"No way. You lied to me."

Deng Lan was bombarded by such a large amount of information, but her brain was still subconsciously refuted.

Originally still sympathizing with her, Zhan Yun was immediately upset when he heard this, "I am a kind-hearted reminder to save you from being sold and counting money for you. How can you not recognize good people?"

"Otherwise, why do you think Li Shize is so kind to a person who has not known for half a year instead of leaving his own sister alone?"

Deng LAN would like to refute, but to see Zhan Yun's decisive appearance, she can't help but believe a few points. Looking back on the relationship between Jiang Yage and Li Shize, it is true that they are intimate enough to make her feel uncomfortable occasionally. At that time, she only thought that they were brothers and sisters. She even thought that Li Shize and Jiang Yage had a good relationship, which was better than feeling deeply with Li Xinyun.

If it's true, how can she feel? She is a cow and a horse for Li Shize, so she puts down her airs and runs to make friends with Jiang Yage and takes good care of her. The two of them played her like a fool.

She couldn't help but cover her chest, and her liver ached.

At this time, Jiangya song also changed clothes and came out. Deng Lan's selection of this suit is really suitable for her. The light blue skirt sets off her light figure, especially the red belt, which not only adds warm color, but also makes her waist slim and firm.

In this regard, jiangyage may not be the most beautiful girl, but it is the type that many men can't help but want to care for. She raised her head, walked to Deng LAN, turned a circle, and gave a smile, "do you think I look good in my dress?"

She really likes this dress.

Only when her eyes touched Deng LAN, she found that her face was not very good-looking. There seemed to be a volcano brewing in her eyes. She subconsciously took a step back, some afraid of Deng LAN.

The next second, Deng LAN tightly grasped her wrist and left a mark on her white skin. She couldn't help frowning because of the pain, "Lan Lan..."

Deng LAN looked at her, "what's the relationship between you and Li Shize?"

Jiang Ya GE's face flashed flustered, "he is my brother."

Growing up in a patriarchal family, Deng Lan's observation has become her instinct. Where can Jiang Ya GE's expression Hide from her, her heart sank, has completely believed Zhan Yun's words.

Although she likes Li Shize now, it is also because she has the best conditions among the people she has the chance to contact. In addition, Li Shize did not care about his mother during this period of time, and his father ignored him. He had to rely on them for the Deng family to carry out his career successfully. In Deng Lan's heart, he also unconsciously reduced his aura. Compared with the sad lovelorn, more is the anger of being fooled.

She increased her strength, and her voice seemed to squeeze out of her teeth, "it's just brother and sister! Relationship? Then you promise to me that you and Li Shize will never be together. "

Jiang Ya GE has a heart hanging on Li Shize. How can he make such a guarantee.

Deng LAN sneered, "Oh, you have the face to say it's brother and sister's feelings in front of me. Do you have brothers and sisters like this? You make me sick. "

"I believe you so much and treat you so well. I take you shopping and accompany you to eat, drink and have fun. Are you proud to see me being cheated like this by you? " If Li Shize is present, Deng LAN may not dare to be so loud and loud. But in front of only looks like and the little white rabbit very good bullying Jiang Ya Song, she then some unscrupulous up. Besides, in this case, she is the victim. Isn't it normal to seek justice for herself?

Jiang Ba song is so angry that she doesn't want to keep her voice secret. It is the nature of Chinese people to watch the crowd. What's more, this kind of material sounds very exciting.

Orthopedics! This kind of thing is generally heard on the Internet, or the first time to meet the reality of orthopedics!

There were more onlookers than ever. Instead of running directly to the store, they gathered around the door and pointed out from time to time.

"The little girl is pretty. How can she do such a thing? If her parents knew that their children were mixed up, they would not have to break their legs together

"Her brother's girlfriend is really miserable. She meets two bitches. Look at her dress, the family should also have a lot of money. "

"Her brother's girlfriend is very good. She also brought her to buy clothes. The one she tried on cost thousands of yuan."

The contemptuous eyes thrown by the people around her make Jiang Ya song like a mountain on the back. Those small arguments turn into vines, which bind her heart tightly and make her difficult to breathe. She wants to escape from here, but she is still wearing the clothes in the shop, and her hand is still being held by Deng LAN, and she can't leave at all.

As soon as she was anxious, the sweat on her forehead came out, and her long eyelashes hung with tears. She looked pitifully weak and helpless. She ate this set of Li Shize, but the same sex repels each other. As long as Deng LAN thinks that she seduces Li Shize with this manner, she is as disgusting as swallowing excrement.

Zhan Yun looks around and is not used to being watched. She even sees that someone has opened the camera to shoot.

