Although Li Shize at the beginning because of no funds, dishonoured for a period of time. But when the Deng family joined, his pressure eased a lot. In particular, during this period, the relationship between his father and Li nianjin began to ease up. Although he did not give him start-up funds, he also helped him with his personal contacts, which made him have more orders.

Originally, things were about to get on the right track, and suddenly he talked to several partners to terminate cooperation.

He received several phone calls in a few days. He was thrown a basin of cold water, angry at the same time, but also at a loss. What's wrong with this?

Li Shize also had a few friends and asked them directly for information.

After knowing the inside story, he nearly smashed his cell phone. He didn't expect that he and the song of songs would be passed on. We all know that it came from sun Mei.

How could sun meI know if her mother hadn't disclosed it?

At this moment, Li Shize's resentment against Jun Rong emerged in his heart. She's going to kill him, can't she see him?

When his anger subsided a little, he calmed down, too. No, he knows his mother. If she wanted to say something, she would have said it for a long time. It is impossible to delay it until now, so there should be a reason for it.

He looked for people everywhere to ask about the situation, only to know that the source is still on Deng Lan's mother. At the beginning, she and her friends spread his mother's ruthlessness and bias, which made sun Mei speak for his mother.

Li Shize put his fingers into his hair, and the veins on his hands jumped.

He suddenly realized how tired it was to meet pig teammates. He didn't expect much help from the Deng family. It would be nice not to make trouble for him. As a result, he couldn't even do this. Thinking of him and the song of songs will become the talk of other people, his heart is particularly uncomfortable.

He didn't think he had done anything wrong with Yage. If he had to say something, he was wrong. His mother's attitude was too tough. His fault was that he shouldn't let wensixian live in the house.

He was so upset that he didn't have the mood to look through the papers on his desk and sat directly in his office chair.

"Ze, when I come."

Deng Lan's pleasant voice accompanied by the sound of high-heeled shoes sounded. Li Shize looked up and saw her carrying the incubator. She was smiling like a flower. "I stewed chicken soup for you today. Would you like to try it?"

Li Shize raised his head and said coldly, "your mother is talking outside? Did you tell her? "

When he was cold, his face was fierce, which made Deng LAN flustered. She bit her lower lip and said, "my mother just can't stand it! Your mother is used to favoring Li Xinyun, but she doesn't trust you. That's why she feels unfair for you. "

Up to now, she only knows about rumors spread by her mother and her card friends. She doesn't know that the rumors in this circle have changed a new wave. In fact, Deng LAN didn't think her mother had done anything wrong. Fang Junrong was unreasonable. After the divorce, she did not ask her son. Instead, she spoiled Li Xinyun, a useless daughter.

Li Shize sneered, "who needs you to help me hold injustice? Now everyone knows that I'm disgusted by my own mother. Do you think that's a good thing? "

"Don't think I don't know what your mother and daughter are thinking."

Isn't it the idea of declaring your relationship with him in front of others? So he didn't like Deng LAN since he was a child. He had a heart full of rich girls who had been immersed in the circle for a long time. He wanted to take advantage of her.

can only say as like as two peas of Li Wangjin. Li Shize is the same. Jiang Yage made a start for him, and he was deeply moved by her affection. But when it comes to Deng Lan's head, it becomes a city with no mind.

When someone doesn't like you, it's wrong to drink. Deng LAN is now in this situation.

She was denounced by Li Shize. Her heart was like soaking in sour water. She was wronged. Before Mingming, Li Shize was very gentle and considerate to him. How could this period of time become so fast?

Her eyes are clearly red, but she still shows a reasonable smile, "I'm sorry, I won't make my own decisions again."

She put down the incubator and showed her fingers to let Li Shize see her blisters. She just waited for a while, but did not wait for Li Shize to care. Deng LAN did not want to annoy him, her mother said, men do not like to pester women, like the object more sensible.

So she left quite sensibly.

Li Shize here was wronged, of course, she will not wait to die. Of course, she has to find out the reason why Li Shize's attitude towards her has changed greatly. She doesn't believe that it is because her mother does evil things with good intentions. Since last week, Li Shize has been impatient with her.

And her breakthrough is Li Shize's beloved sister Jiangya song. At this time, she was very glad that she had a good relationship with Jiang Ya Ge, so she gave her several brand-name bags, which can be used now.

