Only two months after the launch of Meiyan pills can be said to be hot, along with Fang Junrong's fame has also risen, the number of fans has increased a lot. Every day, more people run under her to punch in. It is said that they are cheating on money.

Yang Meihua is one of them. Now she is the loyal powder of Meiyan pills, and from time to time she makes Amway to the people around her.

Today, when she brushed the video of Jiang Ya Ge online, she felt that her three views were broken. Although she didn't like Jiang Ya Song, she noticed that there was something wrong with each other's personality. However, Jiang Yage's behavior this time still stepped on her bottom line.

She is clearly living with Li Shize, but she can still use Li Shize's younger sister's status to take advantage of Deng LAN, which makes Deng LAN give her living expenses and give her various luxury goods. She usually wears the clothes Deng LAN bought for her and shows off in front of them.

In doing these things, she didn't even feel ashamed. It's no wonder that she can help cover up her aunt's infidelity. Maybe she also helps to thread the thread.

If you are disgusted with Jiang Ya Song, you will despise Sanlian for Li Shize. As girls, they will naturally take the position of Fang Junrong and Deng LAN. So he can't stand Li Shize's behavior. In particular, the other side also uses Deng Lan's money to raise Jiangya song.

Their dormitory has always thought that Li Shize is blind, so Deng LAN is much better than Jiang Yage. Family background is good, appearance is gentle and generous, personality looks good, but lost to Jiang Ya Ge, maybe men like this.

The disgusted Yang Meihua also sprayed Li Shize on the Internet with her roommates.

After that, she went to point Fang Junrong's microblog as usual. When she saw that Fang Junrong praised the comment, her eyes would fall to the ground. This gentleman's face is too strong! How could you say it's true!

"Is it possible that the hand is slipping? Maybe it will be cancelled later. " Said her roommate.

Fang Meihua thought, "you're right."

She refreshed the page again, and found that not only was the favorable comment on Fang Junrong's home page, she even posted a new micro blog.

After seeing the content of the microblog, Fang Meihua's original residual anger vanished in an instant, clapping the table with joy and laughing.

"Oh, I don't think Mr. Fang is very masculine."

She had thought that in this matter, Fang Junrong would show more or less. She did not expect that Fang Junrong could express her good mood directly and put up an advertisement for herself.

! However, this behavior, how to look at so let people vent!

Before, she was concerned about Fang Junrong because of Meiyan pills, but now she is a little fond of this female president.

There are many people who have the same idea with Yang Meihua. However, they are not all harmonious voices, and some of them have some unconventional views.

For example, he feels aggrieved for Li Shize and feels that the other side is still a child. How can parents treat him like this? We should use love to influence him and guide him to the right path.

Some people think that Li Shize will become a placenta, which is also the pot of his parents. If his parents did not educate him well, he deserved to be poked into the heart by his own son.

Different points of view collide and open up a heated discussion and dispute, so the heat comes up. This wave of free advertising once again made Fang Junrong company famous. The company's official micro fans increased by hundreds of thousands overnight. These are live powder, not zombie powder.

Fang Junrong naturally saw the debate on the Internet, and she didn't care about the accusation of the keyboard man who stood and spoke without pain. For this kind of persuading people to forgive, she would only choose to stay away from it, so as not to implicate herself when thunder fell down.

Even if they spray her for nothing, it will not affect her life.

However, she also turned over some popular comments on the Internet. In addition to sympathizing with her and Deng LAN, many praised Deng LAN for her beauty and good heart. Just like the fairies in the novel, she was simply a clean flow among the rich girls, which made Deng LAN earn a good reputation in public opinion.

In addition to taking advantage of her advertising, Deng LAN can be said to be the winner of the play.

A guess came into her mind, calling to find out if anyone was playing the rhythm of the wave tonight.

Two days later, the investigation results were sent to Fang Junrong.

She thought that the investigation might not be so easy, but it was much simpler than expected. This is really the Deng family behind the fire, and even the first leak is the Deng family under the Navy.

Deng LAN and his family went to cooperate with a marketing company and made this wave tonight. Originally, the focus was to highlight the image of Deng Lan's perfect victim. However, Fang Junrong's unexpected advertisement attracted most of the netizens' attention.

