly dropped a bomb, "because he fell in love with Jiangya song."

Sun Mei, who has been eating melons all year round, was almost nauseated by the melon. She decided to go home for a beauty pill at night.


Looking at their backs, Liu Zhu couldn't turn around. She didn't understand where Fang Junrong's confidence came from. At the same time, she was also full of dissatisfaction with the other party's Junrong. Her husband didn't want her and her son had a cold war with her.

after she came home, she couldn't help but make complaints about her husband's daughter Fang Junrong.

"Well, I didn't expect that she didn't get in so much oil and salt, so I had to apologize to Li nianjin." She also wanted to help Li nianjin at first. He must have a better impression of their family. It would be easier for her daughter Deng LAN to get married, but she didn't expect to start a career at a disadvantage.

She took a wary look at her husband. "I don't think I care about her. Even without her, Li Shize is also the prince of AI Rong Group, and the future development is needless to say. Lan Lan married him, but also high. "

Boss Deng gave her a look of displeasure, "you're really not good enough to fail! More. Do you know the turnover of Meifang group in one month? If you say no, you can't

"I think it's your mouth that makes you angry. Mr. Fang is a famous talker in the circle. "

Liu Zhu was scolded, and her heart was even more aggrieved. She asked from her daughter that Fang Junrong's attitude towards Li Shize was only because Li Shize didn't stand by her side during the divorce.

Such a small bellied woman, but many people praise her, there is no reason.

The friends nodded in front of her, and they betrayed her once they turned around. They passed ten, ten passed one hundred, so those who didn't know it knew it.

However, the image of Fang Junrong in this period of time is too good, for such rumors, we are skeptical. What we believe is that Fang Junrong is determined not to have a son this time. However, there are doubts about the cause of their bad relationship.

So someone went to ask sun Mei, who was a famous eight trigrams king in the circle.

Sun Mei didn't live up to their expectations. She poked out the things Li Shize had done and added, "it's still very kind of you to let my son do it. I'll give it a few times first."

Sun Mei is also very harmful to people.

So the things that Li engjin painstakingly covered up spread in the circle because of this fate. In exclamation at the same time also suddenly realized, it is no wonder that Fang Junrong so good-natured people are angry not to this son.

Many people privately lament that Jiang Yage and Wen Sixian are worthy of being relatives. They are really powerful in collusion with men. The old one has taken Li nianjin away, and the young one has lost Li Shize even his mother.

Li Shize was also labeled a white eyed wolf. Some of the businesses that had planned to cooperate with him immediately withdrew.

Although in business, the most important thing is profit, but moral character is also important, unless the benefits brought by him can make people ignore this point. Li Shize, who has not graduated yet, is obviously unable to do so. More importantly, before some people cooperated with him, it was for Fang Junrong's sake that if she was offended by this, the gain was not worth the loss.

So when he received several euphemistic calls refusing to cooperate, he was in a daze.