Li Xinyun and her classmates are going to a company.

When she first entered the University, she signed up for the college's student union, and successfully became one of them. It happens that the college recently held activities, such as this kind of activities, student union members will go out and solicit some sponsorship back.

Li Xinyun is beautiful and has a generous and lively personality. Her sponsorship work falls on her and Zhao xuetou, another classmate. After entering the University, she is still relatively low-key, so although the students in the class know that her family is good, they do not know that her mother is Fang Junrong.

As a matter of fact, as long as she goes back to talk to her mother, her mother will sponsor her without saying a word. But she didn't want to do it, but she wanted to try it on her own ability and train herself by the way.

If you fail, it doesn't matter. Who doesn't fail several times.

Just met the person in charge of the other party, Li Xinyun's heart beat the retreat drum, some regret. The person in charge, who is at least 50 years old, looks at their eyes, and the greasy feeling pours on them.

This company makes sports drinks, but its market share is not high. Although Li Xinyun loves to play, he has been with his mother for a long time, and he doesn't understand all these things.

She directly took out the data and talked about the publicity plan after the sponsorship.

The person in charge is still smiling, not to say can or can not.

After Li Xinyun finished, he said, "it's like that. But our company can sponsor so many people. Why should I choose you?"

"What good can you give me?" His eyes fell on Li Xinyun, which was like a snake staring at its prey. In particular, the meaning of the words, is to make her a bout of nausea.

"You look very much like my ex girlfriend." The person in charge added, "I can't help but miss the time we spent together."


Li Xinyun can't hear his meaning any more, that is, she is mentally retarded!

Her face directly pulled down, "then you slowly miss it."

What kind of stupid thing, but also want to sneak rules on her head. She remembered the company!

She took her classmate's hand and was about to leave.

"Think about it! Clear, out of this door, there's no chance. " The tone of the person in charge was more threatening.

Li Xinyun directly raised the middle finger to the other party, then quickly unlocked the mobile phone and pressed the emergency call to go down. Her mother was very reassured and hired several bodyguards around her. But when she was at school, because she didn't want to be too conspicuous, her bodyguards stayed near the school. Just before she went upstairs, the bodyguard was downstairs.

An emergency call was made to remind her of the bodyguards.

She went to the door, only to find that the door could not be opened, apparently locked from the outside.

"I want to deal with girls like you. There are many ways to deal with them. Don't toast, eat or punish them." That person in charge of the negative test said.

"If you obey me, don't mention ten thousand sponsorship fees. It's OK to pay 100 thousand."

With that, he stood up and came to both of them.

In the scream of Zhao Xue, Li Xinyun took out the bottle from his pocket and sprayed it directly on the face of the person in charge. That person in charge didn't expect a little girl to carry this thing with her, and it was sprayed.

The pungent smell rushed over, and the water sprayed on his eyes was like fire, which made his eyes feel the pain of burning. He could no longer maintain his arrogance. He screamed with his eyes closed and his hands were waving in the air.

"You cunt He screamed while swearing, because of pain, his eyes couldn't open completely. He accidentally bumped into the cabinet next to him, which hurt his feet and knelt down on the ground.

Li Xinyun still holds the spray in her hand, waiting for her bodyguard to come up. Before she left, she sent out the specific floor to several bodyguards.

Zhao Xue also dials the telephone nearby, uses the voice with the cry cavity to let the students in the student union come quickly.

The next second, the door opens.

A tall and straight figure jumped into the eye, and his handsome face was palpable. He frowned slightly, and his eyebrows surged with a worried look. "Is it OK?"

He came to Li Xinyun, but did not wait for him to show a soothing smile to them. The next second he met him was the chilli water attack that made people want to faint in the past.


"Ah --"

it is beautiful and gentle as a Zhang Bi, and can no longer maintain the image of a gentleman like a spring breeze when encountering hot pepper water. Because! Because he couldn't find a breakthrough from Fang Junrong, he hit his idea on Li Xinyun, the daughter of Fang Junrong.

Li Xinyun is well protected by Fang Junrong. From the appearance, she is a beautiful and simple lady with some small willfulness. In the short term, the most effective way to break into people's hearts is undoubtedly to save the beauty.

Zhang Bi waited a long time for this opportunity. When he learned that Li Xinyun was going to sponsor his college, he began to plan. He bribed people from the student union to learn about the company she sponsored, and finally selected Meng Qiang, the person in charge of the enterprise.He also sent people to check the company's book for the greasy, got the manager Meng Qiang in the book handle, under the soft and hard, let the other side obediently cooperate with his behavior, to such a play.