Deng LAN make complaints about her father's work, and with the marketing inefficiency as a reason, she deducted some of the money she had said, which led the marketing company to dig in.

Fang Junrong shakes his head, this Deng family's conduct of life also really let her eye opener.

She put away the evidence, right as a handle, said indefinite! It may be used in the future.……

Li's face was gloomy and he returned home. He nestled himself in the soft sofa and half closed his eyes.

Just now, he met Deng Lan's father. As soon as they met, they accused them of being ungrateful. He played Deng LAN as a monkey. He insisted that he give an account, and they were ready to withdraw their investment. Li also didn't want to have another enemy. He could only bear his impatience to wipe his son's buttocks.

Recently, because of their father and son's bad reputation, the company's products were boycotted. Originally, the turnover of this quarter was not very good, but now it happened again and lost a lot of money, which made him more and more angry.

Shize was a proud son with excellent academic achievements and keen business sense. But after getting to know Jiang Ya Ge, he had no regulations at all.

He couldn't help but miss the days before the divorce, how relaxed and happy those days were.

Since his divorce from Fang Junrong, their circumstances are very different. Not only did he lose his reputation, but the company began to beat the downhill. Fang Junrong, on the other hand, is thriving in Meifang group. She herself is beautiful and graceful, and has become the ideal image in the eyes of many people.

His eyes were red with hate when he thought of it. He found a few days ago that before the divorce, Fang Junrong had given others beauty pills. This formula should be included in the joint property of husband and wife, and his share should be included!

The thought that he had lost such a large fortune made him unable to breathe.

His heartache did not last long, but was interrupted by a phone call.

"WANGJIN, it will be the end of the year in three months. It's time for our company's tail teeth to be prepared. "

"Chairman, how to arrange the year-end bonus this year? What's your plan?"

"WANGJIN, did you transfer a sum of money from the company's book? This company is not only your company, it's not easy to make some money, but also transferred by you before you can pay dividends. If you usually eat meat, you should give us old meritorious officials soup. "

In every phone call, the central theme is to ask for money.

Money, money! Where is he going to make so much money!

Li's headache is about to crack. He hates it! You can't make a lot of money right away. No, that's not enough. What he wants is something like beauty pill that can make money for a long time.

If only he had a formula for beauty pills! He will not be like Fang Junrong, a month to sell so little. He will certainly expand production, sell it all over the world and make a lot of money.

The idea was born and rooted in his heart.

Under the light, his face was uncertain, hesitant and greedy There are both.

Suddenly, the action of pressing the button stopped, and the picture was fixed on an interview variety show. They were talking about the recently popular beauty pill, and even invited experts to explain why the beauty pill has such a superior effect.

He watched the experts talking and gripping the remote - it couldn't go on. If he continues to wait for death, he will be trampled on by Fang Junrong, like mud. Now he has basically not to go out, because he does not want to face other people to see jokes in the eyes. Even some people ridiculed him behind his back. Fang Junrong used to help him achieve what he has now. Otherwise, how can a divorce, Airong group immediately go downhill?

Between the words said he became a wife to start a soft rice man.

Li's character is the most proud, unable to bear those words, can only reduce the number of social intercourse.

After Fang Junrong divorced him, she took all her hands from AI Rong company, and most of his confidants were sent back. But his confidants are not only those on the surface, but also some of them are still working in Fang Junrong's side.

Maybe he can start with it. As long as he gets that prescription, he will be able to climb to the top again.

He suddenly thought of Zhang Bi. When Meiyan pills were just popular, Zhang Bi once came to him and asked if there was a prescription, saying that he could cooperate with him. Unfortunately, at that time, where did he come from? Naturally, he had to refuse.

When he gets it, plus the strength of Zhangjia in this respect, he will surely be able to excel in the blue. Can a layman like Fang Junrong be compared with an expert? She was just in a bad luck.

At that time, all the scenery Fang Junrong enjoys now will belong to him.

Li, who was originally sad, smiles again. He takes out his mobile phone, finds Zhang Bi's phone number and dials it in the past.