Deng LAN directly let the driver drive to Jiang Ya GE's school to find her. Jiang Yage is now a sophomore. She has a lot of courses this semester. She doesn't finish class until after 5 p.m. Deng LAN came at a bad time, waiting for more than an hour before he arrived at Jiang Ya Ge after class.

After Jiang Yage left the school, he quickly found Deng Lan's car. Push the door open. She's a good driver! Lu Di goes in and sits in the rear driver's seat, "Lan Lan."On the one hand, Deng LAN did help Shize during this period of time, but the other party was obviously interested in him. When she seized the opportunity, she would stamp and seal in the circle of friends to declare sovereignty, which made her feel very sad and jealous. But she did not stand jealous, she and time Ze have broken up, and this period of time Deng LAN has not less gifts to her, so that she can maintain dignity in front of people, not to be ridiculed.

Fortunately, Shize's career has progressed smoothly during this period. He has already made several orders, so he doesn't need to be subject to other people.

Deng LAN looked at Jiang Yage with drooping eyebrows and said to her warmly: "I found a good restaurant. Let's eat together."


Along the way, Deng LAN had a chat with her, and finally naturally brought the topic to Li Shize, "Shize, he has been a little cold to me recently, do you know the reason?"

Under her gaze, Jiang Yage is a little guilty. She looks away from her eyes and dares not to look at Deng Lan's eyes. She says in a tone of indifference as far as possible: "maybe it's the work reason? He is very busy these days. He works overtime every day, and there are not many people around him who can help him

At first, she was also an assistant at that time. Because Deng LAN often went to the company, she was afraid that she would not be able to express her true feelings. Therefore, she could only reduce the number of times she went to the company, participate in community activities, and paralyze herself with school affairs.

Since it was not her reason, she was relieved. Want to come today when Ze is angry with her, also because she just hit the muzzle. Besides, people usually take off their masks only in front of close objects. Does this mean that Shize treats her more and more as his own?

Because of this conjecture, Deng Lan's mood suddenly soared, as if with honey, sweet Tianjin.

She took a look at Jiang Ya Ge, and it was right to seduce her. She decided to give Jiang Ya Ge some more sweets. Anyway, Jiang Ya Ge is different from Li Xinyun. She has never seen anything in the world. She is very easy to get rid of.

After dinner, she took Jiang Yage shopping and bought her a suit of clothes.

When she receives the gift, she will feel the infinite accomplishment.

"It's cold. Add another scarf." Deng Lan said.

! Anyway, to buy clothes for Jiang Ya Ge, when Jiang Ya Ge wears them in front of Li Shize, she is selling them well.

Jiang Ya Ge follows her side, and she looks smart and harmless.

"Deng LAN."

Deng LAN bought half and heard someone calling her. She turned her head and it was her friend Zhan Yun. But their relationship is not so good. They are just plastic sisters.

Zhan Yun is a little surprised. When did Deng LAN become so generous? She used to spend only 10000 yuan a month, but now she is willing to buy things for others.

"Is this your relative?" She asked.

Deng LAN looked at Jiang Ya Ge to the fitting room. She said with a deliberate light tone: "no, she is the younger sister of Shize."

"Li Xinyun doesn't look like this, does he? Li Xinyun is more beautiful. " Zhan Yun said. She thought of some of the rumors she had heard from her mother and couldn't help gloating. It is said that Deng LAN and Li Shize have been very close recently. They often go out in pairs, just like lovers. Did she know that Li Shize had a white moonlight girlfriend before, and even disobeyed his mother for that girlfriend.

Song of songs?

Zhan Yun opened his mouth and doubted whether he had heard it wrong, "Jiang Ya Ge?"

Deng LAN nodded, "do you know her, too?" Yes, Jiangya song also made a little bit of fame on the Internet some time ago, but it's not a good thing. But on that matter, she felt that the song of songs was implicated by Uncle Li. Perhaps because of this reason, Shize wanted to compensate his sister all the time.

"Who told you that Jiang Yage belonged to Li Shize's sister? The two of them are obviously male and female friends

"You think it's because of Jiang Ya Ge that Li Shize doesn't recognize his son directly. Everyone said that she was very capable, and she was fascinated by Li Shize. You really can't help but get involved. "

She danced and danced, popularized the stories of Jiang Ya Ge and her aunt, and added a lot of details. Deng Lan's face was pale and her body was crumbling.

She looked at Deng Lan's green hat on top of his head and sympathized. This green hat really matches Deng LAN.

For the first time, she saw a fool who brought her rival to buy clothes.