Even if there is a problem, with the status of Zhang Jia, it is enough to help him out.

Zhang Bi, who has successfully done Meng Qiang's work well, will appear in front of each other like a God when Li Xinyun encounters a crisis. If it was the past, he might not be so eager, it would be more cyclical and gradual. Just recently, Zhang Zhisu did not know why, and refused to let him continue treatment some time ago. People in his family think that Zhang Zhishu has been annoyed by him carelessly, and has some opinions on him. Therefore, he can't wait to make some achievements, and his means of doing things are more eager for quick success and instant benefit.

It should have been a wonderful first encounter like a novel, but it was the storm that met him.

At this time, Zhang bi was reduced to the same end as Meng Qiang, the manager, and screamed one after another.

Her classmate is stupefied, cooperate to ask a way: "what?" She was worried that something might happen, but Xin Yun handled it very well. So why does she carry this kind of thing with her!

Li Xinyun looked serious and said, "call the police!"

She glared fiercely at the two people on the ground. It was obvious that she took Zhang Bi who came in later as her accomplice.

Just then! Waiting, her bodyguard also came, tall and powerful body brought her a great sense of security.

Li Xinyun, who was calling the police, nodded to them calmly.


Red eyed Zhang bi was forced to explain in the police station that he and Meng Qiang were not a group. He just came to cooperate with their company, and then heard the scream that he rushed in. Then he was regarded as an accomplice.

As for Meng Qiang, in front of the police, he said he had drunk too much and was confused for a moment. He also said that he was willing to apologize to the victim and make compensation. At this time, he did not have the appearance of the office, put his posture very low.

Although Li Xinyun was disgusted with this man, his plot was not serious and could only be detained for five days at most.

She doesn't accept the so-called apology and compensation, and will not reconcile, let the other party squat in it for a few days.

By the time I got out of the police station, it was already evening. She wasted an afternoon like this.

Although Zhang Bi has flushed a lot of water, but his eyes are still uncomfortable, he endured the fire and put forward a gentle posture, "it doesn't matter, it's good for girls to have a little sense of protection."

Li Xinyun nodded, "I feel the same way."

Zhang Bi:

How would he answer that? He seldom saw a girl like Li Xinyun. He was choked and couldn't talk about it any more!

"Although my eyes still hurt, but in short, you are OK." Zhang Bi hinted at his own hurt.

Li Xinyun once again sincerely apologized, "I'm really sorry. By the way, what's your monthly salary? "

Zhang Bi Leng for a moment, by this wild question to make a bit muddled, "we are family business." He doesn't have a specific position and receives dividends every month.

He hinted at a wave of his own identity in the invisible, just like a peacock in the open screen, trying to show himself.

Li Xinyun said, "well, even if you make 50000 yuan a month."

"I'll delay your schedule for at least three days today. Well, I'll pay 6000 yuan for the delay. With the medical expenses, I'll make it eight thousand. "

She felt that her compensation plan had been very generous, and she could not find fault in any way.

Li Xinyun's classmate Zhao Xue was stunned. Originally, she saw that Zhang bi was extremely gentle with Li Xinyun, and thought something would happen to them. After all, Zhang Bi is not only good-looking, but also does not seem to lack money. No matter who he is, he can not refuse the pursuit of such an excellent object. As a result, Li Xinyun was able to do business.

Zhang Bi's eyelids jumped, and his gentle posture could not be maintained.

Li Xinyun took out his mobile phone and said, "open your QR code and I'll transfer it to you."

In his heart that called a hematemesis, but can only open the mobile phone, call out his own QR code.

The reminder bell that arrived at the account seemed to be a mockery of him. He doesn't need eight thousand dollars!

Li Xinyun, who successfully transferred money, realized that she didn't owe Zhang Bi any more. She and her classmate Zhao Xue said, "let's go back."

“…… Good. "

On the other side, Zhao Xue asked in a low voice, "I thought you would invite a meal by the way to thank him for his kindness."

Li Xinyun shook his head, a face enigmatic, "that still forget, I'm afraid to be hit porcelain."


"A young, good-looking and rich girl like me is the object that many people want to fight for less than ten years. What should I do if I am cheated on?" So she'd rather settle it with money.

Zhao Xue can't help nodding. Judging from the two bodyguards just now, Li Xinyun's family background is very good. No wonder she has such worries.

"Yes, he is too attentive. Either he falls in love with you at first sight, or he wants to fight less for ten years. You should be careful.""Yes. I'm very experienced in this area. I feel smart, too

Fortunately, Zhang Bi didn't hear their conversation, otherwise he would not be angry and liver ache.