She pushed Deng LAN and said, "well, enough is enough. What kind of status are we? Why should we damage our image for such bitches Although she and Deng LAN are just plastic friends, but in the face of such people as Jiang Ya Ge, their positions are quite consistent.Deng Lan also noticed that someone filmed her. She released Jiang Ya GE's hand. Her voice was not slow, not big or small, but it could make people nearby hear clearly, "you go back and talk to Li Shize,! We're both over. I'll give you two brothers and sisters my best wishes for a hundred years

"I hope you have a little conscience in life. Since you like it, you can get together and stop harming other innocent girls."

After she portrayed herself in front of others with a clear and generous and kind image, she let go of Jiang Yage's hand and left directly with her back straight.

As for the loss of these days, let her parents ask Li Shize to ask for it. She was blind and wrong.

The guide said politely, "Miss, you are wearing the clothes from our store. Would you like to change them first?"

Jiang Ya Song clearly from her eyes to see the light of contempt, her nose a sour, tears directly fell down.

How did this happen?


Her assistant stepped forward and said to her in a low voice, "boss, Li Shize and Jiang Yage are red."

Although she knew the boss's attitude towards the two, she dutifully reminded them.

Fang Junrong Leng Leng, opened the screen, search their name. She gasped at the corners of her mouth, and three of the top ten hot searches were familiar to her. Jiang Ya Ge, Li Shize and Deng LAN.

With the mood of gossip, she points into the entry of BBQ son, but the most popular one is a video. There are tens of thousands of comments under the video, which is quite hot.

After watching the video and flipping through the top few comments, she probably got to the bottom of it.

It turns out that Li Shize and Jiang Yage were exposed. Originally, it was only circulated in their circle. As a result, Deng LAN and Jiang Yage knew about it when they went out to play. Therefore, there was a dispute. Someone just took a video and sent it to the network directly.

Jiangya song is also the person who searched overheated some time ago. It was recognized by netizens very soon. Netizens with great powers also quickly stripped out the identities of Li Shize and Deng LAN together, and even picked up the matter of investing in Li Shize in Deng's family, which caused an uproar.

Netizens all stood by Deng LAN, denouncing Li Shize and Jiang Yage's shameless behavior.

Fang Junrong is also idle, simply read the comments,! It's also decompressing.

[miserable or Deng LAN miserable, being played with by the scum men and women between applause. She has a good temper. If I change the team, I will definitely make Jiang Yage unable to take care of herself on the spot. ]

[the first time I saw such a bitchy person as Jiang Yage, as Li Shize's ex girlfriend, she had the face to take advantage of her ex girlfriend. She can't even shoot a bullet. ]

[Li Shize's practice is disgusting, OK? I raised my ex girlfriend with spare tire money. I vomited. I'm worthy of Li's son. ]

[Li Shize is really blind. I've been powdered up by the eldest lady who can't be entangled with Deng LAN. ]

[Li Shize's parents are very rich. Neither Fang Junrong nor Li nianjin is short of money. Any one who comes to support him can live a very happy life. There is no need to be aggrieved and betrayed. ]

[as a member of the circle, I'm going to sneak out and give some information. People in our circle know that Fang Junrong didn't want this son long ago. The reason why Mr. Fang and Mr. Li's divorce was that Li was the first to cheat, and the target of the divorce was Jiang Yage's aunt. This is really hot! As a result, Li Shize, as a son, wanted love but not affection, and even brought in Jiang Yage's aunt, so Fang Junrong said that she had no son. As we all remember, Fang Junrong has only two daughters and no sons. ]

Fang Junrong looked at the comment, thought about it for a while, and called sun Mei, "did you send a comment online?"

Fang Junrong said something about it. Sun Mei said that she didn't surf the Internet and didn't know about it.

Fang Junrong still believed this. She quickly hung up the phone and wondered which person in the circle said it. This is to put Li Shize and Jiang Ya Ge to death.

She crossed the comments, thinking about who might have come out.

There are too many people. I can't think of it. After all, the circle knows all these things.

Well, the next second, she found out that she just seemed to have accidentally praised the comment.

She subconsciously wants to cancel the praise, but on second thought, it's true. She's right. What can she feel guilty about? If she cancels again, it's just like a cover up. She also guessed that her praise was equivalent to sealing in everyone's eyes. The news was true. It can be imagined that she would go on a hot search together later.

It's better to take advantage of the opportunity to make a wave of advertising.

Thinking of this, Fang Junrong quickly edited a micro blog.

[I'm in a good mood today. I'll take 88 people and give them a box of beauty pills. ]